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Dominion General Discussion / Getting back into things!
« on: May 23, 2022, 03:51:06 pm »
It's been years since Isotropic, which was the last time I really played competitively, but on a recommendation from a friend I tried out the "new" (well new to me) build of the game and it's awesome. Is there a good resource for catching up on all the new cards? I plan on getting a subscription. I haven't really played Dominion much since Isotropic and haven't played with any cards newer than Dark Ages even offline, but had played a couple thousand games back when Isotropic was around.

Old farts in the forums may even remember me.

Other Games / Faeria
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:55:31 am »
I started playing Faeria, it's similar in some ways to Hearthstone or Magic, but you build a board as you play. Anyone else play it here? It's pretty fun and free to play. There's deck building, a hex based board with land placement that's pretty interesting both strategically and tactically, mana carries over turn to turn, there's 4 different flavours of card type. There's a reasonably active, but small community online.

Hearthstone / Control Hunter and TGT Lengendaries
« on: October 28, 2015, 04:52:17 pm »
Maybe try this subbing Loatheb for Acidmaw. (We should maybe move this convo to Constructed.)

Hearthstone / The Grand Tournament Discussion
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:53:09 pm »
EDIT: This thread was originally titled "New Expansion? (July 22, 2015)" but is now devoted to discussion of The Grand Tournament the Hearthstone expansion announced July 22, 2015.

A new expansion is possibly being teased for July 22, 2015? Possibly themed around the Argent Tournament (whatever that is).

All rumour and speculation at this point, but solid reasons to expect a big announcement like an expansion.

Hearthstone / Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:38:46 pm »
Tavern Brawl is open!

Advertisements / I have a business! (Sips Cocktail Emporium)
« on: April 21, 2015, 02:34:06 pm »
I have started a business with my partner for home bartending supplies. If you're interested check it out! We try to specialize in interesting and high quality things (not just things you can find all over the place). We definitely have a slant towards Canadian products and are aimed at Canadian consumers (not sure if our prices will be super competitive for Americans). If you happen to come to Vancouver we'll have the physical location open soon, too.

I thought about posting this in the Drinking thread, but figured I should follow the letter of the rules on the sticky for this thread.

Hearthstone / Hearthstone Sound Effects
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:42:11 am »

I've always loved "Whyyyy do you callllll?" I imagine the Voidwalker answering the phone and being, Gul'Dan's put-upon best friend who is tired of being asked for favours, but still willing to help out.
"Whyyyyy do you calllll?"
"Oh you need me to come over for long enough to eat a Fiery War Axe to the face before returning to my hellish home. I guess I can do that, but you owe me buddy!"

I also really like the burbling noises that Murlocks make even though I never play them.

Hearthstone / Warrior deck
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:47:03 pm »
I've had good results with this Warrior deck so far. It's taken me from 18->14 12 10 with only two losses. Was wondering what people thought of it:

Code: [Select]
Warrior Weapon Deck

2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Southsea Deckhand

2 x Fiery War Axe
1 x Cleave
2 x Slam
2 x Amani Berserker
2 x Cruel Taskmaster
2 x Sunfury Protector

1 x Shield Block
2 x Earthen Ring Farseer
2 x Frothing Berserker
2 x Warsong Commander

1 x Arathi Weaponsmith
1 x Defender of Argus
1 x Dread Corsair
2 x Kor'kron Elite

2 x Arcanite Reaper

1 x Gorehowl

It has a few ways of winning, a Warsong Commander can let you quickly overwhelm your opponent as it allows everything in the deck to charge. Even without that there's a lot of surprise damage in the form of weapons and Deckhands and Kor'kron Elite. The weapons in the deck let you trade life for board control, and the berserkers can quickly become threats at any stage of the game. There's so many weapons in this deck that I tend to go for the face with them when there isn't anything else to do (except with Gorehowl unless it's for the kill). The taunts in the deck (sunfury and defender of argus) let you protect more important cards (Warsong Commanders or Berserkers). The Shield Block and the Earthenring Far Seers give you a bit of sustain since you tend to trade a fair amount of health for board control with your weapons.

Other Games / Euphoria - Anyone played it?
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:50:00 pm »
I was curious if anyone had played this game yet, and if so what they thought of it?

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Coins
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:18:07 pm »
Okay I wanted to get this out there. I think Coins are going to speed games up. They'll often mean that you're producing the same amount of money as you normally would, but they'll let you save some of it to smooth future problems. Hit $5 + a coin, but don't want another Gold, no problem save it and buy that Wharf. Now when you hit $7 you just draw on your coin reserves and instead of the usual "DOH! $7!" it's Province time.

They obviously won't be a universal truth because there's going to be some degree of trepidation about spending your Coin tokens. ("Should I spend a token here to bump myself up to $6 and get a Gold or save it for a Province later.") Which will cause us to make mistakes while we're getting used to coin tokens. There's going to be sometimes where we'll realize we held onto our coin tokens for nought, and I look forward to reading articles about that subject by smarter people than me. I think once we get used to it Coin tokens are going to speed up most games they appear in. Many times when you would otherwise overpay you can save your money for a future turn, and many times when you'd be delayed by being a $1 short will disappear in Coin engines.


Dominion: Guilds Previews / Plaza/Draw-up-to-X
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:08:56 pm »
Looking at Plaza as an engine enabler

For reference:

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +2 Actions. You may discard a Treasure card. If you do, take a Coin token.

As soon as I saw Plaza I thought, that would go great in a Watchtower/Library discard-draw up to X deck, but it would certainly play differently than Hamlet or Festival, the traditional enablers of that sort of deck. It's probably going to work most like Fishing Village in that sort of deck where you need a source of +Buy. Also when it discards it is discarding at least a marginally useful card (probably a Copper) where Hamlets/Cellars/Warehouses will usually start by discarding your worst cards, your Curses/Victory cards. Probably at best a weak draw-up-to-X engine enabler.

Welcome to NewMafia III*: Exploring the New Mansion

Spectator thread QT available on request - please PM me and I will send you the link.  Thanks!

Important links:
Day 1 Start

This game is specifically for new mafia players.  Newbies will be given priority sign-ups, and appropriate considerations taken to ensure new players get the most out of their mafia experience.

This game will ideally contain 6 newbies and 3 vets (to show them the ropes).

A player will be considered a newbie if this game could be their first game ever played to completion. A player will be considered a vet if they've finished at least 3 games. There's some people who fall in between that, they can play, but would be bumped by newbies or vets to get the ideal numbers. In the event that there's too many newbies or vets who want to play they can decide amongst themselves who can play or if a decision cannot be reached I will hold a lottery. A real one with a cup and ripped up pieces of paper.

Game state:

Potential player list: (newbies marked orange, vets purple):
Mod: Jorbles
Avalanchian replaced with angrybirds
mcmcsalot Lynched D1, Mafia Goon.

Co-Mods: mail-mi, liopoil

Subs: raerae, Jimmmm

Basic Mafia Ruleset

The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun! Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game.

Game Rules:

General Gameplay and Etiquette:
1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind.  Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.  Mafia members may communicate at night and during the confirmation stage.
3. If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to all mods by the posted deadline (generally 48 hours from Night start during the first few Nights; later Nights may have shorter deadlines).  If we do not receive your PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.  In case of multiple submissions, the last valid one before the deadline will be used.
4. Roles with Night actions will not be able to submit an action on Night 0 (i.e. during the confirmation stage).
5. Any player with a Night action may instead submit a “No Action” PM to let the Mods know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.
6. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.

Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:
1. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
2. Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.  Further votes will also be ignored.
3. Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight.
4. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName.  Votes will NOT be counted if they are not bold or do not follow this syntax!  Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
5. Please submit vote revocations as either Unvote: PlayerName or Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
6. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
7. Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post in the game or in Quicktopics, except for twilight.  This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent, but will be invited to the Spectator Quicktopic.
8. Do not edit or delete posts.  We don't want some players having more information than others.  If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post.
9.  This game will have 12 day days and 48 hour nights.

1. Bold, blue text is reserved for the Mod.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography.
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mods privately.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mods may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mods so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players will be issued automatically after 48 hours of no activity or upon request after 24 hours of no activity.  A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement.  A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
6. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, up to and including a Modkill.
7. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.

Helpful Links:


*Why III instead of I? Because though this is the first newbie game called NewMafia, it's actually the 3rd newbie game run with the intention of bringing in new players, the other two being MX and MXXI.

Game Reports / Tempted by terrible cards
« on: November 23, 2012, 11:33:21 am »

Jorbles_ wins!
Hamlets, Highways, and Great Halls are all gone.

cards in supply: Contraband, Great Hall, Hamlet, Herbalist, Highway, Moneylender, Outpost, Potion, Saboteur, Vineyard, and Woodcutter
Default card selection was used.  The point tracker will be available.

#1 Jorbles_: 28 points (3 Vineyards [19 action cards], 7 Great Halls, and 3 Estates); 13 turns
          opening: Moneylender / Silver
          [30 cards] 7 Great Halls, 5 Hamlets, 5 Highways, 3 Vineyards, 1 Moneylender, 1 Woodcutter, 2 Coppers, 1 Silver, 2 Potions, 3 Estates

#2 tucker: 16 points (2 Vineyards [18 action cards], 3 Estates, and a Great Hall); 13 turns
        opening: Silver / Moneylender
        [29 cards] 5 Hamlets, 5 Highways, 4 Herbalists, 2 Vineyards, 2 Woodcutters, 1 Great Hall, 1 Moneylender, 3 Coppers, 1 Silver, 2 Potions, 3 Estates

A clear Vineyard board if I've ever seen one. We mirrored each other opening Moneylender/Silver and then transitioning into Hamlets and Highways with an eye towards Great Halls and Vineyards. I won because I managed to get 2 Potions before a reshuffle and got lucky enough to buy out most of the Great Halls in a single turn. That's not what I want to ask everyone about though.

I was really really considering buying both an Outpost and a Contraband on this board. Would either have given one of us an edge in our strategy or was I right to resist my urge to find niche situations for bad cards? Obviously it would mean skipping a Highway, but it might give a chance to catch it up later. Also there is definitely not enough time for both an Outpost and a Contraband so it's gotta be one or the other. I'd lean towards Outpost if I were going to try one (that extra turn will almost always gain you a cheap action or a Vineyard), but I do see Contraband being possible.

Turn Order
1) Jorbles
2) Insomniac
3) Archetype
4) werothegreat
5) Captain_Frisk
6) Galzria

Welcome to Gauntlet of Fools V!

I really wanted to play more Gauntlet of Fools after III wrapped up, but then I didn't show up in time to signup for GoFIV (silly me not checking into the forum often enough). So I have started this expressly for the purpose of finding 5 other people to play Gauntlet of Fools with. It's pretty low stress so you can probably handle it.

I'll be the moderator and die roller for everyone because well there is no other way to roll dice here. (By roll dice I mean generate numbers on Though I am a moderator I am also a player. I promise I won't cheat, but you can joke about me cheating when I inevitably beat you.* Feel free to chat in the thread, talk like your character whatever you want!

1. No outside communication.
2. I will try to resolve at least one encounter for everyone each day so because of that, if you wish to use an ability you have 12 hours from when I post the encounter to use any "before rolling" abilities and 12 hours after I post results for after rolling abilities. If you do not wish to use an ability I request you post No ability uses. If everyone gets their actions in before deadline the game will happen at a faster pace.
3. Please bold your instructions if you happen to have a choice to make. That way it's clear what your intentions are. For example "Gutnis strikes at the Gopher with his mighty axe. Using a weapon token."
3. IF I post an encounter on the weekends, the timer for abilities will not start till the Monday after
4. Have fun!

This game can fit up to 6 people.
1. Jorbles
2. Archetype
3. Galzria
4. Insomniac
5. Captain_Frisk
6. werothegreat

Full disclosure: I will be using for all die rolls, I will roll them in TURN order

Full rules can be found here Rules (PDF)
Full deck can be found here Decks

All rules and setup posts blatently stolen from Insomniac, in Gauntlet of Fools 1.

*Full disclosure: I haven't actually won yet, so I'll probably lose.

Other Games / Games like Magic, but less expensive
« on: November 08, 2012, 04:35:44 pm »
Are there any video games based on CCG principles, like Magic that don't cost an arm and a leg in micropayments?

I mean games with a large card base that you can build a deck from, but that don't restrict you in what type of deck you can create either by making you play for weeks to unlock everything or spend a bunch of money beyond what you paid upfront to buy "booster packs"?

Dominion General Discussion / Competitive Rush Strategies
« on: October 26, 2012, 07:09:54 pm »
I recently played a game where I tried a rush strategy running out Ironworks to pickup Tunnels and then Estates. I decided it was worth a shot because Tunnel was a good counter to most of the attacks on the board, Torturer, Margrave and Pirate Ship, plus there were no Villages to make a Torturer chain dominant.

I ended up not quite being able to eat up the Estate pile before my opponent bought the Province he needed to pull ahead, but it was close (if I'd ended it a turn or two earlier I would have done it, but I had some bad luck on some turns when I could only gain a single Estate.) What do you think are viable enough situations to try a rush strategy when the strategy isn't obviously dominant? Setups like Ironworks/Great Hall/Gardens, or Ironworks/Silk Road/Island are straight forward, they'll win every time, but what are the weaker ones that make the rush viable?

Welcome to Mafia XIV: The Chicken Curse of the Sea Hags

Spectator thread QT available on request - please PM me and I will send you the link.  Thanks!

Players Signed Up:
1. shraeye Fishing Villager killed N4
2. Robz888 Explorer lynched D1
3. Voltgloss Ambassador killed N1
4. Eevee Pearl Diver killed N3
5. yuma Sea Hag
6. Galzria Fishing Villager end gamed
7. Insomniac Fishing Villager lynched D4
8. ashersky Sea Hag lynched D2
9. Captain_Frisk Cutpure killed N2
10. Grujah Fishing Villager end gamed
11. Archetype Fishing Villager and Curser lynched D3
12. jotheonah Fishing Villager lynched D5
13. Cuzz Lookout

Vote Counts and Other Useful Links:
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 First Curse 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Day 1 Lynch Second Curse
Day 2 Start 2.1 2.2 2.3 Third Curse 2.4 Fourth Curse 2.5 2.6 2.7 Day 2 Lynch
Day 3 Start 3.1 3.2 Fifth Curse 3.3 3.4 Day 3 Lynch
Day 4 Start 4.1 4.2 and Sixth Curse Day 4 Lynch
Day 5 Start 5.1 and Seventh Curse 5.2 5.3

Mafia Ruleset: (REVISIONS IN BLUE)

These are lifted from Voltgloss's MXII game and whoever he lifted them from.

Game Rules:

General Gameplay and Etiquette:
1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind. Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) or quoting from the setup description (see next post) of a role is acceptable.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.  Sea Hag faction members may communicate at night and during the confirmation stage.
3. If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to all moderators by the posted deadline (generally 48 hours from Night start during the first few Nights; later Nights may have shorter deadlines).  If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.  In case of multiple submissions, the last valid one before the deadline will be used. Sea Hag faction plays may discuss this in their QT, but must submit their actions by PM.
4. Roles with Night actions will not be able to submit an action on Night 0 (i.e. during the confirmation stage).
5. Any player with a Night action may instead submit a “No Action” PM to let the Mod know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.
6. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 48 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.

Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:
1. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
2. Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.  Further votes will also be ignored.
3. Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight.
4. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName. Votes will NOT be counted if they are not bold or do not follow this syntax! Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
5. Please submit vote revocations as either Unvote: PlayerName or Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
6. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
7. Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post. This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent.
8. Do not edit or delete posts.  We don't want some players having more information than others.  If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post.
9. This game will have 6 day Day deadlines and 1 day Night deadlines. Please take note of this as it is much shorter than usual. This is necessary to keep some of the new mechanics interesting and effective.

1. Bold, blue text is reserved for the Mod.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography.
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mod privately.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mod so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players will be issued upon request after 48 hours of no activity. Moderators will not prod without being requested by players so please police yourselves. A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement. A player who has been prodded twice is subject to replacement without further notice.
6. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, up to and including a Modkill.
7. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.

The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun! Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game.

Helpful Links:


Council Room Feedback / CouncilRoom and FunSockets
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:46:48 pm »
Now that there's logs to scrape from FunSockets, will CouncilRoom be integrating with FunSockets? I know I'd love it if that happened.

CouncilRoom could carry over its analysis aids and keep track of the new Dark Ages cards too!

Dominion Articles / Watchtower (v2)
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:29:54 pm »
I wanted to write an article on Watchtower, but theory beat me to it years ago. However, his article written in November 2010 felt a little dated to me as it was written before Cornucopia, Hinterlands and some of the promo cards had been released. I thought that his article could use a revamp, so I edited it where I thought it needed it and updated it for the new sets. I took a wikipedia-ish approach to updating it, by which I mean if I thought he had it right the first time I just left it as is. This is an attempt to create a strong article based on the collective wisdom of the forums. Though it is based on theory's original article I have made substantive changes. Much of what I wrote on what works and does not work are my own opinions, and were not contained in the original or voiced by theory, any mistakes are probably mine. Of course any feedback is appreciated.


At $3 Watchtower is well worth the price. It is one of the most versatile cards in the game, and an Action that provides a benefit even without playing it.

First, and most obviously, Watchtower is a devastating defense card against junk giving attacks (Mountebank, Witch, Familiar, Sea Hag, Young Witch, Ambassador, Followers, Swindler). Not only does it block the Curse (or other junk) from entering your deck, it actually trashes the Curse, meaning that an attack-heavy opponent will soon find himself running out of Curses to give. (Compare to Moat, which, against a Witch-heavy player, only delays the inevitable.) It even counters Ill-Gotten Gains, which reaction cards that specifically react to Attacks cannot. It provides no defense against “deck-inspection” attacks (e.g. Spy, Thief, Pirate Ship, Rabble, Noble Brigand, Saboteur, Fortune Teller), but these attacks are weak enough that you’re usually not buying a reaction just to counter them. It does defend against handsize-reduction attacks by allowing you to draw back up to 6. It should be noted that it does this especially well against Torturer as you get a choice of trashing the incoming Curse or discarding two weak cards.

Second, if you’re willing to hold onto Watchtower and not playing it, it works as a mini-Royal Seal, minus the $2. With a way to gain multiple cards a turn there are some ridiculous ways to take advantage of this. You can play a Talisman, buying a Treasure Map, gaining another one, and putting them both on the deck! More commonly, you can buy something like Hamlet/Watchtower or Throne Room/[some other action] and ensure that you draw them together next turn. This thread contains some other more advanced examples. Any reasonably strong two card combo works. Even when you just have one buy, Watchtower can make sure you play important attack cards (Mountebank, Goons, Witch) before your opponent gets a chance to.

Third, and this is a very specialized use, Watchtower can greatly mitigate the damage of negative on gain effects (Cache, Embargo, Goons). Ordinarily, Goons-heavy players will avoid buying too many Coppers for VP tokens for fear of weighing down their deck. Watchtower solves this problem by trashing the Coppers as they come in, while still collecting the VP tokens. It similarly works well with Cache (you get to top-deck the Cache too!), and let’s you buy right through an Embargo.

Finally, Watchtower can form part of a good card-drawing engine, especially with +Actions that reduce your hand size while giving some other benefit. The prime example of these are disappearing Villages, such as Fishing Village, Hamlet, Festival, University, and Native Village. It should be noted that of these University is exceptionally powerful as having a University and a Watchtower in hand allows you to gain a $5 cost action, top-deck it and then draw and play it in the same turn. These engines also benefit from card sifters (Warehouse, Cellar, Inn), and +Action cards that grant some other benefit, but can reduce your handsize when played (Lighthouse, Governor, Upgrade, Pawn, Minion, Ironworks, Lookout, Haven). With enough Actions floating around terminals can be added for additional benefits, for example Vault, Bridge, Secret Chamber, Monument or Bishop.

Although on some boards Library will be superior, Watchtower is much cheaper, and its other abilities can sometimes make it superior. Drawing a dead Watchtower (either because you have no Actions left, or because your hand size is very large already) is much less of a liability than a dead Library because of its other uses.

Works well with:
-Disappearing Villages (Fishing Village, Hamlet, Festival, University, Native Village)
-Card sifters (Warehouse, Cellar, Inn)
-+Actions that grant some other benefit (Lighthouse, Governor, Upgrade, Pawn, Minion, Ironworks, Lookout, Haven)
-Two card combos, when there is the ability to gain them both on the same turn (KC-Bridge, Treasure Map-Treasure Map, Hamlet-Watchtower, Throne Room-Mountebank, etc)
-Sources of +Buy and card gainers (Talisman, Bridge, Ironworks, University, Horn of Plenty, etc.)
-Junk giving attacks (Mountebank, Witch, Familiar, Sea Hag, Young Witch, Ambassador, Followers, Swindler)
-Cards that make you want to take junk (Goons, Embargo, Cache)

Conflicts with:
-Cards that increase hand size (e.g., Laboratory, Alchemist, Caravan, Wharf, Tactician)
-Attacks that it does not defend against (Pirate Ship being the most important)
-Royal Seal, since the benefit becomes a bit redundant
-Library, on some boards.

Edit1: Added Haven. Made explicit mention of strength of Uni combo.

Game Reports / KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:30:35 am »
I know, I know, there's nothing new here, but damn is it ever satisfying to pull this combo off so perfectly.

Game Reports / Masquerade/Ambassador vs. pure Ambassador strategies
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:16:38 am »
I've been trying Masquerade/Ambassador against double Ambassador and Ambassador/Silver openings lately, and have had some success with it. I'm not totally convinced though and wanted the community to weigh in on it. Here's the examples I have so far. It's worked, but the games are complex and I was hoping some more analysis might help.

Game #1:
Ambassador, Courtyard, Explorer, Haven, Masquerade, Monument, Pawn, Philosopher's Stone, Potion, Smugglers, and Workshop
Default card selection was used.  The point tracker will be available.

#1 Jorbles: 36 points (5 Provinces and 2 Duchies); 21 turns
         opening: Masquerade / Ambassador
         [28 cards] 2 Havens, 1 Ambassador, 1 Masquerade, 1 Philosopher's Stone, 7 Coppers, 6 Silvers, 3 Golds, 2 Duchies, 5 Provinces

#2 nikdo: 25 points (3 Provinces, 2 Duchies, and an Estate); 21 turns
       opening: Silver / Ambassador
       [23 cards] 3 Ambassadors, 1 Explorer, 3 Coppers, 3 Silvers, 1 Potion, 6 Golds, 1 Estate, 2 Duchies, 3 Provinces

It worked out here, though looking at our decks I think it might be because my deck handled terminal collision a little better. It seemed like a good idea because it was a big moneyish board, but he clearly ended up with more treasure in his deck. (Sidenote: I picked up that Potion in case it really looked like I was losing the Ambassador/Masq pingpong really heavily because then P. Stones would be strong. I managed to keep my deck size down so I just shoved it in his deck when I got the chance.)

Game #2

Ambassador, Border Village, City, Laboratory, Market, Masquerade, Peddler, Treasure Map, Venture, and Warehouse
Default card selection was used.  The point tracker will be available.

#1 Jorbles: 32 points (5 Provinces and 2 Estates); 15 turns
         opening: Masquerade / Ambassador
         [29 cards] 10 Peddlers, 3 Markets, 3 Warehouses, 1 Border Village, 1 Masquerade, 1 Copper, 2 Silvers, 1 Gold, 2 Estates, 5 Provinces

#2 fisher: 19 points (3 Provinces and an Estate); 15 turns
        opening: Treasure Map / Ambassador
        [26 cards] 2 Ambassadors, 2 Treasure Maps, 2 Warehouses, 9 Coppers, 3 Silvers, 4 Golds, 1 Estate, 3 Provinces
This game was a little more complex, he went for a Treasure Map/Warehouse strategy that I think was really hurt by his Ambassador opening. I used my Masquerade/Ambassador to set up a Peddler spamming engine. Masquerade let's you trash, while giving you a shot at getting a key $5 (those Markets were huge on this board). He struggled to get to $4 after his opening, but did get his TMs to line up eventually.

Anyhow, though I've had success with it, I am not totally convinced that Masquerade/Ambassador is any better than Double Ambassador, and may even be worse. What's the community think?

Council Room Feedback / Can someone explain what's going on here?
« on: June 26, 2012, 11:40:26 am »
I noticed that tat had gotten pretty high on the leaderboard in only 319 games so I was looking at the stats page of tat and noticed that on his Games Played graph the number he had played dropped from about 1300 to 200 in December 2011 and then started climbing as normal from there.
I looked around and found that this had also happened to theory. Who's games dropped also in December 2011 from 2100 or so to about 600.
I looked around a bit at some other player's pages and they seemed normal. Here's myself:


Anyhow I couldn't find any other pages that did that. Anyone know what happened there?

Dominion General Discussion / Sea Hag/Fool's Gold
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:49:25 pm »
I was digging around on the opening's page, and I came across this baffling opening.
Level 5   Sea Hag / Fool's Gold

Any thoughts on why this is such a strong opening? I guess in a Sea Hag game you're going to come across hands with $2 more often than other games, but with all those extra Curses in your deck is FG really that great?

This is ranked as stronger than Sea Hag / Silver, but SH/S is still Level 4. Since that's about as basic a Sea Hag opening you can do, maybe it's just that opening Sea Hag is so damn strong that it doesn't matter what you open with it. I'm still surprised to see Fool's Gold above Silver here though. Any thoughts?

edit: added a link for convenience

Game Reports / When Not to Open Double Amb
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:56:48 am »
Kingdom: Ambassador, Council Room, Trader, Silk Road, Great Hall, Venture, Stash, Develop, Duchess

I know this game against rickyross wasn't played perfectly, but I thought it offered a good illustration of when it's a bad time to open Double Ambassador, which I think too many people do without thinking. The presence of Trader and Silk Road (with some support) made Ambassador a terrible opening. When he Ambassadored and I had a Trader I took Silvers, when I didn't the Coppers and Estates didn't hurt a Silk Road alternate VP strategy very much, and by the end having all the Estates meant my Silk Roads were worth an extra 2 and 3/4 points each.

Puzzles and Challenges / Decks of only one kingdom card
« on: May 17, 2012, 01:34:56 pm »
This might be easy, but I've enjoyed thinking about it so I thought I would share.

You and your opponent are playing a variant of Dominion in which instead of starting with the usual 7 Coppers and 3 Estates you will each choose a Kingdom card and gain 10 of it to start. You cannot choose any VP cards. Since you each will have all of a Kingdom card in your deck you are considering the game to be 2 piles depleted at the start. Aside from this setup the Kingdom will have no cards in it except all basic cards, including Alchemy and Prosperity basic cards (though you may not need them for this puzzle). Estates, Duchies, Provinces, Coppers, Silvers, Golds, Curses, Potion, Colony and Platinum.

Your opponent is first player and chooses his deck to be all Expands. You then choose your deck.

Your opponent opens by Expanding one of his Expands into a Province. He states that he intends to run out the Province pile to win. His first priority for the rest of the game will be to Expand one of his Expands into a Province if possible. If he is unable to do that and he is ahead he will Expand one of his Provinces into a Province. If he is unable to Expand an Expand into a Province and he is behind or taking the last Province would end the game with him losing he will Expand one of his Provinces into a Colony. If he can do none of those things he will do nothing.

I can think of four strategies that will beat this strategy. How do you win? And for bonus points: How do you win in a single turn? (there are two ways I can think of)

Followup puzzle: if you were first player instead of second player, what strategies could you choose that would be impossible for your opponent to beat?

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