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Author Topic: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)  (Read 26034 times)

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LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« on: August 06, 2015, 04:43:08 am »

This thread is an extension of the old "More games with fan-made cards" thread, except that I am including here a list of cards I've played with several times and liked. They're not always necessarily the original version, but I will note whenever it isn't the original version.

Also in replies throughout this thread (and as handy links to more fan cards), I'll be using the following abbreviations:
LFE = LastFootnote's Enterprise
CRR = Cookielord's Roots and Renewal or Cookielord's other cards.
ASP = Asper's Cards
FGG = Fragasnap's Greed
GRHO = General Ramos' Holy Order
SVS = Silverspawn's Reverence
RSG = my Resurgence, LAo= other cards by me.
oFM = other fan-made (I'll only elaborate if it isn't already listed in the OP)
While I'm linking, here's another big list of other people's fan-made cards with mock-ups.

Here's the list of other people's fan-made cards I've played with several times (5 minimum) and like:
(in backwords cost order)

$7 - Action
Choose two in any order: Draw until you have 6 cards in hand; play an Action card from your hand; trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more, putting it on top of your deck. (The choices must be different.)
by Saucery. Source thread: The Intrigue fan card contest. The only change I made was raising the cost from $6 to $7 because it still seemed quite strong at $6.

Bargain by Asper ($6 event, unmodded) Source thread: Asper's Cards.
(I don't mind having a fan card and an official event of the same name.)

Bastion by Cookielord ($6, unmodded so I won't list it again here) Source thread: Roots and Renewal. (Cookielord removed it from his OP, but it's still easy to find in Fragasnap's post at the top of the 2nd page of the thread.)

Cost $6 - Action - Attack
Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a treasure or victory card. If any victory cards were discarded, take 3 coin tokens. Otherwise take 2 coin tokens.
by K9forlife (my friend who isn't on this forum) original thread.

Cloister by General Ramos ($6, unmodded) Source thread: Holy Order.

Barracks/Conscripts by LastFootnote ($5, unmodded)
Source thread: Enterprise. Listed as Bladesmith and Armament in his thread since he changed them (very slightly) since the versions I use.

Convocation by LastFootnote ($5, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise as "Conclave".
I changed it back to its old name after Nocturne came out with an official Conclave.

Frontier by Fragasnap ($5) I like to add the following when I use it: "When this pile is empty, add 6 copies of another kingdom card costing less than this to the supply in place of Frontier." (It doesn't count as an empty supply pile until the additional kingdom card pile is also empty.)  Source thread: Greed.

Cost $5 - Action
Draw up to 4 cards in hand. Trash up to two cards from your hand. Draw up to 6 cards in hand.
(modded. original by Fragasnap.) I had the original version on this list at one time, then decided I didn't like it as much. Now I'm adding this modified version which strengthens the trashing aspect of the card. Source thread: Greed.

Cost: $5 - Treasure
Worth $2. +1 Buy.
When you play this, the player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. When you buy a copy of that card this turn, +2VP.
(unmodded) by Sir Peebles, was the winner of the Prosperity contest.

cost $5 - Action
+1 Action. Discard a card. If it is a… pure Victory card: +2 Cards, Treasure card: +$3, Action card: +3 cards.
(modded) original by Robz888. Source thread: The Intrigue fan card contest.

Mediator by Cookielord ($5, unmodded) Source thread: Cookielord's other cards.

Cost $5. Action
Gain an action or treasure card from the trash. If it isn't a Necromancer, play it. | Setup: Put the Zombie cards in the trash.
Cost $4*. Action - Attack
+1 Action. +$1.
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of his deck, trashes one costing from $3 to $6, and discards the rest. If any cards costing more then $4 are trashed, trash this.
(This is not in the supply.)
by Asper. I modded Zombie, but not Necromancer. Source thread: Asper's Cards.

Cost $5. Action
+2 Cards.
Put up to 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck. Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Trash any number of them and put the rest back in any order.
(by Cookielord, unmodded) Source thread: Cookielord's other cards.
I'm considering removing this from my fan card rotation because of its similarity to Sentry, but at the moment, I still think there's room for both of them.

Cost $5 - Action - Attack
Draw up to 6 cards in hand. Take 1VP from the Solicitor pile. If you do, each other player gains a copper.
Setup: Put 10 VP tokens on the Solicitor pile.
(I have this recorded as being by Asper, but I can't find it anywhere in his thread. Am I mistaken or did he just remove it from the thread?)

Cost $5 - Action
Choose and turn sideways one unturned card on the Taskmaster mat. This is that card until it leaves play. Whenever there are 4 or more sideways cards on the mat, return them all to normal position.
Setup: Put the randomizers for 5 cards each costing up to $4 on the Taskmaster mat face-up.
by <unknown> (modded. original cost $4.) from the Guilds contest.

Troglodyte Caves
$5 - Action
+1 Card, +1 Action.
Discard any number of cards. +1 Card per card discarded.
When you gain this, you may choose a card you have in play costing less than this. Gain a copy of it or trash it.
by ChocophileBenj (modded: I tweaked the reaction). Source thread: The Hinterlands fan card contest.

Vendor by LastFootnote ($5, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise.

$4 cost - Action
+1 Buy. +$1.
You may discard a card. If you do, +2 Cards.
by Graystripe77 (slightly modded). (I renamed it "Lumberjack" for my printing of it.) I can't find the original thread. Here's his more recent thread, but IIRC, the modification I use was suggested by someone else in the original thread and isn't in his newer thread. I'm not judging his more recent version here because I've had this card for awhile and this is the version I've been playing with and I like it.

cost $4 - Action - Attack
Trash a card from your hand. If it is an… Action card, each other player gains a Ruins; Treasure card, gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile; Victory card, each other player gains a Curse.
by GwinnR (slightly modded: my only changes were making it cost $4 instead of $5 and renaming it. Originally it was "Incendiarist"). Source thread: The Dark Ages fan card contest.

cost $4 - Action - Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn: draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may trash a card from your hand.
by NoMoreFun (my only mod was removing the +1 buy, but NoMoreFun also changed his card since this version so it's different in his thread.) (source thread here). For my use, I've renamed it "Chaplain" since Menagerie.

cost $4 - Action - Reaction
+2 Cards, +$2.
Put two cards from your hand back on your deck.
When another player plays an attack, you may discard this to trash a card from your hand, then draw 2 cards.
by LastFootnote. Source thread: Enterprise.

cost $4 - Action
+2 cards, +1 buy.
When you buy a card, for each Diviner you have in play, you may look at the top 2 cards of your deck, discard any number, and put the rest back in any order.
by jamespotter. from the Hinterlands contest.

$4 cost - Action
+3 Cards.
Each player (including you) with 5 or more cards in hand puts a card from their hand anywhere in their deck.
by Drab Emordnilap/NoMoreFun. (modded: only changes were lowering the cost from $5 and making the attack "5 or more cards in hand" instead of 4) This modded version is a cross between Drab Emordnilap's Garrison and NoMoreFun's Rear Admiral (which are already similar to each other).

Labyrinth by General Ramos ($4. only mod was to remove the "that is not a Labyrinth" clause.) Source thread: Holy Order.
(Renamed to "Hedge Maze" because of the Landmark in Empires)

Cost $4 - Action
+1 Card, +2 Actions. You may gain an Estate into your hand.
While this is in play, Estates are Action/Victory cards with the following play effect: choose either +1 Card or +1 Buy.
By Cookielord. (I won't bother linking because he has since removed it from his thread.)

Cost $4 - Action
+2 Actions. If this is the first action card you play this turn, +1 Card and +1 VP.
When you gain this, gain a Silver onto your deck.
(by Cookielord I didn't change it except to make it a split pile, but apparently Cookielord did change it since this version because the version in his thread is different) Source thread: Roots and Renewal.
I decided that this would be ideal as the top half of a split pile, so here's the bottom card I made for it:
Young Hero
+2 Cards, +1 Buy.
You may trash a card from your hand.
When you gain this, gain a Gold onto your deck.
The name comes from the orphan-to-hero trope very common in middle grade and young adult fantasy stories (which is the kind of thing I like to read).

cost $4 - Victory – Reaction
Worth 2 VP.
When another player gains a Victory card, you may reveal and discard this along with any number of cards from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards per Pasture and +1 Card per other card discarded.
by HeavyD (I had changed it to cost $5 for a awhile, but then changed it back.) Source thread: The Hinterlands fan card contest.

Cost $4 - Action
+1 Action. +1 VP.
When you discard this from play, if you gained a Victory card this turn, you may put this on top of your deck.
(by Market squire)

Secret Chamber
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+3 Cards. Discard 2 cards.
When you gain this, exile a card from your hand.
(was "Sanctuary" but I changed the name since Menagerie*) by Titandrake. Originally, it was "+2 Cards. Discard 2", but that seemed very weak. My only other mod was using the Exile mat, but the original on-gain effect was essentially the same. Source thread: The Hinterlands fan card contest. (*I figure it's safe to use the name of a removed card because we know there won't be any new cards with that name.)

Shire by Cookielord ($4, unmodded except for adding "non-victory" to my version) Source thread: Roots and Renewal.

Soldier Village
Cost $4 - Action
+2 actions.
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, put one of them in your hand and discard the other.
modded, by <unknown>. Source thread: unknown (and can't find it with a search). Huh. Maybe I renamed it? I totally don't remember where I got this card. I just have noted that the original was cost $5 and looked at 3 cards.

Stockpile by LastFootnote ($4, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise. (I renamed it to "Ivory Trade" since Menagerie. Actually, I let my dad choose our new name for it.)

Suburb by Cookielord ($4, unmodded) Source thread: Cookielord's other cards.

Synod by General Ramos ($4, unmodded) Source thread: Holy Order.

Terrace by LastFootnote ($4, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise.

Cobblestone Road
$3 cost - Action
+2 actions
Do this any number of times: Look at the top card of your deck, and you may pay an Action to put that card into your hand.
by Liopoil. (All I did was give it a name -after a similar card of mine which didn't work out - originally it was just 'Unnamed #2'.) Source thread here.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Buy.
Choose one: Put any number of treasure cards from your hand onto your Deposit mat, or play a card from your Deposit mat twice.
by Cookielord. (unmodded) Source thread: Roots & Renewal -at least it was in that expansion, but now Cookielord has an almost completely different card with the same name.

Guard Patrol
Cost $3 - Action - Reaction
Discard any number of cards. Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.
When you discard a card from your hand other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, either trash that card, or put it on top of your deck.
by Watno (My only mod is changing the name when the 2nd editions came out because it was originally "Patrol".)  Source thread: The Dark Ages fan card contest.

Cost $3 - Action
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 cards that cost $3 or less. Discard the other cards, then choose one: Put them in your hand; or Trash one and discard the others.
EDIT: by ben_king (original name was "Hoarder"). Source thread:

Cost $3 - Action
+2 Actions, +2 Cards.
Put a card from your hand on top of your deck. Put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
by NoMoreFun (unmodded) Source thread: I don't remember and can't find it with a search. (But I learned that there's a lot of other fan made cards with the same name. I did find this card in Theta's collection of fan cards by the name "Sea Shanty".)

$3 cost - Action
+1 Action.
Look at the top two cards of your deck. You may pay a coin token. If you do, put both cards into your hand. Otherwise you may put one of them into your hand, and discard the rest. If you didn't put either card into your hand, gain a coin token.
Modded with a suggestion I made in the contest thread. by <unknown> (because the card designers of the guilds contest were never revealed). Source thread: The Guilds fan card contest.

Auction by LastFootnote ($2, unmodded)
Source thread: Enterprise.

$2 cost - Action - Preserve
+1 Action. If the ruins pile is empty: +$1. Otherwise: +$2. Gain a Ruins, putting it into your hand. You may play an Action card from your hand costing up to $3.
Renamed and slightly modded (I added the nerf for when the ruins pile runs out), by jamespotter, was "Garderobe". Source thread: The Dark Ages fan card contest.

Jubilee by LastFootnote ($2, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise.

Realm Tax by Cookielord ($1*, unmodded) Source thread: Roots and Renewal.

Missal by General Ramos ($1+, unmodded) Source thread: Holy Order.

$1 Action
+3 Cards
Return this to the Supply.
by Asper. Source thread:

The following are cards I still think are good, but I have removed them from my fan card rotation since adding them to this list:

$5 cost - Action
Discard any number of cards. Draw until you have 7 cards in hard. Each other player may gain a copper, putting it into their hand.
by LastFootnote (unmodded). Source thread: Enterprise
Good card, but I removed it because it's very similar to Scholar.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Reveal deck cards until you reveal 3 actions or treasures costing at least $2 and discard the rest. You may put one of those cards in your hand; put the others on top of your deck. At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.
by markusin (modded). Source thread: The Seaside fan card contest.
Removed because Archive from Empires is simpler, stronger, and does a very similar thing.

<There was a fan card called "Traveller's Village" here, but it was essentially the same as Mountain Village in Nocturne which came out some years after it was a fan card.>

Floodgate by LastFootnote ($3, unmodded) Source thread: Enterprise.
Removed because there's a very similar fan card that I like better. I'll add the other one to this list once I've tested it more.

There have been many other cards I've playtested only once or twice and I intend to playtest many more.
EDIT: See this post for mock-ups of the cards here that have mock-ups.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 04:41:54 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 05:40:36 am »

I played two 3-player games today.

Game 1 Kingdom: Courtyard, Crossroads, Great Hall, Arsonist (oFM), Transmogrify, Trade Goods (LFE), Archaeologist (RSG), Historian (FGG), Cartographer, and Harem.

I think I lost this game because I bought Archaeologist with my first $5 instead of Historian, and didn't hit $5 again for several turns. My dad won by trashing with Historian and drawing with Crossroads supported by Great Halls and Harems. Also, near the beginning I accidently bought a courtyard instead of crossroads. I keep getting mixed up between those two, but this was the first time it confused me in an IRL game with both cards.
Even though I didn't get Historian until it was way too late for me, and my mom didn't use Historian very well (she still isn't very good with trashing cards), I still think the game was an example of how good it can be.

Game 2 Kingdom: Coin of the Realm, Ratcatcher, Gear, Manor (CRR), Shoveler, Arsonist (oFM), Troglodyte Caves (oFM), Wine Merchant, Catacombs, Knights

I did mofify Manor a little:
cost $4 - Action
+1 Card, +2 Actions.
While this is in play, Estates are Action/Victory cards with the following play effect: choose either +1 Card or +1 Buy.
I like this card a lot and used its special ability mainly for +buy this game. (*I hope my habit of modding cards doesn't offend anyone.)

I used a little of everything (trying to use as many different cards as I think would work in my deck is another habit of mine, and it often doesn't work out very well). The knights* did get major use this game. I was able to get a few of the best ones (Sir Destry, Dame Anna, and Dame Sylvia), but they all got trashed before the end. Dame Anna was the one on top at the beginning, and I used her to trash two estates early on. The two cards I used most were Manor and Gear. I had a Catacombs and a Wine Merchant -both of which I replaced after getting them trashed by knights, but I never had more than one of each of them at a time. My mom won this game by focussing mostly on Wine Merchants. I lost by a duchy and two estates. I think this was only the second time ever where I lost two games in one evening playing with my parents.

*I replaced Sir Michael with one of my own because I think it's too mean and doesn't (directly) do anything for the person who played it. My gaming group kind of has a policy against that (we also don't play with Sea Hag or Saboteur).
Here's my replacement for Sir Michael:
Sir Dennis
Trash a card. You may gain a differently named card costing up to $1 more than the trashed card.
<knight attack>
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 01:18:21 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 11:44:15 am »

I really like the change/nerf to Archer/Lumberjack. I'm glad my card was well received!

Was the initial draw-before-discard too powerful for $4 and too weak for $5?


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 11:39:57 pm »

I really like the change/nerf to Archer/Lumberjack. I'm glad my card was well received!

Was the initial draw-before-discard too powerful for $4 and too weak for $5?

Yeah, I think so, but the little tweak makes a significant difference, and we're liking the card now.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2015, 10:26:28 am »

I really like the change/nerf to Archer/Lumberjack. I'm glad my card was well received!

Was the initial draw-before-discard too powerful for $4 and too weak for $5?

Yeah, I think so, but the little tweak makes a significant difference, and we're liking the card now.

I'm glad you like it, and I'll play the new version a bit to try it.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2015, 03:08:31 am »

Kingdom: Courtyard, Pearl Diver, Swindler, Plaza, Illusionist (LAo), Treasure Trove, Storyteller, Historian (FGG), Rabble, Rebuild (alternate version).
3-player game.

Here's the alternate Rebuild I use: (it's a cross between the outtake version and the official version)
$5 cost - Action
+1 Action.
Look at the top three cards of your deck. Trash one and discard the others. Then gain a card costing up to $2 more than the card you trashed. You may put the gained card on top of your deck.

Historian by Fragasnap:
$5 cost - Action
Draw until you have 6 cards in hand. You may set aside up to 2 cards drawn this way as you draw them. Trash the set aside cards after you finish drawing.
(Added this to the list in the OP. EDIT: Later removed from the OP because it seemed very weak as a trasher.)

$4  Action - Reserve
+$2. Put this on your tavern mat.
Any time an action card considers the type of another card(s), you may call this to change the effective type of a card by adding a type or replacing the card's type. All of your copies of that card use the chosen type until the initial card is resolved.

Without any +Buy, there wasn't much possible engine, but I went for something like one anyway. I opened Swindler/Plaza, got Historian with my first $5 hand, but also ended up getting Storyteller and Treasure Trove soon after because the interaction looked fun.
The player who won (I gave them a couple tips during the game) went mostly BM with Treasure Trove, Storyteller, and Historian.  I ended up in 2nd place. I think my main mistake was not getting Rebuild to use in place of +buy. The 3rd place player would have easily gotten at least second if he had used his Rebuild better (as in getting getting victory cards the last couple times he played it).
I was pretty sure I would like Historian when I first read it, and my suspicious are confirmed. It's a good card.
Me and the 3rd place player used Illusionist mainly to discard estates to Plaza for coin tokens. It was also used once as a defense against Rabble (that didn't come up much because only one Rabble was gained all game -by me). Still, I think it's a fun card.
Unsurprisingly, Pearl Diver was a complete dud.

Another recent game kingdom: Crossroads, Gear, Mysterious Tankard (LAo), Mysterious Door (RSG), Gear, Salvager, Messenger, Transmogrify, Vendor (LFE), Ancestral Crypt (RSG), Event: Lost Arts.
This was the first time we played with Messenger, and I used it's on-buy effect to give out Mysterious Tankards. Player 3 gained Messenger with Haggler to avoid giving out cards. I put my +1 Action token on Gear, player 3 put his on Vendor, effectively turning it into a Bazaar+. Player 2 didn't bother with Lost Arts.
I won this game by a significant amount. I used a little bit of each of the 4 fan cards. I really like Vendor and Ancestral Crypt, but Gear stole the show. It has quickly become one of my favorite cards (especially with the +action token on it...). The other players are still learning to look at a board and plan in advance for effects like Lost Arts and Teacher.
Mysterious Tankard is a playable joke card, which is exactly what it's meant to be. I won't use it often, but it's fun for what it is.
This was the game where I decided Mysterious Door could cost $2.
(I added Vendor to the list in the OP.)

I also recently tried out Emerald Vein by Robz888 (from the Hinterlands contest)
Emerald Vein
$5 cost - Action - Victory
+1 Action.
Reveal your hand. +$1 per Victory card revealed. 
Worth 1 VP.
It seemed very weak the one time we played with it, but then again, the board also had Mountebank, Festival, Highway, and Haunted Woods. Most cards seem weak next to Mountebank, and Highway with pretty much any +buy is really powerful. Only one Emerald Vein was bought. I bought it only after I was sure to win anyway, so it wasn't much of a test game... Anyway, I'll try it again sometime soon.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 02:45:03 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2015, 01:13:54 am »

Kingdom: Dungeon, Monument, Bridge, Plaza, Upgrade, Conclave (LFE), Frontier (FGG), Drunken Master (LAo), Royal Carriage, Rabble. Event: Save
(3 players)

Fun game. Rabble makes Frontier/Winery* more dangerous, but Dungeon's sifting makes up for that I think. I won after getting one Frontier after both other players got two, but I don't think that was the main reason. I got Drunken Master (a junker) before my opponents did, and I got several Conclaves while my opponents didn't get any. All three fan-made cards were well-received. Also, this is only maybe my second time playing with Royal Carriage. I like it.

(*I have it printed as Winery, mainly because I printed it before the name was changed. I also have Conclave printed as Convocation for the same reason.)

It was our first time playing with Frontier and Conclave, and our first time with the current version of Drunken Master. I'm sure Frontier and Conclave will be going on the list in the OP once we play with them again. We tried Emerald Vein (in previous post) again in a kingdom which seemed better for it, but it still seemed weak. not sure about adding it to my list yet. I may want to mod it. CookieLord's Bastion is another fan-made card we've played with recently which I am adding to the list.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 01:26:21 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 06:27:25 pm »

Update: added three cards to the list in the OP: Conclave by Lastfootnote, Sentinel by Cookielord, and Voyage by markusin.  Also playtested Town/Road by Asper and Raider by Lastfootnote.  Town/Road seems like a dud so far. It's not that often that we have extra actions to spare to play road a second time & put its special ability to use.  Raider seems like a good improved version of Saboteur.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 06:30:30 pm by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2015, 12:09:24 pm »

They can't all be the most LibraryAdventurer-fan-group-loved fan card ever. Gaining Road isn't something you are supposed to want to do on any board, and deciding how to build a fitting deck and how many to gain isn't supposed to be trivial. If you feel it is too weak and want to alter it to fit your play group, you could remove the "discard a card" clause, though.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2015, 08:06:53 pm »

They can't all be the most LibraryAdventurer-fan-group-loved fan card ever. Gaining Road isn't something you are supposed to want to do on every board, and deciding how to build a fitting deck and how many to gain isn't supposed to be trivial. If you feel it is too weak and want to alter it to fit your play group, you could remove the "discard a card" clause, though.
Yeah... by 'dud', I meant it may as well have been a $4 village for that particular game (the same is often true of mining village or fortress). I haven't played with it much yet.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2015, 08:36:27 pm »

$3 cost - Action
+1 Action.
Look at the top two cards of your deck. You may pay a coin token. If you do, put both cards into your hand. Otherwise you may put one of them into your hand, and discard the rest. If you didn't put either card into your hand, gain a coin token.
Modded with a suggestion I made in the contest thread. by <unknown> (because the card designers of the guilds contest were never revealed). (I've tested it in ~3-4 games)  Source thread: The Guilds fan card contest.

This wording is really complicated for its effect and it uses the wrong term for gaining coin tokens.  After you play this card, there are 3 outcomes:

- You put two cards in your hand at the cost of 1 coin token.
- You put one card in your hand for no cost.
- You put neither card in your hand and gained 1 coin token.

There's no need to nest a bunch of if statements to get this effect.  Here's a suggested rewording of your version:

$3 - Action
+1 Action
Take a coin token, then look at the top two cards of your deck.  For each card, either discard it or pay a coin token to put it in your hand.

Much simpler, right? :)


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2015, 08:52:01 pm »

$3 cost - Action
+1 Action.
Look at the top two cards of your deck. You may pay a coin token. If you do, put both cards into your hand. Otherwise you may put one of them into your hand, and discard the rest. If you didn't put either card into your hand, gain a coin token.
Modded with a suggestion I made in the contest thread. by <unknown> (because the card designers of the guilds contest were never revealed). (I've tested it in ~3-4 games)  Source thread: The Guilds fan card contest.

This wording is really complicated for its effect and it uses the wrong term for gaining coin tokens.  After you play this card, there are 3 outcomes:

- You put two cards in your hand at the cost of 1 coin token.
- You put one card in your hand for no cost.
- You put neither card in your hand and gained 1 coin token.

There's no need to nest a bunch of if statements to get this effect.  Here's a suggested rewording of your version:

$3 - Action
+1 Action
Take a coin token, then look at the top two cards of your deck.  For each card, either discard it or pay a coin token to put it in your hand.

Much simpler, right? :)
yes, I like that, thanks. I didn't think about doing it that way.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2016, 02:01:53 am »

Haven't posted here in awhile since I've mostly been testing my own cards and introducing my group to more official cards. (I just got the Cornucopia/Guilds combo box for Christmas. The only sets I don't have IRL now are Alchemy and the base set.)

Today, we played with four fan-made cards I've been meaning to try out. One was Jubilee from Enterprise. Looking at it, I didn't expect it to be very interesting, but having played with it now I liked it more than I expected I would.
These are the other three:

Cost $5 - Action
Choose and turn sideways one unturned card on the Taskmaster mat. This is that card until it leaves play. Whenever there are 4 or more sideways cards on the mat, return them all to normal position.
Setup: Put the randomizers for 5 cards each costing up to $4 on the Taskmaster mat face-up.
(modded. by <unknown> from the Guilds contest) We've played with this card a couple times before, but this is the first time we've played with this version of it as a $5 cost card (it was originally $4). I'm expecting this will be the version I keep (and add to the OP).

Cost: $5 - Treasure
Worth $2. +1 Buy.
When you play this, the player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. When you buy a copy of that card this turn, +2VP.
(unmodded. by Sir Peebles, was the winner of the Prosperity contest)
We like this one so far. It'll often be used as a silver with +buy, but if it gives you +2VP even once, it could make a significant difference in the outcome of the game (it did this game).

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. Now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Buy.
During cleanup on the turn you play this, you may set aside up to 3 Treasures from your hand. At the start of your next turn, put the set-aside Treasures into your hand.
by cluckyb from the Seaside contest. (Modded: added +$1 and changed the condition for when you can set aside treasures for next turn.)
This was barely used this game, so we'll see how it plays later.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 12:13:20 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2016, 12:38:38 am »

Update: I added Indulgence, Taskmaster, and Jubilee to the OP.

Also played games recently with LF's Fund (unfortunately was barely used because there were other very strong $5 cards including Taskmaster and Wharf), Poet Laureate by Market Squire, and Hoarder by ben_king

Poet Laureate
cost $4 - Action
+1 Action. +1 VP.
When you discard this from play, if you gained a Victory card this turn, you may put this on top of your deck.
Looking at it, I thought it would be worth trying out but not especially interesting. In the ~two games we played with it, it seemed more fun/interesting than I expected so it will likely be added to the list in the OP.

cost $3 - Action
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 cards that cost $3 or less. Put cards costing more back on your deck. Choose one: Put them into your hand; or trash one and discard the rest.
(my only mod was to add the clarification to put back cards costing more than $3)
Could be used for weak trashing or as a smithy for cheap cards. We're liking it so far.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2016, 01:59:58 am »

Small nitpick on Hoarder: what about potion cost cards? $2P costs neither more nor less than $3. It may be a pain in the ass, but you may have to reword it.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2016, 12:21:41 pm »

Adding that clause seems like it would break the card.  I trash down.  Now Hoarder reads: "Reveal your deck.  Take a lot of time reordering it to perfectly run your engine or set up for the next few turns". Even without this extreme case you may end up having to reorder a bunch of cards.  It would get slow.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2016, 06:36:36 pm »

I just found this thread and am outraged that Gunpowder wasn't included.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2016, 07:14:42 pm »

Adding that clause seems like it would break the card.  I trash down.  Now Hoarder reads: "Reveal your deck.  Take a lot of time reordering it to perfectly run your engine or set up for the next few turns". Even without this extreme case you may end up having to reorder a bunch of cards.  It would get slow.

I added that line just as a clarification because I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the original card. Should I make it "Put cards costing more back on your deck in random order" to keep it from taking too long?


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2016, 08:03:12 pm »

Adding that clause seems like it would break the card.  I trash down.  Now Hoarder reads: "Reveal your deck.  Take a lot of time reordering it to perfectly run your engine or set up for the next few turns". Even without this extreme case you may end up having to reorder a bunch of cards.  It would get slow.

I added that line just as a clarification because I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the original card. Should I make it "Put cards costing more back on your deck in random order" to keep it from taking too long?

What's wrong with a card that can choose between being a Smithy for cheap cards and a risk-less terminal Lookout? Does the original say anything about putting back the expensive cards? I'd have you discard them.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2016, 08:28:10 pm »

Adding that clause seems like it would break the card.  I trash down.  Now Hoarder reads: "Reveal your deck.  Take a lot of time reordering it to perfectly run your engine or set up for the next few turns". Even without this extreme case you may end up having to reorder a bunch of cards.  It would get slow.

I added that line just as a clarification because I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the original card. Should I make it "Put cards costing more back on your deck in random order" to keep it from taking too long?

What's wrong with a card that can choose between being a Smithy for cheap cards and a risk-less terminal Lookout? Does the original say anything about putting back the expensive cards? I'd have you discard them.
either way would be fine with me. I was just going by what I think the designer intended.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2016, 09:40:15 pm »

Adding that clause seems like it would break the card.  I trash down.  Now Hoarder reads: "Reveal your deck.  Take a lot of time reordering it to perfectly run your engine or set up for the next few turns". Even without this extreme case you may end up having to reorder a bunch of cards.  It would get slow.

I added that line just as a clarification because I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the original card. Should I make it "Put cards costing more back on your deck in random order" to keep it from taking too long?

What's wrong with a card that can choose between being a Smithy for cheap cards and a risk-less terminal Lookout? Does the original say anything about putting back the expensive cards? I'd have you discard them.
either way would be fine with me. I was just going by what I think the designer intended.

Discarding is simplest and the Thing To Do in comparable official cards.  You could shuffle and replace, but that's slower, more complicated, and probably extra power that isn't needed here.  The relatively safe Lookout effect is already nice.  If you discard, the risk is skipping your key cards rather than trashing them.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2016, 02:38:37 am »

Several more fan cards have been added to my tested cards list in the OP:
Cloister, Synod, Wedding, and Missal from General Ramos' Holy Order,
Barge by NoMoreFun,
Diviner by jamespotter (winner of an old fan-card design contest),
Poet Laureate by Market Squire,
and Wheelwright -I mean Almoner by LastFootnote (I thought I already had this on the list, but noticed it wasn't there when I was adding the others).
Probably the best received of these in our games was Barge.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 01:25:23 am by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2016, 01:21:36 am »

Played a game today with Genie by majiponi:
Magic Lamp
cost 1+ - Action
+2 Cards
You may spend a Lamp token. If you do, choose one: +1 Action; or +$1; or trash a card from your hand.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpaid, take a Lamp token.
My only mod was adding 'you may' and making the cost 1+ instead of 2+ (I may also try it at $2+). I really like this card. It plays like a $5-$6 cost card that you kind of rent. Then when the rental time is over you have to pay for another one or it turns into a moat. It'll probably get added to the list in the OP after some more testing.

The game also had Conclave (LFE), Canines (added to OP), and Hoarder by ben_king. Hoarder barely got used, so I want to play with it more before adding it to the OP.


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2016, 02:04:49 am »

I like how Patrol by Watno is almost exactly the same as the card I came up with independently.

Cost $3 - Action - Reaction
Discard any number of cards. Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.
When you discard a card from your hand other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, either trash that card, or put it on top of your deck.

I'm going to change the action part of my card to be different, but I'll modify the reaction card to be more like his (with credit) since it's better (mine doesn't trash.)


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Re: LA's list of tested fan cards (& games played with fan cards)
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2016, 02:36:30 am »

Just added the following cards to my list in the OP: Frontier by Fragasnap, Mediator by Cookielord, Orphanage by Cookielord, Sanctuary by Titandrake, Suburb by Cookielord, and Cobblestone Road by Liopoil (I named it, originally he just called it 'unnamed 2').

Other cards I recently tested: Tinker by LastFootnote, Scarecrow by Robz888, Treasure Fleet by Just a Rube, Black Mass by General Ramos (I rename this card when I use it), Scholar by Fragasnap, and "Wood Scout" by King Leon. I'll probably add most, if not all, of these to the OP once I play with them some more. The only one of these that I modded was Treasure Fleet and that only slightly. Wood Scout, I just put over the official Scout card with the name & art uncovered.

Sometime soon, I need to print & use some cards from the newer round of Treasure Chest design contests.
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