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Dominion General Discussion / facebook group
« on: January 23, 2019, 04:55:04 pm »
Why is there no active dominion facebook group ?
Id like having dominion on my news feed.

Variants and Fan Cards / Card Idea
« on: January 17, 2019, 05:31:21 am »
New card idea:

Royal Room
Cost 5, Action:

+1 action. Choose a card in your hand and play it. Then return it to your hand.

 - Idea is that it's kind of like throne room since it can be used to play an action twice but it is much more powerful since  it gives more flexibility with what to do with your next action (ie you can choose to play the same action again, or you can choose to play a different action). Also it interacts with itself better than throne room does. Since when you Royal Room a Royal Room you can choose the same action for each of your royal rooms.

But in play effects like those from bridge would not work for Royal Room.

Rules Questions / journey token black market
« on: September 26, 2017, 10:18:18 am »
I recently played a game online where I got giant from the black market deck.
Since none of the starting 10 cards were journey cards I didn't have a journey token
So the giant just gave +$1 every time I played it.

I was wondering if that's the desired behavior or is it correct to add a journey token to the game in that circumstance.

Variants and Fan Cards / card tokens and action tokens
« on: September 05, 2017, 04:47:18 pm »
We have coin tokens, why not card tokens and action tokens.

Card tokens can be exchanged at any time for + 1 card and action tokens for + 1 actions.

What cards could be made with this mechanic?
How much would you price a card that gave + 2 card tokens?
How would this mechanic change the game if it existed?

General Discussion / Here's a game!
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:22:04 pm »
Here's  game I made - feel free to play!
and offer any feedback on this post

Simulation / uygefueawgufgerfgoi
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:19:42 pm »
has anyone made a good dominion AI (not like the ones on goko)/how good an AI do people think is possible to make? could a dominion AI make it to the top 20 dominion players on goko?
I can modify my posts! cool

Help! / Governor, familiar, militia
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:52:45 pm »

Help! / Council Room
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:05:43 pm »
I just can't figure out the best way to play this board. What mistakes did I make here and how would you go about playing this board?

Help! / help with double Tactician conspirator
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:13:04 pm »
game features tactician, conspirator, king's court, and moneylender.
We both went for double tactician but I lost, probably because my deck was really clogged. did I green too early? What mistakes did I make?

Help! / King's Courts
« on: July 31, 2012, 10:57:30 pm »
was Alchemist the right move here? I know potion slows things down but the alternative would be to ether not buy king's court at all or have one of those games where if you buy too much treasure before you hit 7, your king's court will be drawn dead, and if you buy too little treasure before you hit 7, you'll never afford a king's court (since there ere no cheep cantrips) - and it always feels like its impossible to find the balance between too much and too little treasure.
Other than possibly alchemist, what mistakes did I make?

Help! / Conspirator engine (and bishop)
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:28:38 pm »
Where did I go wrong in this conspirator game? and if I should have bought a bishop, when is the right time to buy one?

Help! / Chancellor bane
« on: July 29, 2012, 02:29:44 pm »
Should we buy chancellor as the bane? I thought yes, but loss. Its a similar question to any other terminal silver really.
What other mistakes did I make?

Help! / Tournament vs Duke
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:42:04 pm »
Here is a an interesting game a played that I would like to get people's thoughts on.
The set is Bishop, Duke, Fool's Gold, Highway, Market, Nobles, Oasis, Pawn, Remake, and Tournament.
So there is the potentially interesting interesting duke-duchy market-highway combo. There is also tournament and fool's gold.
I decide to open fool's gold remake. Remake is not the best trasher for fools gold since nothing costs 1 but
 I figure it will still help me get rid of coppers and turn estates into oasis, which will help my fool's golds collide. My opponent opens tournament pawn. I guess he's sacrificing money for sifting. So, what do people think of the opening decisions? What other options would be good here?
Latter in the game, he gets a province on turns 7 and 9. On turn 10 I have enough for my first province, but was not really sure at the time that buying it would be the right move. My reasoning being that by that time I was already down by 2 provinces so the only way I could catch up would be to go for a long duke duchy game. I opt to buy the province because I'm scarred of loosing the tournament war. What do people think of this decision? Can the duke duchy player win even if he is constantly getting cursed by followers?
In the end I louse the tournament race anyway (not surprising since he already has 2 provinces in his deck while I have one. So I try to switch over to duke-duchy but its too late. By then I pretty much lost.

Dominion Articles / Combo: sea hag, duchy
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:06:08 pm »
The way this combo works is say you have a sea hag game with bad to no trashing. You buy a sea hag on the first 2 turns and a second pretty soon after. Assuming your opponent buys one as well you know the curse pile will be depleted. Start buying duchies over golds when around 7 Provinces are left in the supply and buy estates over silver with 5 provinces left. You will deplete both piles relatively quickly and since your opponent's deck is so clogged with curses, it will take him a long time to buy provinces - so long, in fact, that you can probably deplete both estates and duchies with 2 or 3 provinces still left in the supply. While your opponent will have more provinces than you, you will more than make up the difference with duchies and estates. And the best part is that once your opponent realizes that your trying to end the game quickly, he cant respond by buying vp without helping you in your goal. You can also do it with alternative vp cards instead of either duchies or estates. (A similar type of strategy works with the other cursers but to a much lesser extent since they don't slow your opponent down nearly as much) For reference, in Geronimoo's simulator this strategy beats the regular sea hag bot around 60 percent of the time.
Works with: Hoard, alternative vp, +buy (which can help you buy 2 estates at once), other cursers, duchess
Doesn't work with: strong trashers, lighthouse, wharf (since it helps your opponent speed up the game), opponents who don't buy sea hag, engines

Help! / big money
« on: July 19, 2012, 08:39:27 pm »
Really boring board. Tons of villages and throne room but no good actions to make them worth it. So I really didn't know how to play it. I went for a basic big moneyish deck and lost. Help on how I could have done better would be helpful.

Help! / Fishing Village, Ghost Ship
« on: July 16, 2012, 06:25:44 pm »
was my biggest mistake in this game not buying an Ironworks?

Help! / Apothecary, Cache
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:24:12 pm »
Game with Apothecary, cache and herbalist. I feel like my mistakes include returning cache to my deck instead of potion. Also, he greened earlier than I did. I know apothecary tends to stall in the end game and that's why I held off greening. What are your thoughts on how I could have played better?

Dominion General Discussion / Scheme - math
« on: July 15, 2012, 03:36:56 pm »
Here is a quote from the scheme-article
"In Big Money type decks which only buy a few actions, Scheme can, essentially, act like a second copy of whatever flavor of terminal action you're using. By getting to top deck your terminal for use in consecutive hands, you reduce your collision chance to zero (or closer to 0 when you have blind draw). This, however, comes at a price. Whenever you draw your Scheme after your terminal, you only get to play the terminal once that reshuffle. Had the scheme been an actual second copy of the action, you'd have gotten two plays. Over the course of a game, the double terminal deck gets more plays of the terminal action than the scheme/terminal deck. So typically, you favor a second terminal over a scheme."
So basically, the effect of buying a scheme is that you can play your terminal more often. My question is, can we quantify this a bit more?
The simplest cases (which don't actually occur in real life) are when your total number of real cards in deck (i.e. excluding virtual cards such as schemes) is a multiple of 5 and your deck size doesn't change.
For example, If you have 15 cards in deck, 1 terminal and no schemes, you will play your terminal once before the reshuffle.
No, suppose you have 16 cards, 1 terminal and one scheme. You will have 3 hands till the reshuffle. If you draw the terminal in the first hand, you will play twice if and only if you also draw the scheme in the first hand, if you draw it in the second hand you will play it twice if and only if you draw the scheme in the first or second hands, if you draw it in the third hand you will play it only once. So you have a (aproximatly) (1/3)*(1/3)+(1/3)*(2/3) = 3/9 chance of playing the terminal twice. Thus the expected number of times you will play the terminal before the reshuffle is equal to 14/9.
The next case would be where you have 21 cards, 1 terminal and 1 scheme. If you...
1. Draw the terminal in the first hand, you will play it twice if and only if you also draw the scheme in the first hand (pr=1/4)
2. Draw it in the second hand, you will play it twice if and only if you draw the scheme in hands 1 or 2 (pr=1/2)
3. Draw it in the third hand, you will play it twice if and only if you draw the scheme in hands 1, 2 or 3 (pr= 3/4)
4. Draw it in the forth hand you will play it only once.
So the chances of playing it twice now equal (1/4)*(1/4)+(1/4)*(1/2)+(1/4)*(3/4)= 6/16. Thus the expected number of times you will play the terminal before the reshuffle is equal to 22/16.
Of course an actual game is much more complicated, and this leads to my question (which I suspect will only be answered with a simulator):
Let n and m be any 2 natural numbers, n>m-1. Consider a game of dominion where on turn 1 you buy a terminal action, and on turns 2 through m you buy scheme (if m=1 you don't buy any schemes). On all other turns you buy copper. What is the expected number of times will you have played the terminal action by turn n?

Help! / Scrying pool, nobles
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:10:05 pm »
Scrying poo game with good trashing in masq, where did I mess up?

Help! / grand market, merchant ship
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:04:55 pm »

Help! / sea hag games are boring
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:14:46 pm »
Boring sea hag game where both our decks are really clogged up. Most of the game was spent buying hamlets and courtyards since I couldn't afford anything more than 2. I was really unlucky to draw my gold at the very end of the reshuffle, but other than that what should I have done differently. Also, should you ever buy copper in these situations? Long term your deck will probably be able to produce more than 5 per turn, but in the short term copper increases your money density.

Help! / wharf engine with curser
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:41:49 pm »
Games where you have to transition from cursing to engine are really interesting.
They lead to interesting decisions. Like in this game I open silver/silver even though normally smithy would be better for the engine, since I don't want to draw mountebank with the smithy.
One thing witch I think was definitely a mistake on my part was buying a late duchy instead of a province, was thinking bout dukes...
What other mistakes do you think I made here? Also how do you approach these types of games in general?

Help! / Wharves and young witches
« on: July 01, 2012, 06:32:11 pm »
game with wharf, and young witch, oasis was the bane. I started 5 - 2 and bought young witch on turn 3 but only managed to hit once. (There was moat as well) Other than that, I was doing bm wharf as I didn't see much engine potential. Where did I go wrong?

Help! / Great Hall, Island, Silk Road, Trade Route, O my!
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:45:43 am »
I went more for straight Island - silk roads, my opponent bought some provinces too
what pointers do you have on how I could have played better?

Help! / Militia, Watchtower
« on: June 26, 2012, 06:02:20 pm »
Interesting game where I didn't buy militia due to the presence of watchtower. Was this the wrong move? What other mistakes did I make here?

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