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Other Games / Slay the Spire
« on: March 04, 2018, 08:38:38 pm »
So I got this game on Steam about a month ago ( and must say I am super addicted, Steam says I've already sunk 47 hours into it... If anyone else tried it I would be interested in your opinion. Otherwise I can only recommend it. The game is yet in Early Access, but already very solid and has lots of replay value. They even added in a Daily challenge mode with hard rule modifiers last week.

Slay the Spire is often described as a mixture of a deckbuilder, a Rogue-like and a dungeon crawler. It is a singleplayer (PvE) game that you can play in ~2 hours per run.

The main designer is a big fan of Netrunner (he hosts the fan site What bugs me about LCGs like Netrunner or Hearthstone is the metagame, that you have to build your deck in advance of the actual game, while considering thousands of possibilities and counters. In Slay the Spire, the deckbuilding part is naturally built into the game. Step by step during your run, you may add a card to your deck after each fight. There are some rare possibilities to get rid of cards as well. I really enjoy this idea of "procedural deckbuilding".

The two main "currencies" on the cards are Attack and Defend. You can see the enemy's intentions and play accordingly. This makes it quite interesting. Defending is very important because you don't automatically heal up your HP after a fight (and if you get killed, you must start from the beginning again).

The "playing the deck" part is working just like Dominion. You will shuffle quite often. There are some small differences. Cards are just played into the discard pile, so some infinite combos are possible. But they are hard to pull off because you only have 3 Energy to play cards regularly. Also, they won't work in every case because each enemy behaves differently.

You can collect Relics that give you special abilities which will make each run unique. Also there are 2 different characters to play with, each with a huge set of possible cards. One additional character will be added on the full release, but the two are already very very interesting.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Nocturne^^
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:53:46 am »
Hello there, I have so much other stuff to do, but it is WAY TOO TEMPTING of a design excercise to make another guessing thread how I would do the new Dominion expansion based on the preview text. Sure it is just for fun, but I try to design as serious as possible.

It was fun to do on Adventures. But to be not as overwhelming as last time, I will make this a "work in progress", so there is still some space for ideas. Feel free to comment and make your own/ inspired guesses. My ideas for Heirlooms/ Boons/ Hexes are maybe a bit too niche and political? Although I like how straightforward they are. I posted something similar in the Adventures thread, see the discussion here. There it was pretty far away from what we've gotten. On the other hand, I guessed everything correct about one Event back then. So here we go, time to look into the crystal ball. Who knows... maybe we can get a lucky hit again.  ;D

Night Cards

You can play any number of Night cards during the Night phase (after the Buy phase but before Cleanup). However, the instructions will ask you to pay an amount of to make their effect happen. (Inspired by Asper's idea of paying for playing Night cards.) Similarly to Crown, Action - Night cards cannot be used for both effects.

CONSPIRATION (Night - Duration)
Pay to set aside one Action card from play. Play it again at the start of your next turn.

WINE VILLAGE (Action - Night)
If it is your Action Phase, +1 Card +2 Actions.
If it is your Night Phase, pay to trash up to 2 Cards from your hand.

BAT (Action - Night)
If it is your Action Phase, +1 Card +1 Action, gain a Bat.
If it is your Night Phase, pay to exchange this for a Vampire.

VAMPIRE (Night - Attack)
Pay to make every other player gain 2 Curses. Exchange this for a Bat.
(This is not in the Supply.)

Pay to gain a card.

Pay to take an extra turn after this one, but without a night phase.


In games using Heirlooms, the starting decks are modified. Every player chooses a color. Then they give out one Heirloom in their color to every other player. Every Heirloom replaces one of the starting Coppers. E.g., in a 3 player game, you would start with 3 Estates or Shelters, 5 Coppers, and 2 Heirlooms from the other players. So there are 6*5=30 total Heirlooms needed (maybe 6 extra cards to remind people of their color, but in games with less than 6 players you'd have extra color cards anyway). Heirloom will look like this for every color:

HEIRLOOM (Treasure)
Worth .
Player Red may discard a card to draw a card.

Boons and Hexes

Boons and Hexes work similarly as Heirlooms, only they are distributed during the game. If there is a Fate or Doom card in the supply, every player chooses a color at the start of the game. They set aside the 5 Boons in their color when there is a Fate card and their 5 Hexes when there is a Doom card. Every player has their own pile of cards to distribute. You must gain Boons or Hexes from the active player's pile.

BOON (Treasure)
Worth .
Trash this.
When you trash this, return it to the Red player's Boon pile and they draw a card.
(This is not in the supply.)

HEX (Night)
Pay to trash this.
When you trash this, return it to the Red player's Hex pile and they draw a card.
(This is not in the supply.)

Possible Fate/ Doom cards:

RITUALIST (Action - Attack - Doom)
Each other player gains a Hex.
While this is in play, when you play a Night card, +.

MONASTERY (Action - Fate)
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
Each other player gains a Boon.

WIZARD (Action - Attack - Doom)
+2 Cards
Each other player gains a Hex. If they don't, they gain a Curse.

Still so much space for cards to come...

Variants and Fan Cards / Taking Debt as part of an Action
« on: September 07, 2016, 03:21:12 pm »
I have not played with Debt yet, but I was wondering why there is no Action that uses Debt to give you a benefit on-play. Like, Hamlet with gaining <$> instead of discarding cards. What do you think why? Uninteresting? Or maybe players would be able to take too much Debt?

Let's give it a try. Some ideas:

Trading Village (Action) $2
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
You may take 1 Debt, if you do: +1 Card.

Investment (Action) $5
+5 Cards
Take 3 Debt.

Pawnshop (Action) $4
Trash a card from your hand. If you have no Debt, gain a card costing up to $4 more than it. For each $1 that it costs more take 1 Debt.

Freelancer (Action-Reaction) 4 Debt
+2 Cards
Discard up to 2 Dept.

When another player plays an Attack, you may reveal this from your hand and take 1 Dept. If you do, you are not affected by the Attack.

Feel free to criticize and to add other ideas.

Variants and Fan Cards / Toll Station: Interactive Duration
« on: July 28, 2016, 05:47:40 am »
Hi there, how about Duration cards that stay in play until another player does something?

Action-Duration, Cost:

+2 Cards
+1 Buy

Until another player plays a Toll Station, Victory cards cost less during your turns (but not less than ).

Variants and Fan Cards / Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:26:26 pm »
Hi there!
I haven't been that much active here the last months, but I've appreciated some of the ideas here.
So now I'd like to share another traveller concept. This traveller shall feel like making a race. Once the player has got the final upgrade, the game ends. (Inspired by the "Alternate win conditions" thread, although I prefer an alternative game end condition.)

Marco Polo (Action-Traveller) Cost:
You may put this on top of your deck. If you do, +.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for Board a Ship.

Board a Ship (Action-Duration-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action
If you end your Action phase with at least 1 unused Action, play this again at the start of your next turn.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for Visiting Bagdad.

Visiting Bagdad (Action-Traveller) Cost:
Gain a Gold. Pay an Action. If you don't, put this into your hand.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for On the Silk Road.

On the Silk Road (Action-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards and add up their total cost in . If they cost...
to : +1 Card, +.
to : +3 Cards.
More than : Exchange this for Visit the Khan.

Visit the Khan (Action-Victory) Cost:
The game ends after this turn.

Worth 10 if you played this.

Variants and Fan Cards / Accolade - Event that turns Actions into Reserves
« on: September 12, 2015, 08:26:35 am »

this Event card idea is rather old (see here), but I really like it. Now I simplified it to make it more pleasing. Maybe someone can make a card image for it?

ACCOLADE (Event) $2
Choose an Action that you have in play. Put it on your Tavern mat.
(When a non-Reserve Action card is on your Tavern mat, you may pay an Action during your Action phase to play it.)

The problem is that it takes up a Buy. I tried to compare it to Expedition which gives you +2 cards the next turn; this gives you +1 card anytime you need it. Maybe it should cost more because the +1 card you placed on the mat is better than 2 random cards from the deck...? What do you think?

Dominion General Discussion / Summon: Promo Event card
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:08:31 pm »
Hi, it looks like there will be a Promo Event card for the release of Adventures in Germany.

(Exclusively for preorders on this page:

All I can see is that is called "Einladung" (Invitation) and costs $5 (and it has one coin symbol in its 2-line-text).

(Edit: Changed the thread's name as the discussion is still going on)

Variants and Fan Cards / A mad Traveller chain
« on: May 24, 2015, 09:14:25 am »
Hi, I really like how thematic the Traveller mechanic is. Very tempting to create own ideas. Here is now a technological implementation of the concept, culminating in a crazy one-shot:

INVENTION (Action - Traveller) - $2
+2 Actions
+1 Buy

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Draft.

DRAFT (Action - Traveller) - $3*
Trash a card from your hand.
Gain 2 cards each costing up to $1 more than it.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Construction.
(This is not in the supply.)

CONSTRUCTION (Action - Traveller) - $4*
+1 Action
Trash a Treasure from your hand (or reveal a hand without Treasures).

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Test Flight.
(This is not in the supply.)

TEST FLIGHT (Action - Traveller) - $5*
+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a Victory, put it back and put this on top. Otherwise, put the revealed card into your hand.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Flying Machine.
(This is not in the supply.)

FLYING MACHINE (Action - Traveller) - $6*
+1 Action
Trash this. Draw your deck and discard pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

I have trouble finding good free images for the cards, so here are just the ideas.
What do you think? Any image suggestions?

Variants and Fan Cards / Tokens!
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:35:05 pm »
Hello! I was wondering what else we could do with all those tokens that go on supply piles, so I'd like to start a thread about it.
Let's start with a variation of my Exploration ship from here:

Exploration ship (Action) $2
+1 Action

When you discard this from play, you may return it to the supply.
If you do, put your +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1 or +1 Buy token on the Exploration ship pile.

Other ideas are welcome, maybe I will add some as well.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: January 17, 2015, 05:56:26 pm »
I find it funny to make serious specuations about the new Dominion expansion. Sure, it is very unlikely that Adventures looks like I predict. This will look ridiculous when we know Donald's cards. This is just for fun. And in the end it will make us aware of how good the official Dominion cards are!

So here is what I would do coming from this description.

Some of these are adaptions of LastFootnote's Activation cards or other cards from this forum, some cards are from the German forum and some are new.
Feel free to post your own ideas and predictions. ;)

Duration cards:

Note that the Duration type doen't mean the card is discarded in your next turn's cleanup! Most of these cards are not like the Durations from Seaside. They are discarded in the cleanup phase when all their on-play effects are resolved.

Relocate (Action - Duration) $4
Set aside a card from your hand. At the start of each of your future turns, if a card set aside by this, trash it and gain a card costing exactly $1 more. You may set aside the new card.
(Edit: Grammar)

Transport Ship (Action - Duration) $3
+2 Cards
+1 Action

At the start of your next turn, discard down to 3 cards in your hand.
(Edit: Lowered cost from $4 to $3.)

Ambush (Action-Duration) $2
Now and the next time another player buys a Victory card, +2 cards.

Donjon (Action-Duration) $5
+4 Cards
Set aside a card from your hand. After the next time you shuffle your deck, discard the card you set aside.
(Edit: Clarity)

Prince's Chamber (Action - Duration) $4
You may play an Action from your hand. When you would discard it in this cleanup phase, set it aside instead. Play it again at the start of your next turn.
(This one changed a lot between Reserve and Duration. It went back to a Duration with Prince's phrasing.)

Reserve cards

When a Reserve card is played, you don't put it into play but on your Reserve mat. Either immediately or at any future time during your Action phase, you may put it into play which will trigger the "when you put this in play" effect. You can put a Reserve card from the mat into play whenever you'd regularly be able to play an Action from your hand. This does not use up an Action though.

Granary (Action - Reserve) $5
+1 Action
Now and when you put this into play, +$1 +1 Buy.

Caravansary (Action - Reserve - Reaction) $4
When you put this into play, +2 Cards.

When you gain a card costing $0, you may reveal this from your hand or from play. If you do, put this on your Reserve mat.

Town Gate (Action - Reserve) $4
Now and when you put this into play, draw until you have 6 cards in your hand.
While this is on your Reserve mat, when another player plays an Attack card, you may trash a card from your hand.

Fruit Market (Action - Reserve) $3
You may trash card from your hand that is not a Treasure. If you don't, put this into play.

When you put this into play:
+4 Cards
+1 Buy
Trash this.

Balcony (Action - Reserve) $5
+1 Action

When you play an Action, you may put this into play. If you do, play the Action again.
(This idea comes from the Dominion outtakes, see here.)

Cards using a non-supply pile:
Wagoner (Action - Reserve) 0*
When you put this into play, +1 Action and return this to the Wagoner pile.
(This is not part of the supply.)
The Wagoner pile consists of 16 Wagoners.

Traveller's Village (Action) $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile. Play it.

Wainwright (Action) $5
Gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile.

Fair (Action) $2
+1 Action
Every time you put a Wagoner into play this turn, +1 Card.

When you discard this from play, for each unused Action, gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile.

Player tokens

Each player gets a player color that is indicated by his Reserve mat. In that color, he gets 10 tokens. The tokens are put on an Action supply pile by explicit card effects. When the player plays a copy of an Action from a pile with his token, he also resolves the token effect after resolving the card text.
When a pile with tokens on it gets empty, the tokens lose their effect and are returned to the players.

Every player has 2 of the following tokens:

+1 Card.

+1 Action.

+$1 +1 Buy.

Gain a Duchy.

Gain a copy of this.

Exploration Ship (Action) $5
When you discard this from play, you may put it back to the supply. If you do, put any of your tokens on the Exploration ship pile.

Spearman (Action-Attack) $4
Each other player removes a "+$1 +1 Buy" token from the Spearman pile.
If he does, he gains a Curse.
Otherwise, he puts a "+$1 +1 Buy" token on the Spearman pile.

Other cool cards:
Courier (Action - Attack) $5
+2 Cards
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Offering (Action) $0*
+1 Action
For you and player blue: +1 card.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)
The Offering pile consists of 5 Offerings in each of the 6 colors.

River (Action) $3
+2 Cards
Return this to your hand.
(This one got unlikely since Asper changed this into an ancillary card now.)

Army (Action-Attack) $4
Each other player turns the top card of his deck face-up. When he would draw the face-up card, he turns it face down instead.
(Something like that could work with tokens as well.)

Round Village (Action) $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions

When this is in play at the end your buy phase, you may pay $1. If you do, put this on top of your deck.

Treaty (Reaction) $4
When the player to your right discards an Action from play, you may reveal this from your hand and set it aside with that action card. Play that Action at the start of your next turn. When you would move it from play, put it on the discard pile of the player to your right instead, then discard this Treaty. When you discard this from your hand, you may reveal it and put it on top of your deck.

Event cards

Play with 2 random Event cards if one randomly drawn card of the kingdom is from Adventures.
Events can be bought like the other cards, but instead of gaining them, you immediately play them (they are not considered "in play" though). Events can never be gained.

The Events are:

Market Day (Event) $1
The first time you play this in your turn, +2 Buys.
Manipulation (Event - Attack) $1
Each other player reveals the top card of his deck and discards it if it costs $2 or more and is not a Victory card.
Wagoner (Event) $2
Gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile. Play it.
Survey (Event) $2
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and discard any number of them. Put the rest back in any order.
Ball (Event) $2
Look through your discard pile. Put a card from it on top of your deck.
Round Table (Event) $2
+1 Buy. Put your deck into your discard pile.
Offering (Event - Attack) $3
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Carriage (Event) $3
Place one of your +1 Action tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Invention (Event) $3
Place one of your +1 Card tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Treaty (Event) $3
Place one of your +$1 +1 Buy tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Accolade (Event) $3
Place one of your Gain a Duchy tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Scholar (Event) $3
Place one of your Gain a copy of this tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Remodeling (Event) $3
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.
Holy Mass (Event) $4
Trash any number of cards you have in play.
Expedition (Event) $4
During this cleanup phase, draw 2 additional cards.
Reserve (Event) $4
When you discard an Action card from play during this Cleanup phase, put it on your Reserve tableau.

When an Action card is on your Reserve tableau that is not a Reserve card, you may play it during your Action phase (for free).
Damnation (Event - Attack) $5
Each other player gains a Curse card.

Any ideas for the other half of the tokens? My guess is they will be either coin tokens (like from Guilds) or two times 15 single-card tokens (like for Embargo). Or some other way to "modify cards"?
Also, there are still a lot of slots open, maybe I will also come up with more.

Old Reserve mechanic (it got changed after player tokens where leaked):

60 Tokens, half of these are Reserve tokens.
You put Reserve tokens on a card if the card tells you to do. You can spend the token either immediately or at any future time during your Action phase to get the benefit for the token. This does not cost up an Action, but you can't spend a token after you used up all your Actions.
Cards with Reserve tokens on them are not discarded in the cleanup phase. A Reserve token looses track of the card if it leaves play otherwise, then the token is discarded.

Granary (Action - Reserve) $5
+1 Action
Put two Reserve tokens on this. When you spend a token from this card, +$1 +1 Buy.
(Edit: Error - "now" removed)

Caravansary (Action - Reserve) $4
Put 2 Reserve tokens on this. When you spend a token from this card, +1 Card.

While this is in play, when you gain a card costing $0, put a Reserve token on this.

Town Gate (Action - Reserve) $4
Put a Reserve token on this. Now and when you spend the token, draw until you have 6 cards in your hand.
While this is in play, when another player plays an Attack card, you may trash a card from your hand.

Fruit Market (Action - Reserve) $3
Put a Reserve token on this. When you spend that token:
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash this.

Balcony (Action - Reserve) $5
+1 Action
Put a Reserve token on this.
You may spend that token when you play an Action. If you do, play the Action again.

Prince's Chamber (Action) $4
Put a Reserve token on an Action you have in play that is not a Duration card.

When a Reserve token is on an Action that is not a Reserve card, you may spend it during your Action phase to play the Action (for free).
(Edit: Reserve mechanic instead of Duration;  Edit 2: changed cost from $3 to $4)

Pitman (Action) $3
+2 Cards
Discard a card. When you spend X tokens from this card, gain a card costing up to $X.
While this is in play, when you discard a card other than during Cleanup, put a token on this.

Wagoner (Action - Reserve) 0*
Put a Reserve token on this. When you spend that token, +1 Action and return this to the Wagoner pile.
(This is not part of the supply.)

Old Events:

Adventure (Event) $1
During this cleanup phase, draw 1 additional card.
Expedition (Event) $3
During this cleanup phase, draw 2 additional cards.
Campaign (Event) $5
During this cleanup phase, draw 3 additional cards.
Navigation (Event) $3
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and discard any number of them. Put the rest back in any order.
Ball (Event) $2
Look through your discard pile. Put a card from it on top of your deck.
Round Table (Event) $2
+1 Buy. Put your deck into your discard pile.
Auction (Event) $1
+1 Buy. Discard your hand. +$1 per card discarded.
Market Day (Event) $1
The first time you play this in your turn, +2 Buys.
(Edit: Only once per turn.)
Holy Mass (Event) $4
Trash any number of cards you have in play.
Remodeling (Event) $3
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.
Expanding (Event) $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than it.
Curse (Event - Attack) $5
Each other player gains a Curse card.
Offensive (Event - Attack) $2
Each other player discards until he has 3 cards in his hand.
Manipulation (Event - Attack) $1
+1 Buy. Each other player reveals the top card of his deck and discards it if it costs $2 or more and is not a Victory card.
Accolade (Event) $4
When you discard an Action card from play during this Cleanup phase, leave it in play and put a Reserve token on it.

When a Reserve token is on an Action that is not a Reserve card, you may spend it during your Action phase to play the Action (for free).
Fair (Event) $6
Place a Reserve token on each Treasure card you have in play.

When a Reserve token is on a Tresure card, you may spend it when playing Treasures during your Buy phase to play the Treasure again.
Parade (Event) $2
Gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile. Play it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Discard for benefit
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:55:22 am »
Hi there!

I recognized that in Dominion there is an invisible currency: handsize.
The normal case is that you convert your handsize into $ by having Treasures or other cards providing +$.
Now, cards that let you "discard for benefit" do other things with your handsize. This means you discard a number of cards to get a reward - prior, after, or conditioned by the discarding.

Official examples of this concept are mostly Sifters (like Cellar or Embassy) and turning cards into $ (like Vault or Horse Traders). Man, I really like Hinterlands for having Sifting as core concept. Using a broader definition, we could include disappearing cards as well (like Workshop or Festival) - not sure whether those should belong here.
But all of these cards have in common to synergize well with Library (or Watchtower/ Jack), Tactician, and Minion.

Are there other things to turn handsize into? I highly appreciate your comments!

COURIER (Action – Reaction) P
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard any number of cards. Gain a card costing exactly $1 per card discarded.
When you would gain a card other than during your Buy phase, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a card costing up to $2 more instead.

This (at cost $4) was my suggestion for the Hinterlands Treasure Chest Design Contest card. Meanwhile, I came up with tons of variants of Courier. I think the easiest fix is the Potion cost so that you can't gain other Couriers. Maybe a non-Victory clause would make sense for the Action?

BUTLER (Action) $3
Discard a card. Gain a card costing less than it.

Simplified version from the Queue pile thread where it got zero feedback. It is quite strong when you discard a Province, but Explorer rewards Provinces as well. Maybe it needs some vanilla addition or a cost tweak a la Border Village/ Peddler?

CASTLE GATE (Action) $5
+1 Action
Discard any number of cards. Draw until you have 5 cards in your hand.

A mix of Grand Cellar and Dungeon. It wants to be a new enabler in the Library/ Minion family.

Variants and Fan Cards / More Spoils gainers
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:34:22 pm »
In the Dark Ages, we got that beautiful pile of Spoils but only 3 ways to use it...
What do you think of new Spoils cards like from the Dark Ages contest or these:

HERO (Action) $4
+1 Buy
Gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.
While this is in play, Spoils produces $1 more and is not put back on the Spoils pile when played.

VETERAN (Action) $4
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a number of Spoils from the Spoils pile equal to its cost in coins.
When you trash this, gain 2 Spoils from the Spoils pile.

DUNGEON (Action) $5
+3 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 2 cards.
While this is in play, when you play an Attack card, gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.

SPOILAGE (Action-Attack) $5
Gain 3 Spoils from the Spoils pile.
Each other player gains a Curse and a Spoils from the Spoils pile.

AMBUSH (Action-Duration) $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
The next time an opponent buys a Victory card, gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.

Variants and Fan Cards / Extend a supply pile
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:49:36 pm »

I wondered if there could be a card helps you not to be as worried about winning a pile split. Here it is:

Actor (?) $3*
When the first supply pile is empty, set aside its Randomizer card.
This is that card until the end of the game.
If it is a Victory card, this is worth half of its points (rounded up).

First, it is an Actor without card type and a cost of $3.
When the first pile is empty, it gets the name, card type, cost (also on buy!), and all effects of that card (including Reactions, while-in-play, on-trash etc).
The emptied pile is then still considered empty for the end condition.

Variants and Fan Cards / Twisting options
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:06:11 am »
Hello, I'd like to share some card ideas with you, this time I try to create especially intriguing options.

Small Village (Action) P
+2 Actions
When you play the next Action this turn, if it costs...
$5 or more: Gain a Copper.
$3 to $4: +1 Card.
$2 or less: Play it again.

I want to try out Ironworky effects with Cost ranges.

Flower Seller (Action) $2
+1 Action
Take a coin token.
Spend any number of coin tokens and draw an equal number of cards.
When you trash this, take 2 Coin tokens.

An older idea from the German forum; it can trade coins for cards which may come in very handy. The on-trash is just for fun. ;)

Church (Action) $6
Trash a card from your hand.
Choose one: +$3 or take 2 Coin tokens.

I wanted a card with an option between flexibility and just more cash. This for $5 would be nice, but I don't like such cards next to Harvest, so i made it a mix of Altar and Trade Route.

Lance Maker (Action) $4
You may spend an Action.
If you do, each other player gains a Curse.
Otherwise, he gains a Copper.

Inspiration came from the -1 Action thread, but there it got no resonance. I changed it to "otherwise they gain a Copper" because it fits here.

Variants and Fan Cards / How could a Duration Attack work?
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:11:45 pm »

By duration attacks I don't mean Duration cards just with an attack on-play. I mean Attacks that have effects after having played them.
I have seen a lot of serious versions of Duration Attacks.

Also, Donald tried it for Seaside early:
- There was a now-and-later attack. It was you draw two, they discard one, this turn and next turn. I had still not quite learned that you can't do "each other player discards a card" - it will eventually get played in multiples and just massacre turns. I ended up replacing this with Ghost Ship.

The two main issues of this concept are:
  • You can't track whether the opponents defended with Moat/ Lighthouse.
  • There is no special appeal to it, it could just be a normal Attack.

For (game) design, it can be very important to raise questions. So I'd see these issues as questions, maybe there is a good answer to them. As always, you are invited to change my ideas and come up with new takes on that concept.

My answer on tracking:
As aleady done here, we could just mark a player who has been attacked on-play (e.g. with a set aside card or with a token or something special). The future effect will only trigger if you've got that "tag".

So let's see what kind of things could be done here and if they'd be worth it. I'll just give some sample card ideas.

Taxation (Action-Attack-Duration)
Each other player with 4 or more cards in his hand sets one card from his hand aside and discards it in his next cleanup phase. During his next buy phase, copies of the set aside card cost $3 more (before cost reduction).
At the start of your next turn: +$2.

Maybe you need a mat for this? I'm not sure, but maybe then it wouldn't need to be a Duration?

Usurper (Action-Attack-Duration) $5
+2 Cards
Every other player reveals his hand until the start of his next buy phase.
Whenever a player stops revealing cards for Usurper, he may discard 2 cards. If he doesn't, -1 Buy.

Here the tag is "your hand is revealed". This allows us to make players loose their basic Buy. I tried to make the wording in a way that Usurpers don't stack, but the only thing that seems to work here is to put the attack below the line, i.e. make it independent from on-play.

Great Embargo (Action-Attack-Duration) $3
Each other player takes an Embargo token. During his next turn, when he buys a Victory card, he gains a Curse. He discards the token at the end of his next turn.

Very simple implementation of the concept. Again, maybe it doesn't need the Duration type.

Army (Action-Attack-Duration) $4
Each other player turns the top card of his deck face-up. When he would draw the face-up card, he turns it face down instead.

This is just "the next time he draws cards, he draws one less". Positive versions of this are here.

Wine cellar (Action-Attack-Duration) $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Each other player reveals the top card of his deck and sets it aside left from your draw pile (leave a gap if he can't). At the start of your next turn, you may discard copies of these cards from your hand; +1 Card per card discarded; the other player puts the set aside card on his discard pile.

This one tries to do what you really want to do with that card type: Extend the Attack to the Attacker's next turn. The trick is that each player sets the card aside on a pile dedicated specifically to his cards, but in the Attacker's play area. This is my very first try on such a concept, so maybe we'll find a better take on it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Draw during cleanup phase
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:26:20 pm »
Here comes another awkward concept...

Caravansary (Action) $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
At the end of this turn, after drawing cards, +1 card.

In some cases it is weaker than lab, in some cases it is stronger - depending on the cards that will be played by the opponents and your Reactions.

Maybe it is too similar to Caravan?

If so, what about a Treasure Peddler variant:

Relic (Treasure) $5
Worth $1.
When you discard this from play, set aside the top card of your deck. Put it into your hand at the end of your Cleanup phase.

Variants and Fan Cards / Kingdom from card pool
« on: October 23, 2014, 06:28:22 pm »
Hello everybody! :)

As there are many cards in Dominion (and we'll get even more, yay!), the chance gets bigger and bigger to get stupid/ uninteresting kingdoms. Like, 10 Villages or so, you know.
I would like to share with you my idea to generate Dominion kingdoms with smaller card pools that have a theme to push the game into a specific direction.

The card pools are, for now:

Simple cards without hard decision-making.
All around cards that replace themselves and the top of the deck.
Cards from this pool benefit from Copper.
Build up a huge pile!
For quick games using Big Money.
For long games using Action chains.
Cards that make buying decisions more interesting.
You'll get cursed and need to find the best way to live with it.
The interaction pool: Attacking, defending, and supporting.
Sifters and cards that play well with them.
Cards that you want to collide with each other (or other cards).
Playing with the cost - trash for benefit.
Cards that care about trashing.
Power cards.
A meetup of all the really strong cards.

I won't list all the card pools in detail, but you can see them in my Excel Kingdom Generator.
This has been some work for me over a few years, but it was quite easy to translate it in English.
So here you can download the Excel Sheet.
I don't know if your program manages to read German formulas, but my Excel translates English as well. So please ask if it doesn't work for you.

How to use:
  • All colored cells have a dropdown list for you to choose from. Choose a card pool and the sets you own. You may also scroll down and choose single cards that must (or mustn't) be in the kingdom.
  • If you want to play irl, just print out the kingdom (2 kingdoms per sheet).
  • For online play, there is a big cell with all the names in the whole kingdom. Just copy its content and put it into the Salvager Kingdom Generator.
  • To generate a new kingdom, refresh with F9.

The basic document (a normal kingdom generator) was from BGG and has been tweaked by many authors since then.
If you like to change formulas and things, some columns are hidden and some cells have white text.

How it works:
  • Each card gets a random number, the 10 highest numbers will be the kingdom.
  • Some numbers will get modified if you picked "yes"/"no" for it or its set.
  • The numbers are also modified by the chosen card pool. Normally, they are just multiplied by 0 or 1. Some pools have specific requirements (e.g. "Curses" wants at least one Curser), then it will be multiplied by a huge number.
  • There is an extra table to determine a Bane card, but it will only appear if Young Witch is in the Kingdom. Modifications have the same effect here.

Variants and Fan Cards / Self-topdecking
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:48:20 am »
Hi, I don't know whether this has already come up here but I think this is an interesting general topic on card design. Self-Topdecking is a bit like Prince, just with a condition.

The official cards that may put themselves on top of the player's deck are Treasury, Alchemist, and Walled Village. So there is already one cantrip self-topdecking card for each of the simple Dominion atoms +$1, +1 Card, and +1 Action, paired with the conditions "buy no victory cards", "play a Potion", "no more than 2 Actions in play".

Are there any other effects that may be worth self-topdecking?
Which conditions make such effects more interesting/ even just possible?

Some ideas:

Religious foundation (Action) $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand.
When you discard this from play, if your deck is not empty, you may put this on top of your deck.

Here the atom is "trash a card", so this is a Chapel variant. The trashing is not as quick, but more consistent. The condition "if your deck is not empty" is because this can happen easily with a thin deck.

Poet (Action) $3
+1 Action
+1 VP
When you discard this from play, if you gained a Victory card this turn, you may put this on top of your deck.

This is my first approach to a non-cantrip self-topdecker. You play with 1 less card every turn, but you get VP for it. The condition is the opposite of Treasury because otherwise the game might never end.

Night watchman (Action) $5
+3 Cards
If this is the first card you play this turn: +1 Action.
Otherwise, put this on top of your deck.

What about on-play topdecking? The turn starts with 7 cards if you get to play this in the morning. Otherwise the watchman is kind of sad and waits for the next day. It may be a problem that you could play the same card multiple times in a turn, but I didn't find any issues with that yet.

Variants and Fan Cards / Gain a Peddler
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:42:23 am »
I am wondering about the strength of "Gain a Peddler", which is, abstactly spoken, "add +$1 to your deck economy". Do you think that such an effect might be worth it?

My first try is this:

Kontor (Action) $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a Peddler from the Peddler pile.
When you trash this, gain a Grand Market from the Grand Market pile.

Maybe it should rather be a terminal Action?

Variants and Fan Cards / A Hanabi Card
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:44:31 am »
As Governor is a Puerto Rico card, here is now the Hanabi card.

Fireworks (Aktion) $3
+1 Action
The player to your left looks at the top 4 cards of your deck.
He names a type or cost of one of these cards.
He shows you all cards whith that type or cost face down.
Put one of the cards into your hand and discard one.

So you get some information about your top cards but you don't get to see them (except the cards that you choose to draw or discard).

Variants and Fan Cards / Queue pile
« on: August 09, 2014, 02:01:55 pm »
I've noticed some recent cards that let you set aside cards until your next shuffle.
This inspired me to make a new general concept for Dominion, a "queue pile" (better name suggestions?). The queue pile is a pile that every player may have next to his discard pile. When the player shuffles, all cards on the queue pile are discarded as a new discard pile. This means a card on the queue pile will come up one shuffle later. Cards on that pile are considered as part of the player's cards (important for the Endgame scoring), but not part of the discard pile (i.e. Counting House, Hermit, Philosopher's Stone can't access the queue pile).

Some card ideas (EDIT: Now sorted according to interestingness):

Grand Cellar (Action) $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Put any number of cards on your queue pile.
Per card that you put on it: +1 Card.

Provost (Action) $3
Look through your discard pile and put up to 2 cards from it or your hand on your queue pile.

Mountain Village (Action) $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
In this Clean-up phase, when you discard Treasure cards from play, put them on your queue pile.

Custodian (Action) $2
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. Trash it or put it on your queue pile.

Donjon (Action) $5
+4 Cards
Put a card from your hand on your queue pile.
When you gain this, put it on your queue pile.

Prediction (Action-Attack) $4
Each other player reveals the top two cards of his deck.
He discards any Treasures, puts Actions on the queue pile and puts the rest back in an order he chooses.

Clerical Seal (Treasure) $5
Worth $2
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you gain a card, put it on your queue pile.

River Island (Victory-Reaction) $3
Worth 2 VP
When you discard this other than from your queue pile, you may reveal it. If you do, put it on your queue pile.

Elite Workshop (Action) $5
Gain a card costing up to $5 and put it on your queue pile.

Butler (Action-Reaction) $3
Put a card from your hand on your queue pile. Gain a card costing less than it.
When you discard a card other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal this from your hand. Put the card you discarded on your queue pile.

Forest (Action) $5
+1 buy
When you discard this from play, put it on your queue pile.

Dark Room (Action) $5
+2 Cards
You may choose an Action from your hand. Play it twice.
When you discard that card, put it on your queue pile.

Ruby (Treasure-Reaction) $4
When you play this, count the cards in your queue pile.
Worth $1 per card in your queue pile.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. Put the new card on your queue pile.

Trading Haven (Action-Reaction) $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may put a card from your hand on top of your deck.
When you put a card on top of your deck, you may reveal this from your hand.
If you do, put this and the other card on your queue pile and gain a Gold.

Old Versions:

Dark Room v1 (Action) $5
You may choose an Action from your hand. Play it three times.
When you discard that card, put it on your queue pile.

Elite Workshop v1 (Action) $3
Gain a card costing up to $5 and put it on your queue pile.
When you discard this from play, put it on your queue pile.

Elite Workshop v2 (Action) $6
Gain a card costing up to $5 and put it on your queue pile.

Elite Workshop v3 (Action) $5
Gain a card costing up to $5.
If it's a Victory card, put it on top of your deck.
Otherwise, put it on your queue pile.

Donjon v1 (Action-Reaction) $3
+3 Cards
Put a card from your hand on your queue pile.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. Put the new card on your queue pile.

Variants and Fan Cards / Smuggle an Action
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:38:20 pm »
Hi there!
Here is another crazy idea. What do you think about that?

Treaty (Reaction), Cost: $4

When the player to your right discards an Action from play, you may reveal this from your hand and set it aside with that action card. Play that Action at the start of your next turn. When you would move it from play, put it on the discard pile of the player to your right instead, then discard this Treaty. When you discard this from your hand, you may reveal it and put it on top of your deck.

I thought about a clause like "you may put this from your hand on top of your deck" for the case that the neighbor didn't play any Actions.

Edit: Small change, first wording:
When the player on your right discards an Action from play, you may set it aside with this treaty from your hand. Play that Action at the start of your next turn. When you would move it from play, put it on the discard pile of the player on your right instead, then discard the Treaty.
2nd Edit: Image.

Variants and Fan Cards / Stack your Ruins!
« on: July 05, 2014, 03:48:52 pm »
I am still making cards in the German Dominionblog forums but now I decided to post a few of them here to get more feedback on the most promising cards.

Here is a card with a "stack those Ruins" rule:

Ritualist (Action-Attack-Looter), Cost: $4
Play any number of Ruins from your hand.
Each other player gains a Ruins.
He may discard a Ruins.
In games using this, at the start of each players clean-up phase, he reveals his hand and places any revealed ruins on top of his deck.

It makes Ruins nastier but also gives a possibility to handle them.
Originally I named it Ritualist (as it has some parallels to Cultist), but maybe some of you have better name suggestions. Maybe I'll create a nice photoshop thing for it when I get to find a good picture.

What do you think of it?

Edit: GeoLibs Version adopted.
First Version:

Ritualist (Action-Attack-Looter), Cost: $4
Choose one: Each other player gains a Ruins;
or play any number of Ruins from your hand.
In games using this, when a player discards a Ruin that he did not play this turn, he puts it on top of his deck.

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