Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:25:24 pm »5 Pages and noone has asked the most important question!!!!
What colour are the backs? brown to go along with events or blue to go with what events were supposed to be? (if they are blue, will RGG release blue backed events to fix adventures?)
I don't consider the brown backs of Events an error. I mean the intention was blue, but kingdom cards are brown, and when Events are in the kingdom, I think it makes more sense for their backs to match the other cards. Anyway, it shouldn't really matter with what will likely be over 300+ cards once Empires comes out, why not just use a Randomizer app. Seriously, who shuffles that many cards at once.
I don't consider it an error either, just wanted to see if the colours were consistent (which is great they are). As for not using a randomizer app, (I'm Jewish), on saturday we don't use electronics (i.e phones), so if we want to play we grab a handful of the blue-backs, shuffle and reveal 10ish until happy, then grab the events and pull out 1 or 2. Adding these to the events is no issue then.