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Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:25:24 pm »
5 Pages and noone has asked the most important question!!!!

What colour are the backs? brown to go along with events or blue to go with what events were supposed to be? (if they are blue, will RGG release blue backed events to fix adventures?)

I don't consider the brown backs of Events an error. I mean the intention was blue, but kingdom cards are brown, and when Events are in the kingdom, I think it makes more sense for their backs to match the other cards. Anyway, it shouldn't really matter with what will likely be over 300+ cards once Empires comes out, why not just use a Randomizer app. Seriously, who shuffles that many cards at once.

I don't consider it an error either, just wanted to see if the colours were consistent (which is great they are). As for not using a randomizer app, (I'm Jewish), on saturday we don't use electronics (i.e phones), so if we want to play we grab a handful of the blue-backs, shuffle and reveal 10ish until happy, then grab the events and pull out 1 or 2. Adding these to the events is no issue then.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:19:24 pm »
5 Pages and noone has asked the most important question!!!!

What colour are the backs? brown to go along with events or blue to go with what events were supposed to be? (if they are blue, will RGG release blue backed events to fix adventures?)

Brown.  Donald said on BGG.

Awesome. Thanks

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:00:17 pm »
5 Pages and noone has asked the most important question!!!!

What colour are the backs? brown to go along with events or blue to go with what events were supposed to be? (if they are blue, will RGG release blue backed events to fix adventures?)

It's pretty hard to shuffle a deck with 256 cards in it even when you're looking at it.
It's a problem I never expected to produce.'s an even power of 2. There are plenty of sorting and shuffling algorithms that appreciate that, so I would claim this as a feature and not a problem.

The fact that there are 2^8 of these also gives you a nice compact way to express Kingdoms as strings of 10 extended ASCII characters...although some of those kingdoms would print out kind of funny these days. I personally haven't seen a bonafide vertical tab (^k in control character notation or \v in escape notation) in years.

Or just five Unicode characters!  Those would print out really funny though.

But one of those Unicode kingdoms is almost certainly a Perl program that can print its own source code!

ITs really not that difficult... Each card has a unique integer ID so randomly choose your 10(or however many). sort them (so the same cards are always in the same order) and base32/64 encode it.

You'll end up with a kingdomID something like 3245FAB4...
Chuck the algo on github and we can share them stupidly simply :) (OK OK.. I'll do it tonight if the wiki provides an easy enough way to get an id).


OK, each card is a 16bit value, 6 bits for the card id (card number is defined order (alphabetical for boxes and appearance order for promos) for each box). 4 bits for the box id (base == 0, intrigue 1, etc. for reprints and merged boxes cards would only be in the original appearance box). Then we are left with 6 bits to use as needed. Right now I can only think of using one to mark the BANE card, and one to mark a black market card, unused must be 0. Then you concat each card in the correct order, base32 it and boom, unique kingdom.

What other id markers are needed?

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: French Preview : Pistage / Quête
« on: April 14, 2015, 02:25:13 am »
right, ok. ta

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: French Preview : Pistage / Quête
« on: April 14, 2015, 02:03:03 am »

I guess it's a good thing that cost reducers don't work on events then.

wait what? Why not?

The probabilities are slightly more than just doing random, but what I was going to do if events were blue backed was keep them seperate and grab 10 spare brownbacks in with the events, draw 0 on 4, 1 on 3, 2 on 2 and 3 on 1. shuffle those 10 cards to determine how many evenmt cards to throw in.

Having them bluebacked always seemed wierd to me so I'm glad the mistake happened :)

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Transmogrify
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:41:06 am »
I won't be satisfied until I transmog a Familiar into a Golem after the curses run out

Is this actually legal? AFAIK you cant usually use the remodel type cards with potion costing cards?

Other Games / Re: Temporum
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:05:44 am »
Wait, you put dominion in category a? I would think dominion is the very definition of category b!

I think the issue with temporum (and infinitly more so for innovation) is that it feels like you don't have much opportunity for strategy other than playing the cards you have. There is no real way to plan ahead like dominion gives. Thats partly fair except the time zones are static and easily understood for each game, and there are far fewer cards to learn in the pickup deck (most won't kill you if you don't get them). Temporum has 10 zones per game and what? 30 player cards (times 2)? Innovation base game has 105 IIRC which is absurd.

Kingdom builder mostly flopped with my group, It almost feels too rigid.

Other Games / Re: Temporum
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:42:16 am »
Like I mentioned a few posts back, I've started actually working on the game engine. I've so far implemented 15 cards and 10 zones, but the rest should be pretty simple to add ones the engine bugs are worked out :) The only big thing the engine can't handle yet is zones and cards which force another player to make a choice (i.e the cult zone). That's high on my todo list.

What I've got though should be enough to play a game with the cards I've implemented. GendoIkari is hopefully going to make his single player UI work with this, but I'm wondering if anyone is interested in joining in (testing mostly) or making a bot? The API is all REST json...

EDIT: Woo! I've implemented all the momentary cards except Infected Rat and all perpetual cards except Treasure Map (slightly fiddly with the wanting to do something after the zone is finished which isnt being handed yet).

Other Games / Re: Temporum
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:33:45 pm »
Does that mean you'd be fine with a temporum clone online like isotropic? I got blasted on reddit for posting my implementation of a differnt game (which was in an unfinished and AI-only state) which killed my motivation to finish it a bit.

(P.S My temporum box is waiting for me at home - such a pain to find a store with it in stock in australia!)
Not a "clone," no, but Temporum itself, sure. You would need to clear it with Jay, but it's extremely likely he would be pleased to have an online free Temporum implementation up somewhere - it promotes the game, and the game needs the promotion. You need to be a significant success to get to the point where you can hope to make money off of an online version.


Other Games / Re: Temporum
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:55:03 pm »
I guess someone needs to write an Isotropic for Temporum so that we can work out the strategy faster.  Or perhaps it's already been done and we just need those in power to agree to open it up to the rest of us. :)
I don't know of anything. You could suggest it to the Board Game Arena people.

Does that mean you'd be fine with a temporum clone online like isotropic? I got blasted on reddit for posting my implementation of a differnt game (which was in an unfinished and AI-only state) which killed my motivation to finish it a bit.

(P.S My temporum box is waiting for me at home - such a pain to find a store with it in stock in australia!)

This is as good a place as any!

Bought power grid yesterday because of all the good things I'd heard about it in the past, but more importantly, your "how to teach" video sealed it for me. played 6p (everyone playing for the first time) and it was amazing! so thanks :)

awesome, thanks


Just had a game where software was played which caused the player to play the coop dogma from Bioengineering to be played which made one of the other players win... was that the correct way to play the card?

Rules Questions / Re: Mandarin and spoils?
« on: March 04, 2013, 01:07:36 am »

We played Mandarin/spoils assuming no, but im pretty sure in the past we counted spoils for bank (I'll write that off as the reason my wife won! :p )

Rules Questions / Mandarin and spoils?
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:32:25 am »
When you buy a Mandarin using spoils, are the spoils cards considered "in play" so they get returned to your deck?

Also, if the answer is no, then does spoils not get counted for Bank either?

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