I think I finally get the Nomad Camp interaction.
Lose Track happens when two things happen at the same time, and one moves a card from where the other expects it to be. E.g. Hermit/Scheme. Hermit can't trash itself because it's not in play - Scheme put it on your deck.
The No Visiting rule says that cards gained to somewhere other than the discard pile just go straight where they're going. This isn't something else happening when gaining, this is just a different gain destination.
However, if other cards want to move it, they can conflict. If I gain a Silver, and reveal Watchtower to trash it, then react Royal Seal to topdeck it, Royal Seal can't find the card.
So let's imagine a ShitWatchtower that can be revealed to put a card in your discard pile.
I Transmogrify Woodcutter into a Nomad Camp. I gain a Nomad Camp.
* NC wants to go to the top of my deck.
* If I don't reveal ShitWT, Transmogrify has kept track of NC, and puts it in my hand.
* If I do reveal ShitWT, NC goes into my discard pile. Transmogrify was expecting it on the top of my deck, but can't find it now doesn't care where it's going and keeps track of it. NC doesn't go into my hand.
EDIT: Further parsing of No Visiting has led me to conclude that a Watchtower'd (to your deck, not trashed) or Royal Seal'd card should follow the same policy - it should not visit the discard pile, and should not be lost track of.
"When you gain" happens before the card hits the location it's going.