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Messages - Honkeyfresh

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Feedback / Re: Chrome Extension for f.ds!
« on: December 23, 2022, 01:55:43 pm »
Not sure how I have lived without this all my life.  Really neat!  Thanks for doing this.  Everyone who posts here should have this...

Shaman is really annoying.  That said Enlarge is a nice complement to it.  Trash a good card with enlarge before you gain your card, and then you avoid having to grab from the conveyor belt of garbage that is the Shaman train and get a nice +2 card to boot. Plus then your opponent has to take the crap you were avoiding.

best not to use your Bandit on the 5/2 open when jewelled egg is on the board.  I think I ended up getting like 7 loots because my opponent did this.  applies to other trashers to like Barbarian too.

was able to hit 32 w/ 12 buys on t 13 b4 they resigned (remake was also present which sped it up even more)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: December 09, 2022, 03:59:03 pm »
So when are we getting previews?

I think the site said 12-18 of dec

Devils Workshop and Cavalry.  Cavalry don't ride at night.  Only in buy phase.

salvager/trail.  trashing a trail only causes it to be played, and you get a buy from salvaged, but you don't get the 4 coins you were expecting for salvaging trail. Though TBH I'm not sure why you don't get the coins?
Salvaging a Trail definitely gets you 4 coins.

Then it was a glitch. Because me and the other player were discussing it because we didn't get the coins for some reason.  However, the 2 of us played so many games I could never remember which one it was.  It happened to both of us on 2 different turns too.

Was it by any chance game 108054093 against dominationnation on 16-Sep-2022, in which you were the only player who bought Salvager, only trashed a Trail with it once (on your turn 7), and did in fact get +$4?

Is this the DSF version of getting doxxed?   ;D
Does it have the chat text too? Because if so we both somehow got that wrong...

Applies equally to Village Green + Way of the Mole (just that people normally use VG as a normal village component)

It works with Weaver too, although it's arguably not as good since it doesn't draw cards when played without the Mole.

weaver also reacts to scavenger, which I found weird because I am pretty sure that other discard cards like tunnel don't react to Scavenger.

Trash this card. Gain a Horse onto your deck until you have one in play.

First person to play this card would have a very distinct advantage as horses can never be in play unless Prince is involved. Although the advantage would be mitigated by the fact that your 30 horses are all top decked next to one another just drawing more horses for a good while.

At the start of your next turn, +5 Cards, +1 Action, and +1 Action; +1 Buy; +ONE_MONEY .

This is basically a Tactician just with an extra ONE_MONEY

This is clearly the best one.

+1 Card +1 Action You may reveal a Province from your hand. You may reveal a Province from your hand twice. Trash it. Gain an Estate. Put the 3 Zombies into the trash.  ;D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: September 16, 2022, 10:03:31 pm »
First time ever I was King of The Castle (I also trashed the Crumblin one too)

Devils Workshop and Cavalry.  Cavalry don't ride at night.  Only in buy phase.

salvager/trail.  trashing a trail only causes it to be played, and you get a buy from salvaged, but you don't get the 4 coins you were expecting for salvaging trail. Though TBH I'm not sure why you don't get the coins?
Salvaging a Trail definitely gets you 4 coins.

Then it was a glitch. Because me and the other player were discussing it because we didn't get the coins for some reason.  However, the 2 of us played so many games I could never remember which one it was.  It happened to both of us on 2 different turns too.

Devils Workshop and Cavalry.  Cavalry don't ride at night.  Only in buy phase.

salvager/trail.  trashing a trail only causes it to be played, and you get a buy from salvaged, but you don't get the 4 coins you were expecting for salvaging trail. Though TBH I'm not sure why you don't get the coins?

With Souk/Gamble I had $22 and 7 buys on turn 6, bought two provinces and opponent resigned

Wow that Souks.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Capitalism + Forts
« on: September 08, 2022, 12:20:21 pm »
But hill ford works well with capitalism, if you gain a action, that give you +$ and you have capitalism, you don't need an action to play it, so you can put it in your hand, and you can play it that turn, without needing a Village.

Good point.
Also since it's a cantrip Hill Fort will usually be fine in any deck, unless drawn dead.

Ok that makes better sense.  Still pretty massive in a game where actions are lacking and good terminal draw etc. Must've just been the massive onslaught from the 6 action turns that made it seem so big.

But you don't have anything to draw at that point. All of your cards are in your hand, so you trash/play a Trail and draw 0 cards from your empty deck/discard. You'll still get the extra action of course.

Pretty sure it went the other way but as much as I smoke it's possible that the massive draw just came from actions, but to the best of my recollection it did give cards too.  I am sure someone can simulate this vs a bot to double-check it though.

This one is really OP.  But New Donate and Trail is off the chain.  Because under the new donate you trash all the cards at the start of your turn, so load up on trails and buy a bunch of engine parts, then trash all the trails for a pre-turn Lab a piece.  Just bonkers, especially on boards that lack +draw and actions. Then use one of the buys to buy donate at the end of your turn to rinse and repeat.

Wouldn't the draw happen during the middle of Donate, so you'd have an empty deck at that point?

nope.  I thought it would play as you did, but I saw it in practice. After a careful parsing of the instructions, it makes sense. First, put cards in your hand.  Trash them resulting in the trails being played and thus drawing you cards and action, then shuffle "the rest" in your deck which I guess refers to all the cards not already in your hand. Since it never tells you to discard your deck again, and just says Draw 5 cards those go in addition to the ones you already have, and you keep all + actions, and possibly coins/buys, etc depending on the deck.

I think the place this could be cleaned up is just to define "the rest" as all the cards in your deck, not just the ones still in your discard pile.  Or just rephrase "the rest" as all cards, as this combo is way op.

This one is really OP.  But New Donate and Trail is off the chain.  Because under the new donate you trash all the cards at the start of your turn, so load up on trails and buy a bunch of engine parts, then trash all the trails for a pre-turn Lab a piece.  Just bonkers, especially on boards that lack +draw and actions. Then use one of the buys to buy donate at the end of your turn to rinse and repeat.  Even better if there are cursers, looters or TFB.  If you could play a Priest as way of the turtle or royal galley or something this could be super bonkers.

Usually not a huge horse traders fan unless the deck really calls for it as it's kind of a handsize attack on yourself often. However, I just played in a deck with Way of the Turtle and horse traders just crushes in it, especially if you have any discard for benefits... in my case, it was Tunnel and that combo, it's just sick.  Skip the horse traders play, as often the 3 coins are usually gained by tossing 1 or 2 coins away anyway.  Then next turn you get to discard from a full 5 card hand (or more if you set it up to be bigger w/ your deck) and you can just keep turtling it until you get the right hand to play it... either one where you need the coins/buy/or discard effect to really supercharge a hand.

Not sure if defensive combos count here, but Horse traders is a great counter to archer.  The reaction makes you have 4 cards in hand ergo it nullifies the Archer attack.  Also is helpful against the warrior, but really shines vs the annoying AF archer.

Isn't that just the entire point of the Horse Traders reaction? To defend against handsize attacks? Or is there something about Archer I'm missing?

I think he just means Horse Traders is specifically well-suited to combatting Archer

Contrast with Militia, where you still end up discarding a card. Horse Traders returns and draws you a card, so you have the opportunity to discard a bad card and draw a good one, but you might have already had all your good cards in hand and then draw a Copper. Against Archer, Horse Traders negates the attack entirely and draws you a card on your turn, putting you in strictly a better position than you would have been without Archer being played.

That part also holds true for Soldier, Urchin, and Clerk. It is even better with Archer than those, though, as Archer isn't just a discard-one - discard one isn't usually too bad because you can typically discard something of low value (in a game with no trashing, very likely to be a Copper or Estate, but even in a game with strong trashing, there'll be a least-good card that you can choose)

yeah it's not even like discarding a treasure or card over 2 cost.  Selective pruning can really take a mega turn and just ground it to a halt based on taking out one card.

Not sure if defensive combos count here, but Horse traders is a great counter to archer.  The reaction makes you have 4 cards in hand ergo it nullifies the Archer attack.  Also is helpful against the warrior, but really shines vs the annoying AF archer.

Isn't that just the entire point of the Horse Traders reaction? To defend against handsize attacks? Or is there something about Archer I'm missing?

I think he just means Horse Traders is specifically well-suited to combatting Archer

Contrast with Militia, where you still end up discarding a card. Horse Traders returns and draws you a card, so you have the opportunity to discard a bad card and draw a good one, but you might have already had all your good cards in hand and then draw a Copper. Against Archer, Horse Traders negates the attack entirely and draws you a card on your turn, putting you in strictly a better position than you would have been without Archer being played.

a much more eloquent explanation.

Not sure if defensive combos count here, but Horse traders is a great counter to archer.  The reaction makes you have 4 cards in hand ergo it nullifies the Archer attack.  Also is helpful against the warrior, but really shines vs the annoying AF archer.

Isn't that just the entire point of the Horse Traders reaction? To defend against handsize attacks? Or is there something about Archer I'm missing?
kinda.  Complete attack nullification only applies to handsize attacks that say "players with 5 cards in hand" as some still make you discard to 3 anyway (though you do get the horse trader back) and just pointing out that Archer is one of those cuz it's new.  Same thing would apply to Pillage for example.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:09:47 pm »
It seems odd to me when these expansions are also named after cards from other sets. 

That said stoked for this.

If it makes you feel better, this has been happening in other languages for years. "Cornucopia" means "horn of plenty", so in some languages those were the same word. Likewise "Venture" and "Adventures".

Menagerie is the one that comes to mind for me.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:08:05 pm »
I would love to be able to play a card called “Bitter Goldfish”. That would be hilarious.

odds are decent one exists in the GPT-3 thread...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:06:13 pm »
It's a shame that you have to wait until Dominion: Encampment is out of stock until you buy this. Isn't that seriously limiting the market for this? Especially because people who run into financial difficulties are required to return their copies of Encampment. Seems like a rip off to me.

golf clap :P

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