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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Panic is pretty wild
« on: September 29, 2024, 04:06:29 pm »
If there's good draw, you could buy Provinces with 8 Coppers (which you can immediately re-buy for the next turn). Terminal Actions giving $2+ or Gold gainers can buy  Provinces with fewer stop cards if there's a village.


Trash 2 cards from your hand.
Setup: Add 2 extra Ways to the game; these can only be used with Mutant.
Looks like a nerfed Steward.

Why nerfed? When the added Ways are Sheep and Otter, Mutant is actually equivalent to Steward. With other ways it can be better or worse than Steward, depending on the kingdom.


Eternal Return

When you trash a card, gain a copy of it.
I once tried, when trash Exile instead. Did not work due to TfB like Salvager or Forge. This has the same problem.

Cards like Fortress, Trail, and Lich are in the game, so Eternal Return with TFB should be fine.

The one exception could be with Provinces, as you could mill the pile very quickly.  Maybe Eternal Return could include a “costing up to $6” clause like what Shaman has.

Edit: Regarding the pile out combo with Watchtower, that’s definitely a bigger issue than TFB issue.  But there are other degenerate pile outs, like Procession and most gainers, or Sculptor and any cost reduction (especially Inventor, from the same expansion). Of course comparing Eternal Return with such busted combos probably isn’t a good starting point.

You could make ER's gaining happen only at clean-up (or end of turn) to prevent rapid pile-outs.

That's a great idea! :D But I think it will usually be rather weak since you can't use any +$ or +buy generated by the Actions played at Night. The below-the-line text only allows you to return from Night phase to the Action phase in the rare case when there's also a Night gainer in the kingdom (Changeling would be a strong combo). Otherwise you can only return from the Buy phase to the Action phase upon buying Eclipse, so there's no synergy with its on-play effect.
Eclipse turns every Action gainer into a Night gainer though, that's the synergy.
Oh, of course.  :-[  Then ignore my above comment, that's a very elegant design.


Is it day? Or Night? Eclipse gives you two different ways to "switch" between them.

That's a great idea! :D But I think it will usually be rather weak since you can't use any +$ or +buy generated by the Actions played at Night. The below-the-line text only allows you to return from Night phase to the Action phase in the rare case when there's also a Night gainer in the kingdom (Changeling would be a strong combo). Otherwise you can only return from the Buy phase to the Action phase upon buying Eclipse, so there's no synergy with its on-play effect.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 13, 2024, 03:57:29 pm »
⑤ Treasure - Shadow
If you played this from
your deck, +①. If not,
+2 Coffers and +1 VP.
You can play this from your
deck as if in your hand.

Tuna! If a Fishmonger's a Shadow, gotta have some Shadow fish too. That fish is so fresh, it's practically jumping out of your deck. Tuna feels a little less Shadowey than other Shadow cards. Maybe you actually want to draw this for a coupla tokens. Or maybe you need the money now.

This is strictly better than Plunder (ignoring the Shadow type and just playing it from your hand).
The Shadow option is rather weak in comparison, essentially just a Peddler (with Shadow flexibility added).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Rulebook Is Out
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:17:45 pm »
I just realized that Biding Time effectively means that Victory cards will stay out of your discard pile, except for when you initially gain them, unless you discard them for any reason. That's really going to shake things up!

Yes, so after Biding Time happens you can green without bloating your deck except for one shuffle. And you can also "exile" any other card you don't want to draw again, like Curses and Coppers, for as long as you want.
However, draw-to-x cards become practically useless.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 4: On-play Debt
« on: August 09, 2024, 03:36:22 am »
Interesting to have a Remodel variant that explicitly requires the gained card to cost more

To clarify, if you use Change to gain a card with Debt in its cost, you don't get the debt from that card's cost, right? For example, if you were to Change a Gold into a Fortune, you'd only end up receiving 2 debt for the difference between $6 and $8, right?
The same question applies to Potion costs. Whee, Possession without needing to buy Potion.
Right, you can always gain a Possession on T3-5 with Change, and the 6 Debt you get (if you trash an Estate for it) protect you from an opponent's Possession. So it's likely a must-buy when both cards are in the kingdom.

Otherwise, Change is worse than Remodel if you only gain a card costing up to $2 more. I suppose you'll usually want to use it for upgrading Estates/Coppers into $5+ cards in the early game, and for upgrading into Provinces later.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #226: The Count!
« on: August 05, 2024, 03:51:00 pm »
(Also I think it should say "this turn", unless you don't mean to restrict it to this turn, but if not then I think it's totally busted.)

Joust doesn't say this turn and doesn't mean to discard the Province every Clean-up.

Joust doesn't have present perfect tense like your card does. E.g. Conspirator does have present perfect, and it says "this turn".

Beggar + Panic seems kinda awesome.  A $2 Gold with + 6 buys?

Beggar + Panic + Guildhall would be a real killer combo
I conjecture Panic does not come into play on most Beggar / Guildhall boards. The cost to buy an Omen is too great and you cycle very slowly with that combo.

Not to mention Panic will not be there on most Beggar / Guildhall boards.

Well yeah. Any triple combo is rare

It's actually even rarer than a regular 3-card combo: There are 2.5 times more Prophecies than omens, so any given Prophecy will appear only 40% as often as any given kingdom card.
(Actually it's slightly less than 40%, since multiple omens in a kingdom still only have one Prophecy.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Teaser
« on: August 02, 2024, 07:20:33 am »
"up to $8" is also interesting. It's unlikely to refer to a card's cost, since in most games it would just mean "any card".
Maybe this card lets you convert $ into something else, but no more than $8?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #226: The Count!
« on: August 01, 2024, 04:29:16 pm »

Gondor calls for aid!

You can get unbounded terminal draw, but lighting the Beacons takes time (though it's faster when you're under attack). Note: Each player has their own Beacon mat; I'll maybe mock one up later.

It takes a lot of time indeed: The first twelve plays can at best draw 36 cards (adding 6 tokens to draw 6*6 cards), like twelve Smithies but heavily delayed. With 16 plays you can draw up to 8*8=64  cards, like 16 (heavily delayed) Hunting Grounds.

So you have to go all in for this pile, and try to prolong the game as far as possible...

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:25:56 am »
Congratulations to NoMoreFun for the win!

But I admit I don't understand the judging for Oenologist's effect as "very powerful".
Since it does nothing when played itself, it effectively transforms itself and the next Action into a Silver (+1Action, +$2) and a Woodcutter (+$2, +1 Buy), two very weak cards.
And unless you can play a village before Oenologist, the effect is even delayed to the next turn.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 12, 2024, 01:12:09 pm »

Industrialization - $6

At the start of your turn, gain an Action card to your hand.
Do not discard your hand or draw cards during Clean-up.

Clarification: This only effects the standard draw of 5 cards; if you mange to play a card with +Cards during Clean-up, you will still get those.

My brain hurts. Can someone please explain how you'd play with this?

Good question, it sounds like it drastically changes the game... If there's e.g. a Lab in the kingdom, you can always gain one and hopefully draw into something useful, until the pile empties. Otherwise, you always need to keep some good Actions in hand unplayed for your next turn.
You can keep any dead cards, Coppers etc. in your hand forever, so trashing is completely unnecessary (except for getting rid of curses' -1VP), and you can green immediately without bloating your deck. So Industrialization is basically a Donate/super Exiler with a big advantage and an even huger disadvantage added. I suppose it can be viable when there's good engine support in the kingdom except for the trashing. Or you could buy only two Gold and a Silver and gain a Hunting Grounds to buy a Province each turn, until the Hunting Grounds pile  empties.

With KC and Bridge in the kingdom, you can empty the Provinces at most five turns after buying Industrialization. ;D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 29, 2024, 02:59:44 pm »
Would that mean that Copper becomes exclusively a starting card and all cards that gain Copper are gone? What card that gains or interacts with Copper would you miss most?
That's what it would mean; you can see this played out I think in the Dutch beginner's product. It was a move you could do to lower the cost of the main game.

I don't have a list of Copper-gainers in front of me. I'm not the kind that misses those things though. I've played with so many cards that didn't make it to print.

For me the Copper pile was there as a fail-safe. What if you're so screwed that you can't afford anything? There's also, you'll have all the Coppers you aren't using due to the player count; why not let them be in a pile? And then the pile existed, so things could refer to it. In the end, it's better to not put you in the position of hopelessly buying Copper. And the space can trivially be used to generate more gameplay than the Coppers do.

It's all moot of course; just a lesson for future games.

Do you remember why you made the Copper pile as big as it is? 32-46 Coppers in the supply pile (4 players/2 players) seems rather much for a fail-safe (or the occasional Gardens fodder).

It's the biggest supply pile in 2p and still bigger than the Gold pile in 3p/4p games, although you gain far fewer Coppers than Silvers or Golds in most games.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 28, 2024, 02:09:45 pm »

Grand furnace
+5 Cards
Set this aside. At the start of Clean-up, you may trash an Action card you would discard from play this turn, to discard this. Otherwise, trash this.

i'm probably missing something, but is there a functional difference between this and "At the start of clean-up, trash an action card you have in play"?

This excludes duration cards that stay in play for the next turn. E.g a Caravan you played this turn can't be trashed but one from last turn can be. See Improve.

That's a good point. However, GF could still have a more concise wording like Improve has, i.e. just "At the start of Clean-up, trash an Action card you would discard from play this turn."

This would marginally change GF's functionality when it is throned or discarded by some other card, but I think the simpler wording would be worth it.

It could matter. For example: my opponent buys Quest and discards 1 Curse ("haven't got another"), then buys Villa, then plays Shop and Menagerie, revealing a hand of differently named cards including a Curse.

Why would the opponent waste a buy on a useless Quest in this situation, if it wasn't for cheating? Discarding only one curse has no other benefit here.

Action - $3
+2 Cards
While you have any <>, +2 Actions
At the start of your buy phase, you may return this to its pile for +$3 and +<3>

The +$3 and +<3> cancel each other (you can't use the $ for buying as long as you have debt).
To make the $3 usable, the card should give out the debt later than the $, like Capital does, e.g. during clean-up.

The problem w this is that you will just buy it on turn 1/2 most of the time, even if you don't plan on playing it

I think you would only autobuy this turn 1/2 in the absence of other good trashers, since you have to sacrifice a turn to get rid of one card net (replacing two Estates by one dead Action card)
You could raise the cost to $4 to prevent this; but the on-play effect alone might be too weak to make the card worth buying...

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 07:55:11 am »
I came up with a card im happier with.
I present: Appraiser


$4 Action

+2 Cards
Discard a card. Look through your discard pile; You may play a Treasure from it.
In games using this, Silver is also an Action that gives +2 Actions.

Edit notes:
Made appraiser cost $4 as its worse then lab. Made it able to play treasures in your discard pile, meaning its sorta like a smithy in card draw now. Thus removed the +2 Cards option on silver, cause playing a silver that way with appraiser without having to draw the silver is essentially a hunting grounds, which is nuts for $5, let alone $4. And thats not talking about the fact that you get money from the silver!!
Removing the +2 Cards option makes silver now a necropolis + silver. it simplifies the card and removes uninteresting decision points. And it made it so i can just remove the "If it's your action phase" part, saving a lot of space on Appraiser. which is needed when it allready has text on the top.

Hopefully silvers still feels like Silvers here. Im not a fan of removing the money part on silvers, it's part of its identity

Edit round 2:
Tightened up wording. Made it match charlatans text more. Removed the "play from hand" part, and now it is just playing from the discard pile, but you discard a card first.

If you discard a tunnel with Appraiser, you gain the gold first and is thus able to play it with appraiser.
If you also get conclave on the kingdom, you should just replace it with another card. sorry!!

IMO this version 4 is far too strong at $4:

Whenever you have a Silver in your discard, Appraiser can be played as a Grand Market (minus the buy) plus a Fugitive, that's $7+ territory.

When you have a Silver in hand instead, it's still effectively a Lab if you discard and play the Silver (since you save an Action by playing Silver with Appraiser).

And since Silver is very strong (close to Festival) in Appraiser games,  you will usually have several Silvers in your deck anyway.

I have thought about that: but im unsure how it is at £5 cost.
I could make it cost 5£, +3 cards, discard two. It would match forum then.

All draw is stronger with appraiser on the board, so im unsure about making that change

I would just try it at $5 without another boost. Playing a card from the discard implicitly gives you an extra +1 card, so Appraiser is already much stronger than Forum whenever you have a Silver in the discard pile.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 24, 2024, 03:23:35 pm »
I came up with a card im happier with.
I present: Appraiser


$4 Action

+2 Cards
Discard a card. Look through your discard pile; You may play a Treasure from it.
In games using this, Silver is also an Action that gives +2 Actions.

Edit notes:
Made appraiser cost $4 as its worse then lab. Made it able to play treasures in your discard pile, meaning its sorta like a smithy in card draw now. Thus removed the +2 Cards option on silver, cause playing a silver that way with appraiser without having to draw the silver is essentially a hunting grounds, which is nuts for $5, let alone $4. And thats not talking about the fact that you get money from the silver!!
Removing the +2 Cards option makes silver now a necropolis + silver. it simplifies the card and removes uninteresting decision points. And it made it so i can just remove the "If it's your action phase" part, saving a lot of space on Appraiser. which is needed when it allready has text on the top.

Hopefully silvers still feels like Silvers here. Im not a fan of removing the money part on silvers, it's part of its identity

Edit round 2:
Tightened up wording. Made it match charlatans text more. Removed the "play from hand" part, and now it is just playing from the discard pile, but you discard a card first.

If you discard a tunnel with Appraiser, you gain the gold first and is thus able to play it with appraiser.
If you also get conclave on the kingdom, you should just replace it with another card. sorry!!

IMO this version 4 is far too strong at $4:

Whenever you have a Silver in your discard, Appraiser can be played as a Grand Market (minus the buy) plus a Fugitive, that's $7+ territory.

When you have a Silver in hand instead, it's still effectively a Lab if you discard and play the Silver (since you save an Action by playing Silver with Appraiser).

And since Silver is very strong (close to Festival) in Appraiser games,  you will usually have several Silvers in your deck anyway.

Card name predictions: Ninja (as above), Monk, Shrine, Samurai

I don't know how accurate these would be in medieval times.

Oh, and a Prophecy: Scout Is Great Again
Samurai are late 1100s-1800s, and Renaissance is ~14-1500s.
Ninjas enter the historical records in 1400s.
Dominion straddles a very wide range of dates. Empires themed to the Roman Empire is nearer to the birth of Christ, but, again, Renaissance is 15/16th century.
Ninjas and Samurai fit alright.

Heck, the Piratey cards of Plunder and Seaside point to the golden age of piracy, circa 1700, and Schwerin Cathedral, featured on Church, was finished in 1893.

Empires is a notable exception to Dominion’s time period, and the Schwerin Cathedral was literally a mistake. The artist finished the card art before anyone checked to see if the cathedral was actually medieval-era.
Wasn't Church's art a deliberate anachronism so that it would be recognizable as the modern Schwerin Cathedral?

Yes, according to the wiki the card name and art were a "prize" in a German/Austrian Dominion competition, to commemorate the winning German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The card is actually called "Schweriner Dom" in German.

I’ve thought for a while that Potion would be a bit better if it came with +Buy. Makes the Potion more interesting if you wanted the Alchemy card but couldn’t trash the Potion, and also opens up the edge cases where even if you don’t care about the Alchemy card, you might be desperate enough for +Buy to purchase the Potion anyways.

Looking forward to Shadow cards. Maybe they shuffle face-up and play themselves automatically?

More debt is interesting. Wonder if they’ll expand in a new direction entirely or if they’ll be more vanilla-leaning.

I think a separate back, as with Stash, is more likely. It would be too easy to forget (or intentionally "forget") to put them face-up when shuffling. But I agree that it sounds like they play themselves automatically. So perhaps there's a special back, and when the top card is a Shadow card, and/or when you draw a Shadow card, it automatically plays itself? Cards that play themselves automatically could have some interesting strategic questions, as, depending on what they do, there might be times when you don't want to play them

I was thinking similar that they might just automatically go into play when drawn no matter how/when they are drawn.  If this were the case, you wouldn't need a special back to the card.  You wouldn't know when one was going to come out until you drew it.  I could see that as being described as "leaping out of your deck" ...and into play.

This would require players to both be honest, and to always notice a card as they draw it.

Yeah, and Dominion already has a long history of requiring verification for cards with special conditions, as with Shanty Town requiring you to reveal your hand, or Cutpurse having "or reveals a hand with no Copper". It would be weird at this point to have a whole new type of card being on the honor system so to speak

True, but if they were a special color to remind you to play them, and they were almost always cards you wanted to play I don't think the "honor system" would be an issue.  It would be more of a detriment to you if you didn't play them rather than your opponent.  I'm just really skeptical of the alternate back hypothesis, I got the impression from discussions about Stash that that wasn't something Donald wanted to do again.

If they were "almost always cards you wanted to play" then you wouldn't need a special type for them

What do you mean?  Special types rarely have anything to do with whether or not you want to play a card.  There are lots of cards that you would almost always want to play.  Special types are typically tied to special rules mechanics that only apply to that type of card.  In this case, the speculation is that the shadow type causes cards to be instantly played automatically as soon as they're drawn..

He's just saying that there wouldn't be a reason to come up with a new type that forces you to play a card when you draw it, if it were a card you want to play every time you draw it anyway. Like, imagine if Market had a special type or extra rule that said "whenever you draw this card, you must play it immediately". The rule would have very little effect on game play, because you were going to play that Market anway. Thus, for Shadow cards to make sense as a new rule, it must be on cards you might not want to play (assuming that the rule/type forces you to play them).

You can't always play Market immediately whenever you draw it, only if it's your turn and you're in your Action phase. If Shadow cards can/must be played immediately when drawn (in whatever phase, whether it's your own turn or not), they do need a special type, even if they're always helpful.


also funny reform interaction:
it says "kingdom pile" not "non-Victory kingdom pile" so you could move fawning to provinces and win the game instantly

Not quite, base cards like Provinces aren't kingdom cards.  ;)

Gain a card costing up to $5. Each other player reveals a card from their hand, all at the same time. The person (in the case of a tie, every person) who revealed the highest-costing card trashes it and gains a copy of the card you gained.

This is too weak at least in 2p games where it usually helps the opponent more than the player (the only revealed card is automatically the highest-costing).

And in multiplayer, there may not be a highest-costing card, e.g.when Golem and Gold are revealed.

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