Entry redactedSTAGE COACH v4
Stage coach
7$ Action-Reaction
+3 Coffers
Spend any number of Coffers for +1 card each.
When you get Coffers or $ in your action phase you may play this from your hand.
Comment: My attempt at a Guilds lab combined with menageries "reaction play".
Originally a straight +2 Cards, this card is now a story teller variant: You may bank a ton of coffers and refuse to pay, and then play a library. Or you may decide to use Your non coffers money for draw that turn and save the coffers.
Edit 2:
Now its a smithy/coffer golds. Its probably too strong, but i did not want to make it weaker. So hence the increased cost.
6$ for a smithy is pretty bad on paper, but this lets you choose between spending coffers for draw or to gain coffers from the future. The reaction part is probably overkill but i just really like having the reaction there. It makes it go from a weak 6$ card to a strong one in my opinion, one you want to fill your deck with.
I changed the card to just react to coffers/money gained in YOUR ACTION PHASE as to remove weirdness on other peoples turns, and i included $ just cause i wanted to.
Edit 3:
Its effectively a beter gold that can let you draw, and coffers is really good. So i changed the price to 7.
May be too high, but oh well.
Ack!! I totally missed beguiler. Darn. I will change my submission tommorow