Caravan is worse than Lab so +1 Action; at the start of your next turn +1 Card, +1 Action is worse than +1 Card, +1 Action; at the start of your next turn +1 Action which is again worse than Village. Delayed effects are nearly always worse than immediate effects with terminal draw (Tactician, Haunted Woods, Enchantress) being the only potential exception that comes to mind.
You're missing the reason
why Caravan is worse than Lab. It's not that the draw is delayed. It's that Caravan is unavailable next turn because it's a Duration. You need twice as many of them to get the same number of cards, which is also part of the reason so many old-school games opened with Caravan races. You needed lots of them. You didn't need lots of Labs, what the hell are you doing, there are better ways to spend $5, get some
If you had a Lab that was a Duration, where the Duration effect did nothing but keep it on the table an extra turn, it would be more similar to Caravan then to the current Lab. I presume it would be slightly less powerful.
You're gonna need lots of them, since they do get stuck in play like Caravans, but that's why the on-gain effect is really cool. There's not a huge penalty to buying lots of these, you get the instant reward of a larger hand.
Furthermore, if your argument were correct Ghost Village would be better than Village in several ways whereas in fact it is better in some ways (the quasi-Summon effect, the possibility to play this after having played a terminal draw and not having any actions left) and worse in others (worse than a delayed village).
I do think Ghost Village is stronger than Village in several ways and weaker only in the fact that it's a Duration (which makes it less available to your deck), but that's the sort of thing we'll have to find out for ourselves. Well, mostly you. Because I don't play anymore, I just look at the shiny new stuff and talk strategy. There was a time back on Isotropic where there were two names at the top of the leaderboard and then my name, and that didn't last very long but I'm still dang proud of it. After a long time, I learned that those two names were always going to be above me and maybe the correct thing to do was go get better at something else instead. Anyway, that's my life story. This is fun. I had to look up Haunted Woods and Enchantress because I've never played with them, they're after my time. You kids don't know how good you have it, or something.