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Season 4 - game reports A & B
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:39:43 am »

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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 07:55:05 am »

Congratulations to silverspawn for beating me yesterday. I definitely had an off day where I played unfocused, but he still had to pull it off and he did.

Transmute, Vineyard, University, Masterpiece, Caravan, Cutpurse, Treasure Map, Hunting Party, Merchant Ship, Mountebank
We both go for potion right away and that still looks like the right decision. Our decks are very similar. I get an extra Hunting Party, he gets more caravans and Potions, I decide to dip into the transmutes, he gets a 3rd university. Maybe I should have taken a 2nd potion earlier but I felt like my 6 HPs would draw that one often enough, and when I finally did get a 2nd they promptly clashed. Ah well, could have gone either way and it went his. I think there are a lot of small mistakes in my plays here.

Fool's Gold, Chancellor, Scheme, Ironworks, Sea Hag, Market, Rabble, Trading Post, Treasury, Expand
Bwleugh. I can't fight a Trading Post opening with Sea Hag here, because he'll just keep buying schemes forever and continue to improve his deck faster then I can hurt it. So how to fight a $5/$2 start here? I still don't know. Sometimes you just lose, right?

Crossroads, Fishing Village, Fortune Teller, Advisor, Ghost Ship, Minion, Outpost, Treasury, Possession, King's Court
We decided to pretend Possession was not part of this kingdom. So we both gets Minions asap although I pause for an Outpost and he pauses for a Kings Court. Then he gets a bit of luck and wins the split 6-4, followed by a ton of luck on my side leading to a 3-0 province lead. He resigns, although I would not have done so in his position. Games like this can go back and forth very easily.

Vineyard, Chapel, Fool's Gold, Fishing Village, Oasis, Navigator, Remake, Trader, Counting House, Mystic
I'm a bit ashamed of this one. I'm stubborn, refuse to accept this is a simple game where I can get no more then 50% winrate, go for something foolish instead, then back out of it and just lose.

Candlestick Maker, Chancellor, Develop, Menagerie, Feast, Moneylender, Golem, Butcher, Catacombs, King's Court
By far the trickiest set with KC and develop. We have very similar starts and follow the same path until he goes for a KC Butcher turn where I prefer an early golem. If I would play this again I would follow his plan. On turn 10 he buys a Province (amongst other things) which I think is a big mistake. On turn 11 I try to end it and I think it would have been possible to do so if my golem would have found the 3rd KC a bit sooner (and let me do triple Catacombs for some much needed draw) but I missed the most important thing here: there was no need to end it now. His province ment he just wasn't going to end it, so all I needed to do was build more and set up next turn. To make things worse, after I realized I was failing I decided to buy a Province for $11 instead of Province+Estate, and he managed to take a 1-point victory.
Don't get me wrong - altogether he played this set pretty good, but I still feel silly for letting it slip away.
to remember:In strong engines Kings Court and Golem anti-synergize, because you're forced to play the actions you would rather triple.

Forager, Storeroom, Fortress, Band of Misfits, City, Ghost Ship, Horn of Plenty, Inn, Margrave, Merchant Guild
I go for double forager and he takes forager-silver here. I still like the 2 foragers, but then I get some really really terrible draws. On the first shuffle both foragers miss it, on the second shuffle my margrave misses and on the 3rd shuffle he misses again. He gets miles ahead, then goes a little bit greedy on the Horns and by some kind of miracle my Ghost Ship manages to punish him for that.
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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 10:44:25 am »

B1: soulnet 4 - Rabid 2

Game 1

Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Chancellor, Doctor, Conspirator, Mining Village, Moneylender, Quarry, Bandit Camp, Jester, Nobles
We both open 4/3 (in that order) and go for the same basic thing: Doctor for trashing, Hamlets for +Buy, Quarry for discount and then Conspirators. In an afterthought, Conspirators are probably a mistake and Nobles + Quarry is better for building. Anyhow, it starts really slow and I have a dreadful trashing start: my overpay trashes a Copper while his trashes an Estate, allowing him to buy Quarry on T2, while I am stuck with a Hamlet. Then, the first Doctor play of each also goes much better for him. Thinking I am way behind, I go hard on Hamlets because this HAS to finish in piles, and then having the +Buys is important. We split the Hamlets evenly, but he gets more Nobles and Conspirators. However, I trashed more. I think I am almost dead here, so I keep watching the piles and add a second Quarry hoping to finish up Nobles. We both start making lots of mistakes and misclicks with Hamlet, and I end up getting a win out of nowhere thanks to a decent draw, while he seems to stall for a turn or two.

Game 2

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Courtyard, Native Village, Black Market, Great Hall, Fortress, Young Witch, Horn of Plenty, Inn, Junk Dealer, Hoard
Lovely HoP engine, we both go for it. I open 5/2 with Junk Dealer / Courtyard, which I think has to give me a huge edge against his double Black Market. However, he gets all the goodies out of the BM, especially Butcher (there is Fortress) and I misbuild heavily, going into HoP too soon instead of getting some villages and draw first. I think the HoP is important, but its not, and when I am more or less in position of megaturning it is too late.

Game 3

Code: [Select]
Doctor, Lookout, Steward, Herald, Tournament, Worker's Village, Ghost Ship, Market, Tribute, Possession
Horrifying engine. This is the only game I felt I won because I played better. I get only one Tournament while he gets plenty, and I get money to spike the Province first. Despite succeeding, I don't stop him that much and he connects first, and makes what I believe is the defining mistake of this game: he gets Princess. I mean, Princess is really nice in an engine with lots of +Buy, but you really want the Steed here, because the engines are still weak and you want help to connect again. Also, there is Possession, so whatever you do that does not help you get or play Possession, can easily help the opponent more than you. After that, I get Steed and Followers and keep building towards multiple Possession. I end up with a better engine, although unreliable, and I am Possessing more or less half the turns. He tries to rush piles and VP but there is not much he can do at that point.

Game 4

Code: [Select]
Fishing Village, Wishing Well, Island, JackOfAllTrades, Rats, Trader, Counterfeit, Mountebank, Treasury, Witch
This was a bit of a luck-fest on my part. I think I played it well, but I don't know if he played as well or slightly better and was just unlucky or there is some mistakes there. I was not paying that much attention because everything I wanted to do was pretty straightforward. The engine is trouble here because, well, only Jack and WW for draw and they are both bad draw against Mountebank. Also, trashing Coppers is expensive and slow (Counterfeit), so you want some kind of hybrid. However, there are Colonies, so Jack+support is not the best, and even Jack cannot ignore Mountebank. So, we both basically go for everything: FV + Jack + Mountebank + Counterfeit + some money (mostly Platinums). Counterfeits here are really nice because of the +buy for the cheap components and the steady flux of Coppers and Silvers flooding decks that want to buy Colonies.

In the proper action, I get $5 on the first shuffle and he doesn't, and that goes a long way. Also, I felt that I kept hitting with MB even though he had a lot more Curses, so there was probably really bad bane luck there on his part. This allows me to get lots of Counterfeits fast and trash more, which in turn snowballs into more MB play and more Curse-baning. After a couple of Platinums, FVs and Curses are almost gone, and there are few MB left, so I go into Provinces for the VP. My deck is in better shape for greening, so I cruise to victory.

This was a really hard match to pay attention, so I am sure there are plenty of mistakes on both parts. For me, I mostly stayed focus on the big picture and bought things on intuition when I had more money than I needed.

Game 5

Code: [Select]
Haven, Develop, Oracle, Wishing Well, Fortress, JackOfAllTrades, Mining Village, Throne Room, Apprentice, Bazaar
I see no +Buy and think the engine is going to be weak against Jack. Boy, was I wrong. Two TfB cards (Develop and Apprentice) + Fortress is a gain-fest, and Rabid builds the engine that completely obliterates me. Nothing to see here. Seems like a lovely board to play a mirror, though, plenty of difficult decisions and pile-watching needed.

Game 6

Code: [Select]
Hermit, Loan, Menagerie, Oasis, Familiar, Moneylender, Rabble, Torturer, Adventurer, Fairgrounds
No village, so we both go for Menagerie engine with some Oasis aid, trashing with Hermit (also gaining) and Moneylender. I want my deck to have Platinum+Gold+Silver+Copper = Colony without any other Treasure to take care only of Colony repeated. That worked out great. However, this game is pretty boring because I have insane good luck and Rabid has insane bad luck. Again, not much to see in this one. It was a bad closing of a pretty exciting match, although all the interest and hard mirrors were at the beginning.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 11:06:22 am by soulnet »


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 09:54:15 am »

Last night against Mic Qsenoch, he did record. Here are the Youtube links: Games 1-3     Games 4-6

Pearl Diver, University, Urchin, Familiar, Baron, JackOfAllTrades, Navigator, Cartographer, Rabble, Witch
We both open Urchin/Potion here. I considered double urchin for a while (potion on 2nd shuffle) but if you don't connect you're just miles behind. If you do connect I think you have a slight edge but not a clear victory at all. In the actual game his potion missed the first shuffle and that had a huge cascading effect. I just kept gaining Cartographers (reliability) over Rabbles (more powerful?) , and he resigned on turn 10.

Chancellor, Loan, Tunnel, Urchin, Scavenger, Silk Road, Throne Room, Bazaar, Graverobber, Market
This was a nice set, with two very different strategies at about equal strength. Either go urchin -> mercenary -> bazaars -> provinces, or play with Tunnels, Markets & Silk Roads?
I had to choose first as P1 with my $3 hand. Opening tunnel looked really bad, then he would have a certain edge in a mirror without a tunnel opening. Silver invites Urchin for him and then he also has an edge. So I went for the urchin myself. He thought for a really long un-Mic-like time and decided to use his $3 on tunnel.
For $4 I now got a Scavenger. I decided to try to connect using a Scavenger trick rather then the usual strategy (just gaining lots of urchins) because that would make his tunnels too good. Turn 3 I was sorry about this decision, because I did draw them together. Decided not to play the urchin and get another (which turned out correct because he actually did have tunnel in hand).
After a lucky turn 5 & 6 it took me a long time to clear my deck because I never managed to throne the Mercenary. Near the end I still had some hard choices: decided to trash a province because that could (and actually did) result in a double province buy, and in my next-to-last turn I bought a Graverobber over a Duchy, because I was scared of never hitting $8 again and I clearly could not let the game go long. With 7 Silk roads in his deck against 1 in mine, doing some duchy/estate dancing wasn't going to end favorably. In the end it could have gone either way and I got the 1-point victory.

Courtyard, Haven, Scheme, Island, Pirate Ship, Treasure Map, Golem, Merchant Guild, Royal Seal, Fairgrounds
We had similar plans here but with the numbers tweaked slightly differently. I wanted to get a Golem asap, and decided to open Silver/Courtyard for it -> Merchant Guild -> Potion -> Golem. I don't like buying Potion before I have a reasonable chance of hitting $4P in kingdoms without a backup potion card.
On turn 4 I decided it still was too early for potion and got an Island, but I now think that was a mistake. He went with Silver/Island from the start, getting a second Island quickly before going for the Guild & Potion.
In the middle game I get a lot of schemes (7) which feels a bit pointless for a while but in the endgame I get rewarded because his Golems fail from time to time (drawing 2 terminals) while mine never do. I do play a bit sloppy with scheming cards here but don't get punished for it. Near the end I could easily set it up so that I guarantee a 'safe' golem draw.

Apothecary, Swindler, Village, Caravan, Envoy, JackOfAllTrades, Taxman, Butcher, Explorer, Festival
He opens Butcher here, and I decide to go for Potion/Swindler. I get a nice turn 3/4 resulting in Apothecary/Butcher, and on turn 4 he really surprises me by buying a Potion as well. I think the early Butcher here is a very nice start for a village/envoy engine but maybe I'm wrong. When my Swindler hits his Village I decided to replace it with a Swindler rather then Silver, hoping to over-terminal his deck. That works out just fine (hitting another village later on) and my lead steadily keeps growing.

Haven, Pawn, Doctor, Hermit, Loan, Monument, Talisman, Taxman, Laboratory, Farmland with Colonies
Not that much going on, but we still play it quite differently. He opens with $4 for Doctor (I would too) but I had $3 and went for Loan/Monument (planning on getting a Hermit later).
I don't really agree with his plays after that (isn't nothing on turn 2 better then pawn?) but I also get quite lucky draws, allowing me to get the Laboratory buys going and later using Madman to start on Platinum.

Fool's Gold, Stonemason, Sage, Coppersmith, Farming Village, Salvager, Harvest, Market, Merchant Ship, Rabble
We both open Fool's Gold/Salvager here, and then it's finally his time to get lucky. His Salvager eats an estate, mine removes a Copper. We play pretty similar after that but he's always 2 turns ahead.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 10:09:53 am by -Stef- »
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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 10:14:11 am »

I thought I played the 5th game quite badly.

I also made a severe misplay during the Golem one, there was a turn where I played Golem before a Scheme I had in hand and hit the double terminals. This stopped me from topdecking two Golems the next turn and took me out of the game completely. Just stupid and sloppy. It's worth noting that I didn't really have a choice on the number of Schemes I bought, they were just gone before I had money (a credit to Stef's play, but out of my control).

I wasn't sure I could build the Village/Envoy thing without dealing with Coppers in some way, but probably it works. Well nothing works too well if 3 of your Villages get eaten. Seems like the 3/4 is better here though Butcher is of course awesome. There was (I sense) some sloppiness in my plays here, but not too terrible and probably not decisive.

On the Silk Roads one I was just glad that the thing I picked didn't get wrecked. My turn 18 is sad times where I can't even buy an Estate (which would have stopped him from ending the game next turn). And of course he draws that damn Graverobber immediately with a Market and a Gold to buy Tunnel. A little heartbreaking, which of course means it was a nice game all around.

If you thought I would write this report in game order you are out of luck.

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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2014, 07:40:17 pm »

I think I'm going to make game reports where I just pick the dumbest couple things I did during my matches and point them out.

It's turns 15 and 18 this game in my match against silverspawn. This is all one shuffle, so no questions about changing my deck state. On turn 15 I have $6 + Gold and don't buy Farmland for 2 more VP. On turn 18 I have $6 plus Hoard and don't buy Farmland for two more VP. Hey look at that, I lost by 3 points. Moral: don't auto-play your treasures.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2014, 10:06:39 pm »

In the hoard one you cannot even blame goko.

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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2014, 10:27:50 pm »

Here are the logs of my game with dudeabides:

So in keeping with my last post, I'll try to report stupid things I did. I think the IGG strategy I chose in game 5 probably loses to the traded Peddler thing if it is patient for Provinces. My stupidity was mostly forgetting that Peddler would give Trader 8 Silvers. Big Money + Oracle in game 2 looks really weak compared to what he did, but I wasn't sure if getting a Trading Post on my first reshuffle as 2nd player would be early enough to catch up to the Alchemist thing after his 5/2 opening. It seems like I must have misplayed game 4 early on, as it takes me so long to get built up, maybe too many NVs?

I had nice luck overall, which makes it a lot harder to do stupid things.

Video of the match is here:


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2014, 08:58:25 am »

Report when log search is back up.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2014, 04:35:45 pm »

Report when log search is back up.

You asked for comments on the Ambassador/Wharf game. I agree the Curse buy was very bad: with just one Ambassador, you can only return whatever your opponent gives you each turn; you'll never have a chance to give him Curses. Having gotten it, though, I think you were committed to a thinner deck with lots of junking, and I think you needed to get a second Ambassador instead of a Silver, along with the Wharf you bought.

I think it was your opponent's second Ambassador, combined with all your Treasure buys, that made his deck a reliable engine and reduced yours to Wharf BM: you had too many non-actions to get Ironmongers to connect.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2014, 05:37:26 am »

Report when log search is back up.

You asked for comments on the Ambassador/Wharf game. I agree the Curse buy was very bad: with just one Ambassador, you can only return whatever your opponent gives you each turn; you'll never have a chance to give him Curses. Having gotten it, though, I think you were committed to a thinner deck with lots of junking, and I think you needed to get a second Ambassador instead of a Silver, along with the Wharf you bought.

I think it was your opponent's second Ambassador, combined with all your Treasure buys, that made his deck a reliable engine and reduced yours to Wharf BM: you had too many non-actions to get Ironmongers to connect.

Yeah, I agree. In the rewatch I noticed some of it too. I had only one Ambassador, but still a thinner deck. I should have focussed more that it stays like that, meaning I should have focussed on returning Coppers, rather than getting the Curse.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2014, 07:25:30 am »

Just some humble comments from a low-tier guy:

Game 1:
Rough draws. At that point where you asked, I wouldn't have triggered that shuffle because it seemed rather unlikely to hit 8$ with all that junk and only one Minion in there. As you were ahead in points, Duchy+Peddler seemed to be okay when you had Nomad Camp and 7$ in hand. Also, I think you missed a free Peddler one or two turns after that.

Game 2:
Nice to see a Hermit/Market Square game. I'm always a bit puzzled how to play it right

Game 3:
I believe you want the first Embassy over Gold. Maybe you could have figured out that you'll hit 5 again when you bought your Embassy for 7$. Overall I guess you have been unlucky, Smithy seems way worse than Embassy. It's really tempting to open Militia and I probably would have done the same.

Game 4:
I don't really think Taxman is worth it and I'd just skip it. But as you both went for it, it's probably me who is wrong.

Game 6:
I think you picked up lots of Golds when there were only 4-5 Provinces left... I guess you could have picked up Duchies earlier to catch up. His Mystics did a great job here, which really surprises me.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 07:27:12 am by assemble_me »
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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2014, 05:35:10 pm »

DG vs Yed
I might have played this rather randomly to be honest but I got the spending for a king's court and it did well
IGG game where I get a bit of luck for win
mirror match where he gets a bit of first turn advantage. No problem though, I get that in the other games
ambassador game where I start 5/2, should choose upgrade instead of trading post, but probably still lose.
looked simple until the scoreboard pressure in the end game
Most interesting game. I went big, he went small, and yes I did mess up the final finish but it didn't matter

Thanks yed for a pleasant series.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2014, 12:14:56 pm »

Game 1:

Code: [Select]
Duchess, Develop, Masquerade, Steward, Armory, Treasure Map, Bazaar, Festival, Graverobber, Nobles
MX has a terrible 5/2 here and opens Armory/Estate (trashing Hovel). I'm really not sure about that because you want to hit $5, so I would have opened Bazaar/-. I open Masq/Silver. We both then go for Bazaars, Festivals and Masquerades. In turn 9 I start getting Nobles. In turn 11 MX gets Province/Nobles, but I think this Province is a little bit early, still our decks are similar strong, but he has more stop cards because of his Silvers and the Province. In turn 13 I had a terrible stall turn after MX got Bazaar/Festival/Nobles instead of Double Province (I win the Nobles split 5/3 in the end). I'm not sure if building here was right. Then I have a stall turn and only get Graverobber. But MX gets also a stall turn and only one Province. I then get double Province and MX gets unlucky again with another stall turn. I then get Province/Duchy with the help of Graverobber, MX gets a big turn with Province, triple Duchy, but I can get the last Province for the win.

Game 2:

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Embargo, Village, Watchtower, Taxman, City, Count, Haggler, Border Village, Harem
I think with Watchtower as the only draw that there is no engine possible and go for Count/Haggler BM. MX though builds this beautiful engine with Count for discard and Watchtower for draw, even adds a Taxman in there to annoy me and prevents me from getting Provinces. I just didn't see it and deserved to lose here.

Game 3:

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Duchess, Embargo, Noble Brigand, Bandit Camp, Haggler, Outpost, Rebuild, Adventurer, Grand Market
MX opens Embargo/Silver and I open Double Silver. He embargoes Silver in turn 3 which made the game really interesting. We both then get Haggler over Rebuild to be able to gain Silvers. We then get Rebuild after that. But then I start to get terrible draws and nearly never hit $5. In the end I'm stuck with 1 Estate and 3 Duchies to his 1 Estate and 5 Duchies and there was just no coming back.

Game 4:

Code: [Select]
Transmute, Candlestick Maker, Herbalist, Develop, Warehouse, Noble Brigand, Taxman, Cartographer, Highway, Nobles
So, this is a big money game. I open Silver/Noble Brigand to his Taxman/Silver. He gets his first Gold in turn 6, Province in turn 8. I get really unfortunate draws again and hit my first Gold in turn 11! I then continue to buy Golds in the following turns while my Noble Brigands do little damage to his deck. He gets the second Province in turn 13 and then starts to steal all but one Gold. With this kind of luck there is again no coming back.

Game 5:

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Beggar, Pearl Diver, Develop, Bishop, Duke, Trading Post, Venture, Farmland, Expand
Nothing really going on beside of Beggar/Duke. I get perfect shuffles and win the Duchy split 6/2. He then resigns. This game went only 4 mins, nothing really to see here.

Game 6:

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Oasis, Watchtower, Ironmonger, Ghost Ship, Horn of Plenty, Library, Merchant Guild, Rebuild, Rogue
This is probably the only intesting board of this match. Straight Rebuild or the engine!? Engine with Rebuild or without? Do you want Horn of Plenty? So we both went for the Ironmonger engine with Watchtower for draw. We both ignore Horn of Plenty, in handsight probably a mistake and should have been my first $5 instead of Ghost Ship which only help him hit Actions with Ironmonger. We both split the Ironmongers 5/5 and had a similar deck. I had too few Watchtowers, but other than that our decks were similar. We both then added a late Rebuild into our decks. Not sure what went wrong, but he accumulated so many coin tokens and could empty the Duchies for the win.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2014, 09:49:14 am »

Logsearch is not working again, so I'm not sure if I post a game summary.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2014, 07:00:29 pm »

Some logs from my match with Stef
Stef opens with jack, it gives him the chance to get the early altar, and I shouldn't get the university
Short mirror match. I misplay rats a little bit it didn't make much difference
Long tough mirror game. I bite the bullet and get some spending and militia, build up a lead, and just manage to close it our before Stef's zero value deck wins an attrition war.
minion games can go heavily one way or another. I just get the basics right here I think. Nothing more than that.
Mirror game. Stef does everything right and I can't recover with early potions.
Turn 3 I should throw away my silver and buy a potion. I knew it at the time too sadly.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2014, 07:37:48 pm »

B1 liopoil 4 : 2 florrat

Going into this match I needed 4.5 to avoid demotion. Florrat needed 2 to avoid demotion, 3 to promote. I streamed this match, and you can find it under highlights on my twitch channel or if you just want the logs you can use log search.

Game 1: I get the torturer engine going and his lighthouses aren't enough. 1-0
Game 2: University watchtower! The payload and draw is tricky, but it pulls through with death cart, platinum, and ruined market. He ignores university, so I have all of the pile control. In the end I am able to three pile it and buy a colony to win. 2-0
Game 3: He opens double urchin to my urchin/hermit. I get luckier and end up getting mercenary well before him, but he ends up a turn ahead of me somehow. Still, the minion split is even and I am able to play mercenary for longer than he is. Maybe I should have waited until we had greened more to play mercenary, as my merc plays did not end up slowing him down. They would be more likely to after we had greened more. We each get 3 provinces, he has the turn. If he gets the province, I can tie it which is almost as good as a win for me given the state, so he goes for duchies and I follow. We each get 3 duchies and now it is the same scenario because the border village and minion piles are empty. On a mercenary play I am forced to pass him a minion (only alternative was duchy) which is a huge deal as I now have to get really lucky to hit 8. After we each get a couple silk roads he can safely break PPR and wins. 2-1
Game 4: Super weak board with baker and herbalist and not much else. I get to open herbalist/gold (so good!) while he opens silver/baker. While my herbalist and gold don't collide I have a huge headstart. In the end my 3 herbalists beat his 3 bakers. 3-1
Game 5: Rebuild board with shelters, marauder, and sea hag. He has the 5/2 for estate and rebuild, trashing hovel while I open silver/marauder. I make a lot of mistakes here like not buying IGG and naming OE instead of duchy at one point. I might have lost anyway, but I would have had much more of a chance. 3-2 and I will be demoting. There are no stakes in the last game for me, but if he wins he promotes, otherwise Rabid promotes.
Game 6: Florrat goes for chapel/candlestick maker/fool's gold while I go for an engine, opening quarry/chapel. His chapel misses the shuffle, which is very unfortunate, but I think my strategy was better anyway, though it may be close. I did not even consider fool's gold. I end up getting 3 to deny them from him, and also because they are a nice payload since I can draw them all each turn. Quarry and candlestick maker let me buy many engine pieces a turn, and eventually I can pile out. Final score 4-2, I just miss out on staying in B, Florrat just misses out on promotion.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2014, 02:49:14 am »

Wow, both B divisions were ridiculously close this season.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2014, 11:19:02 am »

Sorry for the late upload. I had trouble with my recording software. Game 5 is therefore missing, unfortunately.


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Re: Season 4 - game reports A & B
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2014, 05:50:41 am »

And my last match against HarryPeteur:

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