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Season one - Game reports & discussion: C
« on: May 22, 2014, 05:04:55 pm »

It's not streaming, but I guess the best place to put this. My match against Fergesser:

Code: [Select]
Duchess, Fortune Teller, Oasis, Wishing Well, Woodcutter, Bishop, Ironmonger, Outpost, Tactician, Wharf
Fergesser went for straight Wharf BM with Ironmonger while I go for Double Tactician with Outpost with Oasis and Ironmonger. Somehow my deck just doesn't come together very well and Fergesser gets a very big lead. Then we both lost the internet connection because of the Atlantic cable outage. We couldn't reach Goko nor the forums for about 2 hours and continued the next day. Fergesser was kind to not let this game count even though he was the favourite to win it. Thanks again.

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, University, Storeroom, Village, Death Cart, Horse Traders, Procession, Library, Royal Seal, Farmland
Fergesser went here for Library BM with Candlestick Maker as support as he had a 5/2 opening here. I go for University and try to build an engine that discards with Storeroom and draws back up with Library. Again Fergesser gets a solid lead. In turn 15 finally I get the turn I desperately needed and can end the game by buying 2 Provinces and an Estate, exactly enough to win by 1 point. I still like my strategy more, but it was lucky to pull that off in the end.

Code: [Select]
Cellar, Fool's Gold, Embassy, Inn, Margrave, Outpost, Tribute, Venture, Fairgrounds, Harem
Nothing too exciting here, basically Margrave/FG BM. I did get Margrave in my second shuffle while he didn't and beside of that I got really fortunate draws, hitting $8 very often. It was an easy win in the end.

Code: [Select]
Squire, Baron, Feast, Gardens, Butcher, Harvest, Ill-Gotten Gains, Rebuild, Goons, Hunting Grounds
I am not sure if IGG/Gardens or Rebuild is stronger. We both open Squire/Feast and both ignore Rebuild. My Feast misses the shuffle and I am not able to hit $5 and it snowballs from there. Also my desperate Baron never collides with an Estate. I try to rush Gardens and end it faster. But he was also able to win the Gardens split. Still close to the end we were even in points, but then he crossed another Gardens threshold and it was game over for me.

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Coppersmith, Noble Brigand, Plaza, Silk Road, Apprentice, Mine, Rabble, Wharf, Nobles
I open double Silver to be able to hit double $5 to pick up 2 Wharves. Fergesser picks up Plaza/Silver. I'm really not sure what is better. Anyway, this game was so frustrating and I don't think Plaza over Silver would have changed a lot. First we both rushed the Wharves and split them 5/5. But then in turn 9 he is able to play 2 Wharves because of his Plaza and can grab 2 more Plazas. In my turn 9 I didn't draw any of my remaining 4 Wharves as they were all of the bottom of the shuffle and I had to pay $7 for Plaza/Silver. And again it snowballs from there. He can play even 3 Wharves in his next turn, getting Plaza/Nobles while I can only get single Plaza. He can then mostly draw his deck while I struggle to even get to $8. I think there is really nothing I could do with this bad luck.

Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Scheme, Steward, Tunnel, Village, Caravan, Silk Road, Council Room, Jester, Minion
I open 5/2 and decided to get a Jester first and grab the Steward later. Fergesser gets 4/3 and goes for Steward/Lighthouse anyway. He then gets another Lighthouse and is mostly protected from Jester. I felt behind because of my decision to get Jester over Steward and figured that I have to win the Minion split now even if I have a thicker deck. Gladly I was able to win the split 6/4. But Fergesser had a better deck incorporating some Villages and Council Rooms while I basically only had Minions. I also desperately needed another Lighthouse to profit from his Council Rooms, so I grabbed a Council Room myself to pick up Lighthouse and a single Village, but otherwise to green. I was able to hit $10 to hit Province/Lighthouse, aiming for Province/Village next turn, but Fergesser then got disconnected. It was a close game which could have gone in favour of any of us, so we didn't count it again.

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Vagrant, Ambassador, Ironworks, Militia, Remodel, Wandering Minstrel, Worker's Village, Butcher, Royal Seal
This was a really tough and interesting board in my opinion. The key question is if you can ignore Ambassador here as there is no draw and there also Shelters. Also, there is Wandering Minstrel to cycle through all the junk you'll get from Ambassador. Ambassador is weak, but can you ignore it? Fergesser went for Ironworks/Ambassador while I ignore it and go for Ironworks/Silver to be able to hit $5 for Butcher which I did. But later I panicked and bought an Ambassador because I feared his deck will be too good if I don't junk back. He hit me quite regulary, but I was able to hit $5 more often for the Butchers I really need. Militia was also really important on a board with no draw and it did hurt a lot to get hit with it. That's why I didn't understand that Fergesser trashed it to Butcher later in the game. Vagrants and Wandering Minstrels were gone really fast and Butchers were quite low. I had the advantage having one more Butcher than him and could threaten the piles more easily. I then trashed a WM for a Butcher and a Butcher for a Province so that only 2 Butchers were left. He then could butcher Ambassador into Province, but I could end the game by butchering into Butcher twice and buying an Estate.

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Secret Chamber, Trade Route, Nomad Camp, Smithy, Catacombs, Inn, Rebuild, Rogue, Possession
I hate Rebuild. I think Rebuild is the key card here and I had 5/2 and being start player. So I have to win right? First question is if you want Beggar for $2 or not. I bought it because I want to get to $5 which I am not able easily with Rebuild/-. This was probably a bad choice, I don't know. Fergesser goes for Smithy/Silver. I then get unlucky in turn 3 with all my Estates in hand - I pass. We then both get a Rebuild in the next turn, he then gets his second one right after that. With $3 I decide to go for Trade Route which should give me $3 relatively quick. I'm also not sure if this was right. I then didn't hit $5 again, so I buy a Nomad Camp, again, not sure about that either. On turn 6 Fergesser names Province to his Rebuild which I didn't quite understand, naming Duchy has to be better right? Also, he bought an Estate, so my TR is now worth $3 already. On turn 7 Fergesser made a nice Inn buy, putting both Rebuilds on his deck. He could play both of them AND shuffled right after that and redrew one of his Rebuilds. That turn did put me quite behind. We then picked up Rogues and both setup an Inn turn in turn 12. I knew he has 2 Rebuilds in hand and with 3 Provinces left and 6 points behind and was guaranteed to lose. I'm not sure if I misplayed that board or if luck played a big factor here.

Anyway, the tie is fair and justified. Good luck, Fergesser, for the rest of this season.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 08:33:28 am by -Stef- »


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 04:18:40 am »

Code: [Select]
Courtyard, Hermit, Watchtower, Advisor, Horse Traders, Band of Misfits, Harvest, Treasury, Altar, Peddler
This was a weird kingdom as I couldn't figure out any kind of game plan. I opened Courtyard/Silver trying to get to an early Altar and indeed I hit $6 to buy the Altar in turn 3. But this strategy was still slow as amassing Treasuries isn't the best game plan ever. My opponent opened Hermit/Horse Traders here and gained a lot of Madman to get big turns to get also some free Peddlers with Horse Traders. In handsight straight forward Courtyard BM might have been best, but gamesou's Hermit plan worked out for him and he won easily. How would you have played here?

Code: [Select]
Pawn, Advisor, Herald, Bazaar, Counterfeit, Counting House, Festival, Harvest, Junk Dealer, Wharf
This is obviously a strong engine board. The question is only in which order to get the components. We both opened double Silver. I then opted for Counterfeit for my first $5. It was a tough call between Junk Dealer and Counterfeit, but Counterfeit can't be drawn dead, that's why I went for it. gamesou picked up Wharf for his first $5 and added Heralds and 2 Counterfeits later. I added Advisor first and then added Herald later when my action density was higher. My Counterfeit always got discarded from my Advisors, so that maybe they were a bad choice, or I was just unlucky. Somehow gamesou could get to $9 and $10 turns much faster while I was stuck with $7 most of the time. He won therefore the Wharf split 6/4 and also had some additional Heralds in his deck, making his deck a lot superior. Still I managed to draw my deck soon and decided to take initiative in greening. I calculated what his deck was capable to do and then threatened the piles, but made the big mistake to only see a three-pile on Pawns rather than on Estates what gave him opportunity to end the game on an easy win. I have to rewatch the game, but maybe I was even missing a forced win on Estates, but I think I was lacking the buys to do so. Big mistake obviously on my part, but his deck was better anyway. I'm still clueless in which order you want to get the key components here. Any ideas?

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Courtyard, Lookout, Tunnel, Philosopher's Stone, Caravan, Feast, Graverobber, Rabble, Possession
Again there's Courtyard on the board and with no +Buy and weak engine components I go for straight Courtyard BM. gamesou opened Caravan/Lookout and goes for the engine. He even gets a second Lookout and I'm puzzled what he is trying to do. He even bought a Tunnel with Lookout being the only card that could enable it. Then he gets Graverobbers and I'm still not sure what his strategy is. I already have a comfortable lead until then, but stalled pretty hard when his deck kind of came together. Still I can buy the last Province and win.

Code: [Select]
Courtyard, Crossroads, Apothecary, Watchtower, Navigator, Cache, Ghost Ship, Upgrade, Harem, Peddler
We both open 5/2 and both open Courtyard/Upgrade here. I get $5 on turn 3 again and grab Ghost Ship while he goes for a second Upgrade and upgrades one of his Estates into a Watchtower to defend against Ghost Ship. I grab a second Upgrade a little bit later myself and a second Ghost Ship later. gamesou gets only one Ghost Ship and adds a second Watchtower later. His Watchtowers work out really well and he gets an early 2 Province lead, but I can grab a Province by myself in the next turn. With 2 Crossroads in his deck he then goes heavily for Harems, a synergy that I missed on this board. But at that point we split the Provinces 3/3 each and there were only 2 left and I figured I had to prioritize Duchies now. His deck was getting a lot better than mine as he continued to buy Harems over Duchies, but I could take over the lead. As we had both the same number of points I then decided to grab the last Province. We both bought then Duchies and he then ends it on a tie. I think if he would have switched to Duchies earlier, he could have won easily.

Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, University, Tunnel, Nomad Camp, Salvager, Catacombs, Harvest, Mandarin, Market, Rebuild
There were Shelters, but with a lucky 5/2 opening I open Mandarin/Rebuild/Estate while gamesou opens Tunnel (trashing Hovel) / Nomad Camp. I then mostly either hit $2 or $5 and grabbed 2 more Rebuilds and only 2 Tunnels and some Estates while gamesou rushed the Tunnels, ready to gain a lot of Golds. With 2 more Rebuilds I then go for a standard Rebuild rush, while he gets a lot of Golds. He also adds a Salvager to profit from all these Golds. But he still only has 1 Rebuild and I think I'm still in good shape even with a lot worse economy. I turn 13 he can salvage a Gold and has $10 and gets the last 2 Duchies. This was in general a pretty good move as this ties the score and he has a much better deck. I only have $4 and top-decked a Nomad Camp. But then I get lucky because his Rebuild found his only Province rather than one of his Duchies which gave him no points. Then he decided to buy an Estate for a one point lead. He shouldn't have done that either because there were only 3 Estates left and he knew I top-decked a Nomad Camp. I get the perfect hand with Rebuild (trash Estate for Estate) and $4 to buy the last 2 Estates for a lucky one point win.

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Bridge, Feodum, Smithy, Apprentice, Mandarin, Market, Treasury, Hunting Grounds, Peddler
Again I have a 2/5 and open -/Mandarin/Market while he opens Bridge/Silver. I hit $5 in the next 2 following turns again for 2 more Markets. And in turn 6 I got the lucky perfect hand with all my 3 Markets and my Mandarin. I decided to grab Province and 3 Peddlers for a big early lead. I add an Apprentice to my deck and in turn 10 I can again buy Province and even 4 Peddlers. In turn 11 I hit Province again for a big 3 Province lead. I add a second Apprentice and in turn 14 I can trash a Peddler with Apprentice for a double Province turn which sealed the deal for me. The turn 6 triple Peddler turn combined with the 5/2 opening was lucky and huge and I don't think gamesou could have done anything better to win this game.

I can't believe that I turned the game around after being 0-2 behind. Thanks gamesou for the fun and interesting series.


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 11:54:31 pm »

AdamH (C1-6): 5 games
A Drowned Kernel (C1-4): 1 game

Entire stream on Twitch (well, almost) ... (part 2)
Video Playlist on YouTube

Going into this match it's my goal to get promoted to division B (well I suppose that's everyone's goal, really) but I think I have a decent chance of acheiving that goal. ADK and I tried Skype-chatting during the match which I've never done before in a tournament match. I was a little awkward but it was nice to be able to chat with my opponent while playing, as usual.

Game 1: A Drowned Kernel 16, AdamH 17
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Chapel, Great Hall, Village, Philosopher's Stone, Armory, Envoy, Scout, Pillage, Rabble, Peddler, with Shelters

There's no +Buy but there's Armory to gain things and Chapel so we both go for the draw engine for one Province per turn. ADK decides to skip Chapel for tempo, but the stall turns in the endgame that brings proved to be his undoing, since while I could manage a Province every turn reliably, I could just wait until he stalled to end the game on piles.

The chat seemed to believe that Envoy+BM would be a strong contender in this game; I disagree. Uncontested, I'd be using Rabbles as draw sources, which would be likely to hurt BM quite a lot. In the engine mirror of course it doesn't come into play as much, though.

Game 2: A Drowned Kernel 46, AdamH 40
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Pearl Diver, Great Hall, Sage, Warehouse, Philosopher's Stone, Island, Nomad Camp, Council Room, Duke, Stash

So it's a Duchy/Duke mirror, though ADK seems to signal early that he wants to go for Provinces, even though that turns out to be a LIE!!!! Anyways, I think I get too many Islands because I'm unable to hit $5 several times in the endgame, which spells doom for me because I only get like two Dukes.

Game 3: A Drowned Kernel 47, AdamH 50
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video

Kingdom Cards: Tunnel, Bishop, Island, Monument, Nomad Camp, Scavenger, Spy, Bazaar, Butcher, Trading Post, with Colony/Platinum

Well it's a money-based board, and Trading Post is the best trashing available even on the Colony board. ADK opens 5/2 for an early Trading Post, then gets a really good second shuffle on top of that, so I'm behind early. I'm not sure why I'm able to catch up, the only thing I can think of is that I don't like his Bishop buy and maybe some fancy endgame dancing.

Game 4: AdamH 51, A Drowned Kernel 23
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Vineyard, Loan, Oasis, Cutpurse, Envoy, Worker's Village, Golem, Cartographer, Market, Rogue

Golem is actually good here, and Vineyards are very important. I prioritize Loan early on and he prioritizes draw, and I think the relatively thin deck is what made the difference. I'm able to draw and play all of my good cards every turn, and getting the Coppers out quicker allowed me to go for Potions earlier, which meant more Golems and quicker Vineyards. It also allowed me to misclick several times in what could have been a disastrous fashion and still win comfortably.

Dear Goko,
Please make your UI better.
Love, Adam!

Jsh, you never disappoint:

(after the first misclick)
<jsh357> oh goko *laugh track*
<amalloy> oh adam. i think he does this on purpose so we can all hear him agonize
<jsh357> i really want to start a sitcom
<jsh357> need zooey d to play Tanya

Why is this so funny to me? I'm dying here.

<jsh357> "i'm a play some actions!"
<jsh357> "solomon grundy want pants too!"
<assemble_me> lol
<jsh357> this is so vicious
<dethwing> Shoulda had more potatoes
<jsh357> adk's in a real pickle since running piles is bad for him
<amalloy> it's not really a pickle, it's just losing slowly
<jsh357> so it's a brine?
<jsh357> a cucumber?
<jsh357> i'm not sure where to take this trite phrase
<uvafan173> lol

Game 5: AdamH 36, A Drowned Kernel 16
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Crossroads (bane), Menagerie, Urchin, Conspirator, Salvager, Throne Room, Young Witch, Bandit Camp, Council Room, Mountebank, Forge

Well, the short story here is that I collide my Urchins and he doesn't, but there are a couple of small things building the engine here that I think I did better. Yes, Menagerie is quite good here but I don't get as many as him which I think helped my pace. I emphasized trashing over Young Witch in favor of getting more Mountebank plays in via Throne Room, which I like. Council Room being the +Buy here was nice for more endgame control, and while he got more Bandit Camps, I was getting more Throne Rooms and Conspirators. This plus my first player advantage gives me a strong endgame position and I'm able to close it out.

Game 6: AdamH 24, A Drowned Kernel 8
Game Log     Twitch Highlight  (part 2)     YouTube Video  (part 2)
Kingdom Cards: Chapel, Gardens, Ironmonger, Explorer, Haggler, Ill-Gotten Gains, Tactician, Fairgrounds, Bank, Peddler

So my stream went down for a few seconds, and Twitch's video editing doesn't seem sophisticated enough to deal with it, so it looks like I have to have two parts to this video. Bleaurgh.

Lots of synergy here and it all revolves around Tactician, but do you play single or double Tac here? It's not a clear call but you don't have to decide for a while. Also, you can try and slog with IGG+Gardens and other support, but I don't think that's as good.

ADK gets some fortunate draws early on and for some reason I'm able to manage a 5/5 Peddler split. From there, I manage to pull ahead by getting more Hagglers in play, and I'm not quite certain what went wrong with his deck.

Well I had a good performance. None of the games seemed all that coin-flippy and there were some fun engines to play. Hopefully I'm well on my way to being promoted in the league! Thanks for the match, ADK; between two of the games he gave me a really awesome compliment, that it was fun to watch me play. I've felt that way frequently about certain people, most recently AI, and while it's still sort of a foreign concept to me that people would view me that way, it's so exciting to think I could be thought of that way. I'd just like to back it up with a solid performance in the league. Thanks for the match, ADK!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 11:45:00 am by AdamH »
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2014, 07:38:31 am »

Code: [Select]
Courtyard, Hermit, Watchtower, Advisor, Horse Traders, Band of Misfits, Harvest, Treasury, Altar, Peddler
This was a weird kingdom as I couldn't figure out any kind of game plan. I opened Courtyard/Silver trying to get to an early Altar and indeed I hit $6 to buy the Altar in turn 3. But this strategy was still slow as amassing Treasuries isn't the best game plan ever. My opponent opened Hermit/Horse Traders here and gained a lot of Madman to get big turns to get also some free Peddlers with Horse Traders. In handsight straight forward Courtyard BM might have been best, but gamesou's Hermit plan worked out for him and he won easily. How would you have played here?

I've became interested and tried it myself. My first idea was to open Hermit/Silver on 4/3 using the Hermit as Pseudo-Jack and add the Courtyard after the reshuffle. Treasury is OK early on if you hit exactly 5 but you probably don't want too many to not draw them dead. The plan with Hermit doesn't seem to be noticeably slower or faster than pure CY-BM but you can just grind through the Provinces once you start greening. On 5/2 I'd skip Hermit, open Treasury/Courtyard and just play CY-BM with Treasury.
I, however, have to say that anyway you're building the BM deck, you'll have a hard time if your opponent plays like gamesou did. It seems like he played this exceptionally well or got lucky, but 4 Provinces and a Dutchy on turn 14 is tough to reach with every BM deck here, I think. I mean, it's possible, but you won't get there every time. I tried to build that engine as well, but I didn't get the feeling for it and can't play it well.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:42:10 am by assemble_me »
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2014, 07:44:57 pm »

Game 1:
Code: [Select]
Beggar, Secret Chamber, Vagrant, Chancellor, Workshop, Haggler, Royal Seal, Upgrade, Witch, Adventurer

I open 5/2 on this Witch board which is quite fortunate. I'm not sure if I want Upgrade over the second Witch, but decide to go for the Witch and play pure Witch BM. I eventually buy one Upgrade. He gets also double Witch with 2 Upgrades going. My Witches decided to be BFF, but still I am able to win the curse split 6/4. Over the course of the game I bought like a million Gold (10 to be exact) which easily let me green at a constant rate and gives me the win.

Game 2:
Code: [Select]
Pearl Diver, Great Hall, Advisor, Cutpurse, Cartographer, Haggler, Laboratory, Mandarin, Stables, Possession

We both open Cutpurse/Silver and go for Haggler then, but because of Cutpurse I decided to prefer Lab over Stables. PitrPicko picked up Gold over both which I think was a mistake. I can then easily get the draw going and easily green more constantly then him. I later haggle Cartographer over Labs, but at that point it didn't even matter anymore. I got some really fortunate draws in this game, hitting $5 regularly in the early game and later hitting $8 regularly.

Game 3:
Code: [Select]
University, Urchin, Armory, Scavenger, Sea Hag, Haggler, Journeyman, Market, Altar, Grand Market

I think I would lose this game after opening 5/2 on this Urchin/Urchin board. Well, I go for Haggler/-. He goes for Urchin/Sea Hag which I'm not sure of, but given that I can't get Urchins going, Sea Hag is a pretty good choice. Originally I wanted to ignore Sea Hag, but I need him to slow down as well, so I buy Sea Hag and haggle Urchin. Then later in turn 6... he flipped one of my 2 Urchins with his Sea Hag. I thought again this game is over. We both eventually get the Potion, but otherwise I get as many Urchins as possible and therefore as many Mercenaries as possible to thin down as fast as possible. Him getting 2 Potions I think was a mistake, but he trashed one shortly after that. Well, we both attack each other, he was getting a lot more cards with University, but I manage to trash down faster and start to gain Markets (while he was getting Journeyman, what was probably a mistake). With Curses gone, Urchins nearly gone and Markets low, I spike in my thin deck a Province (haggling Grand Market) in turn 21. Then I threatened the piles and he isn't able to comeback from this as his deck was still to thick (he still had 3 curses while I had none). Key here was the focus in trashing and if he would have trashed more consequently I would have had no chance in winning this.

Game 4:
Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Menagerie, Urchin, Spy, Throne Room, Tournament, Golem, Knights, Soothsayer, Peddler

A lot going on here. There's Tournament, the threat of throning Knights, thinning in Urchin and cursing in Soothsayer. For me it was clear to open Urchin/Urchin again and throne everything, but PitrPicko opened Menagerie/Tournament and then played Tournament BM which I just can't understand. The only thing I had to make sure is that he doesn't get to $8 before I have a thin deck. I couldn't connect my Urchins and got Dame Sylvia as solid top knight. But in turn 5 I can get 2 Mercenaries and play Dame Sylvia which hits one Tournament. Once I was lucky him getting only $7, but otherwise everything worked out nicely. In turn 10 our only 2 knights both die, but I can get a Gold which basically guarantees me $8 next turn which it did. From there I could easily start getting the Prizes and attack with Followers and so on. PitrPicko resigns as there was no way he would have been able to catch up.

Game 5:
Code: [Select]
Fortune Teller, Warehouse, Ironworks, Scout, Taxman, Bazaar, City, Merchant Guild, Merchant Ship, Stables

All the key cards cost $5, so I open Silver/Silver while he weirdly opens Warehouse/Taxman, again I'm not sure why. I focus in getting Stables for the draw and was lucky to hit basically every turn at least $5 for more Stables. In between I picked up one Merchant Guild. I soon hit $10 and can get Bazaar/Merchant Guild and then continue to pile the Stables. I didn't even notice that this enabled Cities, so I followed him getting them, but with me drawing my whole deck each turn and getting double Merchant Guild in play I could get 3 at a time. Given that I draw my deck each turn I added 2 more Merchant Guilds with having more than 10 tokens in reserve. Then I nearly misplayed. I forgot that fully activated Cities also give buys and I bought Province/City/Merchant Guild/Copper with more than 20 tokens left. But he hadn't 8 buys, otherwise he could have piled Estates for the win, lucky for me. He can only double Province while I can pile the Provinces in my next turn.

Game 6:
Code: [Select]
Gardens, Marauder, Plaza, Silk Road, Taxman, Duke, Embassy, Margrave, Vault, Fairgrounds

On this board there is every green card possible. I'm really not sure how to play this and I went the safe route in copying my opponent. We both opened Marauder which is maybe a mistake because of Fairgrounds. We both then go for Margraves with 1 Vault while I add Plazas too. He clearly signalizes Gardens with getting extra Coppers off his Margraves. I followed suit and tried to deny them. We split them 4/4 and then he was going for Silk Roads while I had a little bit better deck and focussed on Fairgrounds first. With my coin tokens and him getting unlucky $3 turns I was then even able to win the Silk Road split 5/3. With Ruins and Estates nearly gone there was now nothing he can do to still win this game. How would you have played this? Is Duchy/Duke viable or is Gardens/Silk Road the way to go?

Thanks PitrPicko for the games and good luck for the rest of this season.


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 07:58:25 am »

Just some few fast comments regarding our games.

Going gold over $5 in Game 2 was just because I thought I'm behind in this game, again, and I was trying to reach Haggler $8 ASAP but it was probably a bad call. It was really tough decision, but ultimatly I was going with gold and it served its purpose well, it allowed me buy province first, but still I personaly think that what made the game was your turns T6 and T8 where you was able to get good value from Haggler, while I was hitting it in T9 on the end of the deck where I was deciding whether I want my cutpurse and haggler to miss reshuffle and have opportunity to buy something or just skip a turn. Both options looked really terrible...

In game 3 I was going for second potion just because I really wanted to enable more enginy thing as you were getting better trashing. At that point in the game I was feeling to be a bit behind with trashing and I hoped to get some Uni/journey/Market/Merc sheningans, however hitting me in almost every important turn inevitably lead to my fall.

In Game 4 I was really unsure about what I want to play, but I was hoping for fast TournamentBM. I was hoping, that your urchins won't collide so fast. In retrospect I would probably still try TourBM, but I would probably add one or two Knights. But things happend way too fast in this game

In Game 5 I was hoping to deny you $5 as often as possible and was heading towards something brand new, disabling stables. However it wasn't really possible on board with bazaar and warehouse, as you could easily shift your hand.

In Game 6 I really thought I have the edge over you. But I had way too many terminals, or to be precise they really liked to collide. My turns without both Vault and Margrave was really crucial as they came too early. I even skipped Plaza as I thought that I will be drawing it dead too many times, but it really paid of for you.
I was very unsure how to play this game. I found both Margrave and Vault as great enablers for Gardens/Fairgrounds maybe I should focus just on one of them. Also important thing in this game was that I wasn't really able to play my maureder. It would give you maybe some points for Fairgrounds, but I find that spoils really crucial...

Thanks for the games. I was trying some inovative things and they failed, but that's not a problem at all. And as I am not playing Dominion as often as before this is my only opportunity to try something new. Also sometimes those desicions are driven purely by willingness to risk and I'm specificly talking about gold over lab and second potion. Maybe I'm wrong, but in both games I was feeling to be bit behind so I decided for way with lower expected value but higher variance. It might be the case, where value lost in EV is so large that it isn't a good play even when behind, but I really lost "the touch" as I'm not playing so much.

Extra thanks for recording and commentary, it is always valuable to read opinions of other players. And it also encourages me to write some notes about the games, which is also valuable as I can rethink me own desicions.

GL in rest of the games and league.


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2014, 08:29:54 am »

it is always valuable to read opinions of other players. And it also encourages me to write some notes about the games, which is also valuable as I can rethink me own desicions.

I left some comments on Qvist's video, in case you're interested in reading them. I think he played the games very well and his commentary is really good in this video -- there are only a couple of things I think he didn't think of and they're in my comments.

I think Game 3 in particular is one you could have won had you played more precisely. I really think you want to thin completely before you go for University, and failing to do that means failing to press the advantage you had over him in the opening. If you can just get thin and attack every turn, then a deck with no stop cards and tons of Grand Markets will get you a long way, and *then* go for University, just to act as a Necropolis (that gains you free Markets) so you can draw.
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2014, 02:20:43 pm »

Divison C1 match: AdamH 3, HiveMindEmulator 3

Link to entire stream on Twitch
Link to YouTube video playlist

Not my best showing ever, but I knew this was going to be a tough match. I'm a little upset that I could have played better in the games I lost, though. I just should have focused more. As it is, the start player ended up winning every game.

I'm not sure if people are noticing, but I'm now attaching the chat logs to these posts in case people are interested in reading them. Of course, I'll quote or paraphrase things that I think are important but I've never specifically called that out. So I am now.

Unfortunately, Goko decided to only make game logs for three of the games, so some of them are missing, but at least we have the videos.

Game 1: AdamH 44, HiveMindEmulator 33
(Game Log missing)     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Hamlet, Secret Chamber, Shanty Town, Wishing Well, Farming Village, Mining Village, Merchant Guild, Stables, Altar, Possession

I see the point of this board as being to play as many Possessions as possible, since it counters many of the sexier strategies. I get a little lucky with an early Altar, but him not going for Possessions means that relatively soon I'm able to play more turns with his deck than he is, which puts me at a big advantage.

Game 2: AdamH 35, HiveMindEmulator 24
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Pawn, Fortune Teller, Great Hall, Caravan, Coppersmith, JackOfAllTrades, Pirate Ship, Quarry, Spice Merchant, Harem

There are some cool things you can maybe try here, but I don't think it beats DoubleJack with Pawns, so that's what I go for. HME goes for the funny stuff and even though I had terrible draws (which I partly enabled with imprecise play) I'm still able to win comfortably.

The chat seemed to believe that I should have opened Spice Merchant over Jack. On my second shuffle I certainly should have gotten SM over my second Jack, given my draw, but I just can't see SM opening being better than Jack for money. Why were people even suggesting this? I don't understand.

Game 3: HiveMindEmulator 16, AdamH 9
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Hamlet, Sage, Warehouse, Workshop, Cutpurse, Remake, Smithy, Duke, Junk Dealer, Nobles

There are a couple of ways to go here with Duke around. There's a weak draw engine with all of the components you need, but enablers for money strategies for both Provinces and Duchy/Duke. We both go for the engine, which is definitely the right call, but the short story is that I play terribly and HME plays well, so he destroys me.

This is definitely a tricky engine to build, since Hamlet provides the only Village effect AND the only +Buy, so increasing handsize is really difficult to do with any meaningful payload. I couldn't see it in the game, but the chat was actually really enlightening as to what I was doing wrong:

Because this deck needs to be really thin to get off the ground, I should have prioritized Remake over Warehouse -- in fact Warehouse only has a place in this deck towards the endgame after greening starts, and it's super-easy to gain with Workshop.

It's a frustrating loss for me, because I played so unfocused and poorly on a difficult board and got crushed, but I believe that by examining my play closely here I can become a better player, and that's more valuable than one point in a tournament for sure.

Also, I wanted to mention something here about the chat log. Along with telling me all of the things I was doing wrong (Stef gets a special nod here because his messages really sparked some light bulbs for me while reading the chat), the people in the chat were responsive to the person in the chat who isn't from this community and isn't as familiar with the game as everyone else. This is exactly the kind of thing that streaming can do -- foster an environment where people can chat about Dominion and get into the game using a different medium, so I wanted to thank the people in the chat for making that possible.

Game 4: HiveMindEmulator 39, AdamH 25
(Game Log missing)     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Transmute, Crossroads, Forager, Bishop, Silk Road, Golem, Count, Rebuild, Bank, Forge

Rebuild with decent support vs. Golden Deck with decent support. We both end up going for a Golden Deck (which I think is a better strategy than Rebuild here, despite what the chat says) but he gets a 5/2 opening and opens Count. After seeing this, I misread his intentions and open Bishop/Forager, thinking he wants a Rebuild deck (he did get a Crossroads on his $2 hand, which a Golden Deck wouldn't want). By the time I make silly misplays I'm already so far behind that it doesn't matter.

Game 5: HiveMindEmulator 4, AdamH 3
(Game Log missing)     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: Hamlet, Herbalist, Armory, Bureaucrat, Quarry, Bazaar, Explorer, Library, Merchant Ship, Upgrade

A cool Library-based engine to build here with a potentially explosive payload. I open 5/2 which gives me a pretty good start, which I'm able to press to stay a half a step ahead in building.

On his third-to-last turn I notice him trigger a bad reshuffle where there are 4 stop cards in his draw pile. On my next turn I'm just short of ending the game on a win and my deck is much better and leaner. I decide to play conservatively by increasing the payload of my engine and not touching key piles, so that if he manages to get lucky and kick off with his one potentially good card, he can't end the game with a win. I also pick up a Duchy for insurance.

He stalls, as expected, on his next turn, but I get a terrible draw with all of my stop cards at the top of my shuffle, which means he can end the game on his turn with a win. On the surface this looks like his first-player advantage coupled with a bad draw handed him the game where I had a great position and he played poorly, and I get more upset about it than I'm proud of.

Then HME points out to me that playing conservatively doesn't mean increasing payload of the engine, but rather buying the components I need to improve reliability and lower piles while he has less control over them. And he's totally right. I had a great position and I only have myself to blame for throwing the game away, and he played to his outs at the right time and was able to take advantage of it.

There was talk in the chat of me missing a forced win on my second-to-last turn, and though I don't think I missed one, there's no way to check it without watching the stream video because THANKS GOKO. Ugh.

Game 6: AdamH 17, HiveMindEmulator 7
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube Video
Kingdom Cards: University, Great Hall, Oracle, Steward, Watchtower, Apprentice, Counterfeit, Duke, Ghost Ship, Wharf, with Shelters

University/Wharf engine here. He opens 5/2 and can't open Potion/Steward, and though the Wharf is good for him, I end up pretty far ahead with the help of a few good draws in the next couple of shuffles. I win the Wharf split 7/3 and from there I just focus on gaining millions of cards and I'm able to end the game on a win pretty comfortably.

People in the chat feel I trashed too many Coppers. Perhaps they're right, perhaps I was tilted from the last game where I thought I gave myself a 0.0001% chance of stalling and my deck decided to take it (which is not true but that's how I felt) so I decided to overdraw my deck before my turn started every turn. I could have done better if I had some treasures in my deck, but I didn't need them because I was so far ahead so I guess I decided that was a good reason not to buy them.

<wanderingwinder> I think he's a little overfocused sometimes on "this is good" more than "what am I actually doing HERE"

People who don't broadcast their games and put them out there for people to watch don't get this kind of advice from people who are better at Dominion than most other people in the world. If anyone is on the fence about streaming their matches, maybe this will help you decide to give it a shot.

Anyways, I got to play lots of action cards this match so I'm happy with it, and hopefully I can get better as a result. Thanks for the match, HME!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 10:44:04 pm by AdamH »
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2014, 02:41:23 pm »

People who don't broadcast their games and put them out there for people to watch don't get this kind of advice from people who are better at Dominion than most other people in the world. If anyone is on the fence about streaming their matches, maybe this will help you decide to give it a shot.

I totally agree, I'm in D leagues, but I've had so much feedback from better players about how I could have played better, and I think it's really great at helping you improve. Also, your streams are great Adam :)
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2014, 09:02:13 pm »

Game 6: AdamH 17, HiveMindEmulator 7
 YouTube Video

The video to the last game is missing. :/


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2014, 10:44:52 pm »

Game 6: AdamH 17, HiveMindEmulator 7
 YouTube Video

The video to the last game is missing. :/

The link has been fixed. There was a weird problem with the upload. Thanks for letting me know
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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2014, 01:00:03 pm »

Game 1:
Code: [Select]
Moat, Bishop, Herald, Band of Misfits, Count, Festival, Journeyman, Knights, Merchant Guild, Expand
Probably the trickiest game of the series. We both open double Silver because there is just nothing else to open with. I get 4/5 in my next shuffle and grab Herald/Count while gets 5/3 and gets Dame Sylvia/Moat. He gets a Count later while I then heavily for the Knights. I trash twice with Count, but then get rather Knights or engine components to pair with. I have 3 Knights to his 1 when two Knights die. I didn't realise it do stupid stuff like topdecking Moat with Herald, but being ahead in the Knights split is big. I continue buying Knights while he continues to trash which is probably his big mistake because I end up winning the Knights split 6/4 and he has a very thin deck where I trash everything not in his hand whenever he hasn't a Moat in hand. I also have a lot more economy and can easily build by getting more Heralds, Festivals and Merchant Guilds when he realises he can't win anymore and resigns.

Game 2:
Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Crossroads, Moat, Develop, Fortune Teller, Shanty Town, JackOfAllTrades, Contraband, Stash, Adventurer
Double Jack with CM as enabler. We both open CM/Jack and add more CMs and a second Jack in the next shuffle. In this game I get nearly perfect draws. I never draw a CM dead and mostly have CM with Jack in the hand. I like my addition of Shanty Town though which allows me to draw with Jack and still play CMs that I draw. I can get an early lead because I have more coin tokens and can easily maintain the lead until the end.

Game 3: Log missing
Code: [Select]
Chapel, Trade Route, Coppersmith, Treasure Map, Bandit Camp, Festival, Ghost Ship, Graverobber, Treasury, Farmland
I open 5/2 which I find very lucky and open Ghost Ship/Chapel to his Chapel/Silver, but on turn 3 both opening buys collide and I can only trash 3 cards. Also he can play Chapel in turn 4 and turn 5 before I can play my Ghost Ship in turn 5 where I draw my Chapel dead. I was so far behind I can never compensate that. qmech then does something weird and buys a Trade Route and buys victory cards to power it which gives me more time than I should have. I was desperate with all my $4 hands and buy Treasure Maps which I later trash because they didn't collide. I focus then on the Ghost Ship/Bandit Camp engine which he should have built more heavily, and get Provinces at a constant rate, but he has a Graverobber which I didn't have the opportunity to pick up while I then stall and he can win still pretty easily.

Game 4: Log missing
Code: [Select]
Haven, Hermit, Philosopher's Stone, Farming Village, Nomad Camp, Golem, Market, Merchant Ship, Outpost, Stables
I open 5/2 again and choose Stables/Haven while qmech opens Hermit/Silver. We both go for a deck with Stables, Golems and a few Markets and add an Outpost. But he has a lot more economy because of his Hermit and gets to $10+ pretty soon. This snowballs pretty fast as he can buy 2 good cards each turn while I'm stuck with one card per turn. I hope in the end to three-pile on him and hope for him to stall which didn't happen and he wins. I'm not sure what I did wrong though. Feedback is appreciated.

Game 5: Log missing
Code: [Select]
Crossroads, Hamlet, Trade Route, Advisor, Ironworks, Remake, Butcher, Counterfeit, Ghost Ship, Rebuild
I open 5/2 the third time in a row. I want to build the engine which should outrace everything with Rebuild here. I'm not sure on my opening here as I want Remake and Ironworks. I decided to ignore Remake and open Counterfeit instead. qmech opens Double Silver. I then get an Ironworks while he goes for Rebuild. I feel quite confident now and get Ghost Ship immediately. He also adds Crossroads which I really didn't like, especially against Ghost Ship. Also he adds Advisors as well which I also didn't like. Silver should be better. I then get more Advisors, Hamlets and Ghost Ships and 2 Crossroads which synergize well with Advisor. Then I added a Butcher and thought I deny him some Duchies. Later I noticed that Rebuild works even better for that and butcher one Counterfeit into a Rebuild. I then green and try to outrace him. Then the score is tied and I have a terrible stall turn. As he has no Duchy left and can't buy a Province I decided to trash a Ghost Ship with Trade Route and buy the second last Province. Then he gets a perfect turn where he draws a lot with Crossroads, plays Rebuild, plays Ironworks for Estate and draws exactly $8 for a Province. Unbelievable.

Game 6:
Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Lighthouse, Tunnel, Horse Traders, Island, Silk Road, Thief, Golem, Catacombs, Counterfeit
Tunnel with a lot of enablers, Hamlet/Catacombs engine, Catacombs/Counterfeit BM, Silk Road with a lot of green, interesting choices. We both go for the Hamlet/Catacombs engine with Tunnels for Gold gaining and Counterfeit for big Profit of the Golds. I open Horse Traders/Silver to be able to hit double $5 for Counterfeit/Catacombs while he opens Horse Traders/Tunnel which I really don't like. I did get $2/$6 though and get Hamlet/Catacombs first while he gets 2 Counterfeit for his first 2 $5s. I get a Counterfeit with my second $5. He then gets his second Tunnel already, when I buy my first one. He now gets Catacombs, I get my second Counterfeit. We both now fully build the draw engine while gaining Gold of Hamlet, Horse Traders and ocassionally with Catacombs. I decided to take initiative in greening and take Province and second Tunnel in turn 11. He builds more with double Catacombs, I can hit Province next turn again. He gets Province, I can even get Province/Duchy. He feels now far behind and goes for Double Silk Road, but with a lot of Gold gaining I can easily maintain momentum. I get Province/Tunnel again to his double Silk Road and then again Province/Tunnel to double Silk Road with Estate. I get a Province and then we both stall for a bit. He can only get single Silk Road while I even can get only Estate. He then gets Silk Road/Island because he fears I can three-pile on him. That gave him a lot of Silk Road points and if I stall I'm in big trouble, but I can get the last Province and win.


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Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2014, 01:50:16 pm »

Smartie: 4 games, AdamH: 2 games

Link to entire stream on Twitch
Link to YouTube video playlist

A rematch of the GokoDom quarterfinals; I was looking forward to playing some more interesting kingdoms with Smartie and I don't think this match disappointed. Certainly there was some luck on both sides of things but you make your own shuffle luck.

Game 1: Smartie 53, AdamH 26
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Chapel, Envoy, Herald, Nomad Camp, Wandering Minstrel, Golem, Baker, Venture, Grand Market, Harem

Well the name of the game is Thin Down And Get Grand Markets (OK it's actually Dominion but who's counting?). He gets a slight advantage with a 5/2 opening on the Baker board, he can open Baker/Chapel and save his coin token. Both of our Chapels are the bottom cards in our shuffle, and with a couple of less-than-optimal draws I find myself behind. He plays well, but we still split the Grand Markets 5/5. He greens and I realize I can't win the game by following him that way, so I try to build more out of desperation. He buys all 8 Provinces and that's it for me.

In the chat, SCSN disagrees with my buying Coppers out of desperation. I mean, the game was lost at that point but I think the Coppers aren't that bad. I need really fortunate draws at that point and I think Coppers as extra payload will probably be necessary. But I should have gotten Harems over Golds for sure.

Game 2: Smartie 42, AdamH resigned
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Transmute, Beggar, Chapel, Apothecary, Chancellor, Wishing Well, Familiar, Nomad Camp, Throne Room, Mystic, with Shelters

The big question: Familiar. What do you do with it? Chapel is there and probably should be bought early, but with Apothecary/Wishing Well and tons of support , how do you prioritize? I think I only want a Familiar if I can play one or two every turn and it will mean something, but I want to go for Apothecaries first. I open Potion/Wishing Well instead of getting a Chapel.

The second shuffle goes amazingly for him, where he gets to trash all three of his Shelters and buy a Familiar (which still could have been better as an Apothecary, IMHO). From here he plays what looks a lot like Chapel+Big Money, and with only average draws and some slight misplays here and there, I'm so far behind that he's locked up 50% VP before I can really do anything.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like I played much better this game and though I didn't necessarily get THAT unlucky, I think he got really lucky draws. Anyone care to tell me how wrong I am? Mostly the chat says I should have opened Chapel but to be honest I don't necessarily think that's SO much worse than opening WW, and given my draws the Wishing Well was much better. I don't think in this case opening Chapel could have helped me, and I'd argue that though the best case is to have Chapel trash all three Shelters on T3, you're more likely to only be able to trash one or two of them and trashing Coppers early just doesn't seem that important.

Game 3: AdamH 34, Smartie 52
(Game Log missing)     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Native Village, Loan, Bishop, Feast, Island, Talisman, Tournament, Wandering Minstrel, Mine, Hunting Grounds, with Shelters

An engine to be built here, but the only +Buy is Princess and Talisman as a gainer just doesn't cut it here. I open Tournament/Loan, he opens Loan/Island (trashing Hovel, which I couldn't do) and he connects Tournament twice before I'm able to do it once and there's just no coming back from that.

Perhaps I could have pivoted into a Golden Deck variant with Bag of Gold at this point? I don't know. Seems like I would have needed to build up a lot more to pull that off, but it might have given me a better chance than what I had, even though with better draws on the last shuffle I could have actually won the game...

Game 4: AdamH 50, Smartie 42
(Game Log missing)     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Vineyard, Great Hall, Lookout, Scheme, Horse Traders, Graverobber, Haggler, Mandarin, Royal Seal, Wharf, with Platinum/Colony

Well it's money-focused on a Colony board. We both go largely for one Lookout and Wharf, but he gets more Wharves and I get a couple of Schemes instead. I'm not sure if it was draws or the Scheme choice, but I'm able to get going faster and I end up winning.

The only interesting thing that happens is on my second-to-last turn where I'm up by 11 points and I have 13 and 2 Buys. I make what I think is the correct play and buy Province+Mandarin, being able to Scheme my Wharf and guarantee myself the same draw next turn. In spite of seeing this, he grabs the Penultimate Colony and secures the win for me.

Game 5: AdamH 30, Smartie 33
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Beggar, Lookout, Moneylender, Talisman, Festival, Mandarin, Merchant Ship, Rogue, Saboteur, Bank

There's no draw, so it's Big Money. He gets a Moneylender to open and I don't, and that's about it. I hit a lot of $7 turns in the end and whatever. He wins. If I learned one thing from this game it's that Merchant Ship+BM is terrible. Seriously, I've played it several times and I feel like it would have lost to just regular BM each time -- Mandarin+BM would have been much better here.

Game 6: Smartie resigned, AdamH 7
Game Log     Twitch Highlight     YouTube video
Kingdom Cards: Masquerade, Oracle, Advisor, Plaza, Salvager, Smithy, Talisman, Cache, Harvest, Jester

A cool engine to build here, and Plaza split seems to be important. He opens Plaza and I open Talisman (which I think has to be better) but we split the Plazas 5 each in any case. From here he has a couple of nice draws that get him slightly ahead but he decides to just go for single Province turns with his wealth of coin tokens while I decide to build more and go for Salvagers (imagine that). He gets a lead but my engine and Advisors end up being too much and I have all of the endgame control. He resigns since I can basically force a win with my last turn.

I'm most interested in discussion on the second game, and though my chances of being promoted are less after this match, I think I maybe still have a shot (?) at it? In any case, thanks for the match, Smartie! It's nice to play against high-level people, especially in a tournament context.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 01:51:19 pm by AdamH »
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Re: Season one - Game reports & discussion: C
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2014, 10:38:19 am »

Last game against Lekkit:

Game 1:

Code: [Select]
Menagerie, Sea Hag, Silk Road, Spice Merchant, Counting House, Ghost Ship, Journeyman, Hoard, Hunting Grounds, Possession
We both open 5/2 on this slog board. I go straight for Sea Hag while Lekkit decides to open Ghost Ship. Because of Silk Road I decided to trade Estate against Hovel while Lekkit didn't. Lekkit gets to Hoard on turn 4 which is all he wanted with his Ghost Ship opening, I guess. I decided to get a second Sea Hag because he hadn't bought one so far, but buys one in turn 6. I turn 7 he can buy his second Hoard which means I'm in trouble because he can already green while I still need to build. I could only buy one Hoard in turn 11 while Lekkit reached $6 again in turn 14 for a third Hoard. In turn 16 I buy a late second Hoard. I end up winning the Curse split only 6/4 and he had nearly all Silk Roads. I end the game buying the last Silk Road, but lost only by 4 points. He had 2 Provinces in addition to Silk Roads, while I had only one, that made the difference.

Game 2:

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Poor House, Apothecary, Smugglers, Militia, Quarry, Cartographer, City, Royal Seal, Tactician
For me it was difficult to decide to go for Vineyards or not because there is just no +Buy, but there is Smugglers. Again we both open 5/2. I open Militia to his Tactician. With all the spammable $5s we both Smugglers pretty soon after that. In turn 7 Lekkit goes for Potion and second Smuggers, so I had to follow him by smuggling his Potion. In turn 9 I misclick and bought City instead of Cartographer. Because of Smugglers the City pile went pretty low pretty fast. In turn 15 I decided to get a second Potion. That was important as he couldn't find his Potion which guaranteed me a 5/3 Vineyards split in my favor. I could then end the game by smuggling and buying 4 Duchies on the last turn.

Game 3:

Code: [Select]
Oasis, Trade Route, Monument, Remake, Tournament, Cultist, Ill-Gotten Gains, Laboratory, Mine, Stables
He opens again 5/2 and is start player on this Cultist board. I have my first 4/3 and open Remake/Silver. I decided to contest in the Ruins war what was the correct move. I was already down 5/1 in the Ruins split, but could then equalize for a 5/5 split. In turn 9 I have already enough for a Province and in turn 12 I remake 2 Cultists into Golds and 6 cards which gave me my second Province. In turn 14 I got lucky again and could already buy my third Province. Lekkit then goes for Tournaments which I couldn't understand given that I already had 3 Provinces. I continue getting Laboratories on <$8 which gave me the draw I needed to continue buying Provinces and win easily.

Game 4:

Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Sage, Gardens, Nomad Camp, Spy, Mint, Rabble, Rogue, Upgrade, Venture
And again there's a 5/2 opening, this time it's me. I get Upgrade while Lekkit tries to reach $5 with Nomad Camp which didn't work out. I game plan is to trash with Upgrade, but otherwise play Rabble BM on this weak board. Lekkit uses Upgrade for trashing as well, but uses Mint to get Ventures which works out a lot better. At first we were equally paced as we both have 2 Colonies in our decks. We both get another Colony, but Lekkit being second player can safely buy the penultimate Colony. We both stall then, but with his Ventures he stalls much less and can buy the last Colony as well.

Game 5:

Code: [Select]
Cellar, Pawn, Alchemist, Cutpurse, Horse Traders, Navigator, Young Witch, Market, Stash, Venture, Farmland
Hey, this time no 5/2. We both open Potion/Silver and ignore Young Witch at first. Then we both get Alchemists and Market mixed in. Lekkit also has an additional Horse Traders. In turn 7 I made the error in getting a second Market instead of a second Potion, Lekkit bought his second Potion in turn 8. I realize my error and buy it in turn 9. But then came turn 10, he can buy 2 Alchemists in one turn while I was stuck with $2P. He won therefore the Alchemist split 6/4. I was now desperate and buy Young Witch which guarantees to hit with his 6 Alchemists. He buys then a Young Witch as well and just had a much better deck. I had to take a gamble and green prematurely, but it didn't work out as I stalled pretty hard.

Game 6:

Code: [Select]
Smugglers, Familiar, JackOfAllTrades, Noble Brigand, Quarry, Remodel, Young Witch, Cartographer, Knights, Merchant Guild, Adventurer
Again I have 5/2 on this Double Jack board as second player. I needed to win this game to advance in league B. We both play Double Jack here. I get Cartographer is a $5 while he gets Dame Molly (she later trashed my second Jack). Lekkit made the error in getting Gold over Duchy with 4 Provinces left which was exactly what I needed to win and advance in league B, yippieh.
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