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General Discussion / The Act of Killing
« on: September 05, 2013, 01:52:35 am »
This documentary is a mindfuck worth watching

Interview with Director:

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:45:49 pm »
Last game of the grand finals was heart attack inducing; highly recommend. The production looks great too.

Final Game:

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Expansion: Proletariat v2.3a
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:36:28 am »
I've been out of the loop of this game for ages. Guilds is surreal O_O!

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:54:11 am »
A quick look around reveals nothing really supporting or going against it. It might very well be true, or the truth misrepresented in some way (leaver games and remakes).

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: April 02, 2013, 09:16:32 pm »
You can believe what you want, but aren't the statistics facts? 5 billion games played in 1 year for one of the 3 major chinese dota clients vs 1 billion games played over 3 years for LoL. Even if the numbers (on either side) are fudged, when you extrapolate to include (a) the other chinese clients (b) the lan culture and (c) the rest of the world, there is nothing to suggest LoL is anywhere near the vicinity of dota 1.

Not that any of this really matters.

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:32:34 pm »
I was including china in an overall comparison yeah. Keep in mind there are some conflicting stats out there, but the main thing to note when comparing stats is that dota has a gazillion free platforms outside of

Also, a huge part of the asian dota culture is to go to lan shops and play in groups which aren't recorded online. So its probably an even bigger difference than given in the link above.

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:20:53 pm »
A few points or tidbits to make since i've played Heroes of Newerth (the 3rd major game), Dota, and play Dota 2 now:
- Dota and Dota 2 are essentially the same game, although Dota 2 is missing a few heroes
- Original Dota is still gigantic in popularity, bigger than LoL, which is bigger than dota 2, followed by HoN which is quite small.
- HoN was supposed to be the sequel to Dota 1, until IceFrog had a falling out with S2 (the developers), leaving HoN with a bunch of 'classic' dota heroes mixed in with their own creations. HoN is a much faster paced version of Dota, with a lot more clicking and skill-shots and emphasis on individual skill than hero drafting (many of the new heroes are jack of all trades), and a number of annoying features removed (secret shop gone/start off with a courier: but you could argue they are more layers). I like it quite a bit still but noone plays it and everyone i know plays dota.
- Most hardcore gamers gripe with LoL (and now HoN) is the F2P/grinding system where payment or time is required to achieve a fair playing field. Dota gives complete access to the whole hero pool, which makes it the most balanced system for hero drafting easily. (HoN used to do the same but then switched to F2P)
- Second hand knowledge suggests that LoL has removed a number of features, archaic or not, like denying, pulling, runes, TPs, bottles, juking, mana management tactics, and has fewer items you have to activate (in the other 2 games your inventory could easily contain 6 activated items). LoL is considered the easiest to learn which is great, but I like the extra strategic/tactical layers that those features provide in HoN/Dota.
- Most sources also say that the consequences of dying or being out of position are much lower in LoL. Again, Dota is team fencing, and death can easily be the result of being out of position more than anything else. LoL seems to have a number of ways to make positioning less important including items which reduce the effectiveness of disables, and in HoN most heroes have escape abilities. The apparent result is that dying has the biggest consequence and is also the easiest to do in Dota, which drags your whole team down as the enemy gets gold and exp. The increased consequence of having new players on the team leads to more raging.

For me the ideal game would be dota with a few of the hon heroes i sorely miss like parasite, chipper, and engineer  ;D

[edit: article i linked is probably not worth it given its from 2011]

Dominion Articles / Re: The Combo Deck
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:37:09 am »

I would say a combo deck depends mostly or entirely on a key interaction between some cards, and will work on its own or with a variety of replaceable components. The interaction may very well fall under one of the other deck archetypes; I'd call KC-scheme-whatever a combo deck which is also (usually) an engine deck.

I think clear cases of combo decks occur when adding other stuff hurts it much worse than usual. Like adding another action to a Counting House/Golem deck, or another card to a golden deck. Not a conclusive characteristic obviously, but these decks have to be much more carefully controlled.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: House rule for reducing luck factors?
« on: November 25, 2012, 10:24:04 pm »
Randomness can shape the landscape of the game, but it shouldn't bury one player (and not others) in the process.

General Discussion / Re: iOS / Android games
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:33:29 am »
Cities and Knights was released for Catan on IOS. Campaign is way too short only 4 lvls.

General Discussion / Re: Computer and Video Games
« on: November 03, 2012, 12:29:17 am »
I don't get why people rage on my team in Dota or HoN. I mean I do, because a lot of the win/loss comes down to your team as a whole, but all it does is make you and your team play worse.

I didn't mean to turn this into a DotA topic. Anybody played any recent mmorpgs? I was thinking of trying Guild Wars 2 out. I was also a hardcore FFXI player (get your laughs out now), so I'm actually looking forward to this reboot of FFXIV. That game was so terrible when it launched...

I recently played GW2 and even more recently stopped. GW2 levelling is great, there's no griefing, ganking, or competing for stuff. The quests flow from area to area and there's a lot of jump puzzles and mini fun things to do. The problem is when you reach 80. It'll take a short while to get the best gear, then there's basically no further progression. Pretty much the only things to do at max level are achievements, PvP/World vs World, or 5 man dungeons, and after a certain point the rewards are only cosmetic.

For my money WoW has the best endgame by far, but I've long since gotten sick of raiding. So no more mmos for me [unless they make a Pokemon MMO with real time battles  ;D]

General Discussion / Re: Computer and Video Games
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:32:20 am »
Diablo 3 turned out quite a disappointment. Not all bad because i made close to $400 on the RMAH, but they messed up the pacing and progression of the game through inferno. Torchlight 2 is worth a download for a fun dungeon crawler, the complete single player is free as a demo on steam.

If you want a seriously fantastic puzzle game, go check out Braid on steam.

General Discussion / Re: Music
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:23:10 am »
Since I looked and did not find such a topic, I made it.

What's everyone's favorite/least favorite Music genre/artist/song?

My personal favorite artist is Two Steps From Hell, they are just awesome. The genre is an awesome genre called Epic music, that is getting fairly popular. As for what I don't like, I absolutely despise Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop, Country Rock, and Dubstep. Everything else, I just tend not to listen to.

I love TSFH. In addition to this, the occasional rock or metal (The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines)

General Discussion / Re: iOS / Android games
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:01:24 am »
I highly recommend all of these games. But, in order of importance, I would say:

1. Trainyard
Extremely addictive puzzle game. the difficulty raises from very easy to absurdly difficult at the later stages, and there's unlimited replayability because the online database has millions of user-made maps.

2. Battleheart
Worth at least one play through; Several more if you love gearing up and levelling up different parties.

3. Where's my Water?
Very fun and addictive. It can be challenging at times, especially the achievements, but overall not too hard. They're always adding new levels too.

4. Geodefense
This tower defense game rocks, as does its sequel GD: Swarm. Unfortunately there's some Openfeint crap that the game nags you about trying to sign you up for. Just make sure you turn off hardcore mode on your first play through.

5. Cut the Rope
This one's almost exactly like where's my water in terms of layout. Very quick and significantly easier than the above puzzle games.

6. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
This is a port of the nintendo game. The characters are great and the crime solving puzzles are pretty challenging. However, the dialogue takes a significant amount of time (as it probably should because you have to remember what people say), the game is quite long, and occasionally you will get stuck if you miss something important. It's absolutely worth it if you have the time, and a trilogy package of this game and the next 2 sequels is supposed to be coming out in a few months.

General Discussion / Re: "You think too much"
« on: October 31, 2012, 07:54:33 am »
As a board gamer, do you find yourself accused of thinking too much? Well, "accuse" is a strong word, but I guess "called out" might be appropriate.

My co-workers at lunch have expressed an interest in playing games. Knowing they weren't hardcore gamers, I brought Blokus and Gobblet. I introduced a form of Hanabi. This gets interesting looks from other people in the cafeteria, and one woman that we know even looked at the strange way we were holding our cards in Hanabi and said, "You guys think too much for lunch."

Sadly, this isn't the first time I've heard such a thing. I have a hobby that stimulates my mind. I love thinking tactically. I love solving problems. When I relax, I'm usually not doing nothing.

Even among my game-playing lunch crowd, I'll hear someone say, "Count me out for this one. I'm not in the mood to think." I always found that statement weird.

I mean, I'll sometimes not be in the mood for a game, but I would always say, "I'm not in the mood to play," instead of "I'm not in the mood to think." I'm always in the mood to think.

I guess I'm an oddball in that I don't consider thinking to be a bad thing. I suspect there are a lot of you who feel the same way.
If you're getting called out for something like that, it basically means that they wouldn't enjoy or feel relaxed doing the same, and don't understand or appreciate that you do. Not that boardgames don't take brainpower, but sometimes focusing on something you find fun is relaxing and can actually energize you.

It's quite a silly thing when people want others to stop doing or liking things that they wouldn't do or like. Happens all the goddamn time though.

General Discussion / Re: What's your username mean
« on: October 31, 2012, 07:34:59 am »
I enjoy magic (in games and theatre) and condiments (in all foods). And it's not a name i see very often if at all.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card that Name: Fancy Hat
« on: October 09, 2012, 04:27:16 am »
Fancy Hat
$0* - Victory-Prize
Worth 1 VP for each differently named action card in your deck.

Something something action cards can wear hats and this is worth VPs??

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 09:41:56 pm »
Come to think of it, the 3rd has the damage/restitution effects aligned rather than reversed. A card which is compensation for loss would more likely be a reaction.

Blood Money
$3 - Action-Reaction
When another player plays an attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, gain a spoils.

Don't have an interesting way to limit the effect, but there's a baseline...

Or how about, Blood Money is a type of spoils gained when people attack you/you trash things?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 07:56:01 pm »
I feel like cache and death cart (and contraband) already cover the big $ with penalty space, so heres some other ideas, centered around trashing/restitution.

Blood Money
$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
You cannot buy this unless you reveal an action card from your hand. When you buy this, trash an action card from your hand.

Blood Money
$4 - Treasure-Reaction
Worth $1
You may trash a card from your hand.
When a player trashes a card costing $3 or more, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, place this on top of your deck and gain a silver, putting it into your hand.

Blood Money
$5 - Action-Attack
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of his deck, trashes one of them costing from $3 to $6, and discards the rest. If any player trashes a card this way, gain a spoils, putting it into your hand.

For the first one, I don't know if having an action in hand (meaning you have to buy an action, draw it, then hit $5 without playing it) is a strong enough penalty, but its basic idea of requiring to trash actions somehow to get blood money. The second only barely self-synergizes, and is mainly something to look at in DA/swindler/saboteur games, following the restitution theme. The third, i think its kinda similar to rogue and some other DA cards, but i'll throw the idea out there in terms of what blood money could potentially be.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A probably easy What's Missing?
« on: October 01, 2012, 01:13:52 am »
I'm going to go with Duchess or Embargo as the other one.

One of these is right! I can't figure out why you thought of the other one, though. What's the pattern you're thinking of?
Something about the first copy affecting a second copy, or mentioning itself in the text

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A probably easy What's Missing?
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:59:00 am »
I'm going to go with Duchess or Embargo as the other one.

I'm going to quote the cards I feel are good, or warrant some extra attention. The rest are by category below. [Disclaimer: most of these aren’t mine, etc…]

$4 - Action/Reaction
+2 Cards
When you discard a card from your hand or your deck, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, put that card on the top or bottom of your deck, your choice.
(Rules clarification:  You must discard the card directly from your hand or your deck in order to use this card's Reaction ability. If the card must first be set aside, such as with Library or Adventurer, this card's Reaction ability cannot be used.)
Counters inspection attacks like spy nicely, lets you do some weird gymnastics with sifting cards, or store some cards at the bottom for later. Weird enough that I like it.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.
When you discard this from your hand other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal it. If you do, +2 Cards.
A draw up to engine counters militia anyway, so the defensive capability is moot in those decks. Stacking these on their own, they chain together, each one being worth 1/2 or 1/3 a grand market. Not bad.

Crazy Eights
$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. You may discard it or put it back.
When you would discard a card other than from play, you may reveal this from you hand. If you do, trash that card instead.
Defensively, militia helps instead of hurts, and the friendly spy is okay. The reaction is the same as one of my previously submitted cards, and it’s a reaction that I like. You can trash your deck down using this and warehouse/cartographer/other big discarders.

$4 - Action-Reaction
Set aside up to 2 Treasure cards from your hand on your [This Card] mat. Cards on your [This Card] mat may be returned to your hand at the start of your buy phase. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.
When you would gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, instead, gain a Copper, setting it aside on your [This Card] mat.
This card potentially sets up a megaturn, or just lets you control your income a fair bit. I think both sides of the card are pretty strong, since you can leave coppers in there until lategame. I don’t see the comparison to Pawn Shop, which is more of a supertrasher which burns out quickly. In fact, it might combo with Pawn Shop.

Go Fish
$4 - Action-Reaction
Trash up to two cards.
When you would trash a card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, discard this and put the trashed card aside.
Put that to your discard pile in your clean-up phase.
I can use this card to (a) regenerate Trash-Me cards like Cultist/Embargo and (b) defend versus trashing attacks. I can trash my other card for its benefit, then set it aside instead. Its hard to judge whether you can get a viable combo running out of this.

$4 - Victory-Reaction
Worth 2 VP
Whenever a player (including you) plays a card that instructs you to draw exactly 1 card, you may reveal this card from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards instead.
I would like this, but the effect is unlimited (turning every great hall into a great lab for you), and the effect is tedious (reveal each time you cantrip).  Two of these and all your cantrips become +3 cards, +1 action. Needs a revision.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
Discard 2 Cards.
You may reveal [This Card] from your hand when discarding it due to an Action. If [This Card] is among the cards discarded, you may draw the same number of cards after discarding.
What this is trying to say is: if you play Warehouse and discard 3 cards, and Knaves is one of them, then draw 3 cards. Or, if you discard 2 and Knaves is one of the 2, draw 2 cards. It lets you draw a 2nd Knaves dead and have it be useful. I would playtest this card and probably end up changing the wording to make it more clear.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
When any player plays an Attack, you may reveal this from your hand and set it aside. If you do, after the Attack resolves, discard this and +2 Cards.
In certain kingdoms, namely drawing attacks, this becomes interesting. It'll turn your Spy into a Spy-lab, or Margrave into a Hurty Council Room, whilst defending against Margraves. That's fine, but every other time this is crapper than Moat. Almost warrants an 'add an attack card pile to the supply' clause.

Whist, Baccarat: Reflectors have been discussed to death. And these aren't the new interesting way which makes them work.
Pinochle: Why would I want to remove a village from my hand? Don't I need it? If I don't need it, isn't it just luck that my opponent attacks me? Maybe you need a bunch of these as well as smithies in hand for this to all make sense.
Canasta: What this really wants to achieve is double gains for ironworks/remodelly cards, and trashes against junkers, but not anything inbetween. The text needs to be shrunken/simplified somehow. It tries too hard to ensure some cards get the benefit but not others. I’d be happier if it was just ‘gain other than during your buy phase’ really.
Monastery: An attack that defends against itself? This is one of the reasons why people hate minion.
Wichita: The reaction is an attack? How about when you play it? Makes junkers you play more powerful, which is unnecessary.
Poch: Every use of this card, aside from junk defense, appears awfully slow. Even DA gymnastics wouldn't make it worth having this.
Horseshoe: I suppose it gives you something to discard. I don't know if I like one card generating so many actions and buys at little to no cost.
Casino: A mat filled with Junk and VPs. It has too many similarities (and advantages) over island to be an alternative worth adding to the game.

Discard or Trash Me for a Thing
Poker: I suppose this is fine. I wonder if a terminal with just +VP would be worth it to most people. Maybe this is good against a fast BM-terminal player.
Anaconda: So you can potential save some $. Seems okay.
Frog: Non-terminal, virtually unrestricted VPs, and an escalating bonus leading to everyone spamming these. No thanks.
Rummy: The trigger covers a length of time rather than a specific event, which might pose problems. The card as its intended chains together like cultist which is okay.
Savannah: So you need to have this on your deck at the end of your turn. The choice is odd but usually intuitive (depends on whether I have terminals), except for the random buy thrown in there.
All Fours, Tribello: A little too similar to tunnel. They seem okay, but still, not new or interesting.
Cuttle, Michigan, Euchre: I don't see the point of reactions saving me actions. Am I going to collide these with a terminal on purpose, hoping my opponent triggers it?
Canfield, Bridge, Klabberjass, Jass, Cribbage, Jungle, Pennies from Heaven, Pyramid, Finish Line: These cards make you choose between two weak effects, or two effects which turn out to be the same thing anyway, or give a nonsensical/luck-based bonus, or two completely unrelated effects. Maybe they'd be fine if you didn't have to sacrifice one for the other. I'm sure they have their niche uses.

Weird Triggers and Other Stuff
Pitch: Putting gained cards to hand without limits has ironworks/gainer problems, as has been discussed a few times on this forum (and in this thread).
Old Maid: Hey, I'm a regular village too! Ok fine, but I'd rather buy a regular village most of the time, which needs to exist for the reaction to even work. A consolation prize for a crappy hand really.
Spades: An extra turn! There’s virtually no decision whether or not to reveal here, so does this need to be a reaction? It’s a decent card regardless.
Ninety Nine: With no reaction, already way better than explorer, woodcutter, or anything inbetween.
Shanghai: Gonna have to start drawing one card at a time to ensure accountability. Tedious in that regard.
Hearts: Lots of luck and awkwardness make up this card. Maybe I need a card which can put this at the bottom of my deck? Is cleanup draw 5 or draw up to 5?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Challenge #17: +Buy!
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:20:31 am »
Well, i have the time so i'm going to do one of these. The cards that interest me are ones which have new mechanics and weird interactions, ones where I can look at it and see a lot of untapped potential for new strategies. Ones which look and play like existing cards usually bore me.
Disclaimer: most of these cards aren't mine, etc...

Sky Diver
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard a Copper, or reveal a hand with no Copper.  If you did discard a Copper, +1 Card, +1 Action.
More cards which can be terminal or cantrip/village would be interesting, but this doesn't really give you a choice. I guess its okay.
$6 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal an Action or Treasure card.  Put that card into your hand. Discard the other revealed cards.
Eh its fine.
$6 - Action
While this is in play, when you gain an Action, Treasure, or Victory card that you have not gained this turn: +1 Buy, +$1.
I believe the clause here is to prevent someone spamming coppers to get infinite $+1 and deck bloat. I think it would be fair if the player wanted to buy a curse for that extra $1.
$5 - Action-Attack
Choose one: +$3 or +3 Cards.
Each other player chooses one: they trash a card from their hand, or draw a card and discard a card from their hand.
Choose one: +1 buy and each other player gains a Copper; OR trash a card from your hand and each other player with four or more cards in hand discards a card.
A whole lot of choices. It would be fine if they all interacted together in some broad scheme, but i don't see it, making the card seem tedious.
Egg Catch
$3 - Action-Duration
+2 Cards
Set aside any number of Treasure cards from your hand face up on top of this card.
During the buy phase of your next turn: +1 Buy and play the set aside cards in any order.
Scoop up a whole bunch of cards and use them next turn. Opening this card/silver would allow you to hotshot to platinum by turn 4/5. Probably needs a rethink.
$4 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash one or three cards from your hand.
Salvager works with +buy because you can sometimes generate alot of coin with it. This one not so much, I don't like +buy on this.
Pole Position
$5 - Treasure
Choose one:
If this is the only Treasure you play this turn, choose 2. Otherwise, choose 1: +$1P; OR +$2; OR +$1, +1 Buy.
The timing of this cards effects given subsequent treasure plays is awkward and can be fixed with wording. Hey, if i need potions or buys, its there.
Dig Dug
$4 - Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may trash a card from your hand.
When you consider that merchant ship is simply +$2 now & later, this seems too strong for $4. Its a worthy $5 to me. Gaining cards happens almost every turn, so the mechanic only becomes interesting (very strong) when you start adding gainers or extra buys into the equation.
$3 - Action
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard the top three cards of your deck.  If all three are identical, +$4.  If exactly two are identical, +$2.  If there are no duplicates, +$1.
I'm not a fan of the luck involved in this card as an opener. Even when you refine your deck a bit, ehh its okay.
Mario Bros
$2 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
At the start of your turn: +$1.
During your Clean Up phase, place [This Card] in play for the player to your right.
The pass around effect is overall neutral and adds some luck into the game. I'm open to a card which get passed around, but this particular card isn't it.
$5 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, whenever you play an Action, +$1.
+$1 is worth a fair bit on cantrips. Reminds me of king's court; if you draw it with the right components before your opponent then it explodes and you usually win. Not a fan of those types of games.
Space War
$2 - Action
+1 Buy
You may trash this and another copy of [This Card] from your hand.  If you do, gain two differently named cards costing up to $6, placing the card with the lowest cost on top of your deck.
+Buy lets you get some more of these, but lack of coin doesn't. It would be interesting to see if spamming these is in fact a good way to start up your deck.
$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
When you buy a Treasure you have not yet bought this turn, +$1.
Definitely good for museum. Seems fine but not super exciting.
$4 - Action
+1 Action
+3 Buys
If you have unused buys at the end of the turn you play this card, trash this card.
Like a few other cards around here, its very strong with some alt VP (gardens). Problem is this is also very strong and kind of a no-brainer pickup in the majority of decks. Not a fan.
Jungle Hunt
$3 - Action
+2 Cards
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard 2 cards. If both cards discarded were Actions or Treasures, +1 Card.
It would be okay at $4, but +buy with a card which reduces your handsize (or buying power if you discard treasures) isn't very good.
$5 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
On your next turn: +1 Buy.
Choose two non-empty piles from the supply. Place a Plus token on one and a Minus token on the other.
While this is in play, cards from supply piles with Plus tokens on them cost $1 more and cards from supply piles with Minus tokens on them cost $1 less (to a minimum of $0). When this leaves play, remove one Plus token and one Minus token from supply piles.
(Rules clarification: The maximum change in price is $1, even if there are multiple Plus or Minus tokens on a pile. If there are both Plus and Minus tokens on a pile, there is no change. If you play this card with a multiplier such as Throne Room or King's Court, there will be tokens left on piles once [This Card] leaves play, but if nobody has one in play, the tokens will do nothing.)
Using cost changes to hurt an opponent and help yourself. With a computer doing the work, i wouldn't mind trying this card out. In live games, there needs to be a way to tell which cards correspond to which tokens if there are multiple Krulls flying around. Love the idea but needs work.
$4 - Action-Duration
Set aside a card from your hand. At the start of your next turn, return it to your hand and gain +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy.
When a player plays an Attack card, they may discard a Treasure card. If they do not, players who have a [This Card] in play are unaffected by the attack.
A halfway house between a number of cards. This basically works out to both improve and preserve your next hand. Mitigates chain attacks and luck, which i like.
$6 - Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
While this is in play, cards cost $1 more.
This is interesting enough. When you finally get around to putting a couple of these in play they can stop a BM or alt VP opponent dead in their tracks. I actually like it, but the effect could get too out of control (stalling the game) and probably needs a limit.
$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal the top card of your deck.  If it is a Ruins, Curse, or a Copper, put it into your hand.
Theres a material difference to vagrant in that its a lab+buy in a copper deck. This only makes it a little less dull.
$5 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, Action cards you buy are immediately played.
(Rules clarification: This would allow you to play action cards during the buy phase, but only those you are purchasing. This is not optional and does not require leftover actions.)
It seems absurd that you could play treasures then buy a watchtower and regenerate your hand. Not any more absurd than black market but still, this type of effect requires rigorous playtesting.
Secret Quest
$3 - Action
+1 Buy
When you play this, +$1 per Buy you have.
Quite niche. The way it should be played is quite obvious. Diadem has similar issues. Overall its meh.
$4 - Action
Look at the bottom card of your draw pile; you may discard it. If you do, +$2 and +1 Buy. If you don't; put it back on bottom, +2 Actions, and +1 Card.
The two choices being tied together is awkward and unintuitive. It would be completely fine without the bottom card mechanic.
Night Driver
$4 - Action
+1 Card
You may discard up to 2 Cards. +1 Action and +1 Buy per card discarded.
Super hamlet/market hybrid. Probably fine, nothing new.
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
When you discard this from play, if you gained at least 1 Treasure card, 1 Action card, and 1 Victory card this turn, draw an additional card during this turn's Clean-up phase.
Very situational and the bonus isn't a big deal. Doesn't really capture my imagination.
$4 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard a card.
When you gain this, if at least one supply pile is empty, you may put this on your deck.
These markets are beginning to blend together in my mind. Topdecking one or two of these is probably fine, too many and you're begging for a draw up to something.
$3 - Action-Victory
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Worth 1 VP
When you buy this, if this is the first card bought this turn, +1 Buy.
I look at this and i'm indifferent. Hey, if i need buy or points, its there.
$4 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
At the end of your Buy phase, set aside one card from your deck for every unused buy face down. At the start of your next turn, put them into your hand.
I suppose if you got enough of these, and enough villages, you would end up with a wharf-style engine. Turning buys into something has potential. Its better than most.
$6 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard 3 cards or 1 [This Card].
This could be the money piece of both a draw engine (if you can redraw the discarded Xeno over and over) and a draw up to engine. Its fine, but could do with being more flexible.
Street Racer
$2 - Action
+1 Buy
All players (including you) reveal a card from their hand. All cards revealed this way cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.
If you did not buy any copies of the revealed cards, you may put this card on top of your deck.
I'd get frustrated trying to keep track of everything when multiples are played, which seems to be what you want with bridge type cards. Concept has potential.
Road Runner
$5 - Action
+2 Actions
+3 Buys
In games using this, when you trash a Fool's Gold, you may gain an [This Card].
Setup: Add Fool's Gold as an extra Kingdom card pile.
There's no guarantee you'll have fool's gold available. Better to extend the effect to more piles.
Star Raiders
$2 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a card costing exactly $2 more.
When you discard this from play, trash it if you have any unused Buys.
$2 +buy with the potential for some explosion ($5/KC, $4/gold, gold/prov) if you can pull it off. Its ok.
$6 - Action
+1 Buy
Trash any number of differently named cards from your hand. +$2 for each card trashed.
Its fine, better at clearing ruins than other junk. It has similar problems to forge. It could very well be fine at $5.
Space Invaders
$6 - Action
Reveal an Action card from your hand, play it up to three times.
If you play it once: +1 Buy, +$3.
If you play it twice: +1 Action, +1 Card, +$1.
If you play it thrice: trash the Action card.
A whole bunch of choices, similar to KC, not particularly inspiring and falls into spice merchant territory as far as being a source of buy.
$5 - Action-Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
When you buy a card you may discard this.  If you do, +$3.
Ok, fine. The reaction is a little awkward given its a cantrip, works okay if you already played one. You'll need to know more about the top of your deck when using this.
Missile Command
$3 - Action
+1 Action
Choose one: +2 Cards and discard 2 cards; or +1 Card, +1 Buy.
Hey, it works. But not interesting.
$4 - Action
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards. Reveal your hand. If you have 2 or less treasures in it, +$3 and gain a silver.
Cantrip and draw up to engines will clog up when using this. Decks which want lots of cards or to hit $5 consistently will love this. Add gardens or duke and this is very strong. Maybe too strong?
Moon Patrol
$3 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard any number of cards. For each card discarded this way, +1 Card, +1 Action.
Human Cannonball
$4 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Choose one: Put a Coin token on your [This Card] mat; or remove any number of Coin tokens and get +$1 per removed token.
One of the better market ideas. However, when you're saving up a whole bunch of coin, you're not using the buys that a string of these will generate. I suppose the same could be said with regular markets, but you can happily grab just one or two of those. For this one, you want to play it quite often.
$3 - Action
+2 Buys
Gain a Silver.
While this card is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +$3.
Mostly an awkward and not very useful terminal. This card probably dominates in alt VP, as you can get $1 gardens/silk roads or $2 duchys, and those decks want silver. So situational it suffers, and could be more interesting with some tweaks.
Ikari Warriors
$5 - Action-Attack
+1 Buy
Discard one card; if you do, each other player gains a Curse card.
While this is in play, if you buy an Attack card; play it immediately.
This is stronger than already super strong $5 cursers without the on-buy effect. Keep in mind a slog like that will usually have an estate or curse to discard.
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
You may put a Victory card from your hand on top of your deck. If you do, +$3.
Its okay, maybe a bit weak. I find mandarin to be much more interesting.
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a Gold if you have no Treasures in play. Otherwise, gain a Silver if you have no Golds in play.
I agree with the others, its exploitable.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: The Contest Set Card List
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:00:57 am »
Wait nevermind, for some reason I had it in my head they would end up being close to the same...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 1: Assassin
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:14:01 pm »
$5 - Action-Attack
+2 Cards
Each other player reveals the top four cards of their deck, one at a time. They discard one of your choice, and put the other revealed cards back on top in their original order.

[Edit: attempt to fix clunky wording]

Compare this to Rabble:
Pros: More cards revealed, Coppers and Ruins not automatically discarded, no chance to reorder (though Rabble's reordering ability is only marginally useful).
Cons: Fewer cards drawn, can only discard one useful card at a time.

In the end, I just don't think this attempt is strong enough compared to Rabble for a $5 cost. Would it work at $4?

That's true. I think allowing this type of card as an $4 opener would be frustrating for players. Rabble can be rough to get hit with on turns 3/4, but it also leads to quicker reshuffles for you. So I would rather the Assassin cost 5 and have better bonuses (or a stronger attack).

I've also thought that this card could work as a targeted trasher, if your opponent had some kind of opt out (bribery!). Give me a gold or trash your card?

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