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Messages - infangthief

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Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 05:52:27 pm »
Dang, can't, ... I'm concerned the four letter names might turn less savoury at some point.

Joth do you have any interest in answering this?
Also it’s very much the sort of case scum would jump on to get a town wagon going. What do you all think?
Why would you say this? If you think it is that kind of case why not wait and see who jumps on to it?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 03:41:42 pm »
From my quick reading, I'm leaning mcmc and fang, and am happy to put a vote in once there's another vote count. (since I don't have time to tally up where we are since last vote count).

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 03:31:16 pm »
What is your fourth from top scum read

Ok, I actually pulled up the player-list and decided to tackle this question seriously (seriously).

It's scolapasta.


What can anyone possibly find interesting about this?

I was trying to decide whether it was scummy to name your allegedly fourth-from-top scum read, without explanation.

What did you decide?

Nothing, thus the “hmm”

What were you expecting to get?? "scolapasta is my fourth-from-top scum read because my top three scum reads are X,Y and Z"?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 03:28:19 pm »
But the real kicker is that he then tried to subtly goad Didds into joining and making it a real wagon.

It's a little on the nose for scum play, but then I didn't notice it until re-read. Best case I've got as of now.

Recommending wagons to other players is objectively useful, because you often get interesting responses. In this case the response from Didds's makes me think she is town.

I would not say it is too on-the-nose for scum play (for me), particularly as I did it in my last scum game. In order to try to seem towny.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 03:21:09 pm »
Congratulation Swowl! Congratulations joth!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 12:10:44 pm »
Also going to unvote: joth, combination of joth himself reminding me that the two of us very often find ourselves wagoning each other regardless of alignment and robz read on him which is typically good.
Where/how did joth remind you that the two of you very often find yourselves wagoning each other regardless of alignment?

Being a little aggro is ok sometimes.

I heard we have short days and need to get some real wagons going.

One of those wagons being on me is… well I’m used to it.

fang is reading pretty towny to me.

Torn between staying on Faust and throwing out an OMGUS on mcmc, but for now I’ll leave it to less biased people to say whether his vote for me was scummy.

Him saying he is tempted to OMGUS vote me while acknowledging he is biased toward me made me recall the fact that we often find ourselves voting eachother. Or at least that is my recollection of things from years ago.

Especially without MiX in the game as a player. He and I had an even stronger tendency toward the day 1 1v1.
joth is that (your historic 1v1 with mcmc) the thing you meant when you said other people would be less biased than you?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:20:30 am »
Also going to unvote: joth, combination of joth himself reminding me that the two of us very often find ourselves wagoning each other regardless of alignment and robz read on him which is typically good.
Where/how did joth remind you that the two of you very often find yourselves wagoning each other regardless of alignment?


Abacus School
$2 Action

+1 Buy
This turn, when you gain an Action card, +$2.
Setup: Place a Bitcoin halfway through each Kingdom Supply pile.

$0 Treasure - Duration

For the rest of the game, when you gain a Bitcoin, +1 Buy and +$2.
This is not associated with any particular pile.

  • If Abacus School is in the game, add one Bitcoin card to each Kingdom Supply pile, so each one is effectively a split pile.
  • Normally Kingdom piles have an even number of cards; place the Bitcoin so that there are the same number of cards above it as below it, without changing the order of other cards in the pile.
  • If a Kingdom pile has an odd number of cards at the start of the game (such as an Inherited pile with an odd number of players), place the Bitcoin so that there is one more card above it than below it.
  • Do not place Bitcoins in non-Kingdom piles (such as Ruins, Potion, Curse, Copper etc) or non-Supply piles (such as the pile chosen for Ferryman).
  • If Knights are in the Supply, do the normal setup for Knights first, then place a Bitcoin face up halfway through the pile.
  • If the Inherited trait is in the game, do the setup for Inherited first, then place a Bitcoin in the Inherited pile afterwards.
  • There are 11 copies of Bitcoin, enough for each Kingdom Supply pile in a game with Young Witch. In games without Young Witch, leave one copy of Bitcoin in the box.
  • Do not use Bitcoin in games without Abacus School; there is no Bitcoin randomizer.

  • In most ways, a Bitcoin in a Supply pile follows the normal rules for cards in split piles; it can be bought, gained or exiled if it is at the top of the pile, and it affects the rotation of that pile (with Battle Plan).
  • However, Bitcoins are not associated with any one particular pile. This means:
    • A Bitcoin is unaffected by things which care about which pile it is from, even if it is still in the pile: it cannot be a Bane, does not count for Obelisk, is unaffected by traits and is unaffected by any kind of token on any pile.
    • For example:
      • If a pile affected by Fawning has a Bitcoin on top, you cannot gain it via Fawning.
      • If a pile with Debt tokens on it (from Tax) has a Bitcoin on top, you can gain it without taking the Debt tokens.
    • A Bitcoin cannot be returned to a pile (with Ambassador) or exchanged (with Trader).
  • If there are Bitcoins at the top of two or more Supply piles and you are instructed to gain a Bitcoin (such as with Mint), you may choose which one you gain.

Apologies for the lengthy Preparation/FAQ. There are probably various ways to handle having a card in more than one pile, but seem to need a lot of rulings. I feel this is the simplest.

So you have these students working away at an Abacus School, learning how to be efficient tradespeople, when suddenly one of them completes the calculations required for a Bitcoin. Not much use on its own, but maybe it's worth mining through the other piles to uncover some more.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 09:03:06 am »
Robz Shraeye Pasta MCMC where yall at top read wise?

I feel like we have played out this topic quite a bit and this sort of information is objectively more helpful to scum.

Why specifically these players?
I thought it was pretty obvious that Swowl was addressing the people currently not voting.
That's a pretty lazy approach (especially for early day 1, when people are likely to move around plenty still) just picking the people currently in the "not voting" category. mcmcsalot in particular had already shared quite a lot readwise.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 08:52:56 am »
Awaclus, did you really consider saying "pretending to wonder"? I find that hard to believe.

Yes, which I distinctively remember because that was the only meaningful wording choice to make in that post. For reference, I spent 4 minutes wording the one-liner after that, as you can sort-of-verify from the timestamps.

Are you more likely town or scum for wondering this?
Why not? We can still exile normally as long as we do it on time, plexile is just a fail-safe so that we don't accidentally skip a turn without doing anything.

In general, I tend to think about wordings pretty carefully, and very few things I say are the only alternative wording that was considered. My playstyle wouldn't really work otherwise.

I suppose we never (normally) get to see the things which you thought about posting but didn't. The "pretending to wonder" version of the post would have seemed (to me) very non-Awaclusian. So I was intrigued that you had considered it. Interesting.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 08:44:38 am »
Dang do you think being cagey is scummy?

Depends on the player. And on the game situation.

Which is why I thought it relevant to ask whether shraeye was more likely to talk like that as town or as scum. For some reason I had in my mind that shraeye was a bold reckless MiX-like player. From reading other games. But I might have misremembered. Or I might have only read drunk mafia. And I have no idea whether shraeye was town or scum or even mod in those games. I could go and read some again, but I probably won't bother for now.

Shraeye, do you prefer to be cautious or bold in your Mafia game comments?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 07:42:37 am »
I 100% think that Shraeye is being cagey.

I feel like you were hunting for an adjective to describe shraeye's 2 relevant posts. Cagey doesn't seem to fit to me.

FWIW I disagree with you here Jimmmm. I see what fang was saying. I want to be clear it has 0% reason why I am voting for Shraeye, but I don't think holding it against anyone here is productive.

"Cagey" to me, and by definition, is "reluctant to give information", ie information is being asked for and could be provided, but is not freely forthcoming. In shraeye's two "Unfortunately perfectly neutral" posts which fang was presumably referring to, the questions weren't specifically directed at shraeye, and "null" is a legitimate answer, and may well be what he truly believes. Hedging, on the fence, yes. But not "cagey" unless you're arguing that shraeye is hiding his true opinion.

...Which, it occurs to me, may have been the point. Was it, fang?

No. By cagey I meant the opposite of bold. Instead of objectively "this is neutral" it was like "to my mind, I think this is neutral". I think he is stating his true opinion, and doing so in a way which makes it clear that other people may have other opinions.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 07:25:40 am »
To faust's point about deadline and no mishaps - I will have no problem at all being around for deadline. I think it would be well done if we had everyone post up on this sooner than later so we know where we stand.
I won't be around for the deadline. On deadline day I'll probably be around like 7-11am, and again about 5pm (all forum time). Deadline 8pm.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 06:08:48 pm »
It is 1 vote, hardly a wagon.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 06:03:05 pm »
Can we talk about Cuzz’s reason for voting for Awaclus? It’s more substantive than 90% of the votes today so far
Fun fact, there have been exactly 10 votes today so far, so 90% is exactly the right percentage to pick if you think it is the most substantive :)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:55:33 pm »
Also it’s very much the sort of case scum would jump on to get a town wagon going. What do you all think?
Why would you say this? If you think it is that kind of case why not wait and see who jumps on to it?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:52:36 pm »
A few weeks ago I read some of one of the first Mafia games on here, M2, or MII or however they were numbered. Day 1 had all this "you have to be nice to people, don't actually place a vote anywhere that's a bit extreme, just voice some suspicions".

I'm all for being nice, and wish I was better at it, but I'm glad we're fine with slinging votes around too.

Didds, do you want to come and vote for joth? Or do you feel like helping joth find a reason he can vote for mcmcsalot?
Awaclus, did you really consider saying "pretending to wonder"? I find that hard to believe.

oh, hi Robz. And yes you and joth were both in Mafia 2.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: ZM25 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 02:58:54 pm »
So Cuzz, are you a member of the Mafia?

Nice to know!

I 100% think that Shraeye is being cagey.

Is Shraeye more likely town or scum for being cagey?

But certainly vote: joth

I don't understand any of this.
mcmcsalot "100% agreed" with shraeye's posts above that and somehow got from there to voting joth, I'm not sure how. Anyway I felt like contrasting it with a 100% statement of my own.

I think I also agree with shraeye's posts, but what I was more sure about was that shraeye was being careful to add "unfortunately" and "in my mind" which seemed over-the-top-cautious. I've not played with shraeye before so I don't know if they're normally like that.

I agree with mcmcsalot's and Didds's assessment of joth's strong wording seeming out of place, and I'm feeling towny about mcmc, so I'm sheeping that vote.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 02:42:06 pm »
Something that's more important than setup speculation is the fact that we have plurality exile and relatively short days. We need a certain amount of discipline when it comes to end-of-Day wagoning to make sure we don't accidentally land on one of our PRs.
What discipline do you recommend?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:37:35 am »

I guess adding underlining or bolding in a quote is probably fine? But I guess generally you'd say you did so, to avoid misleading people about what the original post was.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:17:01 am »
Hot take, mcmc is not posting by voice-to-text software or whatever I remember him doing a few games back.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:12:11 am »
I 100% think that Shraeye is being cagey.

Is Shraeye more likely town or scum for being cagey?

But certainly vote: joth

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:02:13 am »
unvote fairy nuff mcmc

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 07:55:11 am »
Wait you're saying that if there's a Vig, then there's another role that would prevent the double Bomb kill?

If there's a Vig and multiple Bombs, the Vig modification could just be "If you target a Bomb and a different Bomb dies, your kill fails".

There is also the potential of lovers which would cause multiple night deaths just not kills, bodyguard wouldn't affect anything, pretty sure that's it for additional death pr's. Again I think it is likely vague for non-confirmation reasons not vague for hiding some strange power shenanigans

It was Jimmmmm's suggestion that the vagueness was for non-confirmation reasons. But here you're implying that it was your take.

vote: mcmcsalot

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 07:48:18 am »
I do not like plurality exile.

Why not? We can still exile normally as long as we do it on time, plexile is just a fail-safe so that we don't accidentally skip a turn without doing anything.
Because people end up being lazy.

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