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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Analyze That Board! #1
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:02:23 pm »
I feel like setting up for double Goons might be a bit of a trap here. Yes, I will want multiple Goons (probably 2, maybe more depending on how many times you hit six with Copper), but I think Grand Market is the key here picking up points from mostly from Provinces. As for the open, Lookout/Silver is probably the way to go headed for GM and Goons (with some Tributes probably thrown in when you hit five). As for the other cards, I would probably avoid them except in a few cases and none would be a centerpiece. Trader doesn't help all that much here, Potion is too big of a detour without a true power 5 on the board, Wishing Well is unreliable and Spy doesn't do a ton (though I might buy both if I had played Goons with Copper and ended up with 7 and 2 buys). On a 5-2, open Tribute and hope for good luck. You'll need it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Veto Quiz #1
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:31:23 pm »
I would probably veto Worker's Village. That and Peddler is just nasty for player 2 as others have already stated. Still, having Peddler, a village and a +buy (even a weak one with Woodcutter) leaves the Peddler route open. It also opens the board up for mistakes to try and exploit tactically along the way making the game more fun, even if I lose.

2012 / Re: Final Voting: 2012 Kingdom Design Challenge
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:52:25 pm »
Congrats jonts26 and welcome to the KDC winners club, membership now 2

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Popular Buys Based Card Rankings
« on: February 07, 2013, 07:19:50 pm »
The thing to remember is that a lot of lower ranked players just don't buy certain cards because they seem weak no don't seem to have a benefit. I know Ambassador falls into that category without any question and Great Hall gets overbought by lower ranked players (I'm talking legit level 0 and such) because it is points and play another card.

This is something that could do with a level filter (I know that's hard to do), even if that is a bar like 15-20 as most of those level players have no problem figuring out that Ambassador is great and Great Hall is bad.

Help! / Re: Alchemist/Chapel is a tie pre-ordained?
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:52:37 pm »
Against an Alchemist/Chapel deck I would certainly be tempted to go Pirate Ship with Hunting Party as, though swingy, it could really leave a Chapel deck that still needs money in some trouble.

No matter, I would skip the Alchemist entirely for sure, echoing above.

I may not have any idea how to solve these things, but I'm in and heck I can probably come up with a kingdom or two (or more, coming up with Kingdoms for the Design challenge has been one of my favorite Dominion related things, even more so than playing often times)

2012 / Re: Final Voting: 2012 Kingdom Design Challenge
« on: February 04, 2013, 04:53:15 pm »
Have to say my two favorite sets here are set 3 and set 11. Tables you get the vote as I am not voting for my own set. I just wish we had seen set 11 get played in either round.

For set 11, I like the lack of draw beyond Vault and Level 2 Cities. I think it makes tactics as important and strategy. The only thing I am really curious about is the presence of Venture or Treasure Map with the general lack of trashing or trashing on the board. If I saw this board, I would probably jump in to Vault-GM and get crushed buy someones Peddler-City-Expand deck or look for a quick 3-pile winning by some awful score like 3-2.

Game Reports / IW-Workshop-Vineyard rush
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:54:28 pm »
cards in supply: Adventurer, Cache, Harem, Ill-Gotten Gains, Ironworks, Margrave, Potion, Torturer, Trading Post, Vineyard, and Workshop

As I first scanned this kingdom, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to play. Seemed like Trading Post into IGG. Then I saw three cards and planned for a rush: Ironworks, Workshop and Vineyard. I correctly guessed that my opponent would get confused by my Workshop open (only Workshop and Ironworks were available as targets for it among kingdom cards and he responded by opening Ironworks with no obvious plan for it). From there it was pick up Ironworks with IW followed by Workshop having mixed a few Potions in to then grab Vineyards. Once the two piles ran (IW and Workshop), grab Estate and buy Vineyard when possible. With point tracker on this was made a bit easier, but the reaction to this came late and heck, it ended up eating IGG alive and I suspect would have done so even had my opponent played better. I ended up piling out with Estates because it was easy to do so and the game was won just half the Vineyards.

Any ideas out there to do this better? Would you consider playing it yourself if the cards came up. Would you consider trying this with just Ironworks (no way with only workshop, right)?

Help! / Jester killed me on Bank board - Did I have any recourse?
« on: January 27, 2013, 06:55:53 pm »
There were villages, tons of draw and +buy and Bank on the board. Admittedly, I didn't go for Bank because his early Jester luck threw me off my game (he bought a turn 3 Jester and then his my Masquerade on turn 6, therefore getting him past his Worker's Village open with no issue, then hit Council Room on turn 8, Hamlet on turn 9 and was then off to the races).

Other than get to Bank quicker somehow, what else should I have done? My Rabbles basically never hit, I kept getting my good cards hit by his Jester (I eventually countered with Fortune Teller to topdeck green and then Jester him for a curse in the hope it would slow him down, might have worked better without so much big draw here).

Help! / Re: Fell behind on Quarry/Market board
« on: January 27, 2013, 06:05:04 pm »
Is market/quarry even good? It seems like Embassy BM should be much faster.

It is also a Duke board (not that either really went Duke here) so I think Apprentice into Market with Quarry is good here though on a straight Province board I might play Monument into Embassy BM.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Silly mistakes you always make
« on: January 25, 2013, 01:26:57 pm »
Want to use all coins including copper when Grand Market is in play but forget to play the copper. Actually cost me a game last night (lost by one point and left two coppers and a buy in hand twice)

I don't remember what I voted, but I would now, with more Dark Ages experience, put Masquerade over Ambassador. The combination of Shelters and the way things combo with DA I feel like Masq into engine is just so much better at ramping up the engine in DA games while Ambassador isn't significantly better in non-DA games. Still, it's close.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Oscar The Grouch
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:45:21 pm »
The most likely that someone might go for would probably by some sort of KC-KC-Sab-Sab-Sab I would think. It's just uncommon because getting a deck to that point usually means there are other cards that would end it before that full combo got played.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Oscar The Grouch
« on: January 20, 2013, 06:53:01 pm »
Outside of the KC-Chapel thing above and basic Mint I have 3 (22 total). They are: - Turn 19 Apprentice, then KC-Bishop, then KC-Salvager that I had gotten out of the BLack Market the previous turn (I also earlier got both the Bishop and the Apprentice from the Black Market) - Goons/Watchtower on turn 15 - 7 Bishops played on the final turn (I had gained most of them earlier that turn with KC-Smugglers and then drew them into hand)

Urchin itself just sucks. Mercenary on the other hand is amazing, especially in games with no trashing. When that is the case Urchin to get to Mercenary is an absolute necessity if there is any engine of value on the board. That said, it is a little bit overranked. The boards where it is needed are greatly outnumbered by boards with other trashing where Urchin won't hurt and Mercenary is too slow to get.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tactics: Steward + Familiar
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:53:57 pm »

Faulty logic.  If you opened steward, it should be because you think it's very important to trash asap.  Otherwise, it should have been a silver.

If you opened steward, that means you wanted to trash. If you opened Potion, that means you wanted Familiar. There are two things you wanted, and you can only get one of them! Fancy that!

In this case, the choice is between trashing two coppers or getting a familiar. I'd bet that skews more towards getting the familiar. If the choice was between trashing two estates and getting the familiar, that probably skews more to trashing two estates.

What if on turn 4 you draw Steward/C/C/E/E and know your next two cards are P/C. What then?

I think that is a certain play it for cards as that gets everything back in your deck for the reshuffle (assuming no edge cases here like Oracle having discarded cards) along with the Familiar.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Weak and strong boards
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:10:43 am »
For the first question, is there more than one really strong strategy out on the board. For example something like Vault/Grand Market and Wharf/Bank are both available. In other words, multiple combos or strong engines (I was recently beaten IRL with my Fishing Village/Wharf engine by a variant of FV-Watchtower.

By now, close to 50% of boards I think are fairly strong. Pre-Cornucopia that wasn't the case but Cornucopia, Hinterlands and Dark Ages have really made everything stronger.

Help! / Re: Conspirator chain
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:52:13 pm »
Turn 3 probably should have been a Shanty Town instead of a scheme. Conspirator likes Shanty Town because you can activate one of them with a Shanty Town and 2 Conspirators in hand and it also allows for Council Room or Envoy to not draw a bunch of cards dead. Considering the +buy available with Market and Council Room, I would think Scheme can be picked up later if needed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Evaluate your best and your worst board
« on: January 09, 2013, 06:07:22 pm »
Interesting seeing this after a year, especially considering the still relative newness of Hinterlands before (at the very least the early Hinterlands discovery process was a big factor last time around).

Here's mine

$7: Forge
$5: Highway, Minion, Witch
$4P: Golem
$4: Talisman, Envoy
$3P: Familiar
$3: Fishing Village
$2: Duchess

Evidently being good isn't all that fun. This looks about as fun as a root canal to play. 5-2 is an easy Witch/nothing open. 4-3 is a lot more interesting. I think the options are Envoy/FV, Potion/FV, Silver/FV or Silver/Silver. Envoy/FV looks like something that would be more fun to try rather than actually being effective here and a FV open can probably get the Potion later if Golem is a real target (with no +buy it probably isn't barring Highway/Forge shenanigans).

Worst Kingdom

$6: Fairgrounds
$5: Hunting Party, Mine, Mint, Cartographer, Jester, Tribute, Counting House
$3P: Philosopher's Stone
$2: Herbalist

And this is even worse to play. It's either Hunting Party Stack or Herbalist-PS. Not much else of value of here I don't think though Cartographer could be of some use.

Dominion Articles / Re: Count
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:38:30 pm »
And after reading this realize I missed much of the nuance in this card and very badly underrated is in the card rankings.

Dominion Articles / Re: Piledriving Estates
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:59:36 pm »
Here is one where I overcome some terrible luck with Baron early to eventually do this. Of course it helped that Tactically he was building up for a Market/Highway/Pawn based megaturn allowing me to ignore Duke. I recognized that his buildup would likely be slow, especially with Margrave in play and planned ahead. One turn after he emptied the Highway pile I struck with exactly 8 buys to finish it off.

Help! / Re: I misplayed a Governor board. What should I have done?
« on: January 05, 2013, 02:36:54 pm »
Two things to do: First is don't worry too much about it because everybody pretty much misplay Governor from time to time.

Second and more seriously is to take only one Lookout here and it should probably be after Swindler. You need money to get to 5 and then take cards a few times. Seriously. Winning the Governor split 6-4 is being in good position for the rest of the game is good and if you opponent buys Gold instead of Governor like he did it puts you in a really good spot as he lacks all the extra Silver that taking Gold every time gives him.

This looks pretty good. That said, I am going to join in with the Pawn haters. It should be here and Embargo should be higher. Pawn I think gets overrated because it does a lot of things, even though it does none of those things very well.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2012
« on: December 28, 2012, 01:37:40 pm »
Yes, it was an Ambassador game, but still. 48 turns to get to this - cross posted from the Game Reports sections

#1 Wingnut: 84 points (7 Silk Roads [20 victory cards], 2 Colonies, 2 Provinces, 4 Duchies, and 5 Estates); 48 turns
         opening: Militia / Ambassador
         [63 cards] 7 Silk Roads, 5 Embargoes, 5 King's Courts, 4 Ambassadors, 2 Embassies, 2 Margraves, 1 Ironworks, 1 Militia, 13 Coppers, 7 Silvers, 3 Golds, 5 Estates, 4 Duchies, 2 Provinces, 2 Colonies

#1 worldhouse manager: 84 points (4 Colonies, 4 Provinces, 4 Duchies, a Silk Road [17 victory cards], and 4 Estates); 48 turns
                    opening: Ambassador / Ironworks
                    [67 cards] 5 Ambassadors, 5 King's Courts, 3 Ironworks, 2 Margraves, 1 Embassy, 1 Militia, 1 Silk Road, 4 Coppers, 20 Silvers, 9 Golds, 4 Estates, 4 Duchies, 4 Provinces, 4 Colonies

I'm confused as to why the estates didn't get emptied?

Going to guess it has to do with:

— Wingnut's turn 28 —
Wingnut plays a King's Court.
... and plays an Embargo.
... ... getting +$2.
... ... trashing the Embargo.
... ... embargoing the Estates.
... and plays the Embargo again.
... ... getting +$2.
... ... embargoing the Estates.
... and plays the Embargo a third time.
... ... getting +$2.
... ... embargoing the Estates.

Needless to say that wasn't a move of strategic genius on my part considering I had already bought 2 Silk Roads two turns earlier.

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