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Messages - GendoIkari

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Rules Questions / Re: Attack immunity at unusual times
« on: May 06, 2024, 11:29:36 am »
But does it still work if Vassal plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Vassal which plays a Lighthouse?

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: May 03, 2024, 11:07:14 am »
Apparently we need to name the road our house will be built on. It's a small easement road shared between 5 houses; we're supposed to submit suggestions. Crowdsourcing it! The main road it's off of is Peach Orchard Road; looking for something that conveys serenity or nature.

I never did give an update on this. We ended up submitted like 7 possible suggestions, just 1 other neighbor submitted 1. Of ours, the county said all but 2 weren't an option because the names were in use somewhere else in the county already. We were then outvoted by everyone else preferring the other suggestion, "Peach Blossom Court". Wasn't too happy with that, but not a big deal.

Rules Questions / Re: Trickster + Capital
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:18:10 am »
When Trickster sets aside Capital, what's the sequence of events? Do you still get 6 Debt?

I believe, Capital is being set aside by Trickster before its below line triggered, but thinks differently

2 different things trigger from the same event (Capital being discarded), so you get to choose the order.

1. You take 6 debt and can pay off debt.
2. You set Capital aside.

You can do these 2 things in any order. However, it doesn't matter which order you choose, since neither of them can affect the outcome of the other.

It sounds like you were thinking that Trickster would set aside the Capital instead of discarding it, but that's not the case. Trickster responds to when Capital is discarded.

Rats + Procession + Way of the Pig

Buy Rats, trashing down and gaining loads more. Procession the Rats, playing it as Way of the Pig twice (unless you still have something to trash). +3 Cards + 2 Actions and gain a $5 card (I think in this game it was Catacombs, which worked well with the village effect).

More generally this is just Rats + any Way being good combined with the fact Rats + any other trasher is good. Well, except for Way of the Rat lol.

Rules Questions / Re: Overlord and Pirate
« on: April 24, 2024, 05:40:45 pm »
No. Overlord is a normal action, and does not have any special rules that allow it to imitate the reaction of another card. It just so happens that the ability that happens when you play Overlord is to then play another action card from the Supply (this was a bit different in the original printing of Overlord, but that doesn't matter here). Overlord doesn't automatically "take on" the attributes of cards in the Supply, so you can only play it like normal when it is your turn and you have an action available.

I’ve thought for a while that Potion would be a bit better if it came with +Buy. Makes the Potion more interesting if you wanted the Alchemy card but couldn’t trash the Potion, and also opens up the edge cases where even if you don’t care about the Alchemy card, you might be desperate enough for +Buy to purchase the Potion anyways.

Looking forward to Shadow cards. Maybe they shuffle face-up and play themselves automatically?

More debt is interesting. Wonder if they’ll expand in a new direction entirely or if they’ll be more vanilla-leaning.

I think a separate back, as with Stash, is more likely. It would be too easy to forget (or intentionally "forget") to put them face-up when shuffling. But I agree that it sounds like they play themselves automatically. So perhaps there's a special back, and when the top card is a Shadow card, and/or when you draw a Shadow card, it automatically plays itself? Cards that play themselves automatically could have some interesting strategic questions, as, depending on what they do, there might be times when you don't want to play them

I was thinking similar that they might just automatically go into play when drawn no matter how/when they are drawn.  If this were the case, you wouldn't need a special back to the card.  You wouldn't know when one was going to come out until you drew it.  I could see that as being described as "leaping out of your deck" ...and into play.

This would require players to both be honest, and to always notice a card as they draw it.

Yeah, and Dominion already has a long history of requiring verification for cards with special conditions, as with Shanty Town requiring you to reveal your hand, or Cutpurse having "or reveals a hand with no Copper". It would be weird at this point to have a whole new type of card being on the honor system so to speak

True, but if they were a special color to remind you to play them, and they were almost always cards you wanted to play I don't think the "honor system" would be an issue.  It would be more of a detriment to you if you didn't play them rather than your opponent.  I'm just really skeptical of the alternate back hypothesis, I got the impression from discussions about Stash that that wasn't something Donald wanted to do again.

If they were "almost always cards you wanted to play" then you wouldn't need a special type for them

What do you mean?  Special types rarely have anything to do with whether or not you want to play a card.  There are lots of cards that you would almost always want to play.  Special types are typically tied to special rules mechanics that only apply to that type of card.  In this case, the speculation is that the shadow type causes cards to be instantly played automatically as soon as they're drawn..

He's just saying that there wouldn't be a reason to come up with a new type that forces you to play a card when you draw it, if it were a card you want to play every time you draw it anyway. Like, imagine if Market had a special type or extra rule that said "whenever you draw this card, you must play it immediately". The rule would have very little effect on game play, because you were going to play that Market anway. Thus, for Shadow cards to make sense as a new rule, it must be on cards you might not want to play (assuming that the rule/type forces you to play them).

I’ve thought for a while that Potion would be a bit better if it came with +Buy. Makes the Potion more interesting if you wanted the Alchemy card but couldn’t trash the Potion, and also opens up the edge cases where even if you don’t care about the Alchemy card, you might be desperate enough for +Buy to purchase the Potion anyways.

Looking forward to Shadow cards. Maybe they shuffle face-up and play themselves automatically?

More debt is interesting. Wonder if they’ll expand in a new direction entirely or if they’ll be more vanilla-leaning.

I think a separate back, as with Stash, is more likely. It would be too easy to forget (or intentionally "forget") to put them face-up when shuffling. But I agree that it sounds like they play themselves automatically. So perhaps there's a special back, and when the top card is a Shadow card, and/or when you draw a Shadow card, it automatically plays itself? Cards that play themselves automatically could have some interesting strategic questions, as, depending on what they do, there might be times when you don't want to play them

I was thinking similar that they might just automatically go into play when drawn no matter how/when they are drawn.  If this were the case, you wouldn't need a special back to the card.  You wouldn't know when one was going to come out until you drew it.  I could see that as being described as "leaping out of your deck" ...and into play.

This would require players to both be honest, and to always notice a card as they draw it.

Either the joke wasn't clear enough, or you aren't familiar with this thread.

I’ve thought for a while that Potion would be a bit better if it came with +Buy. Makes the Potion more interesting if you wanted the Alchemy card but couldn’t trash the Potion, and also opens up the edge cases where even if you don’t care about the Alchemy card, you might be desperate enough for +Buy to purchase the Potion anyways.

Looking forward to Shadow cards. Maybe they shuffle face-up and play themselves automatically?

More debt is interesting. Wonder if they’ll expand in a new direction entirely or if they’ll be more vanilla-leaning.

The solution to potion is clearly to have it trash itself when played. And also to use it to only purchase cards that trash themselves when played.

New events and the return of any one-off mechanic other than Potions is always welcome to me.
Honestly the only reason potions are bad is because there arent enough things that utilize them imo (but of course that couldn't happen unless alchemy specifically gets a 2e)

The thing is, even if there were 50 cards that had a potion cost, the majority of games that used potions would still only have a single Potion-cost card (no I didn't do the math on that). And then you still have the same problem where you have to add a dead card in your deck just to pick up some copies of the card you want.


Across the sea, they have so much stuff. And it‘s so much better than your stuff. Finer craftsmanship. Better quality materials. Shinier. They have crowns, tiaras, and diadems - and that‘s just the hats. It‘s time to get some of that stuff. You want an easy life, and you‘re prepared to work hard for it. So you‘ve rounded up some old salty dogs, plus a sourpuss and a bitter goldfish. And set sail. The sea is a harsh mistress, but a good cook, at least if you like everything really salty. There are red skies tonight, so they‘ll be making a batch of Sailor‘s Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you‘ll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you‘ll be making.

This is the 16th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom card piles. There are Shadow cards that leap out from your deck, and Prophecies that will someday happen and change everything. Debt and Events return.

It appears that they got the blurb from Plunder instead... but the bottom part sounds like Rising Sun. Debt is back!

*Edit* Hmm, is this an early leak/spoiler?

General Discussion / Re: Brag Board
« on: March 21, 2024, 03:35:13 pm »
Our offer was just accepted on some land to build a house on!!

After multiple delays due to issues with getting DOT and county approval for new subdivision stuff; finally closed! We now own a bunch of land. Can't do anything at all with it until we get the floor plan finalized.

How it started:

How it's going:

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Horizontal Card backs
« on: March 19, 2024, 02:07:37 pm »
My memory vaguely says that when landscapes were first added (Adventures), the intention was to have the backs printed in landscape, but there was some sort of production mix-up that caused them to not be. Then it was decided that it worked out fine that way because they worked along with the randomizer deck. Am I right?
No. Events did get the wrong back; they were supposed to have the randomizer back, the expectation being that you'd shuffle them in with other randomizers. They got the regular back instead so we've stuck with that. It doesn't so much matter for shuffling that deck, because well the randomizer deck is just to give you a way to pick out cards, there's no way to cheat with it. These days I think people prefer to keep Events (and Landmarks and Ways and Projects) separate, so they can always have 2 or something. So a different back for all of those (not including Allies as they're always paired with Liaisons) would have been fine. But here we are.

Ah, that's right... so I was sort of half right; I knew there was something like that.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Horizontal Card backs
« on: March 19, 2024, 11:27:35 am »
My memory vaguely says that when landscapes were first added (Adventures), the intention was to have the backs printed in landscape, but there was some sort of production mix-up that caused them to not be. Then it was decided that it worked out fine that way because they worked along with the randomizer deck. Am I right?

Rules Questions / Re: Hasty Territory
« on: March 05, 2024, 09:14:34 pm »
AJD is right, you can play it like normal. It’s mentioned on the wiki:

Playing a card that has no effect (like Territory) will still trigger e.g. Pathfinding, and it can count for e.g. Landing Party.

Rules Questions / Re: Charlatan and Bandit
« on: March 04, 2024, 04:48:14 pm »
I just wanted to confirm that I am interpreting the rules correctly. If a bandit reveals a curse with charlatan in the kingdom it will trash the curse correct?

Correct. Bandit will trash a treasure other than Copper if it reveals one. Curse is (in this case) a treasure other than Copper.

Feedback / Re: Cauldron Card Bug
« on: February 25, 2024, 01:18:26 pm »
The forum for online Dominion is here: This is the section of the Dominion Strategy Forum for giving feedback about this forum you're on now.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 24, 2024, 02:46:14 am »
Of course this goes back to original Dominion where you can have Moat with no attack.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:39:25 am »
Footpad 2 coffers, each other player discards down to 3 cards. In games using this, when you gain a card in an action phase, +1 card.

The discard down to 3 cards is a bit too powerful IMO. 2 coffers and +1 card when you gain a card in the action phase is plenty.
Does the +1 card when a card is gained during the action phase apply to everyone the entire game?

The +1 card when you gain a card is just an "in games using this" effect, so it doesn't tie into the card's power at all; it just changes the rules for that game in general (and not even in a way that makes Footpad better since it doesn't gain a card). The actual effect is just Militia with Coffers instead of . That seems like should be perfectly fine for that; you're going to get attacked by it less often than you would get the exact same attack in a game with Militia.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:35:01 am »
Ferryman: 2 cards, 1 action, discard a card. Setup  add a kingdom card pile costing 3 or 4. When you gain this, take a card from that pile.
To me this seems like a card that leads to a 3 pile end strategy.
Ill Gotten Gains set up a similar strategy and was gotten rid of because of that.

No, it doesn't work like that (I originally read it that way as well). You choose an unused pile, but you don't add that unused pile to the supply. It's just a non-supply pile that can only be gained with Ferryman, and so it wouldn't count towards the 3 empty piles.

Copied from Discord:

Cornucopia & Guilds are small sets that were later combined into one box. They're getting the 2E treatment, and I'm here through Wednesday to tell you about what left and what got added. As usual the cards can be tried out on, and will come out on both and the Temple Gates Games version after previews are over. There will just be three days of previews, and I'll show off everything by the end of them.

Today, three replacements for Cornucopia cards.

Harvest -> Carnival
Harvest is the first card you think of when you hear that there will be a Cornucopia & Guilds 2E. It's just not very good.

Carnival shows that all it takes to fix it up is to have it draw cards instead of making $.

Fortune Teller -> Shop
Fortune Teller is both slow and weak. Relic is the fixed version.

Shop puts the idea from Conclave and Imp onto a card in the set that likes variety.

Horse Traders -> Ferryman
Horse Traders has lots of tiny text. That's really what's wrong with it. This kind of thing was done better later, and Guard Dog is basically the replacement for this.

Ferryman is some other thing. It's a card that comes with a card, providing a way to get variety into your deck.


Here are more previews, this time replacements for Guilds cards. Note that Guilds also got a rules change: Coffers can now be converted whenever (on your turn). It's been like that online for a while.

Doctor -> Infirmary

Doctor has more randomness than I'd like. It's also super wordy.

Infirmary is a straight fixed version. It's less random and much simpler. Yes I'm saying that about a card that has you play itself N times.

Masterpiece -> Farrier
Masterpiece is a model of simplicity, but rarely useful.

Farrier doesn't try to imitate it; instead it's a new overpay card, giving you more cards for next turn. That's Wei-Hwa Huang in the art; this Farrier used to dive for pearls.

Taxman -> Footpad
Taxman is another wordy one, and not great.

Footpad spices up a basic Militia attack with a way to draw cards in games with it.


The update pack has 100 cards, so we're not done yet.

Farming Village -> Farmhands
Farming Village is inoffensive; how am I replacing it? The thing is, it doesn't actually do anything. It plays very much like a plain village that costs $4. And that's great, so Farming Village seems fine, but man, I could have a card that actually does something.

Farmhands then is a village that also helps you deal with "this turn I sure could have used a village."

Tournament -> Joust
So at last it's come to this. Tournament is crazy complex - giving you a 2x2 grid of pay-offs to grok - and while some people love it, many hate it. I could try to make a version that was less hated and more loved and also simpler.

And that card is Joust. There's no pay-off grid, no blocking; it's less snowbally, though of course still snowbally, and it's more of a commitment to have one in your deck. And there's no Followers. In fact the prizes are all different, though a couple are basically just renamed. Furthermore there are 6 different ones, and you use 2 of each for games with 3+ players.

Princess -> Renown
This one just has the errata Princess was already getting, to not be a while-in-play ability.

Trusty Steed -> Courser
This just drops the Chancellor part for simplicity. (Chancellor?)

Bag of Gold -> Demesne
Bag of Gold gets upgraded by also being a village with +2 Buys, and being worth VP, there, now is it worth taking? Note that now there are three Rewards that are villages and two that give +Buy, rather than one of each from the Prizes.

Diadem -> Huge Turnip
A new treasure, rewarding you for piling up Coffers. Yes Cornucopia & Guilds is now really just one expansion.

Followers -> Housecarl
The replacement has no real connection. Housecarl plays into Cornucopia's variety theme.

[Blank] -> Coronet
And a 6th Reward, since there was space. A super-throne.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thought Experiment: Biggest opening turn
« on: February 14, 2024, 05:20:41 pm »
There are other threads here that show was that you can purchase every card in the supply on turn 1; here's one:

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Marchland
« on: February 01, 2024, 12:56:02 pm »
Added to auto-link; whenever the image gets put on the wiki.

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