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Other Games / Re: Faeria
« on: September 15, 2018, 11:42:01 am »
The game is now Pay-to-play, but if you already have the game you aren't charged anything.

? Does this include people playing from the browser, back in the day?

I enjoyed the game, but the rate at which I got new cards was too slow. If you get new stuff faster now, I might consider going back into it.

I'm not completely sure about browser players. I had been playing on Steam. Here's some more info if you're interested.

Something else I forgot to mention is that you can no longer open cards you already own the max number of copies for.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Weekly Card Design Contest
« on: September 15, 2018, 11:30:50 am »
I would definitely participate. I like the weekly schedule.

Other Games / Re: Faeria
« on: September 13, 2018, 01:18:30 pm »
Anyone playing the Fall of Everlife Expansion? I'm currently using a Yak deck with some green thrown in (Bone Collectors, Tiki Caretakers, etc.) The synergy between them seems trivial at first, but one you get into action they fair surprisingly well.

In case anyone doesn't know. The resource system has been completely overhauled. The game is now Pay-to-play, but if you already have the game you aren't charged anything. Quests now grant 2 chests each, and you may craft any common, rare, or epic card every 6 hours. (Keeping up to 6 crafts in reserve) Legendary cards are uncraftable and can only be opened from chests. Oversky expansion is now free.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dwarf split pile
« on: September 08, 2018, 09:25:56 am »
Costing the same requires fudging the official rules for split piles, which state that the cheaper card always goes on top.

Is this an official rule, or simply something all split piles have followed so far?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Anticipating Renaissance
« on: September 01, 2018, 06:04:51 pm »
Name Predictions: Bust/Statue, Epic, Scholar, Abbey/Cathedral, Artist, Theatre, Architect

I've seen that come up, and felt it wasn't as useful as one might think. Apart from anything else, if that's how you're going to use your Royal Carriage, you might as well have simply bought another Caravan Guard and saved yourself $2!

This is probably why it is in "neat card interactions that were useful in the game you found them in," and not "neat and potentially useful card interactions."
It's still good to know that this interaction exists.

Personally, I think it would save a lot of card space if Possession just said "Possess the player to your left" and then have the rulebook explain what "possess" means.
I always imagine "continued on next card."

The move with things as complex as Possession is of course to *not do them.*
Heh... in order to play a Possession, you need both "part 1" and "part 2" of those cards.  Gameplay-wise, even if you memorized the text on both ;)

Interesting concept. I am just thinking about Treasure Map or Sauna/Avanto like cards, where you need two different cards for the effect.

Sounds like LEGEND cards from the Pokemon TCG. I think it'd be a very annoying and luck-based mechanic in Dominion though. Some dislike Urchin, Treasure Map, and Sauna/Avanto enough already.

Each Stage 1 Pokémon in the TCG works like that. You first need the Basic Pokémon in order to evolve it, not talking about Stage 2 Pokémon cards.

True, but the difference is that you can still use Basic Pokémon on their own, while you can't use either piece of LEGEND without the other.

Personally, I think it would save a lot of card space if Possession just said "Possess the player to your left" and then have the rulebook explain what "possess" means.
I always imagine "continued on next card."

The move with things as complex as Possession is of course to *not do them.*
Heh... in order to play a Possession, you need both "part 1" and "part 2" of those cards.  Gameplay-wise, even if you memorized the text on both ;)

Interesting concept. I am just thinking about Treasure Map or Sauna/Avanto like cards, where you need two different cards for the effect.

Sounds like LEGEND cards from the Pokemon TCG. I think it'd be a very annoying and luck-based mechanic in Dominion though. Some dislike Urchin, Treasure Map, and Sauna/Avanto enough already. 

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: August 23, 2018, 07:46:13 pm »
What is the shortest name in Dominion? For example, "Curse" has five letters. Abandoned Mine has the shortest text.

Well, there is only one name in "Dominion" so the answer must be Dominion.

Well, there's Minion in Dominion, which is shorter already.
There's also "Dom".
Don't forget about "I."

Dominion FAQ / Re: Official Artwork
« on: August 23, 2018, 07:00:20 pm »
Hmm. It's there for a small minority of sets, but by no means all.

ah, alright. I only checked the base set and Seaside and assumed it was there for everything.

Dominion FAQ / Re: Official Artwork
« on: August 23, 2018, 05:47:24 pm »
If you look at the wiki articles for each individual expansion, the art for the boxes should be at the bottom of the page.

General Discussion / Re: Cities: Skylines
« on: August 20, 2018, 07:27:37 pm »
Getting a new laptop soon. Looking forward to finally playing this game.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Interesting Card Design Challenges
« on: August 14, 2018, 09:32:49 am »
Challenge: Create another card with the Curse type, or better yet, replaces the Curse cards altogether.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Rats
« on: August 10, 2018, 08:59:10 am »
Spiders Action - Attack, (Supply # = Same as Curses)
Each other player gains 2 Spiders.
Trash this.
When you buy this, take 2 Action tokens.

Ever see that video where somebody squashes a spider and thousands of baby spiders come out? Yeah.

Edit: Since I don't like tokens:

Spiders Action - Attack, (Supply # = Same as Curses)
Each other player gains 2 Spiders.
Trash this.
When you buy this, you may trash a card and/or an Action card from your hand.

I have to admit, though, that the Action tokens are a bit more clever.

Edit 2: Changed cost and wording.

What's an action token?

It's the old version of +1 Actioffers.

In all seriousness, the newly announced Dominion: Renaissance includes "tokens that let you save coins and actions for later."
Presumably, this means that when you have an action token, you may spend it at any time to get +1 Action.

Hearthstone / Re: Boomsday Project
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:02:25 pm »
Had someone Dollmaster Dorian into Juicy Psychmelon, drawing Dreampetal Florist, Lich King, and Hadronox.

A paintbrush?

Hearthstone / Re: Boomsday Project
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:30:16 pm »
So I popped Mecha'Thun, and I'd actually really like to make a deck with him.  I was thinking Warlock might be the best fit, since you can draw a lot with your hero power, and Dark Pact and the mech cost reducer would let you play and destroy Mecha'Thun on the same turn.  Anyone else have any ideas?

I've seen people use Bloodbloom and Cataclysm with Mecha'thun. That way you don't need to worry about cleaning out the rest of your hand before the combo.


It's a momentous time. Art has been revolutionized by the invention of "perspective," and also of "funding." A picture used to be worth a dozen or so words; these new ones are more like a hundred. Oil paintings have gotten so realistic that you've hired an artist to do a portrait of you each morning, so you can make sure your hair is good. Busts have gotten better too; no more stopping at the shoulders, they go all the way to the ground. Science and medicine have advanced; there's no more superstition, now they know the perfect number of leeches to apply for each ailment. You have a clock accurate to within an hour, and a calendar accurate to within a week. Your physician heals himself, and your barber cuts his own hair. This is truly a golden age.

This is the 12th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom cards. There are tokens that let you save coins and actions for later, Projects that grant abilities, and Artifacts to fight over.

I just gave you your 11111th respect, congrats.

*Quickly unvotes several Awaclus posts*

Sweet! Coin tokens have so much unused design space. I always wondered why we never got Action tokens.

I skipped over this thread for several days thinking it was another fan-made expansion. Note to self: Read thread titles more carefully.

Hearthstone / Re: Semi-interesting Hearthstone moments
« on: July 26, 2018, 11:16:49 am »
My opponent had a 1/1 and an 9/9 on board. In order to stay alive, the correct play for me was to Mind Control the 1/1. Any guesses as to what the minions were? No taunt involved.
The super poisonous guy from Dungeon Run?
That would also work, but in this case the enemy warlock had an Anima Golem, and by mind controlling the 1/1 Candle, the Golem destroyed itself.

(Anima Golem: 6 mana 9/9, At the end of each turn, destroy this minion if it's your only one.)

Hearthstone / Re: Semi-interesting Hearthstone moments
« on: July 25, 2018, 11:22:28 pm »
My opponent had a 1/1 and an 9/9 on board. In order to stay alive, the correct play for me was to Mind Control the 1/1. Any guesses as to what the minions were? No taunt involved.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Question- What is an Engine
« on: July 25, 2018, 08:25:39 pm »

Other Games / Re: In defense of Monopoly
« on: July 23, 2018, 12:45:46 am »
One variant of Catan I really like is the Event cards, introduced in the Traders and Barbarians expansion. Instead of rolling the dice each turn, you flip over the top card a deck with the production numbers on them. The number of each result in the deck corresponds with the probability of that roll. (For example, there are five "6s" in the deck, three "10s," etc.) When the deck is exhausted, you shuffle the cards and draw again. This mitigates some of the randomness, as you will no longer have those freak situations where your "5" is rolled once during the entire game while "11" is rolled three times in a row. You can comfortably build while knowing exactly how often you'll receive resources.

I interpret the Fool's Gold flavor as a commentary on fiat currency.  The more Fool's Gold gets used and accepted as currency, the more value it has.  Unlike Silver and Gold, the value isn't in the commodity itself, but in its use as a medium of exchange.

The weird part is that the Fool's Gold value going up is independent of how many other players have Fool's Gold. It's all about how much you use at one moment.

I mean, imagine if some guy goes to an trading table or shop and has an exchange similar to the following:

> "Hey, I got this fancy blue gold stuff to trade for goods. It's worth a lot".
> "I haven't seen that before. How do I know it's worth as much as you say?"
> "Here look, I have an extra ten pounds of the stuff"
> "Hmm, sounds legit"

It also reminds me a bit of how cryptocurrencies gain traction.

It'd be pretty cool to have a card that varies in power based on how many cards are left in its supply pile. Though, that might be a bit fiddly.

Hearthstone / Boomsday Project
« on: July 19, 2018, 02:40:14 pm »
New Legendary revealed today, and it's one of the greatest I've seen. Whizbang the Wonderful: mana 4/5 neutral legendary. At the start of the game, he replaces your deck with one of the 18 most recent deck recipes. No, it's not competitive, but he's a perfect f2p legendary. Now you don't have grind for hours on end or empty your wallet to experience the latest expansion. It allows for the testing of a certain deck or archetype before you spend you hard-earned dust on it. Many people like myself only play the game intermittently. You could leave the game for 3 years, come back, and still be able to play with up to 540 new cards. Granted, many of the deck recipes are rather bad, but they have improved over time.

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