zxcvbn2 beats Polk5440 3-2
This one was tough to figure out. There was mostly villages and some trashing in the Black Market from what I could remember. I chose to ignore it, and so did zxcvbn2.
There's Apprentice for trashing, but that is slow going to clear out curses. I was confident in my opening of Watchtower over Silver or Herbalist from the second seat in order to both prevent curses coming in and giving some extra draw to X power which worked well with YW, Nobles, Crossroads, and Apprentice (on Coppers/Curses). I did pick up an Herbalist for Bane and buy, later. I hit $7 several times for 3 Banks, and didn't get a curse til turn 14. This allowed me to win easily from the second seat.
Of the 5 games, I am most proud of my play in this game, even given the fact I got lucky a few times.
I thought I had the better plan here, going for 2 Ambassadors as quickly as possible over something like Margrave (which I could have opened with), in order to counter the curses coming in from Sea Hag. I was planning something like Throne Room-Throne Room or TR-Pearl Diver to act as a village for a couple Margraves, but it just didn't pan out, and my economy wasn't as strong as his. Given this plan, Bureaucrat over Salvager on turn 12 was probably a big mistake, because once my deck was thin enough I could have trashed at least one Ambassador and the Silver flood made my TRs miss too much. I lost, feeling like I badly misplayed the midgame on this one.
Native Village-Wharf-Cutpurse + one outpost from the first seat wins. The lookout was probably worse than silver for me, but I am not sure. If I replayed this game, I wouldn't buy it.
accidentally closed Game 4
Here it is:
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201302/16/game-20130216-074248-5e2c8d77.htmlThe beginning of my Silk Road/Gardens problems for the day. Ironworks-Silk Road here seems to be the only way to go. While his Golds helped him spike a Province late, I don't know how to adapt in these games, and I lost.
I am mad at myself for this game. Noble Brigand was a mistake over Silver on the opening especially since I went first. When NB misses it gives a Copper, and here, with IGG rush an option, Coppers help the opponent. Duh! I do think Silver is better than Caravan here on the opening, but I am not sure. I know Counting House was correct midgame given my position, and because of it, I only lost by a point.
Nice playing by zxcvb2, overall. If I recall correctly, the last time I entered a tournament, zxcvbn2 knocked me out. Next time; next time.