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Messages - Ethan

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The challenge is:
Design an Attack card that is neither a handsize attack, junker, trasher, deck-order attack nor Doom.
In short, design a new attack method. Official cards that would qualify include Enchantress, Bridge Troll, Gatekeeper, Warlord, and Frigate. I count -1 Card token as handsize attack. As for Frigate, it's an edge example. I count it as something like Action-worsening attack, so OK.
I am a newbie judge. I will use the usual criteria like balance, fun, et al. And I appreciate it if the attack method is novel and eye-catching.
Feel free to ask question about qualification of design and anything. This idea gains help from Timinou.

Thank you for the judgement!
I have two quick ideas about next contest, and I went through the ideas thread to find one of them was proposed by Timinou with wonderful wording. So, I will choose this one. I will post it later.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: May 10, 2023, 03:28:13 am »
It has track problem: as the official rule, 'If you play a card on someone else's turn, you discard it in that turn's Clean-up, unless it is a Duration card with things left to do.'


+1 Action
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Action. Discard the other cards. If you have a copy of the Action in play, put it into your hand. Otherwise, play it.
A mix of Imp, Herald, Sea Chart and Golem. No chain effect like Herald.

$4   -   Action

+1 Action
You may trash a Non-Duration card you have in play. Choose a different thing per $2 it costs (round down): Gain an imp; Gain 2 horse; Gain a card costing up to $1 less then it; +2 Coffers.
Small typo: “less than”


(forgot to add "command" to this card. but a sort of mint throne room.
You need " have in play" in the underline part.

VP card using delay. Probably wildly unbalanced idk
Small typo: "onto" and "an Action or Treasure".

Thank you for your comment! It's an honor to win weekly contest for the first time. But I feel sorry that I'm during a trip (for spring), and will be busy until Saturday. So AJL828 can host the next contest if he would like to.
Thank you all again.

OK, I will try something Chinese.
Spring is a special season in Chinese classical poetry. (Of course, the other three seasons are special too.) I selected a very famous and storytelling Tang poem about spring:
题都城南庄 Written in a Village South of the Capital
(崔护 Written by Cui Hu, translated by Xu Yuanchong)
In this house on this day last year a pink face vied;
In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.
I do not know today where the pink face has gone;
In vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full blown.
I design a Victory card with Heirloom, trying to tell a story about the poet's memories and peach blossoms:

Poem Notes
Treasure - Heirloom
You may discard a Victory card for +1 Villager.
Vernal blossoms
When you gain this, you may remove 2 Villagers from your mat to +2
Heirloom: Poem Notes

Rainmaker says "Exile a Rain" because I can't say "from the Supply" if it's not in the Supply, and "from the non-Supply" sounds stupid to me.
Maybe we can use 'its pile' like those one-shot non-supply cards.

Week 50: I Can See The Future!
Industrialist by Xen3k.
Mountain Goat by exfret.
Honorable Mentions:
Forest Warden by czzzz, 

Treemonger by bryguy.
This contest's name should be 'A Natural Gift'.

I am sorry to reply this in 2023, but I read this thread today. And it is surprising that some many card ideas in this contest are similar to later Offical card:
Haggling(grrgrrgrr's Event version)  - Mirror
I think this works better as a $3 costing Event. "+1 Buy. The next time you buy a non-Victory card this turn, gain a copy."

Monarchy  - Gang of Pickpockets(somehow)

Patrimony - Inherited(more dramatic)

Tribulations - Charlatan(in modifying Curse)

 Edit: Updated wording per emtzalex suggestion

Edit 2: People don't seem excited for this edict. so I'm turning up the volume on this: Now Every curse is a village, but they are worth -2vp instead of -1 vp.

You guys are wonderful.

Servants laugh at a man forced to wear VP clothes.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: City Life
« on: March 26, 2023, 02:41:35 am »
I think the wording of Band of Misfits can be a reference for Theater. Now it didn't say cheaper to what.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: March 19, 2023, 02:29:57 am »
Card Fusions #14
Island & Storeroom
Storeship -
Put this and a card from your hand onto your Island mat. Put up to 2 cards from your Island mat into your hand for + each.
Deliver goods between your Kingdom and Islands.
Very flexible. Can be used as Island without , or an one-card-Exiler with + that return to your hand, or something else.
I hope there is no loop question on Storeship. And I feel sorry it can't be a Duration ship due to tracking.

Actually, the multi-platform Dominion has the option about deck tracking. You can choose if cards/points/deck & discard of each player is visible.

Split pile- Pyramid- Burial Chamber

Pyramid (on top)
Action - Victory

Cost: 4

Trash 2 cards, + 1 VP

Value: 1 VP

When you gain this you may trash 2 treasures in play.


Burial Chamber (bottom)
Treasure - Victory

Cost: 7

Worth $1 for every 3 treasures in the trash (round down), at most worth $8

Worth 1 VP for every 3 treasures in the trash (round down), at most worth 8 VP

Pyramid sounds better than Temple, kind of, but it's OK. I just love the flavor that Pyramids sit on the top of Chambers so much.

Silk Route -
Treasure - Victory
This turn, Victory cards with only 1 type is also a Treasure worth .
Worth 1  for every 4 Victory cards you have (round down)
Make Silk Road sweety, of course it should be a Treasure card. Would it be overpowered?
I think it would probably be overpowered. This would allow quite a few other cards (off the top of my head: Changeling, Tools, Specialist, and Kiln) to directly gain Provinces or Colonies.
Thank you, I forgot those Treasure gainer. I put a cap on the cost of Victory cards to restrict it.

Silk Routes -
Treasure - Victory
This turn, Victory cards costing up to with only 1 type is also a Treasure worth .
Worth 1  for every 4 Victory cards you have (round down)
Make Silk Road sweety, of course it should be a Treasure card. Would it be overpowered?
Revised: In response to the issues raised by AJL828, a cost cap has been put in place. Now it generally affects Duchy and Estate in most games, sometimes Gardens, Fairgrounds and etc. If you build a solid transport system (Highway I mean), your Silk Routes could span the entire continent.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: March 11, 2023, 12:09:57 am »
Distribute needs re-wording, to make clear that you choose what other players get.
Maybe it can be like, not the best wording:
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck.
Reveal one of them, each other player gains a copy of it.
Choose one: Gain 2 copies of it; or +.
Put the cards you looked back in any order.

Thank you for the wonderful judgement!
For my submission, I have to say it's more flavor-based than matching the contest theme: as a Loot gainer, you can generally only get one Loots from Siege.
Regarding Circlet, I have a question. I don't understand the difference between Circlet and the outtake. Could you give some clarification, please?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card made by ChatGPT
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:48:03 am »
Card Name: Mystic Enchantment

Card Type: Action

Cost: 4

Card Text: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an Action, play it. Otherwise, put it back and +1 Action. You may put a card from your hand onto your deck.

Flavor Text: The Mystic Enchantment has been known to awaken dormant power within those who dare to seek it.

Explanation: The Mystic Enchantment card is an action card that costs four coins to purchase. When played, the player must reveal the top card of their deck. If it is an action card, it is automatically played immediately. Otherwise, the card is put back on top of the deck, and the player gets an extra action. The player may choose to put a card from their hand onto their deck as well. This card encourages players to build decks with more Action cards and to manipulate the order of their decks to maximize their chances of playing useful Action cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Card made by ChatGPT
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:43:16 am »
*I changed a little wording for this one*
Dark Mage
Action -
+ 3 Cards
You may put a card from your hand or discard pile to the top or bottom of your deck. If you put a Spirit card to the top, you may gain a card costing as much as it or less.
This card allows players to increase their hand size and search for better cards by drawing 3 cards, while also providing some additional control. By moving a card to different positions in your deck, you can change the probability of drawing it on your next turn. Additionally, the effect of Dark Mage allows players to exchange a low-cost card for a high-cost one by purchasing the latter with the former. Finally, in keeping with the theme of the Nocturne expansion, I added the element of dark magic to this card to make it blend with the expansion's atmosphere and themes.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #180: Pay the Iron Price
« on: February 28, 2023, 11:48:12 am »
Siege -
At the end of your Buy phase, add a token here, then gain a card costing equal to the number of tokens here from Supply or the Loot pile.
Map -
Treasure - Loot

+1 Buy
This turn, cards cost less.
In the process of sieging the city, keep plundering the wealth and eventually storm the city to get the loot. If you have a map, your plundering will be even more efficient.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: February 26, 2023, 09:32:30 am »
Merchant's Stone
$3P Treasure
The first time you play a Merchant's Stone this turn, +$4; otherwise +$3. If your Deck is empty, -$1. If your Discard is empty, -$1.

I assume that it works like Fool's Gold? Then we should use the wording from FG: If this is the first time you played …

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: February 26, 2023, 02:01:07 am »

Abacist -
+1 Card
+1 Action

The first time you have the same number of cards in your deck and discard pile this turn, +

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