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Messages - Tiago

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Fugitive for $4 is already OP.
These cards can exist because 'OP' isn't really a problem in dominion
Nope. You cannot ignore powerlevel, especially not around the critical 4-5-threshold.

It is well established that Fugitive as a Kingdom card would be a $4.5 which is why it does not exist and why Ferryman, Fugitive with a bonus, costs $5.

Explain to me why I cannot ignore it around the 4-5 threshold. I understand this is a powerful card but i dont see the problem, its supposed to get piled often, it doesnt affect what strategies you use that much and doesnt make almost any other card unbuyable in any kingdom its in, you still need draw payload and villages if you wanna build a functional deck. Journey costs 4 and is far more busted than this card, as is silk merchant I would imagine.

If this card is fun as well as OP, that's great, but I don't think it's a good idea to say "well some cards are overpowered and fun so we don't have to worry about it." Cards like Mountebank, Ghost Ship, Ambassador, and Cultist do happen.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 97: Decrees
« on: July 24, 2024, 05:16:21 pm »

  • Not kill the game.
Oops. Hopefully this isn't what you meant.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 96: Heroes
« on: July 23, 2024, 04:39:58 pm »

Honey looks very interesting. A bit weak IMO, a $5 cost that does nothing until next turn the first time you play it feels like really high opportunity cost. But once it gets going it should create difficult decisions. Echeneis looks fine; it's a bit weird that it's next turn, but that does make it a lot more interesting.

:)                                                      :)                                                     :)

My main criteria for judging is simplicity. Keep your text big and don't mix too many concepts.

Was I not clear? This monster has so much text and unrelated concepts. It's an incredibly complicated trash-for-benefit with an Advisor-like clause. This makes my head hurt.

Your Savior is overpowered; compare it to Pilgrim, and also cannot get you monsters without another way to get them in the kingdom.

Winner: Honey and Echeneis by infangthief

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 96: Heroes
« on: July 19, 2024, 07:11:57 pm »
Contest closed

Sorry for the delay. I will judge tomorrow.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: July 17, 2024, 10:05:57 am »
I'm somewhat confused about how Spells currently work. My best guesses are:

1. If the Kingdom contains any card that mentions preparing Spells, then Invoke will be added to the starting decks and 3 random Spells will be included (not in the Supply).
2. Preparing a Spell requires playing an Action that tells you to do so and involves moving a token to the Spell.
3. Casting the Spell requires ( idea..) and probably involves removing the token and performing the Spell action.

Sorry, I can see that I didn't explain it well.
1. Yes
2. Preparing a Spell involves having a Supply card tell you to "prepare a Spell," which means you put your token on one of the Spells. Right now, Wizard, Wraith, Mage, Crystal, Thaumaturge, and Scroll all let you prepare Spells, and that's what shows you to add Spells to the game. (So yes.)
3. You cast a Spell by playing the Invoke that you started with and choosing the second option, which plays the Spell that you've prepared, leaving it there, and you take your token off.
Does this help? (I'll fix the OP as well.)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 17, 2024, 09:42:46 am »
The effect that can be both negative and positive is the +1 Buy next turn.

As written, you aren't under any obligation to use that buy, as it happens after the start of your next turn (where the compulsory buys effect expires).
And yet there is a not-insignificant possibility that you will be obliged to use that buy, because Con Artist is in the kingdom, so another player might play one before your next turn.

Couldn't you just have made that into "while this is in play..." instead of "until then..." that way you'd always have to use your extra buy. easy fix.

While this is in play is outdated and never used anymore. And anyway that makes it very weak since the attack affects you on 2 turns and opponents on one.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 96: Heroes
« on: July 16, 2024, 06:34:55 pm »

You can't play non-Monster cards from your manual (although I'm happy to let your card use different rules). Also, are you aware that a Honey doesn't count itself (since by then it's in play), so as the only Savior you need 2 of them for it to even gain a monster? That makes it look really weak to me.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 96: Heroes
« on: July 16, 2024, 03:07:56 pm »
You can use debt or say "+N Strength", I don't mind.

A "trash 2 cards" is already a very powerful $3-$4 cost

Of course Dominion has changed a crazy amount since the beginning, but didn't Donald X originally try Chapel as "trash 3 cards", and it turned out to be way too weak?

I think it was way weaker than the current version, not weak in general. Since the current version is ridiculously strong, I'd guess that one is still an auto buy in most kingdoms.

10 <- different context but should still work

I would disagree (from above) that the difference between and is insignificant. Most s I want in my deck and most s I don't.

Card costs are not linear. There is a huge gap between and and a significant gap between and , while the difference between and is much smaller.

Anyway, you have my opinion. If you want to play some games with both I'd be happy to test these things.

I think most of it is that Remake is not really a Remodel variant, but a trasher. Remodel absolutely sucks at trashing; that's not what you buy it for unless you have no other option. Remodel is a payload card and Remake is a deck control card.

Trashing an extra card is a huge benefit. A "trash 2 cards" is already a very powerful $3-$4 cost; "trash a card" though, is terrible and rarely worth buying. The ability to trash Coppers safely is also huge. When you Remodel a Copper, you're spending a a card, action, and coin, to remove one Copper, and then either gain an Estate, in which case you shouldn't be Remodeling Coppers, or a spammable $2 cost, which usually does close to nothing.

Okay, it doesn't get $4s early, but the difference between $3 and $4 is really small and again, it's a trasher, not a gainer. Yes, after trashing 2 cards you will rarely buy something, but I will take even 2 Coppers out of my deck over most $3s. I don't think trashing with Remake at all reduces your payload; in the base case you go 3E 7C -> 3 Silver. That's $1 less of economy and 7 less stop cards. Trashing 2 Estates with Remake is equivalent to gaining FOUR Peddlers!

I honestly think $4 "Trash 2 cards" is better than Remodel. When I can do that while keeping my economy up, the card is really good.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 96: Heroes
« on: July 12, 2024, 05:06:27 pm »
Design a Savior card and a Monster card using those mechanics from X-tra's expansion:

My main criteria for judging is simplicity. Keep your text big and don't mix too many concepts. After that, from most to least important: creativity, balance, and theme.

I would appreciate mockups as they make it easier for me to read your card, but I won't enforce it.

Deadline in about a week; I'll delay it until at least 2 people submit and give a 24-hour warning.

Thanks for the win! Conditionals definitely have a lot of design space, but also seem to easily lead to cards with too many concepts smashed together.

I also think it's a good idea to give each Conditional card a different condition as that prevents them from interacting in an unexpected way. (Although obviously it's easier IRL with only one.)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 12, 2024, 10:59:15 am »

Industrialization - $6

At the start of your turn, gain an Action card to your hand.
Do not discard your hand or draw cards during Clean-up.

Clarification: This only effects the standard draw of 5 cards; if you mange to play a card with +Cards during Clean-up, you will still get those.

My brain hurts. Can someone please explain how you'd play with this?

Variants and Fan Cards / Rising Sun speculation
« on: July 08, 2024, 09:31:21 pm »
While we're waiting, I thought it might be fun to guess what the new things in Rising Sun are.

Shadow cards might be double sided cards (same on both sides). For example:

Lost Town Action - Shadow

+1 Card
+2 Actions
When this is the top card of your deck, you may put it into your hand.

It's a Lost City, but only if you don't draw it in your starting hand.

Communal Workshop Action - Shadow

If you played this from your hand, +1 Card, +1 Action, and gain a card costing up to . Otherwise, gain a card costing up to .
In games using this, once per turn you may spend an Action to play a Communal Workshop from another player's hand, leaving it there.

Peddler variant! Too complex for sure.

Monk Action - Reaction - Shadow

+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand.
When you trash a card, you may play this from your deck.

Prophecies could be rules changes that only trigger on something happening.

Prophecy 1
When three piles are empty at the end of your turn, you win.

Prophecy 2
When there are 10 cards in the trash, at the start of your turn, put your deck and discard pile into your hand.

The obvious ideas

Emperor Action -
You may play an Action from your hand 4 times.

Dragon Action -
Gain a Gold. Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.

If you have any ideas, feel free to post them! I'm sure some of these are broken, I didn't really try to balance them.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 08, 2024, 09:04:57 pm »

Sometimes this is great payload; in the right situation it can be Priest + Salvager.

Sometimes this is the only trasher and you were planning to Ironworks some cards.

I know this loops with Livery; it's up to D782802859 whether that's a problem. I'm willing to go with "these are variants and it's not worth adding complexity."

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 28, 2024, 02:03:58 pm »
Dominion 3rd edition: remove all Coppers and Estates from the Supply, add 5 new Kingdom cards. That would be amazing.


This arsonist can only burn down buildings when it's Dry. And when it's not, they get so bored they burn their own things.

At the start of the game this is a decent trasher, and later it will help you empty piles.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 27, 2024, 12:25:25 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 26, 2024, 12:03:19 am »
If you could go back and remake Dominion, would you consider getting rid of Treasures and making Copper, Silver, and Gold Action cards with +1 Action +$1, +1 Action +$2, and +1 Action +$3?

:)                                                      :)
:)                                                      :)

Royal Carriage Activation sounds fun. I'm not sure what the top has to do with it though. Also, what makes this good as a Night card? It seems to me that it's just as good as a non-terminal Action. Interesting card, but the unnecessary Night part puts me off a bit.

Townsquare • $2 • Action - Activation
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Villager

When you trigger this, set this aside. At the start of Clean-up, put it onto your deck.

Schemed village that's not a village. Interesting and simple. I like it.


Church Manor
$4 - Action - Victory - Activation - Fate
Trash a card from hand. Receive a boon
When you trigger this, +1VP


I don't understand what this card is trying to do. Maybe without the Boon it could be interesting but right now it feels like a bunch of random effects smashed together.

My Submission:
Midnight Village • $4 • Night - Activation
Set aside up to 2 differently named Action cards you would discard from play this turn (on this).

When you trigger this, play the set aside cards in either order.

Very cool use of the Night mechanic. This looks really fun to play with also, and it's still simple. I don't have much to say; I like everything about it.

Mold - Action - Activation -
Exile a card from your hand.
Exile a non-Victory card
from the supply costing up to
more than it.
When you trigger this,
discard a card you have in
Exile, then +2 Cards.

Good card. I'd want to see how it works in a real game because it does look a bit awkward, but it should be fun to turn the same Gold into a Province over and over again.

Winner: Midnight Village by emtzalex
Runner-ups: Townsquare by segura, Mold by J410

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: June 18, 2024, 03:20:05 pm »
Beldam could specify unused actions like Diadem does for clarity.
Pathway and Trailblazer both seem fairly insane, Pathway could probably do without the on-gain and Trailblazer without the +Buy (or shift the +Buy to the deck empty mode).
Thaumaturge seems extremely underpowered for its cost relative to the other spell-gainers.
Wander should be "to gain", and "unused actions" could help with clarity like on Beldam.
Really cool set!

Fixed Pathway and Beldam. Thanks, this is really helpful.

i am glad to be of assistance.
Arcanist: to keep at $3, i'd remove "Silver or" and change "+2 Cards" to either "+1 Action" or "+1 Card"
Warlock: to keep at $3, i'd either change "+$2" to either "+1 Card" or "Discard a treasure for +$2."
As they are, i'd suspect players would readily gain one before many other $3-cost cards and if they can get enough actions, then get many more.

:)                                                  :)

I don't think they need to be nerfed. With just +1 Action or +1 Card on Arcanist, it's worse than a cantrip, i.e. you get it just for the attack. And the attack is actually really weak because they can play everything else first. So I think Arcanist is way weaker than both Enchantress and Stowaway.
Warlock's a terminal silver, it's only good if you're Cursing. And cursing with Warlock has a built-in cost, so we don't need to punish people for buying it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: June 18, 2024, 09:58:20 am »

Should have seen this. Once per turn should fix it.

Beldam could specify unused actions like Diadem does for clarity.
Pathway and Trailblazer both seem fairly insane, Pathway could probably do without the on-gain and Trailblazer without the +Buy (or shift the +Buy to the deck empty mode).
Thaumaturge seems extremely underpowered for its cost relative to the other spell-gainers.
Wander should be "to gain", and "unused actions" could help with clarity like on Beldam.
Really cool set!

Beldam and Wander I will fix right now.
Thaumaturge's main strength is that if you see a Spell that both players really want (Energize with no Villages for example) you can immediately get it. I'll try it as a cantrip though.
Pathway is overpowered, I will try it without the on-gain.
How is Trailblazer insane? And how does removing +Buy fix that? Possibly I just don't see it generate as much as it could since none of my playtesters draw their deck consistently.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: June 17, 2024, 11:36:58 pm »
Updated Trailblazer and Underworld with your suggestions. They look so much better now!

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