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Messages - scolapasta

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Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 03:15:08 pm »
Okok Completely non game related…

I’m gonna be a dad!!!!

Just found out this morning!!!!

Amazing - congratualations.

Vote: Swowl

Just kidding:

Real vote:

Vote: fang

(Don't want to go to 4 on mcmc, just yet, so let's have the 2nd wagon)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 12:56:04 pm »
Re: the person who said I was their 4th read and what you can learn form that.

Just that I don't seem particularly scummy or towny to then. Whcih seems reasonable to me based on the one post I had up to that point.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 26, 2024, 12:54:44 pm »
Man, checking in now and 5 new pages! Lots to catch up.

I did lie yesterday when I said I'd try to reread last night - well, it was truthful at the time, but then a last minute let's drive to the beach for the weekend derailed that plan.

So I get the votes for me, with limited posts and no real content. It's something scumpasta would do. But it also something scolatown would do too, so 🤷

I could be around for deadline, but also prefer if we solidify earlier, as by 8pm, I'm possibly at dinner, would otherwise be busy. I guess that's also a good thing about plurality.

From my quick reading, I'm leaning mcmc and fang, and am happy to put a vote in once there's another vote count. (since I don't have time to tally up where we are since last vote count).

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 25, 2024, 04:22:20 pm »
Hi all!

I've been trying to follow along with everything posted so far, but am pretty busy to post anything useful. Nothing immediately jumped out to me from my quick reading, I'll try to find some time later tonight.

That said, even though it's been a while, I still hate D1. :)

Especially with MiX as moderator / not in the game, because my usual D1 is trying to figure him out.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 16, 2024, 04:40:05 pm »
Hi all! When is this going to run?

Hi hi hi! Are you going to play with us??

How could I not? Add me to the gladiator r/ing!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M140 - Gladiator Bomb Mafia
« on: July 15, 2024, 11:21:46 am »
Hi all! When is this going to run?

With the overall theme, I'm guessing one of the Shadow cards will be named Ninja.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thought Experiment: Biggest opening turn
« on: February 14, 2024, 06:15:50 pm »
Inherited the Trait - changes your starting deck.

And come to think if it, in the first scenario, yoour oppoments could all buy (if they get up to 10 and +1 buy, which they can): embassy, then lost city

So then you would have your starting hand, plus 4 silvers (on your 2nd turn and with shuffle luck), no need any more even to trash, so you have:
Necropolis, 1 Copper, 1 Pouch, Cursed Gold, Capital + the 4 silvers from your draws:
+19 from the treasures and you enough to double Colony.

Of course with Populate shenanigans, all this is moot, since there are ways to buy everything.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thought Experiment: Biggest opening turn
« on: February 14, 2024, 05:28:03 pm »
Actually, we can get it 17 but only 1 buy...
Add Embassy and Pixie in the Kingdom.

Same as before, but now this has to be your 2nd turn (so no deck)
Other players do the same, but one also buys an Embassy (each other player gains a silver)
At your turn:
Necropolis, 1 Overgrown Estate, 1 Goat, Cursed Gold, Capital

Play Necropolis as Farmers Market for the +4
Then first play Goat and trash Overgrown Estate for +1 (5)
+1 card, and you draw the gained Silver +2 (7)
Remaining treasures are +9 (16)
and the Coffers for +1 (17)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thought Experiment: Biggest opening turn
« on: February 14, 2024, 05:15:05 pm »
Remove Desperation.
Add Shelters and Way of the Mouse as Farmer's Market.

In a 4 player game, first three players play their Necropolis as Farmers market.
your turn, hand is:
Necropolis, 1 Copper, 1 Pouch, Cursed Gold, Capital
Play Necropolis as Farmers Market for +4
+ 11 from treasures
+1 from Coffers gets you to 16 and Double Province.

I love this contest theme, as I often design cards that are "variants" of official cards. I haven't entered in a while, but I'll see if I can dig something out this week, as it's be fun to get back into this.

Official cards that don't qualify: Fortune Hunter (not related to Hunter), Horse Traders (not related to Trader), Plateau Shepherds (not related to shepherd), Royal Blacksmith, Shanty Town, Silk Merchant, get the idea...

Not that it matters to the definition of this contest, but wouldn't Royal Blacksmith count as a variant of Smithy? Or Is it because the name isn't exact?

Village and Merchant as your base card are discouraged. You can do a modified version of one of them, but I'd prefer you choose something else.

I get village, since there are so many official variants of it (and if I recall correctly, it was also the theme of a past contest), but why Merchant?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Halloween Kingdom
« on: October 31, 2023, 06:02:43 pm »
Huh, I was just playing a game online, and suddenly every card was named Chewbacca. Someone, somewhere in the world must have been trying out the Kingdom.

If only I had had a Chewbacca (Mystic) or a Chewbacca (Sorceress) in my hand to play at the time. :)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Sadz
« on: September 20, 2023, 11:52:47 am »
Sure. /in for Didds

How do i word it better so that its clearer, so people wont ask the question?

I can't think of a non-awful phrasing that solves the issue. (I thought maybe let them be Treasure cards and disallow playing them in your buy phase, but then you get into trouble when something allows you to play Treasures in your Action phase, so I don't think that's a good idea.) Seems like an interaction you just have to clarify explicitly.

Card is interesting for sure! (I didn't upvote bc of phrasing errors.) I would rephrase, even if it doesn't solve the Capitalism issue, into

+1 Card
+2 Actions
For the rest of this turn, Coppers are Action cards with "+1 Card, +1$". (They are no longer Treasure cards.)

(+cards always comes before +actions, and the "with" phrasing is from inheritance.)

What about something like:
+1 Card
+2 Actions
For the rest of this turn, Coppers are Action cards with "If it's your action phase, +1 Card, +1$".

In this case they remain treasure cards as well (making Capitalism is irrelevant), but do nothing*.

* of course, they then would still interact with anything that cared about treasures, like Mine, Bank, etc, but maybe that's ok, to avoid the weirdness with Capitalism.

P.S. It's been a long time since I've posted anything - Hi everyone!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 20, 2023, 12:14:00 pm »
Sorry for the no recent posting (again).

I also find the "as scum, I do this" since while it may be true, scum is well aware of that and can just choose to play differently for a game, in order to make that argument. (to me, it feels similar to the "objective truth" argument about quick no exile). I don't think it makes Awaclus definitely scum, but it's at best non alignment indicative to me.

But add the change from conditionally agreeing to let Didds choose the exile, and most importantly the fact that everyone has checke d in and I'm still alive (since town Awaclus voting for me would allow scum to quick exile scum me), I'm ready to:

Vote: Awaclus

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 17, 2023, 03:46:59 pm »
Sorry no recent posting. Life is sucky right now.

Will post more, not not today. Latest by Monday.

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 09, 2023, 02:07:23 pm »
Agreed, it seems like a (minor) bug. But as with everything, there are edge cases. For example, say you gained the Villa with Artificer (during your buy phase because of Capitalism), then triggering Sheepdog first would only net +1 card since you'd first draw the Villa. (i.e. if the online implementation were correct, you'd likely want to first move the Villa from the deck to your hand, then draw 2 more, before returning to your action phase).

Actually, you would first put Villa in your hand, then return to your Action phase, then draw 2 cards with Sheepdog. But I don't think that makes a difference.

Yup, that's what I meant.

But doesn't your scenario actually work online despite the bug?

I think what I was saying is that there is an effective difference because of the bug. But maybe I didn't think out or spell out all of the scenario.

So let me write it out and see what happens:

Scenario 1:
Buy Phase:
Gain Villa
React with Sheepdog, draw the Villa and Card 1.
Then Villa's on gain, ending Buy Phase (and discarding the Wine Merchant because you got the $1 from sheepdog / token).

Scenario 2:
Buy Phase:
Gain Villa
Then Villa's on gain, Villa goes in hand and ending Buy phase (no discarding the Wine Merchant).
React with Sheepdog, draw Card 1 and 2.

Scenario 3 (current online):
Buy Phase:
Gain Villa
Then Villa's on gain, Villa goes in hand.
React with Sheepdog, draw Card 1 and 2.
Buy phase ends(and discarding the Wine Merchant because you got the $1 from sheepdog / token).


Aha, I think I forgot some aspects in my written version of the scenario, basically that your deck only contains 2 cards and that you had a wine merchant on your reserve mat.

So I think the difference here is if card 2 were something like Smithy, the online bug would allow you to draw it and play it with your Wine Merchant discarded and now part of the shuffle.

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 09, 2023, 01:32:21 pm »
It's interesting to me that the first one works - it seems to me the trickier one. I guess the idea is that at the start of your buy phase, you can choose all the things you want to trigger, then you order them, and so they still trigger even if conditions (e.g. not being in your buy phase) are no longer met?

(the alternative being, you only choose the first thing to trigger, then do it; then you can choose the next thing to trigger, but only if the condition is still met)

I wonder if there are other cases like this.

No it's more like, all of them trigger, then you choose which to resolve first, etc. Once something triggers, it's never removed from the "to be resolved" list.

The classic example is, gain Mandarin with Royal Seal in play, both cards trigger. You resolve Mandarin first, topdecking the Royal Seal. You can resolve Royal Seal to topdeck the Mandarin.

Oh right, yeah that makes sense. I always semantically read the "at time X, you may Y", as you choosing whether it triggers, but it's more accurate to think of it as it triggers your ability to make the choice (so the trigger happens regardless).

It should only be possible to react with Sheepdog before or after this, but online it happens in the middle, between (2) and (3). In other words, we should return to the Action phase (ending the Buy phase), then play Sheepdog.

But of course, this scenario is bad, because you could just choose to play the Sheepdog first!

Agreed, it seems like a (minor) bug. But as with everything, there are edge cases. For example, say you gained the Villa with Artificer (during your buy phase because of Capitalism), then triggering Sheepdog first would only net +1 card since you'd first draw the Villa. (i.e. if the online implementation were correct, you'd likely want to first move the Villa from the deck to your hand, then draw 2 more, before returning to your action phase).

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 09, 2023, 12:03:37 pm »
It's interesting to me that the first one works - it seems to me the trickier one. I guess the idea is that at the start of your buy phase, you can choose all the things you want to trigger, then you order them, and so they still trigger even if conditions (e.g. not being in your buy phase) are no longer met?

(the alternative being, you only choose the first thing to trigger, then do it; then you can choose the next thing to trigger, but only if the condition is still met)

I wonder if there are other cases like this.

The 2nd one seems more straightforward in that they are just both "when you gain" triggers. So you just choose to do Innovation first, before Villa, and so get the +$1 before you end your buy phase.

Wouldn't that actually be the same with Sheepdog + +$1 token? In other words, you use Woodworker's guild to gain the Villa,
then choose which on gain you do first, Villa's or Sheepdog's. If you do Sheepdog, you get the +$1, and then when you do Villa's and end your buy phase, you can still choose to discard the Wine Merchant. (if you choose Villa's first, then you would not be able to discard the Wine Merchant, since you first end your buy phase)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 08, 2023, 09:55:26 pm »
I guess I misinterpreted your D3 post...

Basically people don't vote no exile when you want a discussion because voting no exile means you don't want a discussion. So by voting no exile I assumed you didn't want a discussion. You even said things like "why wait until tomorrow" and "it's clearly the best vote".

OK - I get that, and it sounds like that's also where Awaclus is coming from. My no exile vote wasn't a "I don't want more discussion", I just wanted to improve our odds for today's exile and saw lots of votes flying by. My "tomorrow" was meant to mean the game's "tomorrow", not real world tomorrow.

But I hear what you and Awaclus are saying. I'm still not sure I agree, but I'll have to meditate on that a little more. The "I want to solve this game" side of me feels I could've used that info to improve my scum reads - and I do stand by my "I don't really think it matters any more who scum NK" argument.

I'm happy to retract my vote for now:


Let me ask something else then: how come no one else suggested no exile until I did?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 08, 2023, 09:37:13 pm »
Does anyone think yesterday ending so quickly was weird? I mean, No exile was the right thing to do, but why not allow time for discussion?

We can't do anything during the night, scum can, so any information we could have generated by discussing yesterday instead of today would have strictly benefited scum.

I get your point and if there were any PRs I would agree.

But in a game with only vanilla roles, I don't think it really matters which of us scum target from a "who's left" perspective, while evaluating the NK as a reaction to that discussion could be.

Wait why are you saying this you literally voted no exile yesterday and made the complete opposite argument.

Not sure where you get that I made an opposite argument?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 08, 2023, 09:35:43 pm »
Does anyone think yesterday ending so quickly was weird? I mean, No exile was the right thing to do, but why not allow time for discussion?

Mix, can you explain how you got from No Exile to "skip immediately":

Sure we can keep the momentum (or not lose it more) and skip today immediately.

Vote: no exile

Is that how you vote for no exile? I'll assume it is.

If Awaclus is correct about mathdude as traitor, could this be a signal to join the vote? (math was X-1) or to WCD who hammered?

I don't know, just feels anti town that the No exile vote went so quick.

I'm also suspecting MiX, being very vocal about Lalight being towny and then Lalight is the NK?

Vote: MiX

I was going to defend myself against this because why not, and waiting for gkrieg to post is unrealistic at this point. But then I thought this was so lazy I should only react to this with a vote. However, I read this again, now correctly:

Mix, can you explain how you got from No Exile to "skip immediately":

What does this mean? How is no exile not skipping immediately? How is there a process between voting no exile and skipping the day quickly?

Voting No exile just means not exiling someone that day - it doesn't have to happen immediately, we could've still discussed things for a few more real world days. As you see from above, Awaclus thinks that only helps scum; I think in a vanilla game like we are now, it could've helped town as well.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 08, 2023, 04:03:13 pm »
Does anyone think yesterday ending so quickly was weird? I mean, No exile was the right thing to do, but why not allow time for discussion?

We can't do anything during the night, scum can, so any information we could have generated by discussing yesterday instead of today would have strictly benefited scum.

I get your point and if there were any PRs I would agree.

But in a game with only vanilla roles, I don't think it really matters which of us scum target from a "who's left" perspective, while evaluating the NK as a reaction to that discussion could be.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 08, 2023, 02:39:46 pm »
Does anyone think yesterday ending so quickly was weird? I mean, No exile was the right thing to do, but why not allow time for discussion?

Mix, can you explain how you got from No Exile to "skip immediately":

Sure we can keep the momentum (or not lose it more) and skip today immediately.

Vote: no exile

Is that how you vote for no exile? I'll assume it is.

If Awaclus is correct about mathdude as traitor, could this be a signal to join the vote? (math was X-1) or to WCD who hammered?

I don't know, just feels anti town that the No exile vote went so quick.

I'm also suspecting MiX, being very vocal about Lalight being towny and then Lalight is the NK?

Vote: MiX

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M139 - Godfather Mafia - DAY 1
« on: March 05, 2023, 12:12:33 pm »
Wow - jet lag from Korea is tougher than I expected! Anyway, finally back to the game:

Why is no one voting:

Vote: No exile

With no PRs seems like the right choice for today, no?

That way we have a 2 in 7 shot tomorrow instead of a 2 in 8*? And we get info from who scum targets tonight.

I don't see any good reason to wait until tomorrow for this.

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