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Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #1
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:40:57 pm »
I am so happy for Sage/Counting House. Counting House is infused with the power of infinity. As you all know, exploding into a copper faceplant is just a legit activity that I partake in, and Sage is the sweet sweet cream on top of the sliced bread.

Is it still cheating if you don't know you're cheating? Like could I plant subliminal deck shuffling techniques in my own mind and then erase my own memory to cover my tracks? I wouldn't know I was scheming, I'd just play and think that's how I've always shuffled. And does it make a difference if the memory erasure is magical or scientific in nature?

Signed up. I feel like I was quick on the trigger. Not sure.

Edit: 37 minutes Not so shabby, although I coulda done better.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A what's missing puzzle...
« on: June 08, 2012, 01:16:21 pm »
I think ____Cutpurse might be a better fit.

edit, actually what I think the connection is won't work since Vault and maybe Minion would also fit.
So was this correct? I was discouraged by the fact that it wasn't just one card.

You've stumped me. I thought about vault, but I didn't examine the card text close enough. Good show sirs!

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Two puzzles
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:27:04 pm »
Looks very similar to my puzzle actually. I'm guessing Bishop, Cutpurse, and Bureacrat, with the condition being getting your opponent to a zero card hand before their turn begins

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A what's missing puzzle...
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:22:03 pm »
I would think that both Cutpurse and Torturer should work.

We have a winner! Sorry it took so long to respond to this. Also congrats for finding a card I didn't think of that would meet the condition. A card that could make your opponent discard down to zero cards in hand before their turn began

Edit: And governor. Governor also works.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Another Perfect Ten
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:05:08 am »
Do the card names have anything to do with it?

Puzzles and Challenges / A what's missing puzzle...
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:03:04 am »
Bishop, Bureaucrat, Masquerade

Not sure if this puzzle has been done before. It doesn't have to do with the card images or name, it's concerned with the mechanics of the game. Good luck!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Exhibition
« on: June 05, 2012, 10:53:00 pm »
What about gaining an exhibition instead of a silver? Or perhaps gaining a $4 or less card as in workshop?

Simulation / Re: Cache as an Opener
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:44:11 pm »
Cache/Duke? Could that work?

What if your second loot is worth 2 and your third loot is 1. All subsequent loots would be 0. Or have all subsequent loots be $1. Or have one subsequent loot be worth $1. Some variant along those lines.

Edit: What if revealing your loot lets you trash it and gain a gold in addition to your opponent being affected!

Other Games / Re: In defense of Monopoly
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:46:11 am »
Imagine a few other variants:

1) All properties are auctioned off in a predetermined manner before the game starts (with adjusted prices and starting money, etc), like a single "buying round" followed by a single "action round".

2) All properties are auctioned off similar to above, but in some sort of random manner, perhaps even before any board movement occurs, as above.

Not sure how related this is, but the mechanic of auctioning everything off before the round reminded me of the card game Rumble by superstar of game design Kevan Davis. It's a superhero game.

Game Reports / Re: How I was almost crushed by a n00b with $1 Banks
« on: April 29, 2012, 08:06:13 pm »
What's the point of a ranking system if it doesn't reflect skill at the game? There are minor things like misclicks and 5/2 versus 4/3 splits that can uneven the odds in a way that has little connection to the game. We should try to minimize these effects. The line between game-mistake and unavoidable fluke/bad interaction with the user interface of iso is not a hard distinction to make. Having an opponent forget to set the timer isn't the same as your opponent not knowing where the button on the timer is because it's their first time playing. Or what if the timer was broken in your favor? Just take your victory and move on right?

There are more important things than winning. Play for fun :)!
I agree. Isn't that why Dominion was invented? So that poeple could have fun?
Morgrim7 is a great guy and we agree on a lot of things, but I promise he isn't my sockpuppet account.
Oops... Have I been posting too much?  :-[. And no, I'm not a sockpuppet account.
You haven't been posting too much. You've been posting too awesomely!

Game Reports / Re: How I was almost crushed by a n00b with $1 Banks
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:59:48 pm »
What's the point of a ranking system if it doesn't reflect skill at the game? There are minor things like misclicks and 5/2 versus 4/3 splits that can uneven the odds in a way that has little connection to the game. We should try to minimize these effects. The line between game-mistake and unavoidable fluke/bad interaction with the user interface of iso is not a hard distinction to make. Having an opponent forget to set the timer isn't the same as your opponent not knowing where the button on the timer is because it's their first time playing. Or what if the timer was broken in your favor? Just take your victory and move on right?

There are more important things than winning. Play for fun :)!
I agree. Isn't that why Dominion was invented? So that poeple could have fun?
Morgrim7 is a great guy and we agree on a lot of things, but I promise he isn't my sockpuppet account.

Game Reports / Re: How I was almost crushed by a n00b with $1 Banks
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:41:50 pm »
What's the point of a ranking system if it doesn't reflect skill at the game? There are minor things like misclicks and 5/2 versus 4/3 splits that can uneven the odds in a way that has little connection to the game. We should try to minimize these effects. The line between game-mistake and unavoidable fluke/bad interaction with the user interface of iso is not a hard distinction to make. Having an opponent forget to set the timer isn't the same as your opponent not knowing where the button on the timer is because it's their first time playing. Or what if the timer was broken in your favor? Just take your victory and move on right?

There are more important things than winning. Play for fun :)!

Solo Challenges / Re: Feast my brothers!
« on: April 29, 2012, 05:55:52 pm »
Oh. Well jotheonah has a good one going for the empty feast pile not in one turn variant, but I personally emptied the feast pile in one turn on my 16th turn. So if anyone can beat that I shall be impressed and stuff.

jonts26's strategy for the "fewest turns" puzzle hits a KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge megaturn on turn 8, which is capable of buying 10 of anything (except Colonies).

So should the puzzle be scrapped? Or is it to late for me to veto Kings Court and redefine the test?

Game Reports / Re: How I was almost crushed by a n00b with $1 Banks
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:38:52 pm »
I am always in favor of helping out noobs, even if they are permanoobs. I have had people insult me and call me an idiot for emptying the third pile by accident before my engine starts. I have also misclicked and bought the action card right next to the colony stack when I was in the lead and there was absolutely no reason for me not to buy colony. My opponent did not agree to resign and went on to take the victory. So I lost because of a twitch of my hand. That example is more ethically dubious I'll admit, but I for one would have resigned in his position. Geronimoo, if you aren't sure if you're behaving ethically, ask yourself if you would do the same thing in a real life game. No, you wouldn't.

Solo Challenges / Re: Feast my brothers!
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:28:31 pm »
Oh. Well jotheonah has a good one going for the empty feast pile not in one turn variant, but I personally emptied the feast pile in one turn on my 16th turn. So if anyone can beat that I shall be impressed and stuff.

Solo Challenges / Re: Feast my brothers!
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:20:40 pm »

I feel a little guilty for posting this cause I rarely make an effort to answer puzzles myself and answering puzzles is much harder than inventing them. I will try to rectify this dreadful situation as soon as possible.

Dont be silly, I started these off and rarely submit any entrys!

Your self confidence has enriched my entire psyche. Everything I accomplish from now on is dedicated to you.

Solo Challenges / Feast my brothers!
« on: April 28, 2012, 01:40:50 am »
Are you ready for this one? Here goes. Empty the feast pile. In as few turns as possible. You don't have to end the game. I think this is an interesting puzzle because in theory you could open feast workshop, but there are some complications that make it interesting. Okay maybe this was a stupid puzzle.

I feel a little guilty for posting this cause I rarely make an effort to answer puzzles myself and answering puzzles is much harder than inventing them. I will try to rectify this dreadful situation as soon as possible.

Edit: I realized after posting that this was an incredibly stupid puzzle. So I have decided to up the stakes a little bit. Empty the feast pile as quickly as possible. In ONE TURN. Now that's what I call a puzzle.

Game Reports / Interesting Possession interactions
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:01:47 pm »
Here's a game I had with Bad Egg.
I won. He got to gold first, but I got to possession first and that was what counted. What interested me in this game is the advantage I got from my opponents herbalists and transmutes. I used the herbalist to put a copper back on his deck, and the transmutes for easy duchy gains. You may say that possession is an annoying card, but you have to admit the strategy behind it is considerable.

Variants and Fan Cards / Auction Mechanic
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:28:41 pm »
Okay. Auction mechanic. Cards that don't have a fixed cost, but that all players have to compete for. Not sure how best to impliment but here goes.

Auction House
+1 Action
Each player reveals a card from their hand simultaneously. The player(s) who reveals the card with the highest cost trash that card from their hand and gain a prize from the auction pile, or a Duchy, putting it on top of their deck.
If you trash a treasure card as a result of this card's effect, +1 Card +1 Coin.

Okay. I guess the prizes would be good, but not good enough to justify trashing anything more than something like a silver or a caravan for? I think it's interesting.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Who is your nemesis?
« on: April 17, 2012, 12:23:55 pm »
Turambar. No explanation because he forgot what he did to me and I don't want to even do him the favor of reminding him the way he crushed my dreams against the ridge of oblivion and shot my parents in a back alley forcing me to become batman.

Jack of All Trades is one way to look at Holmes.  Abstractly, he's a human Library.

Jack of All Trades is the opposite of what Holmes is. He is very comprehensive in some fields but didn't know the earth orbits the sun.

Game Reports / The Most Nailbiting Embargo Game Possible!
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:07:27 am »

2 Piles empty. Score is tied. I went first. He could empty the third pile easily, so I have to embargo any pile before he can empty it. Since the score was tied, he couldn't buy the last hamlet for fear of decreasing his score by one single point. This game is perhaps the greatest argument for Point Counter. Anybody care to share other embargo experiences, or comment on my copious errors with HoP in this game?

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