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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Slowness/Freezing
« on: January 03, 2017, 03:29:02 pm »
Possibly this should be on the ShuffleIT forum, but is anyone else experiencing extreme lag/total lockup during various games on the new client?

Help! / Generic Tilting/Playing Poorly
« on: September 15, 2016, 12:12:02 pm »
So I'm sure that I could get some general help about this from a psychology of competition text, but I figured given the specific area some people might have some tips.

About 2 months ago I feel I was playing my best Dominion - having begun to play regularly online I was definitely improving and pushing my way up.

In the last couple of weeks I'm falling flat on my face.  I don't seem to be able to analyse boards correctly any more, I'm losing focus and generally getting very irritated at how poorly I'm playing.  I haven't started totally bombing in the rankings yet, but my overall level of play is definitely dropping and I'm getting increasingly annoyed with myself, which in itself is hardly conducive to good play.  This is both in League play and in random games.

I'm sure plenty of people here have experienced this sort of tilting at some point or another.  Any advice would be very gratefully received.
Do I just need to play more, try not to get frustrated, and push through it?  Or would people recommend that I take a bit of a break (obviously I'll still have to play my League matches but other than that) and try to freshen up?

Of course there are specific things I can work on, but fortunately (or unfortunately, perhaps, since I end up beating myself up about things) my ability to recognise the big mistakes I'm making AFTER the game has not gone away.

Welcome to M84: Battlestar Galactica Mafia

This game uses a closed setup designed by Haddock, with input very gratefully received from faust and Teproc.  (Thanks guys!)  It is a normal setup (according to no classification system in particular) for 12 players.

Mods: Haddock and faust

Sign ups are open.

1. silverspawn - Killed N2, Sherman "Doc" Cottle, Delayed Doctor
2. SpaceAnemone - Lynched D4, Anastasia Dualla, Vanilla Colonist
3. gkrieg - Endgamed after D4, Kara Thrace, Non-Consecutive-Night Vigilante
4. Roadrunner - Lynched D3, Lee Adama, Vanilla Colonist
5. Seprix - Killed N1, Gaius Baltar, 2-Shot Doublevoting Traitor
6. chairs - Lynched D2, Laura Roslin, Vanilla Colonist
7. iguana - Killed N3, Karl Agathon, Macho Tracker
8. mail-mi - Survived! Head Six, Cylon Goon
9. EFHW - Killed N1, Galen Tyrol, Innocent Child
10. diedre91 - Endgamed after D4, Sam Anders, Vanilla Colonist
11. teamlyle - Lynched D1, Saul Tigh, Vanilla Colonist
12. Calamitas - Killed N3, Leoben Conoy, Cylon Goon

Game State Tracker:
D1 start || D1 end
D2 start || D2 end
D3 start || D3 end
D4 start || D4 end

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod in your QT.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. All players will receive a personal QT should they wish to record their thoughts or communicate with the mod (I believe this is beneficial to the game as a whole, particularly postgame analysis).  However (due largely to weight of public opinion) it will NOT be allowed to quote directly from QTs.  It is also not allowed to specifically ask about the content of another player's QT or otherwise encourage them to discuss it.  This rule is obviously subject to abuse, so I ask players to do their best to stick to the spirit of the rule.
5. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
6. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
7. Players must post once every 24 hours.
8. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
9. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
10. Cryptography is not allowed.
11. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
12. Dead players may not post in thread or any shared QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
13. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable.
2. Unvotes should be in this format: unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. Lynch rules vary by the number of players alive.  With 10 or more players alive, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched.  Ties are broken by coin flip.  With nine or fewer players alive, if a majority lynch is not reached by the deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, teal text is reserved for the Mod. Players should strive to avoid similar-looking text.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mods via PM or (more preferably) in your QT. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mods.
8. Players with roles can send orders either in the QT or by PM, but QT is the preferred medium.
9. Everyone has a flavour name, but for the sake of minimising the impact of flavour on outcome, players will not be told their flavour name.  It will be revealed on flip.

1. Days will last 8 IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

Dominion General Discussion / Log Prettifier
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:18:54 am »
I confess I have no idea who manages the leaderboard/log prettifier/kingdom visualiser etc. 
Are they still around/active?  If so, I would pay much virtual chocolate for them to make the prettifier work with Adventures. :P

EDIT:  Just saw the other thread discussing this.  Apologies.

Someone who can should obviously feel free to delete this.

Help! / Goons, Drunk, on Horseback
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:32:31 am »
Not sure whether this should be in Help or just general Game Reports, but since I have some questions for people, I thought I'd put it here.

This was my final League game of this season. 

Code: [Select]
Apothecary, University, Wishing Well, Woodcutter, Bridge, Sea Hag, Tournament, Stables, Goons, Possession

Spoiler: I won, but only just.  I definitely made a ton of mistakes, some of which I outline below, but do go ahead and tell me any that I haven't yet seen.

I feel like my opponent and I got bad luck of different kinds throughout this, who knows if it balanced out.
I opened 5/2, which was my primary piece of bad luck (5/2 seems awful on this board), and it also took me forever to hit 6.  It felt like Apothecary should be better at hitting 6 than it was, is my intuition correct there?  I also had a really crappy discard choice on turn 13.
Meanwhile my opponent's bad luck mostly lay in some really unfortunate Tournament/Province stuff.  Took him forever to get a Prize AND he never (or almost never? not sure) managed to block my few Tournament plays.

1) Was I right to get Potion with 5?  Apothecary being there and University being the only splitter, that Potion seems absolutely vital.
2) I pretty much ignored the Tournaments except to contest the pile slightly, thinking I wouldn't be wanting the Province in my deck. It felt wrong doing it, but maybe it's still correct?  Even with some luck I feel like my opponent wouldn't have got much use out of the prizes before the game ended.  Halfheartedly getting one or two Tournaments was probably the worst of both worlds, but that pile had to run out eventually.
3) I feel like Sea Hag was probably a mistake, but I'm not sure.  Maybe that helped slow his Tournaments down enough? 

Related to 3: I definitely got too many terminals, at the very least one of the Bridges should have been a Wishing Well.  (It actually took me just way, way, way too long to notice (derp) the obvious Wishing Well/Apothecary synergy.)  I had planned to get some more Universitys to cover the terminals, but never seemed to get the chance.  Connected:

4) Should I have got a second Potion at some point?  I wanted at least one more Apothecary and a couple more Universitys but it seemed to take forever to get the Potion round.

5) Possession.  Completely ignored, which I think is probably fine in a Goons game, our decks not really being tailored to gain decent cards without playing Goons.  Right?

Variants and Fan Cards / Recycling cards
« on: April 20, 2016, 05:37:43 am »
So I just had this thought.  It's not at all well-formed yet, but thought it was worth throwing out there for some theory crafting.

Recycle - $2 Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may discard one of your cards other than a Recycle from play.

The idea being to then redraw and play again some action (or potentially Treasure) card you already played.

Is this priced correctly at $2?  It's awful until you're drawing your deck, and then it seems pretty strong, so it's hard to tell.
Weird interactions - obviously to avoid infinite loops it can't discard a copy of itself.  One issue is Inheritance inheriting Recycle, which would open up the same problem again.  Perhaps it should be "non-Victory".  How do durations work with this?  I think they'd just work as normal, only tracking becomes tougher.
Does this sort of effect ever have a place in Dominion?

General Discussion / The Brackets Bracket
« on: April 12, 2016, 06:52:22 am »
This one shouldn't take very long.

1.   ()
2.   <>

3.   []
4.   {}

Mafia Game Threads / M75: Cupcake Mafia (Game Over!)
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:41:51 am »
Welcome to M75: Cupcake Mafia

This game is for 13-players.  It uses a modification of the mafiascum standard semi-open setup, Matrix14.

Mods: Haddock and ashersky

Sign ups are open.

1. Awaclus - Lynched D6 - Double Espresso Cake (2-Shot Strongman)
2. faust - Died N3 - Vanilla Teacake
3. silverspawn - Lynched D5 - Vanilla Teacake
4. yuma --> 2.7 - Killed N5 - Vanilla Teacake
5. gkrieg13 - Died N1 - Sticky Toffee Drop (Town Jailkeeper)
6. Roadrunner7671 - Lynched D4 - Vanilla Teacake
7. A Drowned Kernel - Died N2 - Grandma's World-Famous Apple Cake (Fruit Vendor)
8. Hydrad - Lynched D1 - Avocado Teacake (Mafia Goon)
9. Lekkit - Lynched D3 - Vanilla Teacake
10. Witherweaver
11. Teproc --> Ampharos
12. chairs - Killed N4 - Choco-Vanilla Layer Cake (Even-Night Tracker)
13. EgorK - Lynched D2 - Vegan Brownie (Mafia Rolecop)

Game State Tracker:
D1 Start || D1 End
D2 Start || D2 End
D3 Start || D3 End
D4 Start || D4 End
D5 Start || D5 End
D6 Start || D6 End

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
3 a. Quoting from personal QTs is fine as long as all communication to or from the mods is excluded. Run anything you're not sure about past the mods first.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable.
2. Unvotes should be in this format: unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. Lynch rules vary by the number of players alive.  With 10 or more players alive, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched.  Ties are broken by coin flip.  With nine or less players alive, if a majority lynch is not reached by the deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, teal text is reserved for the Mods. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mods. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mods via PM or in your QT. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mods.

1. Days will last 8 IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

The Setup:
This game uses a variant of the Matrix14 setup.

The game will include:

- 6 VTs,
- 1 Mafia Goon


the entries from a randomly determined row, column or diagonal of the following table.

Mafia JOATVanilla TownieTown JailkeeperMafia GoonVanilla TownieTown Tracker
Town DoctorTown Odd-Night WatcherTown 1-Shot VigilanteTown 1-Shot CopMafia JOATMafia Rolecop
Town Even-Night TrackerVanilla TownieMafia RolecopTown JailkeeperTown Fruit VendorMafia 2-Shot Strongman
Town 2-Shot CommuterMafia RoleblockerMafia GoonVanilla TownieTown WatcherTown Universal Backup
Wolf Goon / Mafia GoonTown BodyguardVanilla TownieMafia GodfatherTown CopVanilla Townie
Wolf JOAT / SKWolf Goon / Mafia GoonTown NeighbourizerTown 1-Shot CopMafia RoleblockerTown Doctor

For the diagonal containing just one Wolf player, that player is an SK instead.
For the row and column containing just one Wolf player, that player is another Mafia Goon instead.

All relevant Sample PMs (QTs) can be found at the Matrix14 mafiascum page, here:


All players (regardless of role) will have their own QTs.  Players with roles can send orders either in the QT or by PM.
I have assigned flavour names to roles, but purely for flavour purposes - players will only know their role, not their flavour name.  Flavour names will only be revealed when a player flips.  See next post for flavour details.

General Discussion / A question in probability
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:45:51 am »
I'm starting this thread as a place to talk about the question in probability that arose during the recently-finished game of Harry Potter Mafia:

The setup is the following.  7 letters are selected at random.  For each letter individually, there is a 1/2 chance of selecting a "T", 1/10 of selecting a "P", 1/10 of selecting a "K" and 3/10 of choosing some other letter. 

At some point in the game it became known that:
1) Exactly 3 Ts had been chosen.
2) At least 2 Ps had been chosen.
3) At least 1 K had been chose.

The question: given this information, what is the probability that in fact 3 Ps had been chosen?  (ie. the letters were some arrangement of TTTPPPK?)
The "obvious" answer: 20%, since the chance of getting a P out of a single letter which is known not to be a T is 1/5.

I argue that this is wrong.

The argument is based on the following fact. 

I flip two (fair) coins and tell you that at least one of them came up heads.  Then the probability of both being heads, given that information is 1/3. 
This is because there are 4 equally likely possibilities: HH, HT, TH and TT.  Of these, exactly 3 contain one or more heads, and exactly 1 contains 2 heads, the P(2 heads | 1 or more heads)=1/3.

By a similar argument (which I will present in the next post), I argue that the answer to the larger question is 2/23, as unintuitive as this seems.

Let's discuss.

Variants and Fan Cards / Coloured back cantrip
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:30:21 pm »
So I was thinking about the possibility of a new kind of junking attack, say "Snake Charmer", which gives out special action cards "Snakes", which are forced-play and do something nasty. For accountability, I figured, give them venom-green backs. Etc. I concluded that this was a dumb idea, and couldn't figure out what exactly a "Snake" should do, anyway.

But it got me thinking about coloured back cards. I'm sure there's lots to be done here, but the fundamental unit would be a card like:

Landmark - $1 action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Has a yellow back and is slightly taller than a standard card. (or some such, making its location visible constantly.)


This isn't worth making or testing as a card, but I thought it was interesting from a theory point of view. How useful is it to know the position of a particular (in this case otherwise useless, but the idea could be applied to other cards) card in a deck? Should this be worth 1 or 2? (Instinct tells me 1) Would it be improved by giving it shuffle placement, Stash-style? How much is the mystic synergy (and such) worth?

Just a thought experiment really. Thoughts welcomed.

Introductions / Newish!
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:13:44 am »
Hi all,

I've been posting here and there for a couple of months now I guess, but never did do the proper introductions thing.

I'm a student in the UK and I've been playing Dominion IRL for just over a year and a half (well the first time I ever played was more years ago, but I only played once or twice before I bought the base set for my flat mate a year and a half ago).  Now I own every set (no promos :( ), stored in a toolbox adapted by my much-more-arts-and-craftsy-than-me mother to hold them all.  I might post photos of the storage solution in that thread at some point, it works pretty well.

Anyway.  No Goko/MF handle, I don't intend to get sucked in to playing online much as it tempts me.  But I do intend to carry on frequenting the Dominion Online threads because watching the carnage is great entertainment!

Great community you guys have here, hope you don't mind my butting in!



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