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General Discussion / Re: rrenaud is getting married!
« on: August 30, 2013, 08:30:39 am »
Funny that you mention it -- Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries were married on the same day we were.

We can only assume and hope that yours is working out better than their wedding did.

Game Reports / Re: First time doing KC-Bridge online
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:10:29 pm »
You were lucky in a way, in that he seems to not know the power of KC/Bridge. I have no idea what strategy he chose. Envoy/Black Market does not strike me as one of the best openings, then he picks up both Governors and Rebuilds?

Nicely played by you, always fun to pull off a cool combo!

I would probably call that more skilled.

I meant it sarcastically. I agree with you.

Game Reports / Re: First time doing KC-Bridge online
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:04:18 pm »
You were lucky in a way, in that he seems to not know the power of KC/Bridge. I have no idea what strategy he chose. Envoy/Black Market does not strike me as one of the best openings, then he picks up both Governors and Rebuilds?

Nicely played by you, always fun to pull off a cool combo!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Showdown
« on: July 31, 2013, 09:30:17 am »
Most of the deck builders have tried to add a fantasy or sci-fi theme thinking it immediately improves the game. In fact the more modest theme of Dominion is more accessible and allows Dominion to be a gateway game.

Eminent Domain falls into this category as far as adding the sci-fi theme to it. I've only played it a couple times and it is a decent game, but I know the theme created some dynamics that the casual gamer may not really enjoy. My wife was nice enough to try it with me but the space theme seemed to be tough for her to get past, and made it less fun for her to really understand the rules. I enjoy it more than Ascension personally, but it feels like I will need to play it WAY more than I played Dominion before I got hooked, or completely understood the game. I find myself referring to the rulebook quite often to verify whether I'm cheating...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Gokoins
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:44:57 pm »
I never had that problem - mine was immediately available both times I've purchased Gokoins.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite vanilla card?
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:36:02 am »
Monument - I'm a sucker for VP chips.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Number of games on Goko
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:28:35 pm »
So likely 6000-7500 regular players, of whom much less than half have paid for cards?  Ouch.

How are you determining how many have paid for cards? I have all the cards but haven't played pro in months. Just curious if I missed something. Either way though probably still not the user base they were hoping for.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko UI Issues
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:28:30 am »
5. The chat window
I hate how this thing keeps popping up all the time, just have a "+1" icon or something similar layed over the button to open the chat. And I hate how it's over the Continue button at the end of the game.

This one is probably my biggest peeve. Why would they put the chat window right over the cards you're trying to play? I hate it when I'm trying to consider my options for a big hand, and then my opponent says something - great, now I have to click to even see my hand again, because apparently seeing someone say "OMFG d00d ru still there??" is more important than the cards.

Also, for times you need to pull stuff out of the discard or trash, is there any way to actually see the faces of those cards? When the pile you're looking through gets big, it's pretty difficult to tell one card from another given only a tiny left-hand slice of the picture.

To go along with that, it can be pretty difficult to pick what you are top-decking with Schemes if you played a lot of actions. I've often found myself just guessing based on the order I think I played them in because I can't see artwork or anything on the cards. Would be nice to be able to stretch the pile or something.

Version 1.15.4 is broken, fixed in Version 1.15.5. If you're not sure how to update it, follow the instructions in this post.

You the man, thanks!

Haven't played in a couple days but now when I go to play a game, the extension has disappeared (no kingdom select or point counter). I use Chrome and I went to get the app again but it says I already have it. Any thoughts on what I'm missing?

Also I'm kind of an idiot with computers so as much detail as possible to fix is appreciated!

Can't really disagree much with this list. I had Peddler a lot lower and Forge a lot higher, but honestly my opinion has changed on these cards since we initially made these lists. A little surprised to see that someone had Hoard as #1...I mean it's a cool card but...

The vp setting gets locked around turn 5 (on turn 5/after turn 5, I don't remember for sure). This prevents someone from starting a game without the point counter turned on, then turning it on late at a crucial moment when their opponent might have wanted the counter off for the whole game.

This was an issue for players who prefer #vpoff, but didn't always type it in, so at the start of the game it seemed like it was going to be a no point counter game.

I can look into lifting the restriction if all the opponents in the game are bots.

Ahhhh that makes sense! I'm sure it's because I forgot to turn it on. I really don't need you to worry about finding a work-around for bots - if I can't remember to turn it on by turn five then that's my own fault. And really, it's a game against a bot. So it's not a big deal.


Sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere, but I didn't see it. Most times when I'm playing a bot and go to turn on the VP counter it tells me that it's locked. But this doesn't happen every time and I don't remember it happening when I first got the extension. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm using Chrome - let me know if you need more details.

Really appreciate all the work that you guys have put into this!

Game Reports / Re: Funky Game with Apothecary, Vineyards, Coppersmith
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:56:41 pm »
What about Transmute?  That could give you more actions (but that might not help out in this game).

Transmute's a terminal and will conflict with Herbalist being your primary terminal - don't think it would help too much in this one without the plus action.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Guilds Secret History discussion
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:33:53 pm »
You could have a duration attack that only attacks this turn, and not the next.

Is that a duration then? Just seems like you're leaving a card in play for no reason. Except for that it's orange and orange is pretty.

I came her to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Silver the Bane Pile For Young Witch
« on: June 21, 2013, 10:20:57 am »
Also there are 75 silvers in the supply pile? Where did that number come from...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Is there someone who never has freezes?
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:06:55 pm »
I've only been playing bots lately but somewhat frequently I'll have pauses in between playing cards like it has to think or something. Happens on both my turn and the bots turn. But I haven't had any crashes in a very long time luckily.

Rules Questions / Mint a Spoils?
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:26:43 pm »
I just tried to mint a spoils but Goko would not permit it. Is this accurate? The wording on Mint does not say anything about it having to be a treasure from the supply, but I'm guessing that's the reason? Thanks!

I just tried this same thing and the message appeared in my chat window in both, and it also brought the score up for both people. So not only is it available for the person who sets it up, it is automatically available for the other party as well. Although I have the extension on both so maybe that is not 100% accurate if they don't have it.

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 5 Results and Discussion
« on: May 14, 2013, 09:27:16 pm »
D Bo defeats gman314 3-1

gman314 27-24
I wanted to go with Fishing Village and draw (Embassy/Smithy) but kind of trashed too with Count and just ended up being caught in the middle. Gman wisely picks up a Salvager and accelerates the end game a bit with a nice province trash into 3 duchies on one turn.

D Bo 39-22
I got for Death Cart/Vault/BM and get very lucky with my Death Cart lining up with actions on several turns. Gman starts working up an engine but it just takes a bit too long to get off the ground and I'm able to hold on before he can make it up.

D Bo 37-37 (on turns)
Interesting mirror match essentially, with us splitting the Nobles, going with a single Masquerade, and picking up Festivals and Crossroads for help. I thought gman's Storeroom was actually a decent buy and I should've picked one up myself. I got very lucky being second player when gman bought out the last province - I actually thought he took the lead there but I clearly can't count.

D Bo 42-33
This board didn't seem like much to me so I just went with the simple Alchemist stack. In my last round I got burnt by the extra Bishop points, so I decided to invest in one this time. Got very lucky on my second to last turn because I forgot to play my Counterfeit before treasure...but it still worked out.

Thanks for the games gman! It's been a pleasure to play all of my opponents throughout this tourney. Would've loved to have played better but such is life. At least it's always fun to play Dominion! Good luck to those that make the finals.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 10 Feodums?
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:46:46 pm »
The one I just pulled online says 12, if you are referring to the beginning where it lists each card with the number in there. Maybe there was a misprint on some?

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 4 Results and Discussion
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:22:33 pm »
PitrPicko defeats D Bo 3-1

Thanks for the games and good luck next round! Overall, kind of a dull series I thought. PitrPicko definitely outplayed me on the second game - I should've not bought the province and gone into Duke/Duchy earlier in that one if I wasn't going the Bishop route. The last two games were pretty boring, but you gotta win those too! Which I did not...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Bizarre bot strategies?
« on: May 06, 2013, 04:57:54 pm »
From the last adventure in the base set:

Overlord Hogan IV - plays Remodel
Overlord Hogan IV - trashes Province
Overlord Hogan IV - gains Duchy

Remodeling a province into a duchy! By far the silliest thing I've seen a bot do...

Not silly if he had 12 Dukes and 12 Fairgrounds and the right set of other cards... in that case he earns 33 points for that move! (Yes that requires him to have had 12 Dukes and 0 Duchies...)

That would be really impressive if he did that in the Base Adventure set!

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 4 Results and Discussion
« on: May 06, 2013, 04:49:53 pm »

Game 3: Tdog 84- Yed 77

A game with 161 points without colony! He goes for a trashed down bishop into stables plan, while I go for silk roads. Silk roads had a a decent amount of support, with island providing a disappearing green card. He trashes almost everything in his deck, causing him to get a lot of vp chips but a limp into the finish. I grab 25 VP cards, good for 6 point Silk Roads and the win. Cool to see a game with ambassador and chapel left behind.

With Bishop/Chapel here you could've gone for the golden deck. I feel like that could've outraced the silk road slog, although with ambassador I guess you could always pick that up and try to throw some extra crap at the other player to mess it up. Pretty interesting different approaches there!

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