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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token  (Read 2836 times)

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Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« on: May 26, 2024, 11:04:22 am »

This weeks contest:
Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
Design a card that is non-terminal and gives vp tokens.

I love VP tokens from empires and prosperity, and wish there were more!

The only existing cards that would be relevant are Chariot Race, Plunder and Investment.

Valid entries:
Any non terminal Action that gives vp tokens.
The challenge here will be balancing a card like this.

Also accepted are treasures that give vp though i prefer the actions.

i will be judging based on balance and fun, if you can make a mock-up. Also important to try to create a card that does not push towards a neverending game- though that is difficult considering it will be non-terminal. But thats the point!

contest will end  around the 4 of june next week.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 11:12:51 am by RovingBear »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2024, 11:32:25 am »



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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2024, 12:19:15 pm »

I guess that should be included, though it gives you vp tokens in a round about way, not directly. In that line of thought collection is also. But didnt really mean that kind of vp gain.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2024, 12:31:43 pm »

Immigration Office
Action - Gathering, $5
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Add 1 VP to the Immigration Office pile. If you have no Actions at the start of your Buy phase, discard any number of Action cards, revealed, then take that many VP from the pile.

People need a place to go! If you can find them a good spot to work or live within your Kingdom, you'll be handsomely rewarded. If other people can't take them in, you might be able to take what they couldn't as VP tokens.

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2024, 01:55:22 pm »

Does this prompt mean that the card has to unconditionally give vp, or just that itthe card can give out vp?

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2024, 03:08:29 pm »

An Empires-like split pile that wants you to have a lot of copies of the same card.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2024, 03:15:03 pm »

Does this prompt mean that the card has to unconditionally give vp, or just that itthe card can give out vp?
Doesnt have to be unconditional- just that the card be non terminal.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2024, 05:21:58 pm »

Hedge Trimmer | Action | $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a Curse
If there are two empty supply piles, trash this.
When you gain or trash this, you may trash your hand

Had this crazy idea — will make a mock-up later.

It’s a cantrip vp-er, balanced at self-junking with net-confusions. If you trash your curses you can get a fair amount of VP out of these. The auto-trashing is to prevent deadlocks. Your opponent can lower one pile, let you lower the curses, then you are limited* (*except all the workarounds) to getting 10vp + 1 for each copy you buy. And that’s with you getting every curse.

It comes with a way of dealing with those curses — you get to trash your hand on gain! In games where it is the only trasher, you might not even play them, just use them for their on gain trashing.

I wanted to price at $3, since it’s a super powerful opener — chapel is $2 which means a 2/5 player has a huge advantage. I decided to make this $3 to make it biased towards the 3/4 player more often. But I’m open to feedback on pricing and everything else.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2024, 05:50:46 pm »

The problem w this is that you will just buy it on turn 1/2 most of the time, even if you don't plan on playing it


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2024, 02:26:33 am »

Concert Hall
Action - $5
+2 Actions
At the start of your Clean Up phase, -1VP per Action you have (you can't go below zero VP tokens)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 01:11:59 am by NoMoreFun »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2024, 04:30:52 am »

The problem w this is that you will just buy it on turn 1/2 most of the time, even if you don't plan on playing it

I think you would only autobuy this turn 1/2 in the absence of other good trashers, since you have to sacrifice a turn to get rid of one card net (replacing two Estates by one dead Action card)
You could raise the cost to $4 to prevent this; but the on-play effect alone might be too weak to make the card worth buying...


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2024, 06:15:46 am »

I think you would do it if you want to hit a 5$. Opening HT/silver gives you 9$ over 10 cards, which means a 100% chance of hitting 5$ on Turn 2/3. Pretty good most of the time, and some added flexibility of actually playing HT when it's worth it.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2024, 07:15:03 pm »

Royal Foundry
- Action
+1 Card and +2 Actions
You may discard a Gold for +2 Cards, or may trash a Gold from your hand for +3 .

Fuel your draw with Gold, then at some point you can trash excess Golds for VP. There are 30 Golds in its pile, but how many will you have time to convert to VP? I like that it lets you use Gold as way to fuel your draw, but with lower stakes about not finding a Gold than, say, Encampment.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 07:59:53 pm by JW »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2024, 12:42:06 pm »

Secret Meeting is a sort of Night Scheme with some Chariot Race vibes mixed in, rewarding you for having more cards in hand than your opponents (ties do not count). It's usually harder to do this at Night after you've played out all your Actions and Treasures. The top effect has some light interactions with the bottom effect, giving you a bigger hand next turn, though it might be harder to trigger against opponents who are having their own Secret Meetings.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2024, 02:28:34 pm »

$2 - Action - Duration
+2 Actions
The next time you gain a Victory card, +1VP per $3 it costs, rounded down.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2024, 05:58:33 pm »

I recognize that this is quite similar to the entry above. Despite that I still think it merits inclusion.

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2024, 03:38:18 am »

NOTE: i am rn unable to acess a computer and edit the files. I am changing the quote to reflect the more modern version

5$ Action

+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a card costing up to $6.
Each other player may gain a copy of it.
If two or more players in total gained a card, +1 VP token per $2 it costs
(round up).

Yes, you read that right. A cantrip card that gives everyone cards!! And you VP, round up!
This is gonna speed up the game a lot though!

If no other player chooses to gain the card, you dont get vp for it
« Last Edit: June 05, 2024, 12:38:59 pm by fika monster »
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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2024, 05:12:05 am »

If you get a copper, you gain 1 VP as of the round up.

This doesn't make sense though. 0 / 2 = 0, which, rounded up, is still 0. If you gain a Poor House, then rounding would make sense.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2024, 05:18:18 am »

+1 Action, +1 Card
You may set aside a card from your hand face-down and draw a card. If you do, each other player may do likewise. Reveal all these cards. The single highest $ costing card's owner gains +$2 and +1%. During Clean-up, trash all Victory cards set aside by this and discard the rest.(You may buy this even if you have @(Debt))
6@(Debt) Cost Action

It's either a cantrip that does nothing or an opportunity to gamble with your hand-power to gain VP. And you can also always gamble more if you are already in too deep. Not that i'd call that a good idea^^

The mockup tool doesn't let me make the bolded keyword font smaller in the default layout, which would make the card text fit better. It only does that, if i chain a second keyword after the first into the same line. That's why the look isn't too vanilla, but it would be if i were to use proper image editing.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2024, 05:24:23 am »

If the other players can't gain the card because the pile is out, then you still get the VP.
If you get a copper, you gain 1 VP as of the round up.

If you get a copper, you gain 1 VP as of the round up.

This doesn't make sense though. 0 / 2 = 0, which, rounded up, is still 0. If you gain a Poor House, then rounding would make sense.

Adding to this: yea it would need to also say something like "minimum 1VP" to work with copper. But on that note, since other players gaining the card is not optional, a cantrip that gains you vp and junks every player (you included) seems like a nightmare for everyone for dragging the game out. If you leave the gaining mandatory for other players, i'd definitely make this into an attack card, to at least be moatable. Although i'd just make it optional in the first place to avoid the frustration altogether.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 05:28:06 am by HorazVitae »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2024, 05:38:48 am »

I didn't think that far, but that's actually an excellent point. If the VP gain is 1 or more, gaining curses with this is absolutely legit in the right deck. Especially if the board is weak and you're playing engine vs. a money-based strategy.

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2024, 10:18:36 am »

I didn't think that far, but that's actually an excellent point. If the VP gain is 1 or more, gaining curses with this is absolutely legit in the right deck. Especially if the board is weak and you're playing engine vs. a money-based strategy.


If inmake it soits between “1-6” $, how is it then?

And does this card seem fun?
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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2024, 10:32:06 am »

In general, yes. But I'd still code a card that potentially directly forces cards that might not be wanted onto other players as an attack^^


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2024, 10:34:54 am »

Yeah I think combining VP gain with a card that accelerates the game is on the right track, so I wouldn't give up on the design.

$1-$6 might be fine


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #220: The Neverending VP Token
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2024, 11:43:13 am »

Festive Games / Festive Grounds • Randomizer
This pile starts with as many copies of each card as players, but minimum three and maximum five. All copies of Festive Games are on top.
Festive Games • $3 • Action
+1 Card
Trash a Hand Card and choose one:
  if it costs at least $5, +2VP;
  or is a Victory card, +1 VP;
  or is a Treasure, +1 Buy.
Festive Grounds • $5 • Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy

Choose one:
  Draw until you have four Hand cards and +1 VP;
  or +1 Action and +$2.
I started with developing Festive Grounds, which can be a Festival or Grounds Keeper. Then added Festive Games.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 11:45:25 am by BryGuy »
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