Hey Everyone, I wanted to point out this section of the rules for the contest:
Your entry must contain both card text and a mock-up. If you don't do this, I may not judge the card. You don't need to add card art, but I want to see the text fit on a card. I recommend using this mock-up tool.
The reason for the mock-up is because it is helpful to see the card text fit on a picture to get a sense of how many words it is.
The reason for the card-text is because I want to include both in the judging post, such that even if your image hosting site of choice goes down, we can still understand the cards.
Please help me out and do so, feel free to edit your posts if you only included text or only included a mockup.
If you're too busy to do both, that's fine, some weeks are super busy and I wouldn't want you to not be able to contribute to the contest. I'm just trying to ask nicely here.
Can we use a Fan Mechanic designed for evolution, like Week 15's Level-type or Week-70's Turn-type?
For Week 15, I wanted to adapt Violet CLM's Project cards.
Project cards are works in progress. The archetypal Project card starts out weak but can be made strong by repeatedly investing in it. When you buy a Project card, you have a choice: either you gain the card as usual, or you add one of your Project tokens to that card's supply pile. (This still counts as buying a card for the purposes of e.g. Merchant Guild or Contraband.) The number of Project tokens each player has on a given supply pile is referred to as that player's level of that pile; each supply pile therefore starts out at level 0. There is no hard limit on how many Project tokens a player can have, in total or on any given supply pile, though specific cards may stop accruing benefits after specific levels.
Design a card(-shaped object) that cares about what turn number it is. It's like the classic Seasons mechanic, but broader!
Sure, feel free to use a fan mechanic, but both of these are seemingly implemented within normal Dominion conventions. Levels can be accomplished with an Event that says "Choose one: gain an X; or add one of your Y tokens to the X pile." And caring about turn number is simple enough to do as well.
It's probably best practice to attribute the creator of the fan mechanic you are using.