Reinforcements - $5
Action - Duration - Attack
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.
The next time anyone plays an Attack, draw until you have 6 cards in hand afterwards.
This is just
Militia with a Duration
Watchtower attached. It’s a simple idea, but has lots of depth in the way it can be played, depending on the kingdom and what the other players are doing.
In a 2-player game with no Villages and both players using this, they are actively helping each other. Add a third player or Villages and multiple copies of Reinforcements (hence the name), and you can actually get the discard Attack to stick, but they still basically get the best 3 of 8 cards. In kingdoms with other Attacks that you can play first, that is reduced to the best 3 of 6 cards.
Milita is good in the opening because it cost $4 and helps you afford $5, while potentially stopping the opponent from getting their $5. Meanwhile, getting Reinforcements in the opening delays other $5 purchases. Also, the first copy gained is only a Militia that will be stuck in play until you or another player gains and plays one. So it could be strategic to delay Reinforcements in favor of other cards.
Edit: I want to emphasize that it uses “anyone” in the same way that
Cutthroat does. So if you play Reinforcements and then a second copy of Reinforcements before anyone else plays an Attack, the draw to 6 of the first Reinforcements will be triggered, and that first Reinforcements will be discarded from play in Clean-up that turn.