On this possible cult alignment thing...
Cults are generally BM only. To make it work in this game, faust would have to at least announce the possibility of alignment changes (he did), work out a way to make sure alignment changes didn't affect the previous alignment negatively (which would mean excluding scum), and find a way to make sure the game was at least somewhat fun for all.
Cults generally start out with one player (Cult Leader, bA in this scenario). LL's not-well-thought-out complaint that "if the cult were really pro-town, why didn't someone claim so" doesn't work given this probability; there was one member on N0 who may or may not have been able to attempt a recruit pre-game. I would assume they wouldn't know if it worked until N1, so D1 was a no-go for claiming, especially since the entire cult loses if bA dies.
As for the rest -- my best guess is bA can attempt to recruit any player and never actually learns the results. If a player dies, maybe he knows that was a decline; if a player survives, maybe they joined or maybe they never got the invite (because of current alignment). For example, bA invites scum, but it isn't delivered because scum is not a valid target.
It makes for a nervous game, given you never know how many players are with you. I'd assume it's an unblockable power, so bA could invite a different player each night to try to gain numbers without worrying about previous unknowns. But who knows; I'm not the mod.
So, that's a long brainstorm on how you could theoretically make a cult non-BM and explain why there wouldn't be a claim D1 (or ever if bA needs to survive) directly from known cult members.