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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: August 25, 2024, 04:06:37 pm »
I don’t see how a card that needs to played a maximum (there could be other Omens) amount of 5, respectively 8 times in multiplayer, can be a trap card. City definitely ain’t and here the power gap is far larger
Conspirator, Vassal and even the strong Highway seem less easy to set up and also more difficult to understand / play well.

Dark Ages was, at least in my opinion, the last set which overpowered cards that felt totally untested. So I find it pretty sad that this overpowered, and also boring version, of Tea House got published.
You don't need to buy City for it to get better, and even when you don't, a $5 vanilla Village is sometimes something you have to buy. You never have to buy a worse Treasury.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Rulebook Is Out
« on: August 11, 2024, 01:09:30 pm »
Most of the time, not counting Omen impacts, Tea House (double Peddler) has the same purpose as Gold. But it’s much better than Gold (Gold = Tea House + Copper, approximately) and costs $5 instead of $6. To me, that makes for less interesting games.
Yeah, it is just too straightforward. Other DoublePeddlers like Vassal, Conspirator, Grand Market and Highway are conditional and thus more interesting.

Donald even started with a more interesting version of the card, per the Secret History:

Tea House: The premise was, an Omen that changed after the Prophecy happened. It started out as $5, cantrip +Sun, if the Prophecy has happened +$2 else +$1. Really, it could just be cantrip +$2 all the time, and so it is. I still liked the changing Omen concept, but didn't manage to make one of those.
With this version of the card the prophecy just never happens because a $5 peddler isn't worth buying.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:04:56 pm »
Are the Secret Histories written in advance?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Rulebook Is Out
« on: August 09, 2024, 03:26:53 pm »
I'm sure this will be discussed in secret history or other various places, but I'm curious about how the design aspect of Prophecies / Omens worked in terms of deciding what cards should get a +sun. (I guess I should update the extension to add a button for the sun icon). It almost seems like a +sun icon automatically works just as well on any card compared to any other card. It doesn't seem like it normally increases card power, since all players are affected by the Prophecy. And it can't really be that the rest of the card's effects happen to synergize with the Prophecy, since the Prophecy is different every game.

It's a little similar to Favors/Allies, but in that case, the Favor token is purely an increase to a card's power, just one whose power depends on the which Ally is used.
I'd speculate it has to do with cards that are likely to get used in the majority of kingdoms. Poet and Teahouse are spammable cantrips, Rustic Village is a village (obviously), Kitsune is a cursing attack, and the two Shrines are both trashers. They all have a pretty high likelihood of being either key cards or cards you incidentally pick up.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: August 05, 2024, 11:32:35 pm »
For Cornucopia & Guilds 2E, was there ever any concern that either of the two halves would have more content than the other? Cornucopia having 5 removed cards to Guilds' 3, for example.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 21, 2024, 10:16:53 pm »
Sorry for the delay.

Middleman by Tiago
Salavger by way of Priest. It does cleave a bit too close to Priest though, with the use cases for the two overlapping a lot on the average board. It does have some potentially interesting tricks with other trash for benefit cards, not dissimilar to Rats, but I'm not sure if it justifies itself without those tricks.


At the start of your turn, discard a card from your hand. If it costs , , or , +2 Cards.
Granary by JW
A 2-cost project, with its cost being outweighed by being pretty unbuyable early. Compared to the superficially similar Crop Rotation, it’s live for a lot more of the game but also requires you to discard a real card. It also has potential to hurt more than help, but that seems pretty rare once you’ve built a little. An overall interesting card, but it does feel a bit undercosted, even taking the downside into account.

Action/Duration - $3
The next time you play an Action on your turn, +1 Action, +$4 and +1 Buy instead of following its instructions.
Oenologist by NoMoreFun
A wonky bit of payload. The effect is similar to “Discard an action for +1 Action, +$4 and +1 Buy” except of course in all the ways that it’s different. It reads as very powerful but it does seem like it would ask enough of your deck that it justifies the power. I really like the risk/reward aspect of the “next time” side of things, you can potentially spike a price point early, but poor planning can cause you to miss out on playing a key card for a shuffle.

Magician by 4est
An odd intersection of Masquerade and Advisor. Getting to be a Masquerade early and a Lab on the midgame is pretty powerful, even with the randomness. Of course, it does also become too risky to use in the lategame, since it trashes Provinces. That aspect of the card I’m not too fond of, though I don’t know how to fix it without killing the card’s elegance.

Mirage • $3 • Action
+1 Action
Set aside your Deck's top three cards face-down. The right-player chooses one to discard. Reveal and turn the rest. If the discarded card is ...
an Action or Night, +1 Action and +1 Card,
a Treasure, +1 Buy and play the Treasure before discarding,
costs $0, trash it,
costs at least $5, +$1.
Mirage by BryGuy
Somewhat of an Ironmonger variant. The “opponent randomly chooses a card” mechanism seems not very useful here. If it just always hit the top card the end result wouldn’t be that different, other than disallowing setup with Cartographer and the like, and allowing that seems more interesting than preventing it. The mix of caring about both card types (but not Victory cards) and the card’s cost makes the whole package a bit messy.

Midas Touch by Augie279
A Gold gainer and trasher. The $7 price point is well chosen, since a lower price point could enable money decks a bit too well.

Kookaburra by HorazVitae
A Lost City or payload, with a fairly killer downside. “Trash the top card of your deck” is a very swingy effect, the difference between hitting Copper and Province (or even Silver and Village) in terms of power level and of fun level is pretty big. The rider locking you out of using it once you’ve drawn your deck seems tacked on, I think it’s fine if you can get a “free” +$3 +1 Buy.

Con Artist by infangthief
A unique attack that also provides duration draw and extra buys. It reminds me of cards like Highwayman or Lost Woods where the attack is relatively low impact but the card’s baseline is still worth buying.

Industrialization by faust
A card that completely changes the way you’d play the game. The board would need a lot of draw to offset the card’s downsides but you could also build some extremely interesting decks. It does have the potential to lock you out of the game, so some sort of backup mechanism there could be worth considering.

Grand Roundabout

8debt duration-action

Now or at the start of your next turn, discard any number of cards, then draw until you have ten cards in hand. Reveal your hand and put all non-Action cards onto your deck in any order.
Grand Roundabout by fika monster
A duration draw-to-x card. Like Royal Blacksmith or City Quarter, it’s an 8 Debt card that isn’t very good early on. In fact, it’s similar to a bigger Royal Blacksmith, with a harsher downside to match. Drawing 5 as a duration, plus filtering, is definitely worthy of that downside.

+1 Buy

Discard a card per 2 cards
you have in your hand.
Delegate by J410
An odd little payload card that’s often better if you can play it in the middle of the turn. It does seem a bit on the weak side, but it’s an interesting kind of weak.

Runners Up:
Delegate by J410
Midas Touch by Augie279
WINNER: Oenologist by NoMoreFun

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 21, 2024, 12:45:46 am »
Utmost apologies for the delay and judging and for failure to communicate on my part, it's been a difficult week on my end. Judging will definitely be completed by tomorrow.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 15, 2024, 09:36:42 pm »
Contest Closed
Should have judging out by tomorrow

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 14, 2024, 12:08:56 pm »
24 hour warning

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 10, 2024, 12:29:48 am »
Is there a way to clarify what would count as a single effect (eligible for this contest) and what would count as separate effects?

For example, if Council Room said "+1 Buy. Choose one: +$3; or +4 Cards and each other player draws a card." - would the second option count as a single effect that was both positive and negative?

Conversely, if Innkeeper just said "+1 Action. +5 Cards. Discard 6 Cards." - would you count the draw and discard as separate effects, thus not eligible for this contest?
I would consider the draw and discard effects of Innkeeper to be connected in ways that the positive and negative effects of Council Room aren't, in both iterations. The distinction is ambiguous, admittedly, and I'm willing to be pretty generous in terms of what does and doesn't count, what the prompt inspires people to make is more important to me than hard and fast rules.

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 08, 2024, 08:45:20 pm »
Weekly Design Contest #224: Pros and Cons
Design a card-shaped thing with an effect that can be both a negative and a positive.
The definition of "negative" is fairly flexible here, I'd call it something that hurts a reasonable percentage of the time. Both the upsides and the downsides of the card should both come into play relatively often; corner cases are discouraged.
Notable examples would include
The +5 Cards discard 6 option of Innkeeper
The Gold/Silver gaining ability of Governor
Haunted Woods and Enchantress, attacks where the attack has a non-insignifigant chance of helping your opponent
Cards that would not qualify would include
Council Room, the positive and negative effects are two discrete effects.
Count, the negative effect here is much more negative than positive, and is only advantageous in corner cases.
Millitia, the attack is purely a negative for the opponent unless extremely specific cards are in the kingdom.
Try to keep entries down to 2 cards max, ideally no Traveller lines or rotating split piles.

Thank you very much for the win! I'll have the next contest up shortly.


Got home early, so ended up being able to make a card for this one.
What if we took the on-gain of one of the best cards in the game... and did it for everyone else?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 28, 2024, 01:44:29 pm »
Thank you very much for the win! Unfortunately, I'll be out of town this coming week, so I won't be able to judge, though. I'll pass judging duties to silverspawn if they're available.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 25, 2024, 11:15:11 pm »
Did the version of Souk that was tested with Border Village's on-gain still cost $5?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 21, 2024, 11:55:20 pm »

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: June 18, 2024, 10:17:24 am »
Trailblazer's +3 Cards +1 Buy is a pretty strong baseline effect, and it also being payload seems pretty high power, it's basically every part of an engine except a village. It could play as weaker than it looks though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: June 18, 2024, 09:50:21 am »
Beldam could specify unused actions like Diadem does for clarity.
Pathway and Trailblazer both seem fairly insane, Pathway could probably do without the on-gain and Trailblazer without the +Buy (or shift the +Buy to the deck empty mode).
Thaumaturge seems extremely underpowered for its cost relative to the other spell-gainers.
Wander should be "to gain", and "unused actions" could help with clarity like on Beldam.
Really cool set!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: May 30, 2024, 01:38:36 pm »
Count without the drawback choices is a lot less interesting.

Card name predictions: Ninja (as above), Monk, Shrine, Samurai

I don't know how accurate these would be in medieval times.

Oh, and a Prophecy: Scout Is Great Again
Samurai are late 1100s-1800s, and Renaissance is ~14-1500s.
Ninjas enter the historical records in 1400s.
Dominion straddles a very wide range of dates. Empires themed to the Roman Empire is nearer to the birth of Christ, but, again, Renaissance is 15/16th century.
Ninjas and Samurai fit alright.

Heck, the Piratey cards of Plunder and Seaside point to the golden age of piracy, circa 1700, and Schwerin Cathedral, featured on Church, was finished in 1893.

Empires is a notable exception to Dominion’s time period, and the Schwerin Cathedral was literally a mistake. The artist finished the card art before anyone checked to see if the cathedral was actually medieval-era.
Wasn't Church's art a deliberate anachronism so that it would be recognizable as the modern Schwerin Cathedral?


Yeah, Groom, Ironworks, etc use the present tense for the gained card so that's what Maid should use, fixing that. I agree that the gaining being optional would make sense, but in that case it doesn't really qualify for this contest, so I'll be considering another tweak.


Old version

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