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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 09:01:19 am »
Or, set up a Black Market with alll except ten particular cards, to guarantee a particular post-Divine Wind kingdom.

But since the content of the Black Market pile is known by the players, this indirectly means that the post-Divine Wind kingdom would also be known from the start of the game.
When Divine Wind is on the table I would suggest NOT to play with Black Market. There will be enough variety when the prophecy is activated 😜

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 08:26:30 am »
Can a card that is used in any other non-Supply fashion (e.g. Black Market, Way of the Mouse) be selected as a new Kingdom pile for Divine Wind?
No, no cards that are used in any fashion can be selected for Divine Wind.
So in theory, that could lead to a situation where you don't have any piles to select for Divine Wind, if you make a Black Market deck out of one of every card you own.
In theory this is possible.
But as “The players should agree before the game which cards will be used to create the Black Market deck” they can e.g. decide to select 10 blind cards from the face down Black Market pile for the future prophecy.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 07:10:08 am »
Also, I assume that the intention of Divine Wind is that 10 different piles are selected, but is it possible that a pile from the old kingdom is selected again?
No, remove means put it back to the box and out of play for the rest of the game.
Yes, but back in the box and out of play is also where the new piles come from, and the old ones are put there before the selection.
Which means in your case that theoretically you can draw the old 10 Kingdom cards again as 10 new, which makes the Prophecy completely useless.
I’m quite sure they mean to draw 10 new completely different cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 06:59:15 am »
It's not quite clear to me how Traits work once a pile is removed; do they still affect the pile (which no longer exists); or no?
Trait is a starting condition.
The moment the Kingdom card is no longer available, the Trait condition stops.
Actually the same result as if the Trait Kingdom pile would be empty.
You have several wrong answers, please stop. This is one of them. Traits continue working.
Please explaine howe a Trait can execute a gain condition to card from a pile that is removed from the game?

It can't, you're right about that. But it's not because the Trait condition stops because it's a "starting condition" as you wrote. Traits continue working as before, but of course you can't gain from removed piles so Fawning and Friendly won't do anything.
- Traits are removed with the old piles and none of the new piles will have any Traits.
Correct, and Traits can't be added anyway.

Why then have Traits to be removed together with the old pile if cards from that old pile are still in the game?
How do we track? E.g. put a card from the old pile on the Trait as reminder?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 06:30:35 am »
It's not quite clear to me how Traits work once a pile is removed; do they still affect the pile (which no longer exists); or no?
Trait is a starting condition.
The moment the Kingdom card is no longer available, the Trait condition stops.
Actually the same result as if the Trait Kingdom pile would be empty.
You have several wrong answers, please stop. This is one of them. Traits continue working.
Please explaine howe a Trait can execute a gain condition to card from a pile that is removed from the game?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:54:19 am »
This is what the rulebook has to say on Traits:
At the start of a game with a Trait, choose a random Action or Treasure Kingdom card pile to put the
Trait on; then during that game, cards from that pile are affected as indicated on the Trait.
So I guess the main question that this boils down to is: Are the cards from removed piles still considered to be "from that pile", even though the pile does no longer exist? My intuitive answer would be no; the Trait's "cards from that pile" refers to nothing and thus does nothing.
My intuition says that they once belonged to a Traits activated pile, so all cards are individually Traits activated and can be kept playing that way.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:47:43 am »
It's not quite clear to me how Traits work once a pile is removed; do they still affect the pile (which no longer exists); or no?
Trait is a starting condition.
The moment the Kingdom card is no longer available, the Trait condition stops.
Actually the same result as if the Trait Kingdom pile would be empty.
That is clearly false, the rulebook states:
• Traits continue to affect the cards from a pile even after the pile is empty.
I actually meant the Traits with the gain effect of course, not the Traits which effect the in game Kingdom cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:37:00 am »
It's not quite clear to me how Traits work once a pile is removed; do they still affect the pile (which no longer exists); or no?
Trait is a starting condition.
The moment the Kingdom card is no longer available, the Trait condition stops.
Actually the same result as if the Trait Kingdom pile would be empty.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:31:16 am »
Also, I assume that the intention of Divine Wind is that 10 different piles are selected, but is it possible that a pile from the old kingdom is selected again?
No, remove means put it back to the box and out of play for the rest of the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:29:27 am »
- First kingdom contains Bard, second kingdom contains Druid. Where do the 3 Boons come from? As before, Boons can be in different places.

Setup rule for Druid is clear: “Setup: Set aside the top 3 Boons face up.”

The wiki states that if there are no Boons in the Boons deck or discard pile when you are told to receive a Boon, you don't receive one. What if there are fewer than 3 unoccupied Boons at the time Druid's setup occurs?
As long as there are no Boons available, you can get no. So then Druid gives you only +buy.
The moment Boons become available you start setting them appart until you got three of them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:24:03 am »

- Heirloom and Inherited don't trigger in the second kingdom, because it is not the start of the game, right?
Inherited is already activated at the start of the game and can not be activated twice.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:17:21 am »
- Heirloom don't trigger in the second kingdom, because it is not the start of the game, right?
“Preparation: If any Kingdom cards being used have a yellow banner indicating an Heirloom, players start the game with that Heirloom replacing what would normally be a Copper”
Apparently Heirloom Kingdom cards can only be added at the start of the game, so they can not be used anymore when the prophecy is activated.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:59:13 am »
- First kingdom contains Bard, second kingdom contains Druid. Where do the 3 Boons come from? As before, Boons can be in different places.

Setup rule for Druid is clear: “Setup: Set aside the top 3 Boons face up.”

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:54:08 am »

- First kingdom contains Bard, second kingdom contains Sacred Grove. Do you reshuffle the Boons? Some Boons may be in front of a player, some may have already been received, and others may not.

If any Kingdom cards being used have the Fate type, shuffle the Boons …
So yes you shuffle the remaining Boons pile.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:44:42 am »

- First kingdom contains Necromancer. The zombies stay in the trash, right? So you can take it with Graverobber.

Zombies are not part of a Kingdom pile, so they stay in the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:41:26 am »

- First kingdom contains Cultist, second kingdom contains Marauder. Do you setup a second Ruins pile, or do you take the existing one? If existing, do you fill up the pile to 10/20/ect... cards?

Marauder is a new Kingdom pile. It’s starting conditions must be fulfilled. So you refill the Ruins. When there are not enough you refill what’s possible.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:29:18 am »
Ok, Divine Wind is a really crazy one, especially in terms of rules. Some questions:

- First kingdom contains Cultist. Because you remove just the Kingdom card piles, Ruins will stay in the second kingdom, right? So you can still buy they.

There is a difference between Kingdom piles and supply piles.
Ruins is a Supply pile, but not a Kingdom pile so you do not remove them and they still can be bought.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun Previews 5: More cards
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:19:25 am »

So are the 10 new piles known when the game starts or secret until the prophecy triggers?
Secret, the prophecy is a when-then situation.

And how is setup for those cards handled?  For example, if Baker is in the second set of piles, do everyone get a Coffer at the start of the game or do we have an extra Setup phase in the middle of someone's turn?
The new setup is done when it needs to be done.
At that moment you handle the new setup and e.g. every player gets a coffer for Baker.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 19, 2024, 10:42:06 pm »
In the revised edition of the set Guilds & Cornucopia, a Bane marker was added, which sits underneath the pile as a reminder.
Euhm or not? Source was the “Young Witch” page.

The “Second edition” page mentions: Removed the Bane marker card.

Strange 🤔
Yeah I thought I would come with a bane card but it did not.
I would use the randomiser (with the blue back) horizontally underneath its bane pile.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 19, 2024, 08:40:50 pm »
In the revised edition of the set Guilds & Cornucopia, a Bane marker was added, which sits underneath the pile as a reminder.
Euhm or not? Source was the “Young Witch” page.

The “Second edition” page mentions: Removed the Bane marker card.

Strange 🤔

"Untrashing" this thread as there have been relevant changes

And most impactful
Decemebr 2022: Plunder introduced Shaman, which makes you gain any card from the trash, with no restriction on type or cost. So now every card that can be trashed can be untrashed
Not all, only with cost maximum 6

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 24, 2024, 09:29:02 am »
How do you feel about cards that sometimes have effects which will be irrelevant in some games? (Like Footpad, some games you wont be able to gain in action phase). Do you care about how small the chance is of this happening, do you look to not have many of these, or do you just not care at all (footpad is basically 2 way different cards in the 2 scenarios) Just your general thoughts
At the moment there are 37 cards that have the “When you gain another card” triggered effect.
And A LOT more other triggered effects.
All of them will be irrelevant sometimes, that’s just part of the game.
They don't have the 'in an Action phase' clause.
Correct, but the question specifically was "cards that sometimes have effects being irrelevant in some games".
Footpad was just an example.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 24, 2024, 05:58:43 am »
How do you feel about cards that sometimes have effects which will be irrelevant in some games? (Like Footpad, some games you wont be able to gain in action phase). Do you care about how small the chance is of this happening, do you look to not have many of these, or do you just not care at all (footpad is basically 2 way different cards in the 2 scenarios) Just your general thoughts
At the moment there are 37 cards that have the “When you gain another card” triggered effect.
And A LOT more other triggered effects.
All of them will be irrelevant sometimes, that’s just part of the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: January 16, 2024, 01:45:02 pm »
Do the artists get to maintain the rights to their work, or do you or the publisher purchase the rights?  If ownership is not with the artist, any chance of a Dominion Art Book or something similar sometime in the future?  I'd absolutely pay to see high-res versions of the artwork.
I don't own any art; I think the publisher does. I don't imagine there's enough interest in a book; you could mention your interest to the publisher and see if it piles up.
You can find a list of all art at

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Buying decision
« on: January 05, 2024, 08:15:32 am »
Ok, Ménagerie now !  :) :) :) :) :)

So... Among the latest expansions, your position is that Menagerie is the best one in the category "fun and not too complex" ?
For me this is a very fun expansion.
It introduces Ways, the Exile mat, Horses and adds more Events and Duration cards.
Might seem a lot of new items, but they are not too complex.
You can introduce them one by one.
There are (only?) 3 Attack cards, but in a special sneaky way.

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