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Messages - segura

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I totally disagree. During the Action phase, playing an Action card is weaker than +1 Action, you would have to put it at the end to prevent the potential mess of nested effects and you needlessly add Night splitter upon a clean design for no obvious reason.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 93: Buy Tokens
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:50:56 pm »
Design something with Buy tokens.

Seems like everyone is requiring images when they judge now. Why?
It's a pain to make the mock-up, then upload it somewhere and post the link here. I don't want to have to make an imgur account just for the weekly design contest.

The primary purpose is to make sure that your effects actually fit on a card and still remain readable. If given instructions for what a card does, I don't mind making a mockup of the card myself personally.
I will take advantage of this offer, thanks, but really this one will fit on a card easily so it seems unnecessary.

I have submitted this one to a contest before, but I figured I already have 2 cards that qualify for this week so why make a new one? Also, we've played with this card several times and we like it.
Ambitious Village
$5 - Action
+1 Action.
Play the top 2 cards of your deck (one at a time). Any non-Action Victory cards played this way give +1 Action.
Yes, it can put a Province into play. Just don't put Tools in the same kingdom.
I would never ever go near the mess of playing green. Why don't you just make it play Actions and Treasures?
Also, this is far better than Lab (not strictly better as drawing green might be superior to playing it as Necro if there are sifters).


Basically a more swingy Herald. Not totally sure about it. I considered three version: terminal at $4, the current version and non-terminal at $5.

True, but you will hit 2 or more Actions fairly often if you are building right. 3 or 4 Treasures out of 4 is a bad deck, and Festival is on the weak end of cards. And if your village can be terminal something isn't right.
Not all Kingdoms support engines and you ignore that this does a job in a money (payload) as well as an engine (splitter) deck. It is not automatically a splitter at all but a variable card. Also, you gotta consider the very card while building. It is similar in this respect to Hunter, a card which also wants you to have variable types (read: green earlier than otherwise and don’t mindlessly increase you Action density).

As I said, it is only bad if you hit more than 2 Actions. All other cases are effects that are as good or stronger than that of a $5 which compensates for the risk / lack of reliability.

I disagree. The extra Buy makes it fairly centralizing in plenty of Kingdoms and the card is only weak (gee, you get 5 vanillas!) if it hits more than 2 Actions:

4 Treasures - Animal Fair
3 Treasures, 1 Action - stronger than Gold
2 Treasures, 2 Actions - Festival

These are all decent or stronger than $5. If you also reveal green and thus draw, the card is basically always stronger than Market.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 91: Fury Road
« on: May 15, 2024, 01:47:20 am »

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Idea for an expansion with RNG?
« on: May 15, 2024, 12:13:20 am »
DXV does not read the fan cards subforum for obvious reasons.

Adding dice to a card game is adding randomness to randomness. I think you confused Village with Lab with your very first card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 91: Fury Road
« on: May 13, 2024, 11:04:33 am »
It's also Action discard Lost City. Does that make it too strong?
Only playtesting can tell. My guess is that it is fine as you cannot run a monostategy.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 91: Fury Road
« on: May 13, 2024, 06:54:22 am »
I like this. ActionStables is not a novel idea and always felt weakish compared to other $4 Labs like Caravan or Advisor because it is not viable on the opening. Giving it the Fury type is a nice little buff.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Agraria
« on: May 11, 2024, 05:55:32 am »
This is a massive achievement and I think that there are a lot of great cards in this. Overall it is a bit too vanilla-ish for my taste.

Way of the Wolf is the only Way I know that makes an Action strictly better than the original non-Way version.
I think that this is a dubious design choice.

Border Kingdom could use a clearer wording (or a simpler version) but is easily my favourite Way.

Lord of Manor and Merchant Convoy don't need the "per 1 unspent" wording; you can just write "you may spend a Coin and a Favour for".

Grange and Oxen are very cool splitters.

is stronger and cheaper than Monument.

Beer and Wine are both Treaure Markets and thus too strong / cheap.

Keg is basically a TreasureDoublePeddler for $4. Sure, it is balanced by the 'first copy you play each turn is a splitter' thingy so you can most likely not mindlessly run a Keg only deck. But I nonetheless think that this needs to be nerfed or higher priced.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 08, 2024, 12:45:42 am »
It is basically City that activates quicker and thus too centralizing.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 04, 2024, 02:44:00 am »

Might be a bit too good due to the flexibility.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 04, 2024, 01:57:54 am »

Raiders' Den
+2 Actions
The next Horse or Spoils you play this turn isn't returned to its pile.
Overpay: Per $3 overpaid, move your Horse or Spoils token to a Kingdom Supply pile you have no tokens on. (When you play a card from that pile, gain a Horse/Spoils.)
$2+ Cost Action

After some testing: changed its pricing so that you have to buy one for each time you want to place a token, but you only pay the $5 if you want to actually use it for token placement and can buy it for its intrinsic value otherwise, in case you want to add more to your deck. Also added a little incentive to have it not just be a more expensive necropolis. Now it neatly interacts with what the tokens do. (for some reason i couldn't get the bold font on overpay to work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
Pathfinding plus then some for $5 is far too cheap.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:02:13 pm »
Action - $2
+1 Action
Choose one: Place your Shares token on an Action supply pile, or take back your Shares token for +2 Cards and +2 Actions
In games using this, when any player gains a card, +1 Card if your Shares token is on it

Edit from previous post: Modified so it's one per player
I don’t get this. Without the below the line stuff, it is on average Village yet cheaper.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 09:22:17 am »
Yep, it is a two-shot (it is highly unlikely that you wanna buff a Necro). I don’t see the problem, that is naturally how non-landscapes are going to work with Adventure tokens.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 05:57:53 am »
I don’t think the card has to be buffed. It is basically Pathfinding plus then some on a Necropolis which sounds very strong. If you give it a Buy it does everything: Buy, draw, split, payload.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 04:48:30 am »

You generally never need to move your token more than once (although with Raiders' Den you want to move two) and these are very weak cards other than the token moving. I think that they'll be treated as one/two-shots and you'll only buy one copy (unless it's the only Village, in which case it's not fun to have to buy Necropolises for $5). Powerful one-shots are probably better as Events. You could argue that it could put the token on itself, but they're so weak other than the token moving that there's much better targets.

TL;DR: I recommend making these into Events.
Happy Village already exists as Event.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:57:00 am »
I think that a wording like with Merchant would be more compact "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +1 Card, then you may put a card from your hand onto your deck." and it would also have the effect that the card works more naturally with Throne Rooms (it becomes throneable) and Ways (the Way ignores the Silver effect as there is no below-line stuff anymore).

That functionally changes it such that with three Hot Springs and 1 silver, you get to draw 3 cards when you play a silver. The current wording requires 1 hot spring and 3 silvers to draw 3 which is better balanced since silver is a stop card. Also, your suggested wording would render the “play a treasure” less useful since only your first silver play does anything.

I appreciate the simpler wording, but I think it would make the card not designed as well. Thanks for your thoughts.
Yeah, you are right.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:57:17 am »
I think that a wording like with Merchant would be more compact "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +1 Card, then you may put a card from your hand onto your deck." and it would also have the effect that the card works more naturally with Throne Rooms (it becomes throneable) and Ways (the Way ignores the Silver effect as there is no below-line stuff anymore).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:41:44 am »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 10:17:23 am »
That means literally the same thing as my actual post. If you feel offended by non-technical language, so be it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 02:52:57 am »
It feels like Sheepdog and Stowaway had a love child but gave them their worst genes.

There's a nicer, more helpful way to say this.
I am not huge fan of getting told how to actually write or talk. That is far more obnoxious and rude than me making the point that a card idea already exists, implemented in two cards that are stronger.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 13, 2024, 03:34:41 pm »
It feels like Sheepdog and Stowaway had a love child but gave them their worst genes.

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