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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 04:48:30 am »

You generally never need to move your token more than once (although with Raiders' Den you want to move two) and these are very weak cards other than the token moving. I think that they'll be treated as one/two-shots and you'll only buy one copy (unless it's the only Village, in which case it's not fun to have to buy Necropolises for $5). Powerful one-shots are probably better as Events. You could argue that it could put the token on itself, but they're so weak other than the token moving that there's much better targets.

TL;DR: I recommend making these into Events.
Happy Village already exists as Event.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:57:00 am »
I think that a wording like with Merchant would be more compact "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +1 Card, then you may put a card from your hand onto your deck." and it would also have the effect that the card works more naturally with Throne Rooms (it becomes throneable) and Ways (the Way ignores the Silver effect as there is no below-line stuff anymore).

That functionally changes it such that with three Hot Springs and 1 silver, you get to draw 3 cards when you play a silver. The current wording requires 1 hot spring and 3 silvers to draw 3 which is better balanced since silver is a stop card. Also, your suggested wording would render the “play a treasure” less useful since only your first silver play does anything.

I appreciate the simpler wording, but I think it would make the card not designed as well. Thanks for your thoughts.
Yeah, you are right.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:57:17 am »
I think that a wording like with Merchant would be more compact "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +1 Card, then you may put a card from your hand onto your deck." and it would also have the effect that the card works more naturally with Throne Rooms (it becomes throneable) and Ways (the Way ignores the Silver effect as there is no below-line stuff anymore).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:41:44 am »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 10:17:23 am »
That means literally the same thing as my actual post. If you feel offended by non-technical language, so be it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 02:52:57 am »
It feels like Sheepdog and Stowaway had a love child but gave them their worst genes.

There's a nicer, more helpful way to say this.
I am not huge fan of getting told how to actually write or talk. That is far more obnoxious and rude than me making the point that a card idea already exists, implemented in two cards that are stronger.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 13, 2024, 03:34:41 pm »
It feels like Sheepdog and Stowaway had a love child but gave them their worst genes.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 87: Seed mat
« on: April 12, 2024, 01:01:12 pm »
2 Seeds on a $3 seems far too strong. It is hard to estimate the strength of the Mat, but a rough benchmark is that a Seed is like gaining a Lab. Worse as there is some delay, better as you can also blow up the Tree for a one-shot Market.

The idea is very cool but I think it is too centralizing even in 3P.

I pointed out in my above post why general principles like „gain a Horse is similar in strength to +1 Card“ only gets you so far. On a non-terminal, immediate draw is much to be preferred over Horse gaining.

Goat is sad

Listing Goat in A tier was wrong but it's definitely not sad. non-terminally +1 Card, +1 Action, trash a card (which is basically what this is) is quite strong. If Rats didn't give you another rats people would be all over it. And turning into a different card later is a premium upgrade for a trasher.
You obviously never played with Goatherd or Hideout which are both stronger than +1 Action, trash a card, gain a Horse. There is a huge difference between drawing now and thus having a larger trashing choice and getting a Horse and thus having a smaller trashing choice.

And we talk about a $6 …

It's basically a Lab with a +Buy. I'd say 2/5 ways are ok $5s when you add a card and a Buy. Goat is sad, Butterfly is sad, Frog is sad, Rat is dead, Camel is sad, Monkey is sad, Ox is sad, Seal is sad, Sheep is sad, Chameleon is sad, Mole is sad, and Worm is sad. Horse, Mule, Otter, Owl, Pig, Squirrel, Turtle, and Mouse are reasonable $5s. And the thing to remember is you get a choice out of 3, so even if all the choices are so-so this could be worth it. And many boards this will fill a role not present, particularly when it's the only +Buy, so it will be fine even without being super crazy.
Edit: And you get the value from giving yourself access to whatever Way, or denying it to your opponent.
Nah. Squirrel sucks with handsize Attacks, Mule is a delayed Market (a weak $5 to being with so a delayed version can hardly be OK) and Otter is worse than a Smithy with a Buy like Barge or whatever.

No $5 by a long shot which is hardly surprising when the actually posted card would be weak at $5.

There is nothing crazy about a Market Square that gains a Horse. A Way with a Horse and a Buy is no $5.

It is extremely simple. All the Ways that don’t draw suck. So 5 out of 20 are OK and the rest is between bad (Monkey or Mule being delayed Market/Bazaar) and totally bad (e.g. Ox being a delayed Double Village, Worm being semi dead, Rat being totally dead, Butterfly making the card a non-terminal Workshop and so on).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #215: Getting Engage
« on: April 06, 2024, 02:09:49 am »
Captain kinda disagree with the notion that a $6 Duration „+1 Action, at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards, +1 Action“ (Horse Trainer + Turtle) is crazy.  Captain on any cantrip is superior to the above and you are kinda sad when Pearl Diver is the best to pair with Captain.
Horse Trainer doesn't have the duration penalty; you're comparing Highwayman to Haunted Woods. And Captain is currently rated as the 26th best card, so anything comparing to that would ideally be tuned down a little bit.
I'd also like to add that Owl is A tier. Less easy to use than Otter, but still really strong.
Nah. As I said, Captain with Pearl Diver is super bad. Captain with something like Ironmonger is not broken and the advantage of Ironmonger easily compensates for the Duration.

Let us take another pick from the supposed list of broken Ways, Goat. Non terminally trash now, gain a Horse is fairly weak. Probably a weakish $4 and definitely far below the power level of $5s trashers like Junk Dealer and Upgrade. And we talk about a $6 …. So nah, nothing broken here either.

Horse Trainer is a weak $5.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #215: Getting Engage
« on: April 05, 2024, 01:13:31 pm »
Captain kinda disagree with the notion that a $6 Duration „+1 Action, at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards, +1 Action“ (Horse Trainer + Turtle) is crazy.  Captain on any cantrip is superior to the above and you are kinda sad when Pearl Diver is the best to pair with Captain.

Otter and Pig are literally the only instances in which the card is strong. In all other cases it is far too weak. For example Monkey makes it a delayed Market, Mule a delayed Bazaar. And the non-vanilla Ways simply suck on such an expensive card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:41:34 am »
I disagree. Hermit is not particularly bothersome and Exiling or gaining after trashing also suffers from TfB interactions: Salavger on Province, gain or Exile a Province, got enough Coins and Biy for a second Province, i.e. Salvager became a Province gainer.

Garden is too weak and Neigbor is too strong.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: April 03, 2024, 07:36:45 am »
Campus has issues with TfB. I encoutered this when I tried "when trash, Exile instead" some time ago.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 03, 2024, 07:24:39 am »
From CoolKid1182 in the Discord: “Base having such poor payload is too bad because it sort of teaches the idea that you should buy treasures/golds as payload.”
Base game has 4 Peddlers with Market, Vassal, Poacher and Merchant.


The problem I see is that the effect permits me to play my own Friendly Village, at which point everyone else can play a second Action card, and it's not really clear in which order everything should go, and there are probably cases where this matters. Granted, Friendly Village is usually a card you wouldn't want to play on your opponent's turn, so maybe this won't come up.
That is simple, it is nested. A plays FV, B plays NV, another window opens, C plays an Action, then A plays an Action, the second window closes, we are back to the first window and C plays an Action.


Communal Workshop
5$ action - Duration

+2 Actions
Now and at the start of your next turn: Gain a card costing up to $4

Until the start of your next turn, when any player gains a card, they may gain it to their hand or topdeck it 1 time.

My attempt at a Village workshop that gains to hand without being overpowered.
In addition, there isnt any duration workshops from what i know.
The duration here serves 2 purposes:
1: Allow you to gain cards twice
2: Make it easier for other players to track that they can gain a card to their hand or deck.

+2 actions might be overpowered, but it seems more fun to me.
i considered +2 Villagers but that seemed bonkers.
The wording feels a bit off to me, but i dont know how to improve it right now.

  • Once per play of Communal workshop, ANY PLAYER may during their turn gain a card to hand or topdeck it.
  • If there are multiple communal workshops, the effect stacks.
  • If you topdeck a card with a different effect or gain it to hand via say, sleigh, then the Communal Workshop effect is unused.

The any player is intended to be that each player get to use the effect once.
Quartermaster and Cobbler are Duration Workshops.

I am not a fan of limiting the benefit for the other players to only one time, for tracking and balance reasons.

I don’t think that this very playtesting result is still a relevant benchmark in a world in which Scrounge exists.

I guess that it would be OK but slightly weak at $5 if it counted every other Treasure. At $5 without any nerf it is OP.

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