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This looks incredibly weak. Negative draw (it is basically -3 Cards) for payload is rarely worth it. Even if you set aside Copper and Silver or whatever and they play some copies, it seems weaker than Secret Cave.
The cards(almost always Action cards) are set aside from play, not from your hand. It's not negative draw.
Sorry, I misread. Then it is potentially decent.


This looks incredibly weak. Negative draw (it is basically -3 Cards) for payload is rarely worth it. Even if you set aside Copper and Silver or whatever and they play some copies, it seems weaker than Secret Cave.


What if Sinister Plot was a card instead of a Project? They're one-shots, so you'll have to keep gaining more, but you can also have several Plots brewing at once and decide when to execute them.
I’d return this to the pile like Experiment.

I don't think I'd buy Insurance much as-is outside of the opening and when I'm junked. If it cost $2 and gave +buy there would absolutely be times when I'd want to bank a bit of money, like on $7 or on $5 and $6 when I just need another Village or whatever.
It is a no brainer in the endgame, no more Duchy dancing.


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 100: Season 10 Finale
« on: September 04, 2024, 02:28:40 pm »

I recently watched a Doctor Who episode which was set in the 19th century on a winter fair on the frozen Thames. These fairs were a real historical thing.
Purchse is meant to be a Buy token. Freezing cards from your hand is kinda like temporarily Exiling them. The card could be too centralizing because it does two jobs at once

:)                                                      :)
:)                                                      :)
Sly Spy • $5 • Action - Reaction
Reveal your Deck's top six cards, discarding any.
If you discard this other than in Clean-up, reveal this for +2 Coffers.
Here is my entry - a deck inspector and reaction that can trigger an additional copy you have, at 20 "words". I found it interesting that no deck inspectors are also Reaction.
:)                                                      :)
While cantrip with 2 Coffers (what the Reaction would be if it were an Action) is brillant (well, it is 2 Bakers) this seems mostly viable in Kingdoms with other sifters.


(Let them Eat) Cake ($3 Treasure-Omen)
Reveal your hand. +$1 per differently named Victory card revealed.
In games using this, when you gain a Province, +1☀️.

(Assuming I understood the instructions right, this is inside the word limit. If not, tell me and I'll reword it.)
I like very much that this leads to a far later triggering of the Prophecy than the official cards.
I think that it could use a buff though (e.g. Coffers instead of Coins or extra Buy on top).


Land Restoration — ($2)(Action)(CADC_ 212v1)
Gain a Victory card from the trash. If you did, +1VP.
Setup: Put 2 Estates in the trash per player.

This started as an Action-Victory card, but I dropped the inherent VPs in favor of the setup text to ensure players have land available for restoration.
I think this is needs to be non-terminal or a cantrip. Terminal VP is too weak, even if there is combo potential in the Kingdom.

I envision this being in a Dark Ages sequel (like the one I am working on, Dominion: Plague), where Ruins abound and VPs can be a little tough to come by at times. Fully expect a card like this would be passed over in a Prosperity or Empires-style game. However, I take your point and made an adjustment. Thanks!
The only Dark Ages synergy is Rebuild and the decent trashing overall in Dark Ages. Otherwise: Shepherd, Groundskeeper and any engine that can can decently trash midturn and thus deal with the Estates and refuel Land Restoration.


Land Restoration — ($2)(Action)(CADC_ 212v1)
Gain a Victory card from the trash. If you did, +1VP.
Setup: Put 2 Estates in the trash per player.

This started as an Action-Victory card, but I dropped the inherent VPs in favor of the setup text to ensure players have land available for restoration.
I think this is needs to be non-terminal or a cantrip. Terminal VP is too weak, even if there is combo potential in the Kingdom.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Base Domination Strategy
« on: August 29, 2024, 12:37:26 pm »
Trash and junk to increase the average quality of cards in your deck respectively decrease them for your opponents.

Draw or sift to increase the number of cards you can play each turn and to cycle quicker and thus get to the new cards quicker.

Add payload, which are usually Coins, but can also be gainers, attacks or other stuff that you want your deck to do ideally each turn.

The typical beginner mistake is to focus too much on payload, especially in the form of Treasures.

The art of Dominion is to balance all of these aspects well. While a good rule of thumb is e.g. to first focus on trashing and drawing before you focus on payload, opening with a gainer like Workshop is often the correct choice.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Base Domination Strategy
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:10:29 pm »
You cannot ignore tempo. While distribution-wise skipping junkers seems to make sense from a static perspective, getting junked by 2 or 3 players instead of just 1 is pretty harsh from a dynamic viewpoint.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« on: August 28, 2024, 02:27:45 am »
2 cost
Action- shapeshifter
+5 cards
Reveal your hand and put a card of each different type onto your deck in any order.

(This has all card types that other cards in the kingdom has)

I may gauge this wrong, but in a high enough concentration this feels much stronger than Smithy in Big Money.
Indeed, it is basically a Courtyard that netdraws one more in BM.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: August 26, 2024, 02:01:49 am »
I don’t see how a card that needs to played a maximum (there could be other Omens) amount of 5, respectively 8 times in multiplayer, can be a trap card. City definitely ain’t and here the power gap is far larger
Conspirator, Vassal and even the strong Highway seem less easy to set up and also more difficult to understand / play well.

Dark Ages was, at least in my opinion, the last set which overpowered cards that felt totally untested. So I find it pretty sad that this overpowered, and also boring version, of Tea House got published.
You don't need to buy City for it to get better, and even when you don't, a $5 vanilla Village is sometimes something you have to buy. You never have to buy a worse Treasury.
With City the delta is a Lab, with the hypothetical version of Tea House the delta is a Peddler. So the power gap is definitely larger. The price gap is also larger (City and the hypothetical version of Tea House both cost $5, but a Peddler costs $4 and a Village costs $3) and yet City is often enough the first pile that empties.
And, last but not least, the trigger gap is larger. Needing an actual empty pile is far harder to achieve than playing that $5 Peddler 5/8 times.

That is why I don’t buy the notion that the nerfed versioned of Tea House was too weak.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: August 25, 2024, 10:39:42 am »
I don’t see how a card that needs to played a maximum (there could be other Omens) amount of 5, respectively 8 times in multiplayer, can be a trap card. City definitely ain’t and here the power gap is far larger
Conspirator, Vassal and even the strong Highway seem less easy to set up and also more difficult to understand / play well.

Dark Ages was, at least in my opinion, the last set which overpowered cards that felt totally untested. So I find it pretty sad that this overpowered, and also boring version, of Tea House got published.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: August 22, 2024, 02:02:51 am »
That looks weaker than Mining Village. I think they should have just rolled with the City Version of Tea House, the one that only becomes a DoublePeddler once a pile is empty.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Mechanics Week 99: Cursed!
« on: August 20, 2024, 01:59:35 pm »
$5 Action - Attack
+1 Buy
+$1 per different type in play
You may gain a Fae Spell. If you don’t, each other player gains a Fae Spell.

This could be too good. I considered not giving it the Attack type as the attack is fairly weak and potentially even beneficial.

I think this is a cool combo. But it seems pretty theoretical. You pay a serious price for potentially (you might have no cat in hand) preventing your opponent from greening. With other Cursers or some Blockade already having hit before, they would not gain the entire pile so the combo would then be weaker.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 20, 2024, 01:32:45 pm »
Will elaborate because naked upvote is kinda cowardly: I upvoted because I think the non-subjective language (" is far too good"/"[is] too complex"/"obviously brilliant"/"is extreme"/"is boring"/etc etc etc) is unnecessarily emotionally harsh and imo it was only a matter of time before someone complains. (People tend to have a minimum threshold of annoyed-ness before they pick fights, so if one person does, it's usually safe assumption that other people were annoyed as well.) It's not only the isolated phrase as well, the tone overall tends to give that vibe. This applies to many non-judgment comments as well. I admit I don't even find the particular judgment on X-tra's card super noticeable/different from the rest.

I also think numerically rating all cards is cringe but I'm well aware you're not the first one to do it.

As I sidenote my favorite submission this contest was Tuna, would have given that a 9/10 probably, so it's just empirically not really the case that any of this stuff is obvious. People disagree on what is or isn't brilliant.

But iirc I've told you basically the same thing at least once before and you didn't seem interested in modulating behavior, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This post is done in bad faith given that I made it pretty clear whenever my opinion was mainly based on my likes („I like“, „I have a soft spot for“, etc.) and dislikes and whenever it was more of an objective ‚power level is way off‘ thing.

So yeah, you an x-tra obviously have an axe to grind with me because I don’t „modulate“ my behaviour to your taste. I don’t, you can post whatever and however you like. If you attack me personally though, I am gonna respond like right now.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 19, 2024, 01:21:03 pm »
How people judge, whether they use scoring, playtest with the cards or whatever, is up to whoever runs a Weekly Contest. Trying to micromanage other people is one of the most disgusting character traits.

About „going absolutely bonkers on the zeros“, I rated two cards zero (I also rated two cards 10, so it looks kind of symmetrical). The first is a card whose previous version I rated 8, i.e. I made it clear that I like the idea a lot but that the power level was way off. The second one is a card that I misread.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Good kingdoms for newbies?
« on: August 18, 2024, 12:52:02 pm »
The splitter only Kingdom is a horrible suggestion. New players will learn nothing and BM ain't fun.

Thanks for explaining the joke, now it's funny.
Can have you cake and eat it too, dude. You argued seriously for „newbies should start with BM“.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Good kingdoms for newbies?
« on: August 18, 2024, 08:13:02 am »
The splitter only Kingdom is a horrible suggestion. New players will learn nothing and BM ain't fun.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 17, 2024, 05:50:31 pm »
And so, I'm sorry, but I did not like the way you judged my card. I normally never protest after judging is done, but giving a flat two outta ten for something that fits the design space of a Shadow card like a glove is flat out insulting.

2/10 judging.
You might keep in mind that card judging is always a very subjective matter before you accuse somebody of insulting you. I find your card super boring, somebody else might consider it brilliant. Posting aggrandizing self-praise is pretty weird though and it is, at least to my knowledge, not how the contests work.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 17, 2024, 11:17:22 am »
You evaluated Manhunt as if it puts all copies into your hand, but it only puts one copy into your hand.
True that, I misread that. A Moat for $5 that digs for one card is pretty weak.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #227: Shadows
« on: August 17, 2024, 09:16:47 am »
Shed by Jonatan Djurachkovitch
Not much to say here. The likelihood of Shadow whiffing is decreased by the abilities and I like that the topdeck ability also interacts with non-Shadows.

Furnace by Tiago
So Furance potentially topdecks Furnace. This would be nice with a normal Smithy, but what is the point of it given that you can play that bottom-decked Furnace anyway as if in your hand? That makes no sense and if anything that ability is a nerf so the card is weaker than Barge.

Kamidana by BryGuy
The second version was solid and I liked it a lot (8/10).
This is version is far too good (the only card besides Royal Blacksmith which can net draw 4) and also too complex (the discarding Debt part, you won't ever need that unless there are Debt-costed cards in the Kingdom).

Shaded by binbag420
A Shadow trait is fairly natural and I really like the downside.

Doppelganger by NoMoreFun
I don't know. Suppose there is Ironworks and Dopperganger in the Kingdom and you always blow up your Doppelgangers. Ironworks constantly gains Doppelgangers, so here we have -1 Card. Doppelganger Thrones those cards so we have +1 Card at best. The vanillas cancel each other so Ironworks kind of works like Throne Room.
At worst, i.e. if Doppelganger is in your hand or in your discard pile, which will often happen in this scenario due to Ironworks, we have net vanillas of -1 Card. So no, I am not convinced.
On the other hand, it is a one-shot $2 so it should be weak.

Pickpocket by X-tra
This does not excite me. Guaranteed spiking to $5 after the first shuffle is nice but that is really all that this card achieves.
Baseline scenario is terminal Silver. Sure, you can be thin and have no Treasures (terminal Gold) or you have to discard a Silver (terminal Copper), but terminal Silver seems to be the most likely and also the average case.
Compared to other terminal Silvers that draw like Cargo Ship (get that $5 the very next turn), Fortune Hunter (can make $4 or $5) or Garrison (draws potentially a lot), this seems weak, boring and not worth the terminal space.

Monopoly by faust
This is super novel and obviously brilliant. The only thing that does not convince me is the card effect, it is very extreme. I am also not a huge fan of the war of attrition-ish minigame that arises once everybody can draw their deck.
Compared to e.g. Flag Bearer or Treasurer, which feature similar minigames, the minigames occur here less often, the payoff is larger and the cost (Flag Bearer can be gained without being bought) is also larger.

Fairies by DashingEpistocrat
So Scheme but with cards from your hand and potentially more than 1 Card.
I think this does not work. In a decent engine, which is kind of the main situation in which your want this, you often draw your Fairies during your turn so it is no longer a cantrip.
In a decent engine, you can draw stuff dead but you mostly have your good stuff in play.
Increasing consistency with a card that is not all that consistent is not a decent insurance policy.

Stalker by silverspawn
Unlike the previous two Smithies that could be weaker, this is a proper Smithy+. It simple, it is either a Smithy or a Hunting Grounds, and the only thing that we can discuss is the parameter of 4 cards.
In a normal draw deck it is OKisk, because you can pull Village-Stalker-Village-Stalker with the second Stalker being buffed. I also think this illustrates that the first version with 5 cards was likely wrong.
In a deck with many Durations and cantrips, like Peddlers or splitters or whatever, this will shine.

Badge/Sheriff by LibraryAdventurer
Badge is vanilla-wise a Copper, a Treasure-Peddler (not underpriced like Supplies), a Fugitive or a Lab. Although it is obviously stronger in Kingdoms with Attacks, I like that you made sure that it is also decent in Kingdoms without such that those Sheriffs might see the light of day.
Sheriff is vanilla- wise often something like +2 Cards +2 Coins +1 Buy. This is pretty strong (and totally fine for the lower part of a split pile) given that +2 Cards +2 Coins is probably a $5.

Kappa by fika monster
I have a hard time to judge the strength of this:
Inn sifts with a net draw of -1.  This is a DoubleVillage with, at best, a net draw of -2. Seems weak.
On the other hand, a ShadowVillage is strong and massively increases the consistency of your deck.

Dojo by LTaco
I really like this Throne. It is very clear and "sharp", i.e. the advantage and disadvantage relative to Throne Room are immediately apparent.
It is slightly more (emergently) complex than Throne: Throne is good once you have a decent Action density whereas this also makes you want to build a deck with a variety of Actions.

Private Shrine by emtzalex
I have a soft spot for trash-for-Debt cards because unlike many trashers they are non-trivial to analyze and because they amplify the "payload trough" problem of trashing.

Swordsmith by AJL828
Similar to Conjurer. I think this could be simpler as the conditional non-terminality will rarely trigger.

Tuna byMochaMoko
What other posters said: far better than Plunder. Also, a deck with Market and 4 Tunas might not really want to green (quickly). That is more of a theoretical thing but it highlights the issue of pairing Coffers with VPs on a non-terminal.
I like the idea of a Treasure-Shadow that can work like a Treasure-Peddler though.

Manhunt by Snorka
This is a boring BM card. Spike to a Manhunt, buy a Copper (to be able to produce 8 Coins) and then just buy Manhunts/Provinces.

Silhouettist by infangthief
Basically a Shadow version of Courier. I like it, simple yet complex and it feels like it could be an official card.

Coffee House by grep
Man, this is sweet. Kudos for making a Lab via a pure Reaction.!
You often have no discard so this does not work as a mono-engine card. It could be a $4 but to test it $3 is the right price.

Portent by JW
The sifting makes this is too similar to Rustic Village for my taste.
The increase of consistency a Shadow splitter provides is nice but like with Kappa, a net draw of -1 can hurt you.

Lots of interesting cards so no easy choice. The winner is Coffee House by grep.

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