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Great challenge! Here is my submission

Greedy Village
Action, $4

+2 Actions
+1 Card

For the rest of this turn, Coppers are not Treasures, but are instead Action cards that say "+1 Card, +$1

Coppers now draw themself! Turning coppers into actions means you can't play them during the buy phase, and it messes with plenty of cards. But other cards will love changing the coppers to actions, and you can still play other treasures as normal.

With Capitalism, which wins?

cost $4 - Treasure - Heirloom
You may play a Victory card from your hand.

Golden Garden
cost $5 - Victory - Duration
At the start of your turns for the rest of the game, +$1.
Worth 2VP

Golden Garden is a mere 2VP without Fertilizer, but gives you many with it.

Action - Liaison
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
Trash a card from your hand.
Choose one: +1 Favor per $1 it costs; or spend any number of Favors and gain a card costing up to $1 per a Favor you spent.

Withdrawn: forgot Broker.

Buried Chancellor
cost $4 - Treasure - Duration
+1 Buy
The next time you shuffle your deck, topdeck up to 2 cards from your discard pile.

Chancellor I like.

My card is inspired by the Dungeon RPG series Etrian odyssey. Its a niche type of rpg where you dive into a deep dungeon, and try to get further and further and kill big bosses and enemies to gain loot, to get stronger. Its very easy to get tunnel vision in these games and go too far, only to die and lose a bunch of progress.

Hence, this card:

Etrian Odyssey.
Action, $3

+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal your hand and trash a card from your hand costing $2 or more. If you did, then play this again or gain an estate.

If you have 5 Actions after playing this, then trash this. If you did, gain a loot or prize to your hand.

My goal with this card was to make a spin on the student card, and any card that you "play again". I dont think we see too many of those. I also wanted a card that makes use of the prizes from tournament, but without being reliant on Luck from drawing a province.

I also wanted to make a +1 Card +1 Action Trasher that isnt overpowered. It might be too similar to rats. I wanted some way to make the card stop so it doesnt massacre your deck, so you can choose to play it again or to gain an estate, which is usually bad.

With Fortress, you can draw all!

Not technically all, only 5 cards at most before you have 5 actions and have to trash it.

No, I don't think so.

play Odyssey
- +1 Card, +1 Action
- trash Fortress
- before checking Actions left, replay Odyssey

after drawing all, checking happens
- trash Odyssey
- try to trash Odyssey again and fail

So Odyssey will be one-shot draw-all.

My card is inspired by the Dungeon RPG series Etrian odyssey. Its a niche type of rpg where you dive into a deep dungeon, and try to get further and further and kill big bosses and enemies to gain loot, to get stronger. Its very easy to get tunnel vision in these games and go too far, only to die and lose a bunch of progress.

Hence, this card:

Etrian Odyssey.
Action, $3

+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal your hand and trash a card from your hand costing $2 or more. If you did, then play this again or gain an estate.

If you have 5 Actions after playing this, then trash this. If you did, gain a loot or prize to your hand.

My goal with this card was to make a spin on the student card, and any card that you "play again". I dont think we see too many of those. I also wanted a card that makes use of the prizes from tournament, but without being reliant on Luck from drawing a province.

I also wanted to make a +1 Card +1 Action Trasher that isnt overpowered. It might be too similar to rats. I wanted some way to make the card stop so it doesnt massacre your deck, so you can choose to play it again or to gain an estate, which is usually bad.

With Fortress, you can draw all!

Donkey Breeder
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
This turn, cards cost 1 less and when you a non-Donkey card, gain a Donkey.

$4 - Action
+3 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 2 cards. Return this to its pile.
(This is not in the Supply.)

The idea is from Settlers 2 where Donkeys help you with traffic congestion. The closest mechanical equivalent to this in Dominion is sifting, hence the one-shot Forums.
I am not sure whether the cards do too much (Buy, cost reduction, sifting).

When do you gain a Donkey? Do what?

My take for this WDC; may change it if I have a better idea

Pelt trader
3$ Event
Do this any number of time: Trash a Treasure from your hand to gain a non-Treasure card costing up to $2 more than it.

Help you trash Coppers if there is a decent enough 2$ in the kingdom.
Give you Provinces in the late game if you've get some Gold previously.
Can have other combo (Masterpiece, Treasure map, Trader...) but I don't have them all...
(bc of my lack of talent at this game '-.-)

I have no idea how many cards we can make for a WDC.
I usually only post one, but do we really have a limit?
I think that this is too similar to Enhance and too strong. Especially the option to Remodel several Gold seems broken.

Play 2 Priests as Chameleon, draw all, trash a Copper, discarding a Market Square, and we're in the richman's world!

Wise Jester • $5 • Action
Choose one: set this aside for +1 Card, +1 Action, and either +$1 or +1 Buy discard at the end of your turn;
or trash this from play for +4 Cards and either +1 Action or +1 Buy.
Choices choices. :)

previous version:
Wise Jester • $5 • Action
Choose one: discard this from play for +1 Card, +1 Action, and either +$1 or +1 Buy;
or trash this from play for +4 Cards and either +1 Action or +1 Buy.

Why does it set aside?  Isn't leaving it in play enough?


Action - Liaison ($4)

Gain a card costing up to $4. +1 Favor per $1 less than $4 it costs.

When I gain a 2-cost Fisherman, do I pay 1 Favor?

cost $2 - Action
Discard a card.
If you did, choose one: +3 Cards; +3 Actions; +3 Buys; or +$3.


I also had this idea, but unfortunately, this will lock out people on many boards. You just select a terminal, and their turn is dead.


How about making it a Duration like Green Village?  It protects you from locking out.

Loan Shark
cost $5 - Action - Attack - Duration
At the start of your next turn, choose one: +3 Actions; +3 Cards; +$3; or +3 Buys.
Until then, when your opponent gets +2 or more Actions, they take <1>; this effect is not cumulative.


To follow in last week's footsteps, this is also a pile of 20 cards.

You can always milk your many Cows for a nice bucket of mil- I mean Silvers.

It does not always give us +2 Actions.

Poor Village
cost $3 - Action
+2 Actions
Reveal your hand.  If you don't have any Trasures, +2 Cards.

OK, I will try something Chinese.
Spring is a special season in Chinese classical poetry. (Of course, the other three seasons are special too.) I selected a very famous and storytelling Tang poem about spring:
题都城南庄 Written in a Village South of the Capital
(崔护 Written by Cui Hu, translated by Xu Yuanchong)
In this house on this day last year a pink face vied;
In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.
I do not know today where the pink face has gone;
In vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full blown.
I design a Victory card with Heirloom, trying to tell a story about the poet's memories and peach blossoms:

Poem Notes
Treasure - Heirloom
You may discard a Victory card for +1 Villager.
Vernal blossoms
When you gain this, you may remove 2 Villagers from your mat to +2
Heirloom: Poem Notes

How about "spend 2 Villagers for +2vp"?  Shorter.

Alright so I keep looking at what I submitted before and it doesn't really do what I wanted it to. So here's my revised submission, for better or worse:

Rainmaker still builds up the clouds by pseudo-trashing. I did like the limit on the old one, but I don't like the sound of "Discard up to 3 Rain from Exile" which would be the equivalent here. Anyways it gains a Rain in addition to the Exiled one, if you Exile like a Silver or a Duchy, which opens the floodgates and you can have a nice storm to bless your crops.

Notes: Rain costs $2 so that you can't just Exile it with Rainmaker to get extra Rain.
Rainmaker says "Exile a Rain" because I can't say "from the Supply" if it's not in the Supply, and "from the non-Supply" sounds stupid to me.
Rain ended up pretty similar to Figurehead but that wasn't the goal. At first it was a Treasure that gave +2 Cards, but that was basically a slightly worse Horse. This had more of the feel I was going for: it stacks up for simultaneous effect, rather than playing and returning in a chain like Horses/Spoils.

It has an accountability problem.  How can I prove that I don't have a Rain in hand?
It does not care whether I actually Exiled a Rain.  Is it intended?
The Rain is not Exiled from hand.

Oh, then you should write "from its pile".

Alright so I keep looking at what I submitted before and it doesn't really do what I wanted it to. So here's my revised submission, for better or worse:

Rainmaker still builds up the clouds by pseudo-trashing. I did like the limit on the old one, but I don't like the sound of "Discard up to 3 Rain from Exile" which would be the equivalent here. Anyways it gains a Rain in addition to the Exiled one, if you Exile like a Silver or a Duchy, which opens the floodgates and you can have a nice storm to bless your crops.

Notes: Rain costs $2 so that you can't just Exile it with Rainmaker to get extra Rain.
Rainmaker says "Exile a Rain" because I can't say "from the Supply" if it's not in the Supply, and "from the non-Supply" sounds stupid to me.
Rain ended up pretty similar to Figurehead but that wasn't the goal. At first it was a Treasure that gave +2 Cards, but that was basically a slightly worse Horse. This had more of the feel I was going for: it stacks up for simultaneous effect, rather than playing and returning in a chain like Horses/Spoils.

It has an accountability problem.  How can I prove that I don't have a Rain in hand?
It does not care whether I actually Exiled a Rain.  Is it intended?

cost $3 - Action
+1 Action
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). Then if it's face up, +3 Cards and +1 Buy.

It needs shrinking to show its power.

Looks too good. If you play them consistently they are half of Lab + Village which is obviously too good at $3. And this just looks at the cantrip and ignores the extra options and flexibility.

I disagree. The pure Lost City effect here costs $6 and 2 buys, which I think is a reasonable price. In this case, since you need to wait to draw the second card to get the Lost City effect, you expect to get that later in your turn which means decreased reliability compared to OG Lost City. And the other combinations aren´t that strong either, they definitely don´t warrant costing $4.
But Lab + Village is $8 and 2 Buys.

Also, this doesn't interact too well with the Journey token cards.

I will pay $4 for it when Giant or Ranger is in Supply.  Flipping without spending an Action or a card in hand lets me get +$4 or +5 cards.  Enough.

My submission:

Young Knight • $3) • Action - Knight
Choose one: +2 Cards; or +2 Actions; or +2 Buys; or +$2.

(This is not in the Supply.)

Chivalrous • Trait
When you gain a Chivalrous card, gain a Young Knight. After you play a Chivalrous card, play any number of Young Knights from your hand.

My submission is Young Knight, a non-Supply card that lets the player get +2 of any vanilla bonus, and Chivalrous, a Trait that interacts with YK. YK is a fairly weak card on its own. Although it offers all 4 vanilla bonuses, you only get +2 per card, giving effects like Moat and Necropolis when just played from your hand. However, designs using it also provide the opportunity for a player to play a chain of them, making them must stronger. There are 20 YKs in their pile.

Here, the Trait Chivalrous both allows you to gain YK (when you gain the card from the pile) and to play them (when you play it).

Sir Destry trashed a Young Knight.  Do I trash Sir Destry?


Gambling House - $3

+2 Actions
You may choose either or both: +1 Card, +$1; or +2 Cards, +1 Buy.
If you drew any cards, reveal your hand and discard the duplicates.

Sort of an inverse Menagerie. The payoff can be immense, but how much will you push your luck?
When I have 4 Coppers in hand, do I discard 3, or 4?

cost $2 - Event
Choose two: +1 Card; +1 Action; +1 Buy; or +$1.
Return to your Action phase.

Kings feast: A throne room where you can make it become a Kings court by giving each other player a copy of the played Action card.

Kings feast - $5 - Action

You may play an Action card from your hand twice. You may give each other player a copy of that card. If you did, replay the Action card.

A concern of mine is that a infinite loop may be possible with this, is that the case?

For example, in 4-player game and only 1 King's Feast is left, can I give it to my left player to King's Court mine?
How about its empty supply?


Considering playing the Estate is the equivalent of playing a single Village, maybe there are games where you'd rather trash said Estates and use Sanctum as an expensive Great Hall for scoring extra.

It's the equivalent of playing a Village and a Laboratory (assuming that the Estate would otherwise sit irrelevant in your hand). Which, to me, makes this too strong for (but too weak for ).

When I play a Smithy-inherited Estate with Sanctum, do I get both cantrip and +3 Cards?

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