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Tactician -- The Doctor (clearly needs to be a Duration card of some sort, this seems best)
Tunnel -- The Time Vortex
Warehouse -- The TARDIS (also considered Expand or Library, but this card goes so well with Tunnel, which seems appropriate)
Militia -- UNIT
Smithy -- Sarah Jane Smith
Jack of All Trades -- Captain Jack Harkness
Nobles -- The Time Lords
Ironworks -- Cybermen
Golem -- Sontarans (in their first appearance Harry thinks they are Golems)
Spice Merchant -- Daleks (because they are salt & pepper shakers that exterminate/trash things)
I was considering doing a Doctor Who one but of course I'm lazier than thou.  So thanks for doing the hard work :)

Anyways, I was considering DIADEM (purposely all caps) for the TARDIS just because it's an odd name.

Seems like everyone is using Harem for other shows but then there are the companions...

Hunting Party doesn't work for K-9, does it?

Game Reports / Re: 'double' golden deck
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:06:20 pm »
Could Warehouse function here in lieu of Inn with a Bishop/Warehouse opening?  (And the other components a Village (probably preferrably Hamlet), Menagerie, and either Hoard or Haggler)

I think that powerful draw engine your opponent had required some +buy.  For example, the 2nd Apprentice on Turn 7 was instead a Horse Traders, more engine components could have been purchased to keep those fruitful turns going.

Plus, you're Monument gave you an advantage for when the race for Colonies split evenly.  I think your Menagerie is OK in your deck and don't see any Fancy Play Syndrome issues with your buys.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: People to avoid on isotropic
« on: March 29, 2012, 10:35:36 am »
18:32 blueblimp: hi gl hf
18:34 ARTjoMS: lucky
18:35 blueblimp: oh getting the remake on 2x estate?
18:35 blueblimp: yeah that is nice, I hate it when it hits only copper
18:35 ARTjoMS: and buying silver in same turn
18:35 ARTjoMS: chances of that lucky very small
18:36 ARTjoMS: no gg
18:36 blueblimp: lol
18:36 ARTjoMS: pure luck
18:36 ARTjoMS has returned to the lobby.
Hardly someone to avoid.  He was just a little bitter.
I second this.  I've been taken to school by ARTjoMS twice and didn't encounter any personality issues. The most recent game I thought I was going to win.  In a game with Jack and Grand Market, I used my 5-buy prior to the 2nd shuffle to trash a few coin with Mint and later Mint'd a Gold on Turn 8.  His 5-buy prior to the 2nd shuffle was a Jester, and on Turn 8 his Jester gained him a Gold.  I'm not calling this play lucky... it was a helpful economy boost that occurred because he had the opportunity - he bought a Jester and I didn't.  I definitely enjoyed that quick and close game.

Dominion Articles / Re: Request: Saboteur
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:44:59 pm »
This is similar to your Hunting Party idea.  I used Sabotuer played often by Golem.  So each Golem could either play 2 Sabotuers, or the Fortune Teller then Sabotuer combo (though I messed it up the 1st chance I had it).

Just as I suspected according to the graphs Jack of all trades is .01 better with counting house than without. Wait..what...
Maybe against Mountebank or Ambassador?

I played a 3-player IRL game today where I had 2 Ambassadors but an opponent got a Hoard on turn 3.  At that point, my strategy that might be reasonable in a 2-player game was outclassed and way too slow.

So adjust your strategy.  Masquerade feels great for multiplayer but Ambassador can be a little slow - maybe 1 Ambassador instead of 2.

On other posts, it's already been discussed that Pirate Ship is better in multiplayer.  So is Noble Brigand (unless Royal Seal, Cache, or other non-basic treasures are around).

Regarding the 3-piles, I've seen Jester empty piles very quickly and suprisingly so watch out for that crazy, random card.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: How did this happen?
« on: February 22, 2012, 03:02:22 pm »
You're playing a 5 or 6 player game which ends when 4 supply piles are empty... not 3?

From Intrigue rules: "Use 15 Province cards with 5 players and 18 Province cards with 6 players. All other Victory card piles are 12 cards each. Use 40 Curse cards with 5 players and 50 Curse cards with 6 players. Games ends when all Province cards are empty or 4 supply piles are empty"

Dominion Isotropic / Re: People to avoid on isotropic
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:38:36 am »
My preference: give me an auto-match blacklist.  Let me blacklist someone for either 5 minutes or (semi-)permanently, and let me manage the list, in case I misclick or have a change of heart.
I agree with everything ecq posted.  I like the blacklist idea, and espcially would use that 5 minutes option... currently, I have to do that 5 minutes one manually.

Game Reports / Re: Request: Double Jack game log
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:24:40 pm »
In def's example, there are no $5 cards, but usually getting any decent $5 card is better than a second jack.
What are some $5 cards that would best a 2nd Jack?

Governor seems pretty fast though admittedly I don't have handle on how to play that card.  I played in a 4 player game IRL and had 2 Jacks and before I knew it the game was out of control as the Governor players were getting Golds in their deck so quickly.

Game Reports / Request: Double Jack game log
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:56:21 am »
I keep hearing about "Double Jack" but I'm not clear on how the strategy works.  Could someone post a game log?

When do you buy the 2nd Jack of All Trades?  Turn 3 or 4?  Does it change things if you get $6 and $3 or $5 and $5 on those turns?

It's between turn 8-11, and the Jacks collide... do you trash one?

Thank you in advance for the help.

General Discussion / Re: Demographics of F.DS
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:20:32 pm »
In the Ann Arbor, Michigan area also

Game Reports / Hinterlands/Governor game logs from councilroom
« on: October 26, 2011, 02:16:13 pm »
Now Hinterlands/Governor game logs are on councilroom, please post your logs.  Here are some of mine...

It's a trap! I bought too many Spice Merchants and Border Villages

Avoid the 7 coin curse. I buy a Mandarin on Turn 8 with 7 coin and get to top deck 2 Golds for a Turn 9 province.  It looks like topdeckng on Turn 12 might have limited me to a Duchy on turn 13.

Stupid brigands. This is a great example at how Noble Brigand can help cycle your opponent's deck to little effect for you while helping them get Gold purchases into action faster.  I just get trounced here.  When Noble Brigand is a blank Turn 3 and Turn 6, I've essentially lost the game.

Read the card!  I buy Cellar with a game plan to be able to discard Fool's Gold to great effect...
wait, that's Tunnel that has a discard ability.  I realize this on Turn 19 and only get lucky to win this game.
  --- tko's turn 18 ---
  (tko draws: 2 Cellars, 2 Fool's Golds, and a Duchy.)
  --- tko's turn 19 ---
  tko gets +1 action and +$1 from the Fishing Village.
  tko plays a Cellar.
  ... getting +1 action.
  ... discarding 4 cards. 
  ... drawing 4 cards.
Hey, wasn't something supposed supposed to happen when I discarded those 2 Tunnels?!?  Doah.

Jack of All Trades counters Sea Hag.

Tunnel not so good vs. Torturer?  Or maybe I didn't buy enough.  My 2 Tunnels only reacted to Torturer on turns 25 & 30.  I snuck out a close victory here by buying the last 2 curses.

King's Court + Noble Brigand = Profit.  This game becomes a mirror match where I end up with 21 Coppers and my opponent with 15.  I got the engine built first which is how I got the 5/3 Province edge.

Scheme to top deck Smithy is decent and I believe it was pivotal in getting me out to an early lead.  We mirrored Farmlands trashing estates and later selling the farm for provinces.  I did employ a couple Conspirators but my opponent built that side of the combo more.

Jack of all Trades to fuel Duke/Duchy and also combat a Margrave draw engine.

And absolute worst for last...
Oooh shiny. I just buy some new cards and play exceptionally bad.  Governor/Herbalist opening - what was I thinking?

[Edits for various misspellings]

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Need some Base-ic advice :)
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:42:42 am »
Maybe less than or equal to 4), but greater than 5), would be to get around 2-4 Labs and maybe 1 Market or Woodcutter.  I didn't simulate this... just guessing as Labs are decent, and some early 5-coin turns are better spent on Labs then Silvers.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Playing the Gardens strategy
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:57:42 pm »
Out of the Villages, I'd be more incentivized to Workshop or Ironworks a Worker's Village or Hamlet as the +buy is good times in Gardens, though I would want 3-4 of the Workshop or Ironworks before I look at a village card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Decline of My Dominion Skills
« on: September 29, 2011, 05:38:48 pm »
Last few turns, I was getting to 4$...and it was frightening, that's like "doom" during the end-game. I recovered...I often knew when a big chain was coming, simply by counting what had come before.
After buying a few Provinces, Minions have the tendency to connect for less coin.  You'll be presented with difficult decisions... take 2 coin and buy a Duchy, or get greedy, roll the dice and draw another 4.  Near the end it feels like the game is slipping away, and I've had that same fear in Minion games.  Since you won, you got it right.

And another vote for some Pawns.  7 might be too many, but some Pawns are perfectly fine.

[Note multiple posts occurred whilst I was typing this]

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Decline of My Dominion Skills
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:41:17 am »
I've been on a downward spiral myself for most of September, though my games went well yesterday.  Sometimes reading a lot of strategy about a game will seed your mind with something useful, but then the application doesn't work right.  For example, I read that too many Silvers will slow you down.  So the next time I get 11 coin and 2 buys and buy a Province, I don't buy an additional Silver... now my deck is too green to finish.  Silver is sometimes what you need in Province games.  Then I read about how to use Wishing Well correctly, and I get some success doing that, but now my game strategy has changed.  I used to win games where I only bought 2 or 3 action cards, and now I'm dipping into too many action cards.  Then I read about how fast BM+Envoy is, and I play it against someone who beats me with an action-based engine... but again, application was wrong as I didn't buy a Duchy when I should have.  So in all these examples, I made mistakes trying to apply strategy tips I've gotten from this site, but the upside is those mistakes were all chances to learn.  The takeaway from this is your game skill may dip a couple times as you learn new strategies, but that's probably typical for the organic process of learning a game.

Are there any specific losses you have that you're confused about?  Like how did I buy 8 Vineyards and still lose?!?

Game Reports / Re: Once You Go Green...
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:03:02 pm »
Well played, Davio.  I like seeing Chancellor getting some love.

I have never been able beat WHARF 2 THA BRIDGE (your opponent in that match).  I'm not a high level or anything and struggle competing against that level.  Just recently, I thought I had a chance... I used Familiar to dish out 7 of the 10 Curses, while he used Mountebank to give me 3 Curses and 6 Coppers.  It was a close match but I still couldn't get there, and what hurts is I likely would have bought the remaining Province for the win if he didn't.

Just with FV+Envoy? Or may we add something else? Don't think that it will work without +buy (or attack), as BM+Envoy is too fast...
Sure, I'm interested in what's it take to beat BM+Envoy.  It's a difficult to beat strategy.  Lets imagine Goons and Wharf aren't in the kingdom due to their über nature.

Regarding +buy, I tried adding Festival and I get 41%.  Next, I tried Woodcutter... it wasn't effective but maybe it was poor buy rules.

Regarding attacks, maybe.  I tried Militia and that got me 42%.

Are we allowed to come up with an ironworks/smugglers/philosopher's stone deck instead?
Ehhh, if it's Envoy/Fishing Village driven, sure.  Maybe the problem is I imagine those cards are faster together than they really are.

Simulation / Simulation Challenge - Fishing Village+Envoy to beat BM - Envoy
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:47:28 pm »
As I mentioned in this thread, I was using Geronimoo's Dominion Simulator trying to come up with a Fishing Village + Envoy combo that could compete against BM - Envoy.  The best I can get is 36% wins.  Can anyone approach 50%?

Code: [Select]
<player name="BM - Envoy/Fishing Village">
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Gold"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Duchy">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="4.0"/>
   <buy name="Estate">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Gold"/>
   <buy name="Envoy">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="1.0"/>
   <buy name="Fishing_Village">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Fishing_Village"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Envoy">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="3.0"/>
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Fishing_Village"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
   <buy name="Fishing_Village">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Fishing_Village"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="7.0"/>
   <buy name="Silver"/>

Without trashers, building an engine from this pool is very likely slower than Envoy+Money. But of course where's the fun in that...
Fishing Village + Envoy seems like it can be amazingly quick.  The only example where I went for this with laser-like focus was 6 Provinces in 16 turns, but it's not a good example since I was assisted by an opposing Pirate Ship to trash my Coppers (and you said "without trashers").   I tried adding Fishing Village into the BM - Envoy simulation and I can't get it to compete (only 36% wins).  I'll put my algorithm in the Simulation thread as a challenge and see if someone can solve the problem.

Game Reports / Chapel into King's Court + Jester
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:05:54 pm »
I had one of those game losses that was at least a very fun game to play.

My opponent and I had a mirror match of Chapel into a thin deck, followed by King's Court + Jester which turned ridiculous.

It felt like my opponent always had the upperhand.  Maybe 1st player advantage had something to do with it, but I notice he was wise to Tactician and got it before the 2nd reshuffle, and I followed suit but maybe too late.

It ended very close with my greater amount of Curses causing my game loss when I bought the last Province (that's what I get for not keeping score).  The interesting thing about the Curses is the Turn 17 Curse exchange - he gave me 2 Curses, and I gave him 1 Curse, and lost by 2 points.

When Jester revealed Silver, I was always giving my opponent the Silver in hopes it would stop the King's Court and Jester from teaming up - but it didn't appear to slow the combo down, and who doesn't want a bunch of Silvers in a Province game (he ended with 9 Silvers).

Looking at his ending cards, 6 of each Jester and King's Court plus 3 Tacticians, I see why he was getting the pairing so consistently.

On turn 7, his Jester gave me a 2nd Chapel, and when he discarded my Jester turn 9, that hurt bad.  I draw my 5 cards from Tactician, but of course Jester is in my discard, and I get to King's Court a Chapel for little benefit... except getting rid of the extra Chapel.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Noob's Expansion - Come Rip it Apart...
« on: September 20, 2011, 06:23:24 pm »
Just reading that post made me want to go propose a board with some village and an ambassador.  Nothing better than a game where the opponent finishes with 15+ coppers.
I played a game just this morning (too early to find a link) where I opened Walled Village/Ambassador into a 2nd Ambassador against my opponents Potion/Silver into Familiar.  The Walled Village was perfect for this strategy.  My opponent caught on to my 2 Ambassadors and picked up 2 but it was too late.  They ended up with more than 10 Coppers, maybe 14?  It was fun.

Especially considering since my kids have started school and life has become hectic, my rating has skydived to low twenties... a win is very rare for me these days.

And just yesterday I was winning the Torturer chain race when my internet quit on me... arghh, another rare win lost.

Game Reports / Re: Fairgrounds + Black Market
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:37:22 am »
Your early Outpost gave you a virtual +buy where you could add to your types of cards and cards to support your engine - Outpost appeared to boost the Fairgrounds strategy for you.

Dominion Articles / Re: Card Strategy: Wharf
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:46:17 pm »
If you're playing BMU + 2 Wharves, and you hit 11 coin and 2 buys, I see the benefit in buying Province + Silver.  What I wonder is this... is Province + Village also acceptable in that case?  On one hand, opportunity cost is not much an issue.  On the other hand, it introduces a potentially dead card (which Silver would not be) and therefore maybe still a bad idea.

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