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Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #204: Count up!
« on: November 08, 2023, 08:43:21 am »
Weekly Design Contest #204: Count up!
I like cards that count up something.  So for this contest, your job is to design something* that counts something.  Official cards that meet the criteria for the contest are Cellar, Gardens, Courtier, Conspirator, Forge(it uses variables), and so on.  Official cards that doesn't meet the criteria are Remodel(it just adds a fixed number), Embargo (after errata), Fortunes.

Judgment Details:
  • The contest will close on November 15th 17th, 24:00 (UST+9).

Let me know if your post is not here.

Rules Questions / Inherited Knights
« on: December 19, 2022, 09:42:00 am »
When games using Inherited Knights, what happens?

1. Player A chooses a Knight from 10, player B chooses from 9, and so on.
2. Player A picks up the top Knight from shuffled Knights  pile, Player B picks up the next Knight, and so on.
3. None of the above.

Rules Questions / Reckless
« on: December 19, 2022, 09:17:33 am »
I play a Village and a Reckless Conspirator.
Do I get +1 Card, +1 Action from second play?

Puzzles and Challenges / 3-card combo to win in turn 5
« on: November 13, 2022, 07:17:42 am »
Game #111234416

Win in this turn.

Hint: Masterpiece for Buys, Coffers.  Coppes for more Coffers.

Puzzles and Challenges / Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 04:37:26 am »
Kingdom: Importer, Port, Guildmaster, Livery
Landscapes: City-state, Way of the Butterfly

You have 4 Coppers in hand.

Win on turn 1.

Rules Questions / City-state
« on: October 25, 2022, 11:52:50 am »
I have 2 Favors.  City-state is used in this game.

Q1. I gain a Guildmaster and spend 2 Favors to play it.  Do I get +1 Favor?

Q2. I gain a Livery and spend 2 Favors to play it.  Do I gain a Horse?

Solo Challenges / Empty all Supplies on turn 1 without spending an Action
« on: October 21, 2022, 12:38:26 pm »
Empty all Supplies on turn 1 without spending an Action.

Supply: Stonemason, Importer, Cavalry, Guildmaster, Livery, Pooka
Landscapes: Way of the Butterfly, City-state
Starting Hand: 4 Coppers, 1 Cursed Gold

play a Cursed Gold
gain a Curse
play 4 Coppers
buy a Stonemason, overpaying $5
- gain a Stonemason
--- gain a Livery
----- spend 2 Favors to play it
--- gain a Guildmaster
----- spend 2 Favors to play it
----- gain a Horse
------- +1 Favor
------- spend 2 Favors to play it(as Butterfly)
--------- return it to gain a Cavalry
----------- +1 Favor
----------- +2 Cards, +1 Buy
----------- gain a Horse
------------- +1 Favor
--------- spend 2 Favors to play that Cavalry(as Butterfly)
----------- return it to gain a Guildmaster
------------- +1 Favor
------------- gain a Horse
--------------- +1 Favor
------------- spend 2 Favors to play it

Now we can gain any Action cards to play them immediately.
And we can still upgrade the Stonemason we bought.
Butterfly it to pile out cards!

Hint: Game #110132647.

Hard Mode: from a single buy.

Rules Questions / Trashing and Priest
« on: August 14, 2022, 06:21:04 pm »
I bought Innovation.

When I trash a Catacombs to gain and play a Priest, do I get $4?

Rules Questions / Donate "first"
« on: July 21, 2022, 09:40:57 am »
Now Donate tells us to resolve its Durative effect first.

Haunted Woods and Swamp Hug tell us to end its Attack at the start of our next turn (before desiding which Durative effect to resolve first).

Which one wins? I assume Haunted  Woods win and SECOND we resolve Donate.

Rules Questions / Treasury and Cavalry
« on: June 30, 2022, 06:14:28 am »
One Japanese player told me.

play 5 Treasuries
buy and gain a Cavalry
topdeck those Treasuries
play them again
play Cavalry as Horse

infinite coins

Is it a correct behavior?

Rules Questions / Overpay 2022
« on: June 27, 2022, 11:06:31 pm »
Now Stonemason has a different wording.
Do we overpay BEFORE gaining or AFTER?

This matters when we use Basilica or "Priest and Watchtower" (before overpaying, trash Stonemason to overpay more).

Rules Questions / Emissary and Stash
« on: June 07, 2022, 10:39:41 am »
My deck is empty. My discard pile has nothing but a Stash.
I play Emissary.
I topdeck that Stash.
Did I shuffle?

(2) I topdeck that Stash with Star Chart. Did I shuffle?

I assume both Emissaries give me +1 Action and +2 Favors, but I am not sure.

Rules Questions / War Chest
« on: May 31, 2022, 12:12:13 pm »
2-players game. It's my turn.
I play a Witch.
Alice plays a Sheepdog and a Vassal (Way of the Mouse).
She discards and plays a Crown.
She plays a War Chest from her hand.

Q1. Do I contraband, or does she?

Duchy is banned.
After that, I play another War Chest from my hand.

Q2. Can I gain Duchy if she names another named card?

Rules Questions / Blockade
« on: May 16, 2022, 03:25:56 am »
Do 2 Blockades give my opponent 29 Curses if I gain a Garden and a Curse and they gain a Garden on their turn?

Rules Questions / Inn and Gatekeeper
« on: May 03, 2022, 07:05:21 pm »
(1) My opponent has played Gatekeeper.
I have an Inn in discard. I gain another.

(a)  I reveal it and shuffle my deck. Nothing will happen.
(b)  I reveal that Inn, shuffle my deck, and Exile what I've gained.

Are both correct?

(c)  I play a Sheepdog as Vassal (using Way), play a discarded Scavenger, and topdeck a Copper. (He doesn't know.) Can I deny Exiling? (Has he lost track?)

Rules Questions / Lich skipping
« on: March 11, 2022, 08:34:16 pm »
What does "skip" mean?

Ex. Alice, Bob, and Cathy are in table.
T1: Alice played Lich.
Bob and Cathy played their turn.

1. Cathy says "Bob, it's your turn."
2. Cathy says "Alice, it's your turn. Oh, you played Lich. Skip your Action, Buy, Night, and Clean-up phase."

This matters when Bob plays a Smuggler. Does he gain something what Alice gained on T1?

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #128: Look at the trash!
« on: September 09, 2021, 08:29:36 pm »
Design a card or a landscape that refers to cards in the trash.

I do like Trash-for-Benefits like Graverobbers and Salvager. Let's enjoy trashing!

Your card has to look at the trash; gaining from it, counting Treasures in it, playing a card in it (leaving there), or a kind of thing is accepted.

Official cards that would qualify include:

Official cards that would not qualify include:
Swindler (it just cares the cost of the trashed card),
Treasure Map (it just cares what you trash),
Possession (it doesn't use the trash)

Rules Questions / cost reduction
« on: December 01, 2020, 09:08:13 pm »
Aki played Highway as Lighthouse (Way of the Mouse) on her last turn.  I have $7.

Can I buy a Province?  (Does Province cost $7 or $8?)

Rules Questions / buy a card
« on: October 01, 2020, 08:20:02 pm »
When do we pay card costs?  For example, when ...
a Haggler is in-play,
I bought Innovation,
I earned $8,
I buy a Fortune,
I gain a Black Market, playing immediately,

can I buy the revealed King's Castle, spending what coin I have, fail to pay $8 (Fortune), and take 8 debts?  The answer will definitely be no, but nobody has denied the paying is one of the on-buy effects.

Another case:
a Haggler is in-play,
I bought Innovation,
I earned $4,
I buy a Herald,
I gain a Vassal, playing immediately,

can I overpay $2?

Game #53179837.

Revealing a Silver.
Revealing a Silver.
Revealing a Hoard.

Is there anyone who can interpret this nightmare?

Rules Questions / Multiple reaction
« on: July 16, 2020, 11:40:51 pm »
I bought and gained a Mill.
Aki, my left player, has a Falconer in hand.
Sally, my right player, has a Black Cat in hand.
There are only 2 Curses left.

Who can react first?
Aki, or Sally, or I choose which my daughters to win (Aki is going to gain a Black Cat)?

ADD: I think Aki can react first, but maybe, I have to say which effect - gaining a Victory or gaining a multityped card - is to resolve first. Nobody has asked what to do with different types of reaction of the same timing, I guess.

Rules Questions / Lost in the Woods twice
« on: May 22, 2020, 07:58:40 pm »
Quoted from this post:

At the start of my turn, I received The Earth's Gift from Lost in the Woods. I gained an Estate.
My opponent Fuyu played Black Cat and Fool (Way of the Mouse).
She took Lost in the Woods.
She reshuffled the Boon's pile, and received The Earth's Gift. She gained another Estate.
I played Black Cat and Fool (Way of the Mouse).
I took Lost in the Woods.

Can I receive another Boon from Lost in the Woods?

Solo Challenges / Another infinite loop
« on: April 06, 2020, 12:12:05 pm »
Create an infinite loop with 4 Kingdom cards and a Landscape, or less.

You played 3 Captains to play Inventors with +1 Buy token as Way of the Horse on the previous turn.
Your deck is empty. You have 2 Captains and an Inventor in hand.
Play 3 Inventors to gain 3 Inventors.
Play 2 Inventors as Way of the Horse to draw all.
Play Captain to play King's Court
- play Captain to play Inventor to gain Captain
- play Captain (Way of the Horse)
- play Captain to play King's Court

Rules Questions / may look
« on: November 04, 2019, 10:21:54 pm »
Native Village has "you may look at any time" in its text, while Haven doesn't. But I can look at the set asided card(s) at any time. What is the difference? Is it a Constitution of Dominion?

Rules Questions / Tormentor
« on: October 23, 2019, 10:53:40 pm »
+1 Action token on Tormentor
I played a Tormentor.
I played another.

1. Do I gain an Imp? Or hex other players?
2. How about playing Tormentor via Overlord?

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