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Plunder is online
« on: December 18, 2022, 02:11:15 pm »

All of Dominion: Plunder is online (hey it's Monday somewhere)! Here's the other half of the set (the full rulebook is out, but I included the card FAQs in parentheses)

20 more Kingdom cards:

$2; Treasure-Duration
Set aside up to 4 cards from your hand face down (on this). The next time you gain a Victory card, trash this, and put the set aside cards into your hand at end of turn.

(The cards go to your hand after drawing your regular hand of 5 cards for next turn. For example you might set aside two Estates and two Coppers on a Cage on an early turn; then on a late turn, buy a Province, trash the Cage, and add the two Estates and two Coppers to your hand at end of turn.)

$2; Action-Duration
+1 Action
Set aside up to 4 cards from your hand face down (on this). At the start of your next turn, discard them, then draw as many.

(For example you could set aside 3 cards from your hand, and at the start of your next turn, discard those 3 cards, then draw 3 cards.)

$2; Action-Duration
The next time a Supply pile empties, trash this and gain a Loot.

(If you Throne Room a Search, Throne Room will stay out with Search until a pile empties, and then you'll trash Search once but gain two Loots (and discard Throne Room that turn).)

Cabin Boy
$4; Action-Duration
+1 Card
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, choose one: +$2; or trash this to gain a Duration card.

(You can trash a Cabin Boy to gain another Cabin Boy.)

$4; Treasure
Trash a card from your hand. +$1 per $1 it costs.

(For example if you trash an Estate, which costs $2, you get +$2. If you trash a card with debt or potion in its cost (from other expansions), you get nothing for those symbols.)

Fortune Hunter
$4; Action
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may play a Treasure from them. Put the rest back in any order.

(Completely resolve playing the Treasure before putting the other cards back on top; for example if the Treasure is a Figurine, the two cards you draw won't be the other ones you looked at with Fortune Hunter.)

$4; Treasure-Duration
Either now or at the start of your next turn, +$2.
[dividing line]
When you gain this, you may play an Action card from your hand.

(When playing Gondola, choose whether to get +$2 immediately, or at the start of your next turn. If you choose "immediately," Gondola will be discarded in the same turn’s Clean-up; if you choose "next turn," Gondola will be discarded that turn. If you play Gondola multiple times, such as with King's Cache, you choose each time whether to get the +$2 now or next turn, and Gondola only stays in play if at least one of the plays was for next turn (in which case the King's Cache also stays in play).)

Harbor Village
$4; Action
+1 Card
+2 Actions
After the next Action you play this turn, if it gave you $, +$1.

(This only cares if the Action itself gave you +$1 not if you otherwise got +$1 due to playing it (such as due to Training, from Adventures, or due to receiving Forest's Gift, from Nocturne). It's okay if you no longer have the $ (such as due to Storyteller). +Coffers (from Guilds and Renaissance) is not +$. +$0 doesn't get you the bonus. Using a Way (from Menagerie) to get +$ (e.g. Way of the Sheep) does get you the bonus. If you Throne Room a Harbor Village and then play a Militia, you played Harbor Village, then Harbor Village, then Militia, so you get nothing for the first play of Harbor Village and +$1 for the second play of it.)

$4; Action-Reaction
Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 2 into your hand and discard the rest.
[dividing line]
When any player gains a Victory card, you may play this from your hand.

(If you have fewer than four cards (after shuffling), you just look at what's left. You may play this when someone (including you) gains a Victory card due to buying it, or some other way. When you play Mapmaker in response to someone gaining a Victory card, you can immediately play another Mapmaker afterwards - even one you just got via the first Mapmaker.)

$4; Action
Trash a card from your hand. +2 Cards per type it has (Action, Attack, etc.)

(Types are the words on the bottom banner of cards - Action, Attack, and so on. For example if you trash a Cage with Maroon, you'll draw 4 cards, since it's a Treasure and a Duration, 2 types.)

$5; Action-Duration
+3 Cards
At the start of your next turn, put this onto your deck.

(Putting this onto your deck isn't optional.)

$5; Action-Duration-Attack
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. The next time anyone gains a Treasure costing $5 or more, gain a Loot.

(Loot itself is a Treasure costing $5 or more, so a player gaining one will trigger Cutthroats.)

$5; Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn: trash a card from your hand, and gain one costing up to $2 more.

(Once you've played Enlarge, trashing a card at the start of your next turn is mandatory.)

$5; Treasure
+2 Cards
You may discard an Action for +1 Buy and +$1.

(This is a Treasure, and so is played in your Buy phase, but draws cards. This means that usually if it draws you an Action card, that card won't be useful that turn, except that Figurine itself lets you discard one Action card for +1 Buy and +$1.)

$5; Action-Duration-Attack
Until the start of your next turn, each time another player plays an Action card, they discard down to 4 cards in hand afterwards.

(This applies each time another player plays an Action, until your next turn. That includes later on during your turn, if they manage to play an Action then (for example a Stowaway). They completely resolve playing the Action before discarding.)

$5; Action-Duration
+2 Actions
At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

(Playing this gives you +2 Actions then, and +2 Cards at the start of your next turn.)

$5; Action
+4 Cards
Put a card from your hand onto your deck.

(The card you put on top doesn't have to be one of the 4 you just drew.)

$5; Action-Duration
At the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game, choose one: gain a card costing up to $4, setting it aside on this; or put a card from this into your hand.

(Quartermaster stays in play for the rest of the game. Each turn you either gain a card and put it on the Quartermaster, or take one of the cards you've already gained with that Quartermaster and put it into your hand. If you play two Quartermasters, they each have their own set of cards. However if you Throne Room a Quartermaster, you just have one set of cards for it, and twice on each of your turns, either add one or take one.)

Silver Mine
$5; Treasure
Gain a Treasure costing less than this to your hand.

(This can gain Silver, but also other Treasures costing less than Silver Mine, when in the Supply: Gondola, Jewelled Egg, and so on.)

$5; Action-Attack
Each other player gains a Curse. Once this turn, when you discard a Treasure from play, you may set it aside. Put it into your hand at end of turn.

(This is cumulative; if you play two Tricksters, then you can set aside up to two Treasures you discard from play and put them into your hand at end of turn, after drawing.)

7 more Traits:

When shuffling, you may look through the cards and reveal Fated cards to put them on top or bottom.

(Each time you shuffle, you can choose to put Fated cards on the top or bottom of your deck, while shuffling the other cards normally. If for example you had five Fated cards, you could put two on top, one on the bottom, and leave the other two to be shuffled in. In games with Fated, you can look through your deck before shuffling, even if you're sure you don't have any Fated cards.)

At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may discard a Friendly card to gain a Friendly card.

(You may only discard one Friendly card per turn this way.)!

After playing an Inspiring card on your turn, you may play an Action from your hand that you don't have a copy of in play.

(When you play an Inspiring card, after resolving it, you can play an Action card from your hand, provided that you don't have a copy of that card in play. Duration cards that you played on previous turns that are still in play, are in play; cards that have left play somehow, like a Mining Village (from Intrigue) trashing itself, are not in play. An Inspiring card can sometimes play a different Inspiring card (when Inspiring is on a split pile, like those in Empires and Allies), but can't normally play another copy of itself.)

When you gain a Nearby card, +1 Buy.

(Each time you gain a Nearby card, you get +1 Buy.)

Follow the instructions of played Reckless cards twice. When discarding one from play, return it to its pile.

(Reckless does two things, at different times. When you play a Reckless card, you follow its instructions an extra time - follow them entirely, then follow them again - and when you discard one from play, you return it to its Supply pile. With Duration cards those may not happen on the same turn. If you skip following the instructions of the card - for example by using a Way (from Menagerie) instead - then you don't follow them an extra time, but still return the card when discarding it from play.)

When you gain a Rich card, gain a Silver.

(Each time you gain a Rich card, you also gain a Silver.)

When you discard a Tireless card from play, set it aside, and put it onto your deck at end of turn.

(This is mandatory. You draw your next hand before putting the card onto your deck.)

8 more Events:

Avoid ($2)
+1 Buy
The next time you shuffle this turn, pick up to 3 cards to put into your discard pile.

(If you don't end up shuffling this turn, this does nothing. If you do shuffle, you first look through the cards and pick up to 3 to put into your discard pile. Shuffle the other cards normally, but don't shuffle those 3 in. Avoid is cumulative; if you Avoid 3 times, you will pick up to 9 cards to not shuffle in. You might leave so many cards in your discard pile that you don't have enough to draw; this does not trigger another shuffle, you just draw what you can.)

Deliver ($2)
+1 Buy
This turn, when you gain a card, set it aside, and put it into your hand at end of turn.

(Buying this more than once doesn't do anything extra. The set aside cards go into your hand after drawing your usual 5 cards.)

Foray ($3)
Discard 3 cards, revealing them. If they have 3 different names, gain a Loot.

(If you didn't have 3 cards to discard, you don't gain a Loot.)

Launch ($3)
Once per turn: Return to your Action phase. +1 Card, +1 Action, and +1 Buy.

(This ends your Buy phase and returns you to your Action phase. This does not cause "start of turn" abilities to repeat; however when your Buy phase happens again after that, "start of Buy phase" abilities can repeat.)

Mirror ($3)
+1 Buy
The next time you gain an Action card this turn, gain a copy of it.

(This is cumulative; if you buy Mirror three times and then buy an Action, you'll gain three extra copies of it.)

Scrounge ($3)
Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or gain an Estate from the trash, and if you did, gain a card costing up to $5.

(You may either trash a card from your hand, or may gain an Estate from the trash. If you gained an Estate, you then also gain a card costing up to $5 from the Supply.)

Looting ($6)
Gain a Loot.

(You simply gain a Loot.)

Invasion ($10)
You may play an Attack from your hand. Gain a Duchy. Gain an Action onto your deck. Gain a Loot; play it.

(You do the four things in that order. Playing an Attack card is optional; the rest are mandatory.)

Phew, 35 cards is a lot. Enjoy!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 03:51:37 am by dz »

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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2022, 02:50:48 pm »

Wow, Frigate seems really mean! But I thought that about Warlord and it turned out not to be so bad, so I guess we'll see.

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2022, 03:36:49 pm »

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.

Yeah, Launch looks great! I love that it doesn't run out late-game like the other Villa-effects do. Once per turn seems like a reasonable limitation to compensate.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2022, 03:42:25 pm »

Grotto will be really useful when you start Greening, and also early in the game before you've gotten rid of your junk. So it's effectively a kind of Duration draw that depends on how much junk you have

Search could be interesting in games with Experiment, since it could activate multiple times from the same pile. But also, it's interesting that everyone with one or more in-play Searches will benefit simultaneously from the emptying!

Crucible seems very similar to Salvager, but being a Treasure, it seems like most games it'll be stronger than Salvager, even with the lack of +buy (unless there's no other +buy in the kingdom). The only other downside that I see relative to Salvager is that, being a Treasure, it cannot, in most kingdoms, be played before any cost-reduction, unlike Salvager

Crew seems like it will be extremely powerful, provided you have enough +Actions

I can't decide whether Figurine looks like it'll be strong or weak. I guess it depends a lot on the type of kingdom. In Treasureless engines, it'll be pretty useless, but with Big Money it would probably be a good card

I don't understand why a Throned Quartermaster only has one set of cards. Why doesn't it work like a Throned Archive, which keeps two sets of cards?

Reckless is an interesting one. Depending on the card that gets it, it could either be very good or very bad. Reckless King's Court would probably be overall a major nerf, but a Reckless Experiment would be absurdly powerful - a net +2 Actions +4 Cards, and no drawback since it would've gone back to its pile anyways! Scheme would allow you to bypass that return-to-Supply part, right?


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2022, 03:43:53 pm »

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.

Yeah, Launch looks great! I love that it doesn't run out late-game like the other Villa-effects do. Once per turn seems like a reasonable limitation to compensate.

It will work really nicely with Landing Party - basically spend $3 to put your Landing Party/Parties back onto your deck - potentially letting you play the same Landing Party twice in a single turn!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 06:52:35 pm by mxdata »


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2022, 03:45:10 pm »

Wow, Frigate seems really mean! But I thought that about Warlord and it turned out not to be so bad, so I guess we'll see.

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.

Yeah, Frigate seems like it'll be really brutal. And it'll be interesting with certain Reactions like Caravan Guard or Black Cat


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2022, 03:50:59 pm »

I'm surprised Quartermaster doesn't have a non-Victory clause. You could easily accumulate cheap alt-Victory cards - and with Canal or Bridge Troll (or something like a Royal Galley + Highway) you can even accumulate Duchies on it


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2022, 06:18:41 pm »

Very cool stuff overall. Kinda surprised there is no Trait that gives +Buy on play, but oh well.

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2022, 06:40:20 pm »

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.

Yeah, Launch looks great! I love that it doesn't run out late-game like the other Villa-effects do. Once per turn seems like a reasonable limitation to compensate.

It will work really nicely with Landing Party - basically spend $3 to put your Landing Party/Parties back onto your deck - potentially letting you play the same Landing Party twice in a single turn!

...I don't follow?

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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2022, 06:46:46 pm »

Cage is not even indirectly giving you money, is it?


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2022, 06:50:19 pm »

It's always nice to have more Villa variants.

Yeah, Launch looks great! I love that it doesn't run out late-game like the other Villa-effects do. Once per turn seems like a reasonable limitation to compensate.

It will work really nicely with Landing Party - basically spend $3 to put your Landing Party/Parties back onto your deck - potentially letting you play the same Landing Party twice in a single turn!

...I don't follow?
Oh, wait, yeah, I made a mistake there. You couldn't play Landing Party twice in the same turn that way, it would only allow you to topdeck a previous turn's Landing Party


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2022, 06:52:05 pm »

Cage is not even indirectly giving you money, is it?

If you set aside Treasure cards with Cage, it would give them back to you when you gain a Victory card (or rather, on the turn after you gain the Victory card). It does seem like a very niche card though, hard to see what the most effective use would be


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2022, 07:32:33 pm »

One shot Haven on steroids, the 4 cards don't come back until you start greening and they come back to hand just like Haven ready to be handled in some way. It doesn't let you line things up purposely for a future turn the way Haven does, or at least it's far less likely to be useful that way, but the other basic use of Haven is to make junk/victory/stop cards not take up space in your shuffle. Cage is even better at that and a terminal silver that'll then kindly trash itself.
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2022, 07:44:47 pm »

Cage sounds like Chapel+. For engine building, it sounds insane. Chapel, except it trashes itself also, and keeps the Estate points in your deck. You might want to get 2, but maybe not… Chapel leaves you with 1 dead card, while Cage leaves you with 3. 3 dead cards might not be worth the opportunity cost of another. Unless you happen to end up with an extra $2 and a buy of course. 
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2022, 08:01:58 pm »

Edit: woah I completely misread this card's text description here, nm but chapel is still better

It's a one shot and the cards come back at some point. That's not chapel+, that's chapel-minus-minus , though it's a terminal silver which helps replace itself.

A one-shot actual-chapel-trasher (cards not coming back) would be interesting, certainly stronger than chapel if it was also a terminal silver, but this isn't that because well it doesn't trash.

There's scenarios where you want to keep your starting estates and just not have them mug up your deck until you're ready to green, in that scenario the set aside not trashed nature can be a benefit, but it's far from typical.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 11:47:00 pm by Gherald »
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2022, 08:33:03 pm »

Wait, what do you mean terminal silver? Isn’t it a non-terminal that doesn’t give money?
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2022, 08:40:39 pm »

Cage is not even indirectly giving you money, is it?

If you set aside Treasure cards with Cage, it would give them back to you when you gain a Victory card (or rather, on the turn after you gain the Victory card). It does seem like a very niche card though, hard to see what the most effective use would be

Here's the most effective use:

Step 1: see if Chapel, Donate or Cathedral is in the kingdom
Step 2: if not, open Cage
Step 3: see what else is in the kingdom
Step 4: set all the junk aside as soon as you draw Cage
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2022, 09:10:50 pm »

I don't understand why a Throned Quartermaster only has one set of cards. Why doesn't it work like a Throned Archive, which keeps two sets of cards?

Quartermaster specifies where cards go (onto it) and where they come from (on it) with it functioning like a miniature Native Village mat.

Meanwhile Archive has each set of three set aside face down with no specified position - the putting them into hand works by directly referencing the fact that they've been set aside.

So when quartermaster's ability looks for "what cards are on me" it can find any of them, while when Archive's ability looks for "what cards were set aside with this ability" it can only find those set aside with that specific use of that ability.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2022, 01:10:26 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.
Didn't Patron break it?


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2022, 01:30:48 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.
Didn't Patron break it?

No, there's enough differences between Actions and Treasures in general that an action that provides +1 action can't be automatically compared to a treasure. Among other things, you can draw Patron dead with something like Smithy.
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2022, 01:33:15 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.

Once again, Donald gets his card ideas from looking at the variants forum. NOT from looking at fan cards, but from looking at responses to fan cards, where people say things like "hey, you shouldn't make a Silver+ that costs $4 because it's a bad idea" or "cards shouldn't cost exactly ", and then he just goes "Oh yeah?"
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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2022, 04:58:21 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.
Didn't Patron break it?

No, there's enough differences between Actions and Treasures in general that an action that provides +1 action can't be automatically compared to a treasure. Among other things, you can draw Patron dead with something like Smithy.
Actions are on average stronger than their Treasure counterpart. See the long discussion about Candlestick Maker vs. Ducat. So Patron, being better than its hypothetical Treasure counterpart, did break that design rule.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2022, 06:06:42 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.
Didn't Patron break it?

No, there's enough differences between Actions and Treasures in general that an action that provides +1 action can't be automatically compared to a treasure. Among other things, you can draw Patron dead with something like Smithy.
Actions are on average stronger than their Treasure counterpart. See the long discussion about Candlestick Maker vs. Ducat. So Patron, being better than its hypothetical Treasure counterpart, did break that design rule.

Bridge has been far stronger than Silver forever.
Bomb, Cannon, and many of the Gunpowder cards can strongly effect gameplay, particularly in a destructive way

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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2022, 06:18:36 am »

Also worth noting that with Gondola, the "enhanced Silvers shouldn't cost $4" rule is finally where it belongs: in the trash.

Once again, Donald gets his card ideas from looking at the variants forum. NOT from looking at fan cards, but from looking at responses to fan cards, where people say things like "hey, you shouldn't make a Silver+ that costs $4 because it's a bad idea" or "cards shouldn't cost exactly ", and then he just goes "Oh yeah?"
It was never ever a been a fan notion that Silver with a bonus shall not be priced at $4 but Donald’s old design rule.


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Re: Plunder is online
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2022, 10:46:19 am »

Reckless Loops are back ;D More precisely loops of two Reckless Bands of Misfits together with a Necromancer and a Lish trashing Sentinel. Probably Necromancer should become a Command card after all? Anyway, here is a vanilla version of the loop. Feel free to add adventure tokens or find a more efficient way to trash from your discard pile to have the loop produce some benefit.

Kingdom: Reckless Band of Misfits, Necromancer, Lich, Sentinel

Trash: BoM (face up)
Your Deck: Lich + BoM

You play: Necromancer
→ Necromancer plays BoM
  [cards in trash now: BoM (face down)]
  → BoM plays Sentinel
    → Sentinel trashes Lich and BoM
      → Lich discards itself and gains the face down BoM from the trash
    [cards in trash now: BoM (face up)]
    [cards in discard now: Lich + BoM]
    [draw pile is empty]
  → BoM (Reckless) plays Necromancer
    → Necromancer plays BoM and loops.
      → BoM plays Sentinel
        → Sentinel trashes Lich and BoM
          → Lich discards itself and gains the face down BoM from the trash
      → BoM (Reckless) plays Necromancer
        → Necromancer plays BoM and loops again.
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