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Author Topic: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge  (Read 1193 times)

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Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« on: December 12, 2022, 12:22:20 pm »

Season 5 Finale Challenge!

Season 5 Mechanics.
-Activation mechanic
-Piety mechanic
-Premonition mechanic
-Roster mechanic
-Singleton mechanic
-Mutineers mechanic
-Terror mechanic
-Enchantment mechanic
-National Park mechanic

For this Finale Challenge, design a Card Shaped Thing (or set of them as needed) that incorporates two custom mechanics with at least one of them coming from Season 5. Try and limit the number of custom mechanics to two and limit the number of cards submitted to 4 max. Submiting a large number of cards will be harder to judge so ensure that it is meaningful to have so many, like a 4 card pile. All official mechanics and components from Dominion are allowed.

You can access all other custom card mechanics through the Fan Card Mechanics Contest -- Index.

I will be judging based on my own preferences, but I will try to be as fair as I can. Factors I try to look at are simplicity of design, thought provoking design/mechanics, flavorful name/concept, and balance/playability.

I will give a 24 hour warning a week from yesterday and then close it the following day. If the number of submissions are very few in number, I may extend the time table out, but submitting something sooner rather than later is appreciated. Let me know if I missed anything in the description of the challenge or if you have any suggestions. Nothing more to say other than have fun! I look forward to see what you all design!


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022, 01:50:13 pm »

My submission uses Week-44's Premonition mechanic and Week-49's Enchanted mechanic.

Update: Change Inheritance to Legacy
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 03:01:21 pm by BryGuy »


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2022, 02:00:54 pm »


Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2022, 10:57:45 pm »



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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2022, 03:00:54 pm »

$4 Action
+1 Piety
Trash a card from your hand.  +1 Piety per $1 it costs.
Premonition: Succession Crisis
Succession Crisis
After each player has taken seven turns, the players with the most level 3 Pieties (including ties) each gain a Province.
Duplicate duplicates Duplicates duplicate Duplicates duplicate.

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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2022, 11:17:52 am »

My Submission:
Field Medic • $4 • Action
+1 Action
Choose one: trash a card
from your hand; or draw
until you have 5 cards in
your hand.
Captain of the Guard • $5 • Action - Activation
Gain an Action card costing
up to $4 onto your deck.

When you activate this,
reveal your hand. Discard
any non-Action cards, then
play the revealed Actions in
any order.

My submission is Field Medic and Captain of the Guard, using both the Activation mechanic from Week 42 and the Pair mechanic from Week 29. Field Medic is a simple, non-terminal card that "heals" the two main ways players are hurt by Attacks, providing trashing to undo the effects of junkers and dtx to undo the effects of hand size attacks. It can also trash your starting junk, and (from a 5 card hand) act as a cantrip if you have nothing to trash. CotG is an Activation card which gains an Action onto your deck when played, and when activated, empties your hand, playing the Action cards after discarding the rest. (Note: with CotG, the revealed cards waiting to be played don't count as being in your hand for the purpose of resolving the cards played earlier in the order).

FM is a card that CotG can gain, and play. After you activate it, you hand will empty, so you playing CotG first will be worth +5 Cards, +1 Action. Of course, if that's the only Action card you play than it does nothing more than sift your opening hand.

Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2022, 05:34:56 pm »

Smuggling Run
Event, $5 cost.
Once per game: +5 Routes. Each other player gets +5 Mutineers.
Choose early or late game use.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2022, 07:23:51 pm »

Action/Command/Roster - $1
You may play an Action or Treasure from your hand. If you did, play the card with the same cost in $ from your Roster afterwards, leaving it there.
(Premonition: Changing of the Guard)

Changing of the Guard
Every seven turns, Rosters rotate to the left, and each player gains a Collaborator.

(My understanding of the Roster mechanic: In games with a Roster type card, you have a Roster mat. Each Roster mat is unique to each player and contains a card of each cost $1-$6. For cost $1, Ways that make sense as Action cards (e.g. Sheep, Pig, Goat) are included as cards)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2022, 07:26:03 pm by NoMoreFun »


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2022, 09:57:11 am »

24 Hour Notice

Current Entries
BryBuy: Bland Bazaar/Legacy
czzzz: Tyrant
Erick648: Abbot/Succession Crisis
emtzalex: Field Medica/Captain of the Guard
Aquila: Smuggling Run
NoMoreFun: Collaborator/Changing of the Guard


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2022, 10:16:47 am »

Challenge Closed

I'll work to get this judged within a day or two.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2022, 08:52:52 pm »

Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
Ok, this is the final challenge for season 5, and I am really impressed with the great use of the custom mechanics chosen. Onto the entries!


Bland Bazaar/Legacy by BryBuy
Bland Bazaar - $4
Action Enchantment
Premonition: Legacy
+1 Buy
+$1 for each unused Buy
Enchant a Treasure card. Copies of that card also has +1 Buy,
At the beginning of each player’s seventh turn, they gain a card from the Legacy pile.
Setup: Place two Gold per player on the bottom and two Silver on top of the Legacy pile.
Starting with Legacy, the setup implies players will gain the top card off of the Legacy pile multiple times, but as currently worded it only happens once for each player on their seventh turn. Potential alternate ways for this to trigger would be on each turn starting on the seventh turn or every seventh turn. I like the idea of it triggering every turn starting on the seventh turn as it will more likely go through the Legacy pile. There are potential issue with extra turn cards, so maybe something like “at the beginning of each players 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th turn…”. There would still be an issue where taking extra turns early would be bad as you would get more silver than other players.

Bland Bazaar has a pretty simple Enchant effect that adds +1 Buy, and I like this. The on play effect is deceptively simple as well, because it is in fact bonkers. A single Workers Village turns one Bland Bazaar into +$3, and there are plenty of cheap cantrips that add buys. I like the idea of gaining virtual coin based on Buys, but at this price point it will accelerate games quickly in some Kingdoms. I like the design, but am concerned about its power level.

Tyrant by czzzz
Tyrant - $5
Action - Activation
Gain a Gold to your hand.
+5 Mutineers
When you activate this, draw until you have 5 cards in hand.
Tyrant is a really cool Gold gainer and card draw engine. The above the line effect seems pretty reasonable, as for an action you gain a Gold to hand and have to deal with a sizable number of Mutineers. However, the Activation effect of using an action to draw up to a 5 card hand kinda turns the draw back Mutineers pose into a benefit, as long as you have spare actions. By the time you have a Tyrant, you likely won’t often get a 5 card hand you would want to chuck away fully, making it so some Mutineers will likely stick around after using the Activation. However, I think this is still pretty strong at $5. The Mutineers gain can be bumped up by one or two to make them sting a bit more, but as long as there are villages in the Kingdom the Activation effect will greatly mitigate the Mutineers. Really cool design.

Abbot/Succession Crisis by Erick648
Abbot - $4
Premonition: Succession Crisis
+1 Piety
Trash a card from your hand. +1 Piety per $1 it costs.
Succession Crisis
After each player has taken seven turns, the player with the most level 3 Pieties (including ties) each gain a Province.
Starting with Succession Crisis. This Premonitions creates a race for a Province situation that is really novel. I like that it rewards a Province as the Piety gained can never trash the Province for any kind of benefit and the Province will be high value junk that anyone who did not try and race for it won’t have to deal with. I really like this Premonition and how it uses the Piety concept.

Abbot is a pretty straight forward Piety generator. Benefits most from trashing Estates or early purchased cards to fuel the Succession Crisis race. It is really nice that after you are done getting all those level 3 Pieties you can use them to turn Abbots into Gold and 3VP. Also, it would be interesting to figure out if using an early game level 2 Piety on a Silver would be worth it to trash the gained $5 cost card for all that Piety. I think it would be a net gain, but there is the chance to have an Abbot and that $5 card not collide. There is a concern that Abbot will be too centralizing, especially if there is no other trashing, but that would be the same for any Kingdom card that is the sole trasher. Great design!

Field Medica/Captain of the Guard by emtzalex
Field Medic - $4
+1 Action
Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or draw until you have 5 cards in your hand.
Captain of the Guard - $5
Action - Activation
Gain an Action card costing up to $4 onto your deck.
When you activate this, reveal your hand. Discard any non-Action cards, then play the revealed Actions in any order.
Field Medic is a great anti-attack card that does not simply moat. I am a big fan of “draw until” effects, and this being non-terminal will make it really appealing in some Kingdoms. The trashing is always nice, but bringing yourself down to a 3 card hand will feel bad, unless you have another Field Medic to draw back up to 5 cards. Really cool card.

Captain of the Guard is the second of this duo, and it can set up a Field medic for the following turn, which is great. The Activation effect is a super Necropolis that gets rid of any non-Actions in hand, which is fixed by the Field Medic you just gained and top-decked, which makes it even better. I appreciate the clarification that the Actions revealed are not in hand, but it may mechanically be necessary to say that you set aside the remaining cards in your hand before playing them. Not too sure on the minutia of that. The synergies between the two cards are very satisfying, but not overly strong. I can see Field Medic being a stand-alone card, if a bit mediocre at $4. Together they give a bunch of cool interactions with each other, and even more when you add the rest of the Kingdom.

Smuggling Run by Aquila
Smuggling Run - $5
Once per game: +5 Routes. Each other player gets +5 Mutineers.
Smuggling Run is a straight forward one-shot Event that gives everyone some tokens. The routes you gain and the Mutineers handed out will be of different value at different times in the game. Routes will obviously be of greater value earlier to better stop curse and junk gain as well as setting up big combos and turns. Mutineers are a nuisance early game, but can be a whopping -5vp for each opponent if given out right before ending the game. Late game, Mutineers can still be pretty painless to get rid of by discarding green, but there is the chance you have a hand that requires you to keep some Mutineers. I really like the choice this provides each player and how it will reward players who keep track of how close the game is to ending.

Collaborator/Changing of the Guard by NoMoreFun
Collaborator - $1
Premonition: Changing of the Guard
You may play an Action or Treasure from your hand. If you did, play the card with the same cost in $ from your Roster afterwards, leaving it there.
Changing of the Guard
Every seven turns, Rosters rotate to the left, and each player gains a Collaborator.
Collaborator is almost just a Ruined Village, though it does allow you to play a treasure, which is nice. However, what it really does is act as an Emulator for your Roster based on the cost of what you play. This is a really cool way to restrict the power of Collaborator and justify the $1 cost. It also allows you to play the $1 card from your Roster by playing a Collaborator off a Collaborator. Great design.

Changing of the Guards is an excellent Premonition that triggers every seven turns. Rotating the Roster changes up the draft quite a bit. Now you are trying to draft based off what you want early game and what you don’t want others to have later game. Because of how Collaborator works, you also have to plan around what cards you will want to buy in the game to activate cards off your Roster. This is a really cool combination of custom mechanics working together to make people think. Excellent design.

I really had trouble choosing the winner as every entry had an interesting design idea. Thanks to everyone that participated! Hope you had fun!

Abbot/Succession Crisis by Erick648
Field Medica/Captain of the Guard by emtzalex

Collaborator/Changing of the Guard by NoMoreFun


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2022, 02:24:44 pm »

Thanks for the judging, Xen3k. There were definitely some interesting mechanics this season.

I made a few additional cards:

Hidden Path • $5 • Night - Activation
Queue any number of Action cards you would discard from play this turn.

When you trigger this, play up to three Action cards from your Queue.

Hidden Path uses the Activation mechanic along with the Queue mechanic from Week 19.

Dolphin • $4 • Action - Activation - Roster
+2 Cards

When you trigger this, play a card costing up to $1 per Dolphin you have in play, from your Roster mat, leaving it there.

Dolphin uses both the Activation mechanic and the Roster mechanic. On play it's just a Moat, and you can Activate it to play a card from your Roster. The more you have in play the stronger the card is you have in play. Like Hidden Path, this plays a card when you trigger it. It's a design space I like, since it makes spending an Action on trigger it less of a burden.

I also decided to go all out, and make a design using all 9 mechanics from the Season:

Archmage • $6 • Action - Single
+5 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 3 Cards. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a Spell costing up to $2 more than it. Return this to the Supply. Take Spellbound.

Holy Light • $2* • Action - Spell
+2 Actions
+5 Pieties
Draw until you have 5 cards in hand. -1 Piety per card drawn that way. Return this to its pile.

(This is not in the Supply.)
Water Elemental • $3* • Action - Spell
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+2 Mutineers

(This is not in the Supply.)

Premonition: Feast of Hecate
Magic Cube • $4* • Enchantment - Spell
Enchant a non-Activation Action card. Your copies of it are Activation cards with "When you trigger this, replay it."

(This is not in the Supply.)
Shadow of Death • $5* • Night - Attack - Spell
Return this to its pile. Trash up to 3 cards you would discard from play this turn. If you trashed at least one, each other player gains 2 Terrors onto their deck.

(This is not in the Supply.)
Fecundity • $6* • Action - Activation - Spell
Set aside a card from your hand face down (on this).

When you trigger this, trash the set aside card. You may discard a copy of it to return this to its pile and gain a National Park.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Shape Shifter • $7* • Action - Duration - Roster - Spell
At the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game, choose one: put 3 tokens here; or remove any number of them to play a card costing up to $1 each, from your Roster mat, leaving it there.

(This is not in the Supply.)

Spellbound • State
You cannot buy the Archmage. When another player plays the Archmage or when you play a Spell, you may discard a card from your hand to put a token here and return this.
Feast of Hecate • Premonition
After each player has taken 7 turns, each player gains a Spell costing up to $2 per token on another player's Spellbound.[/i]

Archmage is a single card. It's a one-shot, non-terminal, massive sifter that also remodels a card into one of 6 non-Supply cards called Spells. Using the Archmage causes you to take a State called Spellbound, which makes it harder for players to play . There's a copy for each player, and players have to track which is theirs as it goes back and forth, since there is a Premonition that gives other players a Spell, depending on how many times their opponents have returned Spellbound. In retrospect, I should have used the starting Origin mechanic from Week 36, and had each player's copy flip over rather than be taken and returned.

Here is the count of the Spells:
Holy Light 8
Water Elemental 10
Magic Cube 10
Shadow of Death 2
Fecundity 5
Shape Shifter 5

The whole design is, obviously, ridiculous (although arguable more reasonable than my design that used every mechanic from Season 1). I think maybe Archmage should cost $5 instead, but that seems too cheap.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 02:31:20 pm by emtzalex »

Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2022, 06:59:46 pm »

Thanks for the judging, Xen3k. There were definitely some interesting mechanics this season.


I really like Dolphin. Hidden Path seems really cool, but I get the feeling there could be some combos that cycle cards from play, into queue, and back into play that could break it. Archmage is bonkers, and I love that you managed to use all those mechanics.

Cheers and happy holidays.


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Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 51: Season 5 Finale Challenge
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2022, 05:06:01 am »

Thank you Xen3k. New contest up soon
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