No new card today. I went through some of my old cards and decided to make a few changes. Tell me what you think.
Angry Mob<<<Old|New>>>
This card used to be a mess. Now it's much simpler and has some cool wording. Play one of them and discard and it's an Urchin. Play two and discard and it's a Militia. Play three of them and discard each time and you've basically Legionary'd your opponents. Not bad for a 2-cost. But you do have to play 3 of them and you do have to discard thrice, so it isn't easy to pull off every time.
ScepterChanged cost to 6. Not sure how I thought his could ever be a 5-cost.
Ivory TowerChanged wording so that it's clearer and no longer works during Clean-up.
Locksmith Old version was +1 card +1 action now, +$1 next turn, which makes it comparable to Caravan Guard (A weak card.) I buffed it to this to make it more like Caravan, but not be strictly better.