Well that was quick. I've updated most of the cards based on my playtesting experience and modern lingo. I hope I don't offend the OP, I merely hoped to give these cool cards an update and bring them back into the light.
Cabal got a buff. In practice it was really weak when it didn't hit, and it could be swingy depending on what people had in their hands. It now specifically targets Actions and Treasures, so it's essentially a better cutpurse.
Bookseller got a huge nerf. In playtesting, as many as you here thought, it was a powerhouse. As is it's still easily a double lab, and it may need a further nerf.
College now digs only for actions. Now it's more of an engine card, and on theme with Alchemy. I'd like to keep the cost of
because it's cool, and helps differentiate it from Scrying Pool and University.
Ghost town stays the same. It's a fun card! I like how it avoids the problem of Wishing Well, because it has no +Card. It's great in engines that need to look at the top card, such as Herald, and even better with Doctor as it gives the +Action needed.
Vizier stayed the same, other than a price bump to
and new art. I like the older art better, but I couldn't track it down.
Foundry was a little weak in practice, so it got a slight buff. It now does some sifting to help out some future Foundrys. It's an interesting card, and very unique. I suggest you take a look at this one.
Merchant got changed. It's now non-terminal, costs
, and draws before it plays a treasure. It also got a rename and re-art because of Asper's Investor. And I hated the old art. It may get out of hand though, playtesting will tell. Possibly it needs a cap on drawing.
Gold Rush got a rehaul. I love the concept, but the deployment was weak. It now costs 7, to prevent opening with it in most cases. Also the price drop is now a
coin drop once 4 are in the trash. I'm hoping this will be a cool mid-game change. It could turn out to be too dominating still, or too shuffle luck inherent.
cost is a possibility.
Hoarder is unchanged, though I would like to find new art.
Petitioner is weird. I like the concept, but there are so many ways to go about it, so right now it's a weaker version of eHalcyons Artificer. If you have a way you'd like this to turn out, please comment.
Metallurgist remains the same other than fixing that annoying white spot at the top, and some wording changes. I have not tested it yet, be warned.
Sculptor is renamed, and new art. It's a fine card, and pretty solid. The art got changed because 1) Greed has a card called sculptor, and in case I redo that later this will save me time. 2) Salvation on BGG has a near identical card called Scriptorium, so I made this version that essentially exists in both sets.
Munitions is the same, other than a price of
. No playtesting yet, but It's cool so I hope to later.
So what about the rest?
Manor and
Vassal were scrapped based on comments from the community and the OP. Iron Mask seemed a bit too wonky, and Co0kieL0rd brought up some valid points about it being bad.
Quintessnence didn't feel right and lots of people (me included) didn't like how it compared to favorably to Potion.
Elixir was cool but P cost reduction just didn't seem to work in practice.
I hope you enjoy!
TS template:
It's not a lot for a TS template, so I might add it too some other smaller expansions.