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Ben's cards
« on: June 20, 2015, 05:32:03 pm »

Over the past few months I've been working on making some of my own Dominion cards.  Mostly they're just random ideas, but there are a couple themes lurking that may get organized enough to turn into a fan expansion someday:

1) Cards that get treasures into play during the action phase (a la Black Market and Storyteller) and action cards that benefit from having treasures in play.
2) Cards that would best be online only (Elixir and Quintessence - since they really should only be in the game if there are other Potion cards).  I've been working on my own online Dominion interface and am planning to implement them there.

I'm sure some of these ideas have probably been done before, but I'd love to know what you guys think about them:

« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 06:23:00 pm by grsbmd »


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 07:10:56 pm »

Pretty cool cards.  Foundry's concept is neat.
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2015, 07:39:32 pm »

Vassal is problematic. First of all, it's a card that turns attacks back on the attacker. These are rarely a good idea. See Donald X's stance on the matter, or the Dominion Fan Card Creation Guide stickied at the top of the forum. Secondly, you can reveal a card any number of times in response to an attack. For Moat, Secret Chamber, etc, this doesn't really matter - you don't gain anything by repeated reveals. With Vassal, the first time an opponent tries to use an Oracle or Bureaucrat, I can discard my hand to junk them with five Coppers. Can you imagine a multiplayer game where three players all do that to the first attacker? Woo, fifteen extra coppers from playing a Spy...

I would be very sad to see a Kingdom where Elixir or Quintessence was the only Potion card.

Bookseller seems a little overly complex, but it's workable.

I like Cabal.

Ghost Town and College as Wishing Well/Sage Villages seems fine. I'm not really certain that there's all that much practical difference between $1P and just P, but sure.

Gold Rush is worded confusingly. I'd say "Every Gold Rush remaining in the Supply". +$9 +1 Buy might be a bit strong even for a one off effect, but that's what playtesting is for.

Out of curiosity, why the lower bound on Sculptor? If I want to use it to gain a Hamlet or whatever, why shouldn't it let me? EDIT: In fact, given that it's already restricted to cards in play, why bother with the upper limit either? As is, the only cards it stops you on the vast majority of boards from gaining are Peddler, Forge, and Potion cards. None of which seem overly problematic here. Prince takes itself out of play before Sculptor can copy it, and the rest are Treasures (which, admittedly, can be in play with Storyteller, Black Market or a few of the other cards from here, but getting a free Bank or Platinum off of that interaction is a bit of a corner case?)

I'd try lowering Manor's cost to 3. I mean, I'd need half the pile of them before they even give me the same points as a Tunnel, which comes with a nice bonus from the first one.

I've seen variations on Quintessence before, and while it's a perfectly viable card, I don't personally like effects that break the barrier between potion economies and regular ones. It largely trivialises the decision on whether it's worth it to commit yourself early to that route, as you can always dip into the good effects later if something like Quintessence is on the board. But like I said, that's more of a personal quibble than anything you'd need to address.

Most of the others are interesting variants on existing cards. Some playtesting might be necessary to work out the numbers, but they all seem reasonable enough.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 08:17:24 pm by GeeJo »


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2015, 07:56:44 pm »

If Elixer is in a game without any Potion cost cards, it actually doesn't work. It tells people they may gain a Potion, but Potion is not in the supply. With Quintecense, there's no rules confusion, but it's still just a $5 Silver with no extra benefit at all the majority of the time (most of the time it shows up, there won't be any potion in the game).
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2015, 08:12:19 pm »

Hoarder doesn't say what to do with the revealed cards that don't match what you were looking for.

I like Foundry and Metallurgist. Petitioner seems too strong in the boards where it is actually worth buying. I think I like Bookseller. I am not sure Munitions is really worth the complexity of a mid-turn buy (compared to woodcutter), but I could be wrong.

I think Investor should give actions, rather than cards, if you actually want it to be able to do stuff with cards that benefit from playing Treasures mid-turn.

Vassal and Manor were discarded by Donald. Vassal as a reaction that harms the attacker is a big no-no. A card just like Manor was discussed in a Secret History, and Donald said it wasn't good. I don't remember where, sorry.

Overall, nice cards!
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2015, 09:47:33 pm »

You could perhaps use a rule similar to Young Witch and specify: in games using Quintecense or Elixir, add an additional Kingdom card to the supply that has in its cost.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2015, 10:17:12 pm »

You could perhaps use a rule similar to Young Witch and specify: in games using Quintecense or Elixir, add an additional Kingdom card to the supply that has in its cost.

Yeah, that was kind of the idea.  Elixir and Quintessence were conceived as online-only cards, where it's easy to control that they're only in the kingdom if there's at least one other potion cost card.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2015, 10:36:54 pm »

Manor is pretty much the original version of Duke.  The consensus is that there's no way to get a victory card like that to work.  For any {x,y,z}, a card of the format:

Cost $x
Worth y VP for every z [Name]s in your deck.

the card is either not worth going for ever, or it is worth going for every time, making Provinces and Duchies irrelevant.

As others have mentioned, Elixir and Quintessence both don't really work without other Potion-costing cards in the game, which is most games.  Quintessence has room for more words, so maybe you could take Deadlock's suggestion for that one.  Elixir is already pretty wordy.  The bottom half is interesting, but I think the top-half is already really weak.  I think the card could cost $2 and it still probably wouldn't get bought pretty often, even if you were guaranteed to always have at least one card costing potion.

Is there a reason for the minimum cost on Sculptor?  I think you can just say "up to $6".  Having a lower bound doesn't really add anything to the card, and will probably just feel randomly frustrating when you do want to copy a $2.  In fact, there aren't that many cards you can actually play that cost more than $6, so it might not even need a price restriction at all.

Not counting the combos for playing treasures in your action phase, Munitions is like a terminal Royal Seal.  It could probably cost $2 or maybe $3.  I guess it gives a pseudo-buy compared to Royal Seal, but at the cost of not being able to buy more expensive stuff, and not being able to top-deck other cards you buy during the turn.  I think it would be fine at $2.

Vassal has a lot of problems.  First, Donald X. has talked about Copper junking before.  He tries to only do Copper junking on cards that have a way to prevent it (since the Copper pile is so big and scales weirdly with the number of players).  Mountebank lets you block it by discarding a Curse, and Noble Brigand only does it when it doesn't hit a treasure.  Then, reactions that hurt the attacker are usually considered bad design.  But if you do decide to stick with that, you'll need to reword it, I think.  As it is, you can do it as many times as you have cards in your hand.  I'm not sure if that's intended.  If it is, it seems political (actually it may be political even if you can do it only once).  Do I want to hang onto this card for myself, or hurt that particular player?

Gold Rush is pretty cool.  It's a weird enough idea that I really have no idea how it will play without testing.  Investor is probably just really weak without other ways to get treasures in play.  I would suggest making it non-terminal, drawing before playing the treasure, and then maybe bumping the price up if necessary.

Is there a reason for the "If you do" on Bookseller?  It seems like it would just feel like a random punishment for the rare case where you draw a hand full of victory/junk cards.

Iron Mask is interesting.  You might want to change the vanilla bonus to make it more different from Masquerade (maybe make it draw 3 and cost $5?).  But I have some concerns about it too.  One is that it might be political.  Do I pass him the card I want to get rid of, or the card that gives him the least useful bonus?  It might be negligible in practice though.  The other is that passing cards is not public, so you would have to somehow specify on Iron Mask when that card is revealed, and I'm not sure there's a clean way to do that.

Vizier is cool but it might compare too favorably to Haven.  Metallurgist is pretty cool too.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2015, 11:02:18 pm »

Bookseller is way too cheap; compare it to Lab. Even assuming you have nothing but good cards in your hand, the first play is effectively +3 cards +1 action, and subsequent plays will look like +2 cards +1 action. On top of that, it combos with cards like Minion and Count. My gut feeling is that if you removed the clause about discarding cards, it would be good at $6.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2015, 01:47:07 am »

I agree with everyone that Foundry is one of the best cards here - I would also add Hoarder and Sculptor look particularly interesting.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2015, 10:35:22 am »

I agree with everything scott_pilgrim said. You have some really great ideas. Foundry, Ghost Town and Hoarder are pretty cool. I also like Metallurgist and Vizier, although the latter seems too strong compared to Haven, and should probably be terminal. Petitioner might be way too strong for the cost but if you increased it, it would often be ignored, I'm afraid. Gold Rush is a great idea but I think it should cost $6 or $7 if only because if one player opens with it while the others can't, he would be ahead so much it might break the game. Lastly, Iron Mask and Manor are bad design-wise, and Vassal is utterly awful.
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2015, 05:07:19 pm »

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Quote from: GeeJo
Out of curiosity, why the lower bound on Sculptor? If I want to use it to gain a Hamlet or whatever, why shouldn't it let me? EDIT: In fact, given that it's already restricted to cards in play, why bother with the upper limit either? As is, the only cards it stops you on the vast majority of boards from gaining are Peddler, Forge, and Potion cards. None of which seem overly problematic here. Prince takes itself out of play before Sculptor can copy it, and the rest are Treasures (which, admittedly, can be in play with Storyteller, Black Market or a few of the other cards from here, but getting a free Bank or Platinum off of that interaction is a bit of a corner case?)

I think you guys are right that the lower bound doesn't make sense.  The upper bound was in place for King's Court, since I'm pretty sure things could get out of hand if you KC a Sculptor.

Quote from: pacovf
Petitioner seems too strong in the boards where it is actually worth buying.

This is a point I was debating myself about this card.  It seems like it would be very strong in a deck with very few treasures.  But by that logic, Poor House should be a powerhouse, which it obviously isn't.  Do you have any insight into why this seems like it would be so strong (and I agree with you that it does seem that way), but that Poor House isn't?  Is it just "cards > coins"?

Quote from: scott_pilgrim
Not counting the combos for playing treasures in your action phase, Munitions is like a terminal Royal Seal.  It could probably cost $2 or maybe $3.  I guess it gives a pseudo-buy compared to Royal Seal, but at the cost of not being able to buy more expensive stuff, and not being able to top-deck other cards you buy during the turn.  I think it would be fine at $2.

The idea behind this card was that it could be used in an engine to increase reliability.  If you really need one specific card to keep things going, you can trade in some of your coins to get the piece you need and be able to use it yet this turn.  Am I overvaluing how important that would be to an engine?  Or how often you'd actually use it?

Quote from: scott_pilgrim
Vassal has a lot of problems.  First, Donald X. has talked about Copper junking before.  He tries to only do Copper junking on cards that have a way to prevent it (since the Copper pile is so big and scales weirdly with the number of players).  Mountebank lets you block it by discarding a Curse, and Noble Brigand only does it when it doesn't hit a treasure.  Then, reactions that hurt the attacker are usually considered bad design.  But if you do decide to stick with that, you'll need to reword it, I think.  As it is, you can do it as many times as you have cards in your hand.  I'm not sure if that's intended.  If it is, it seems political (actually it may be political even if you can do it only once).  Do I want to hang onto this card for myself, or hurt that particular player?

Yeah, this card seems pretty broken.  It may not be worth saving.  It had a few different ideas in it that I wanted to try (but maybe I should just split them off into separate cards):
1) a card that reacts to attacks with a strong enough reaction that the attacking player would need to think about whether it's worth it to play the attack (in my experience, most of the time, there's no downside to playing attacks in Dominion)
2) a card that defends against itself
3) a reaction card that makes you sacrifice something if you want to block the attack
It's probably just better to scrap Vassal.

Quote from: scott_pilgrim
Iron Mask is interesting.  You might want to change the vanilla bonus to make it more different from Masquerade (maybe make it draw 3 and cost $5?).  But I have some concerns about it too.  One is that it might be political.  Do I pass him the card I want to get rid of, or the card that gives him the least useful bonus?  It might be negligible in practice though.  The other is that passing cards is not public, so you would have to somehow specify on Iron Mask when that card is revealed, and I'm not sure there's a clean way to do that.

Good points! Maybe it's just cause I mainly play 2-player Dominion or maybe I like politics, but I actually kind of like that choice -- like when someone plays Masquerade and you don't have any junk cards in your hand.  But maybe that's just me.

Quote from: scott_pilgrim
Vizier is cool but it might compare too favorably to Haven.

I could definitely see this needing to be $3, especially since it could end up being the only village on a board with a buy.

Quote from: Nic
Bookseller is way too cheap; compare it to Lab. Even assuming you have nothing but good cards in your hand, the first play is effectively +3 cards +1 action, and subsequent plays will look like +2 cards +1 action. On top of that, it combos with cards like Minion and Count. My gut feeling is that if you removed the clause about discarding cards, it would be good at $6.

Hmm.  Good point.  Maybe if it drew to 5 with discarding, that could also work at 6?

Quote from: Co0kieL0rd
Gold Rush is a great idea but I think it should cost $6 or $7 if only because if one player opens with it while the others can't, he would be ahead so much it might break the game. Lastly, Iron Mask and Manor are bad design-wise

Now that you mention it, Gold Rush does seem like it would be better all around at $6.  I understand now why Manor wouldn't work.  What don't you like about Iron Mask?  The same things as scott_pilgrim?
Thanks for the thoughts.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2015, 05:24:27 pm »

Quote from: Co0kieL0rd
Gold Rush is a great idea but I think it should cost $6 or $7 if only because if one player opens with it while the others can't, he would be ahead so much it might break the game. Lastly, Iron Mask and Manor are bad design-wise

Now that you mention it, Gold Rush does seem like it would be better all around at $6.  I understand now why Manor wouldn't work.  What don't you like about Iron Mask?  The same things as scott_pilgrim?
Thanks for the thoughts.

Sorry I didn't explain. It was probably late in the night. Yeah, basically everything scott_pilgrim said plus it has the same downside Masquerade has with hands that have already been hit by a discard attack. It will often be frustrating, and I'm not even talking about pins, although these would be harder to do with Iron Mask because it doesn't trash. Why not have the player to your left or right discard the top card of their deck and you get the bonus accordingly? Hmm, that's probably super bad like Tribute.
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2015, 05:42:22 pm »

I think quintessence should cost 6 or be worth 1. I'm not sure I like the idea of watering down the choice of whether to get potion, and Quintessence currently compares way too favorably with Potion.
The pearl of this set for me is Metallurgist. It's a really cool concept, even though it might need some cost/power adjustments with playtesting (the fact that you draw the revealed card is cool and cute).


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2015, 06:31:18 pm »

Quote from: Co0kieL0rd
Gold Rush is a great idea but I think it should cost $6 or $7 if only because if one player opens with it while the others can't, he would be ahead so much it might break the game. Lastly, Iron Mask and Manor are bad design-wise

Now that you mention it, Gold Rush does seem like it would be better all around at $6.  I understand now why Manor wouldn't work.  What don't you like about Iron Mask?  The same things as scott_pilgrim?
Thanks for the thoughts.

Sorry I didn't explain. It was probably late in the night. Yeah, basically everything scott_pilgrim said plus it has the same downside Masquerade has with hands that have already been hit by a discard attack. It will often be frustrating, and I'm not even talking about pins, although these would be harder to do with Iron Mask because it doesn't trash. Why not have the player to your left or right discard the top card of their deck and you get the bonus accordingly? Hmm, that's probably super bad like Tribute.

Maybe each other player draws to 5 in hand before passing and then the vanilla bonus could be increased to balance that out?


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2015, 08:50:00 am »

Bookseller : nothing mmuch to add, maybe it's fine at $5 but then you draw until you've 5 cards in hand. It's truly different from 6 cards since you get to draw 1 less card per play !

Cabal seems fine but can be frustating in early game, if your opponent has a $5 hand with a Silver and 3 coppers... but the same can more or less be said with Militia, so... let's deal with it ?

College seems fine enough if it's the only village, even as the only potion card. Otherwise you'd skip over it unlike most potion cards.

Elixir : I know it's for the concept of the "online only" and... don't find much to say.

Foundry : Terminal but you choose after drawing, it can leave to dilemnas if you drew a drawer as single action VS treasures... I really enjoy it too !

Ghost town : Yes ! I enjoy it better than Wishing Well ! Oddly enough, this can combo with Native Village ^^ however, IDK if it goes to the policy of Dominion, as villages at $2 are : Native village that can be bad as you lack control, Hamlet that forces you to discard to get the +2 and Crossroads that isn't an actual village. (I don't count Necropolis that you have 1 copy of in your deck the very most of the time). OTOH there is Poor house that can give you $4 for $1...

I don't like the concepts of cards depending on their own number of copies left in the supply left like Gold Rush, and find this card truly broken on start and not weak enough afterwards too !

Hoarder is very nice as it is, a mix between Lookout and draw that becomes suddenly great if there are cheap non-termial villages around, and is good in slogs, too !

Investor is terrible, as said, and I'd follow Scott's suggestion :
I would suggest making it non-terminal, drawing before playing the treasure, and then maybe bumping the price up if necessary.

Iron Mask would likely be a 2-player card as said. As it leaves a true dilemna to the player to your right only... a bit like Contraband (to your left) and Smugglers, too ! (it's fun because a Smuggler does contraband ^^)

Manor is bad too, and I think Victory cards that have a quadratic bonus (n cards provide you k*nē points, with k constant) are mostly bad for reasons explained by Scott.

Metallurgist is nice too... all in all RNG is inherent in Dominion !

Not counting the combos for playing treasures in your action phase, Munitions is like a terminal Royal Seal.  It could probably cost $2 or maybe $3.  I guess it gives a pseudo-buy compared to Royal Seal, but at the cost of not being able to buy more expensive stuff, and not being able to top-deck other cards you buy during the turn.  I think it would be fine at $2.
I'd personally see it as a mix between Woodcutter and Royal seal. But the only cards that gives you $2 for $1 or $2 are poor house (situational), Embargo (one-shot) and duchess (utterly bad) ; and I'd put it $3, too

Petitioner is just like Scrying Pool, but much weaker if you can't trash your deck enough, or ~as strong but much cheaper (barring the Secret Chamber + Scrying pool combos)... Menagerie is suddenly more flexible and is harder to make strong.

Quintessence : the second online-only card is... well... another way to get potion, I don't like it taking a whole slot, especially if the only Potion card around is bad (Transmute/Possession) or irrelevant (University with bad actions at $5), also I think it's not different enough from Potion.

Sculptor : to me it compares unfarovabely to the to-be-released Duplicate, which is more flexible : what if you have only Sculptor + 1 terminal card in hand ?
All in all let's say it : I have in my head the germs of ideas of an expansion that uses "action tokens" that provides you +1 action when used during your action phase... I had the idea yesterday !

Vassal : nothing to add...

Vizir : Advantages on haven : you don't spend an action on next turn. Disadvantages : can be less useful when you wish you could set aside another card. Should cost at least $3 as it can turn strong with drawers, just look as caravan that costs $4 ! Still a good card.
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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2015, 09:43:27 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. You may play a Treasure from your hand. If you do, discard any number of cards. Draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
Playing a Treasure seems like an odd cost to discarding other cards. Bookseller likely compares quite well to Storyteller since it lets you keep the coins you generate. Even if you don't discard anything, the first Bookseller is better than Stables at the same cost. It probably needs to cost more.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand discards a card costing $3 or more or reveals a hand with no such cards.
I have always liked this particular Attack, but it is so non-thematic that I am remorse to see it taking up a slot rather than another card. It's a good card though.

Types: Action
Cost: $1P
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal one costing at least $3 or at least P. Put it into your hand and discard the rest.
While it gives +2 Actions, I think this compares poorly to Sage since that Potion in its cost makes it so expensive. Make it dig for an Action and I might like it.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Buy. Cards cost 1 P less, but not less than 0 P.
When you gain this, each other player may gain a Potion.
Even taking in the assumption that this always appears with a Potion-cost card, I am not sure I like the idea of removing the Potion cost from cards. I think this would either be super good with particular Potion cost cards (free Vineyards?) or else would be completely useless.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Choose one: Put the revealed Actions into your hand; or put the revealed Treasures into your hand. Either way, discard the rest.
I don't like this card. Drawing up to 4 Treasures is effectively the same as +4 Cards to big money, meaning this card is simply a BM enabler. Yawn.

Ghost Town
Types: Action
Cost: $2
+2 Actions. Name a card. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's the named card, put it into your hand.
I like this better than Mystic and probably about as much as Wishing Well, but since both of those exist I am not wowed by this one.

Gold Rush
Types: Action
Cost: $5*
+1 Buy. Trash this. +$1 for every card in the Gold Rush pile.
This card costs $1 less for every 2 Gold Rush cards in the trash, rounded down, but not less than $0.
While I like the idea of the card, I do not like how poorly it scales. In 2-player this will likely be a must-buy. In multiplayer, its value can be drained so fast that it will requires that all players hamstring themselves on the card or else lose when only one player buys it.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 cards that cost $3 or less. Choose one: Put them into your hand; or trash one. Either way, discard the rest.
EDIT: Missed this one. It is very versatile and probably worth $4 on its own as it is either hunting to trash your Estates\Curses or pulling at least $3 worth of cards into your hand.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
You may play a Treasure from your hand. +1 Card per Treasure you have in play.
This is likely far too weak since it will only draw 1 card the first time you play it (sans Storyteller or Bookseller). While others suggest making it nonterminal, I would be a lot more excited if you increased its cost to $3 and made it draw 2 per Treasure you have in play instead.

Iron Mask
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+2 Cards. Each player passes a card from his hand to the left at once. Reveal the card you receive. If it is an... Action card: +1 Action, Treasure card: +$1, Victory card: +1 Card.
Too much a worse Masquerade. Also targets the player to your right unfairly while every one else passes with impunity.

Types: Victory
Cost: $4
Worth 1VP for every 2 Manor cards in your deck (rounded down).
Others have articulated perfectly well why Manor does not and cannot work.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it cost $5 or more, +1 Card. If it cost $4 or $3, +2 Cards. If it cost $2 or less, +3 Cards.
Cute little Laboratory variant. Probably swingier than I like since it draws more or less strictly based upon the one thing you reveal.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+$2. You may play up to 3 Treasures from your hand. You may buy a card from the Supply, putting it on top of your deck.
Interesting Woodcutter\Royal Seal variant. I think I like this one.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Reveal your hand. If there are no Treasures in it, +3 Cards. Otherwise, +1 Card.
Like others have said, I think this is too valuable in the instances that it is good and too low a value otherwise.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Choose one: $2; or P.
This is one of those cards that takes an interesting space in Dominion (Potions) and makes them a whole lot more boring by changing into whatever the player currently needs. Not a fan.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a copy of a card costing between $3 and $6 that you have in play.
Problematic in that it can only gain copies of cards if you can get one into play first (i.e., there has to be a splitter or the card has to be nonterminal). There will be a significant number of games were all Sculptor can gain is more Sculptors. Like ChocophileBenj said, this looks pretty bad in light of Duplicate.

Types: Action, Attack, Reaction
Cost: $3
Gain a card costing up to $3. Each other player gains a Copper.
When another player plays an Attack, you may reveal this and discard a card. If you do, you are unaffected by the Attack and the Attacking player gains a Copper.
Interesting Reaction, but as others have said, bothersome in that it is targeted and the Attack itself is Copper junking which is not ideal. So long as its Attack is junking, I might recommend simply allowing the defending player to play Vassal (when another players plays an Attack, you may play this. If you do you are not affected by the Attack). This would simply allow the player to hit the other players earlier and nonterminally with the Attack.

1) a card that reacts to attacks with a strong enough reaction that the attacking player would need to think about whether it's worth it to play the attack (in my experience, most of the time, there's no downside to playing attacks in Dominion)
Firstly, many Attack cards are fairly weak for what they do at their costs sans their Attack, so you pay in momentum. Secondly, there does not need to be a downside to playing Attacks, because if there is a downside, you are likely to get around it by simply not buying Attacks, which makes the game less interesting.

Types: Action, Duration
Cost: $2
+1 Card, +1 Action. You may set aside an Action from your hand. If you do, at the start of your next turn, play it.
A fairly strong Haven variant. This would probably be good at $3.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 10:19:31 pm by Fragasnap »
Dominion: Avarice 1.1a, my fan expansion with "in-games-using-this" cards and Edicts (updated Oct 18, 2021)


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2015, 10:22:13 am »

Would you mind to upload images with a higher resolution?


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2015, 06:46:29 pm »

I think you have quite a few cute cards. Foundry was rightfully mentioned by a lot of people here, and i personally also like Metallurgist and College. I don't see the appeal of Ghost Town, though. The difference between $2 and $3 is just so minimal, and the possible advantage of choosing to intentionally not drawing a card fades compared to the huge downside of wanting to draw a card and failing to. It's a much worse Village at a price that's not much different from Village.

Also i agree with pacovf, Hoarder should say what happens to the other cards, and that Vassal's attacking Reaction is a bad idea.

Also, i'm envious you found art for a Vezier. I was looking for art to fit that name for ages and finally had to settle with a Sultan :P


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2015, 08:00:15 pm »

By the way, I would change Foundry to:

Foundry: Action, 5$
Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Name a type. Put all the revealed cards with that type in your hand. Discard the rest.

because I think it would be cute. :P

pacovf has a neopets account.  It has 999 hours logged.  All his neopets are named "Jessica".  I guess that must be his ex.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2016, 05:39:55 pm »

Necro Time!

I love most of the cards in this set and I'm hoping to redo it just as I did the Mini-Set!
My magnum opus collection of dominion fan cards is available here!


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2016, 06:32:23 pm »

Well that was quick. I've updated most of the cards based on my playtesting experience and modern lingo. I hope I don't offend the OP, I merely hoped to give these cool cards an update and bring them back into the light.

Cabal got a buff. In practice it was really weak when it didn't hit, and it could be swingy depending on what people had in their hands. It now specifically targets Actions and Treasures, so it's essentially a better cutpurse.

Bookseller got a huge nerf. In playtesting, as many as you here thought, it was a powerhouse. As is it's still easily a double lab, and it may need a further nerf.

College now digs only for actions. Now it's more of an engine card, and on theme with Alchemy. I'd like to keep the cost of because it's cool, and helps differentiate it from Scrying Pool and University.

Ghost town stays the same. It's a fun card! I like how it avoids the problem of Wishing Well, because it has no +Card. It's great in engines that need to look at the top card, such as Herald, and even better with Doctor as it gives the +Action needed.

Vizier stayed the same, other than a price bump to and new art. I like the older art better, but I couldn't track it down.

Foundry was a little weak in practice, so it got a slight buff. It now does some sifting to help out some future Foundrys. It's an interesting card, and very unique. I suggest you take a look at this one.

Merchant got changed. It's now non-terminal, costs , and draws before it plays a treasure. It also got a rename and re-art because of Asper's Investor. And I hated the old art. It may get out of hand though, playtesting will tell. Possibly it needs a cap on drawing.

Gold Rush got a rehaul. I love the concept, but the deployment was weak. It now costs 7, to prevent opening with it in most cases. Also the price drop is now a coin drop once 4 are in the trash. I'm hoping this will be a cool mid-game change. It could turn out to be too dominating still, or too shuffle luck inherent. cost is a possibility.

Hoarder is unchanged, though I would like to find new art.

Petitioner is weird. I like the concept, but there are so many ways to go about it, so right now it's a weaker version of eHalcyons Artificer. If you have a way you'd like this to turn out, please comment.

Metallurgist remains the same other than fixing that annoying white spot at the top, and some wording changes. I have not tested it yet, be warned.

Sculptor is renamed, and new art. It's a fine card, and pretty solid. The art got changed because 1) Greed has a card called sculptor, and in case I redo that later this will save me time. 2) Salvation on BGG has a near identical card called Scriptorium, so I made this version that essentially exists in both sets.

Munitions is the same, other than a price of . No playtesting yet, but It's cool so I hope to later.

So what about the rest? Manor and Vassal were scrapped based on comments from the community and the OP. Iron Mask seemed a bit too wonky, and Co0kieL0rd brought up some valid points about it being bad. Quintessnence didn't feel right and lots of people (me included) didn't like how it compared to favorably to Potion. Elixir was cool but P cost reduction just didn't seem to work in practice.

I hope you enjoy!

TS template:

It's not a lot for a TS template, so I might add it too some other smaller expansions.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 08:18:12 pm by ThetaSigma12 »
My magnum opus collection of dominion fan cards is available here!


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2016, 01:22:47 pm »

Petitioner seems really overpowered, since the vast majority of Victory cards do nothing, and thus the drawback may as well be nonexistent 99% of the time...
All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
If you're having font issues with the generator, click this link and click on the button to request temporary access to the demo server that loads the font.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2016, 03:03:09 pm »

Petitioner seems really overpowered, since the vast majority of Victory cards do nothing, and thus the drawback may as well be nonexistent 99% of the time...
Well trigering shuffles.


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Re: Ben's cards
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2016, 03:14:42 pm »

Manor seems really quite weak. Most of the time it will be a weaker island or worse. In a 2p it can be 4 points max but it will almost always be 3 points or less because denying them is really easy.
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