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Dominion Articles / Re: Conspirator
« on: July 07, 2011, 03:48:04 am »
I'm not convinced about the conditions under which the Conspirator engine is strong. Take for example the following:

2 Chapel, Secret Chamber
3 Lookout, Wishing Well
4 Conspirator, Walled Village
5 Apprentice, Festival, Hunting Party, Wharf

It's got most of what you want; a Village, strong trashing (Chapel), Lookout if you want that, Wishing Well, Hunting Party, no attacks whatsoever. Would the Conspirator engine in fact be too slow here?

Dominion Articles / Re: Conspirator
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:17:36 pm »
@tko: I think the problem is that you opened Fishing Village/Fishing Village on a board that contains Masquerade. Looking at councilroom starts, the best thing to pair with Fishing Village in the opening is, in fact, Masquerade (as at time of writing). You bought your Potion on your second run-through of the deck, and your Transmute on the third... which is too slow as those Estates have already done their job.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Transmute
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:24:00 pm »
I have to say, to me his deck looks very unlike yours...

Game Reports / Re: Surprising (to me) strategy
« on: July 06, 2011, 06:11:09 am »
Play modified big money:
$6 2 Golds, then one Adventurer, then back to Golds
$5 One Trading Post, then see $4
$4 FarmV, then Salvager, then depending on deck get FarmV or MiningV or Salvager
$3 Silver

The evidence on CouncilRoom does suggest strongly that Baron/Chapel is a poor opening. However, the idea of using Baron as an alternative card to power up appeals to me. What do I mean?

The canonical Chapel deck opens Silver/Chapel, trashes Estates and Coppers while usually getting one or two extra Silvers or an enabling card, then quickly starts buying Golds and Provinces, maybe trashing Silvers towards the later part too. What Baron can offer in this case is take the place of Silver; instead of buying Silver, one uses Baron to leapfrog up to Gold directly. This should not be too hard, since after all a 5-card deck of (Chapel, Copper, Copper, Estate, Baron) allows a Gold buy. Over-trashing Coppers fine too, as Estate + Baron alone allows a Silver buy, then the next turn Estate + Baron + Silver = Gold. In other words, the Baron + Estate here take the place of 2 Silvers. If Chapel and Baron collide in Turn 3 or 4, then by the same principle as in the Silver/Chapel opening we should use Chapel to trash all cards except the Baron (unless you draw Chapel Baron and 3 Estates, in which case depending on what 5's are available I think you can consider cutting your losses and trashing everything.)

What is the advantage of this compared to Silver/Chapel? If your Baron and Chapel are split between turns 3 and 4, and you draw your Baron with 1 or 2 Estates, you immediatly get a leg up to your first Gold even before you have finished trashing. The increase in speed here I estimate to be about one turn.

What is the disadvantage of this compared to Silver/Chapel? If you do not have the opportunity to trash your Baron and/or Estate once you have started building up, then they become dead cards in your hand, so your deck is less finetuned and has higher variance. To mitigate this, your Baron could fetch you extra Estates, and on rare occasions that +Buy may come in useful if it comes down to non-Province VPs.

The above argument is non-applicable to this particular set of 10, where Goons is an important $6 buy that is almost a must-get. In this specific set of 10, I am somewhat surprised by the lack of Library buys at $5... isn't the mantra "Library counters hand-size attacks"? I would seriously consider it over Wharf, since in any close game I am expecting to be Gooned every turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you play this?
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:07:08 am »
I think this game is not representative of the comparative strength of the 2 strategies, because of turns 3 to 7. But I think I would have contemplated alternative strategies when 7P shows up on turn 5, after 2 Silvers on turns 3/4.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Province on Turn 3
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:04:16 pm »
Yes well, having opponent interactions basically means you can do anything and get a province in hand, say e.g. 3-player game
Turn 3, Player 1: Mining Village (trash), Chancellor, 4 coppers, buy a province, reshuffle, draw province
Turn 3, Player 2: Throne room, Masquerade, receive province from Player 1 on first masquerade, pass province to Player 3 on second masquerade.

Rules Questions / Re: Outpost + Possession interaction
« on: June 29, 2011, 01:36:57 am »
You have two possessions played on you, the possessor plays Outpost on his first possessed turn, and decides that you should take your outpost turn from the 1st possession before the 2nd possessed turn occurs. On your outpost turn you play another Outpost so that the possessor will only start with 3 cards instead of 5 in the 2nd possessed turn.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: The fatal buy
« on: June 26, 2011, 09:47:29 am »
Okay, this is probably far from realistic, but:
After a reshuffle one draws a hand of 4 Mining Villages and 1 Embargo; playing and trashing the 4 Mining Villages, drawing 1 Embargo each time. One then plays all 5 Embargos, embargoing the curses (say), and accidentally bought a Contraband. In the clean-up phase, no cards are in hand or in the play area, and the Contraband goes to the discard pile.
What's left in the draw deck? One Estate and 8 Ventures.
On the next hand, one has no chance of getting to $8 without activating the Contraband; opponent will now name Province. On future turns, if one picks up the Contraband in hand, one may still purchase Provinces since the Ventures will now not locate the Contraband.

Okay, I did say it was unrealistic.

Same idea as some of the others above, but substitute Remake for Upgrade.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 20, 2011, 11:23:10 am »
Okay, I think there's two separate scenarios here.

One is the case where the game is almost but not quite 100% won for the leading player; in this case I argue that the leading player should be allowed to do whatever it takes to win the game. And if that means playing out a 3-minute-long chain and further bloating the deck, or running up the perpetual-combo VP tokens, etc, then so be it.

The other case is where the game has been 100% decided. In which case, I feel that the leading player should not drag the game out but should play towards a reasonably fast conclusion of the game. Sometimes the leading player may misjudge and play towards a slower ending, e.g. after a close Duchy+Estate dance, should the leading player build up the deck again to buy that last province, or work with the trailing player to empty a 3rd pile? Whichever he picks, if the trailing player picks otherwise then a misunderstanding might arise where the trailing player feels the leading player is dragging out the game, but the leading player is actually playing towards an alternate end.

As a subset of this 100% situation, the leading player may sometimes fail to realise that e.g. a 3-pile ending is possible, and start playing towards another end which is "obviously" longer. In such situations I argue that the leading player has no right to complain if the trailing player decides to resign 1 turn before the game ends, the rationale being that the leading player IS unnecessarily prolonging the game, albeit inadvertently, instead of bringing it to a swift end. The trailing player has no way of judging whether the leading player is absent-minded or just being mean, so is somewhat justified in resigning since the leading player is somewhat "at-fault" here.

1) The border is whether the game is 100% won or not 100% won.
2) If you are being "absent-minded", but your behaviour is no different from someone who is "being a dick", you have no justification to be annoyed should your oppo resign 1 turn before the game ends. In a sense, you are the one who started behaving badly.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Duke Analysis?
« on: June 13, 2011, 01:33:30 pm »
Well I don't have much experience countering Dukes either. I'm not even sure of the best way to counter a Duke/Duchy strat, whether I should be ignoring the Duchies and try to power the Provinces away, or should I try to grab 2-3 Duchies off him? Also, does it matter if there's an e.g. Salvager in there? Salvager can help you empty the Provinces faster, but it also allows the Duke player to buy Duchy+Duke by judicious trashing...

Dominion General Discussion / Duke Analysis?
« on: June 13, 2011, 10:49:22 am »
Currently there isn't an article on Duke on the blog, and my Duke-play has been rather hit-and-miss. Are there any broad strategy tips about Duke? When should I go for a Duchy-Duke strat, and when should I ignore Duke? Do I have to plan this from the start, or is this a reactionary strategy?

Game Reports / Re: Bishop's tiebreaker points
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:03:41 am »
I'm not sure whether this makes a difference. At the start of your Turn 9, your hand was Tactician, Gold, Silver, Copper (4 cards), your discard pile is empty, and your deck has a Gold and a Silver. You played the Tactician, discarding everything; on Turn 10 you then purchased a Province and a Silver.

If you had not played the Tactician Turn 9 with such a small deck, you could have bought a Gold; your discard pile would now be 2 Golds, Silver, Copper, Tactician. You then draw a Gold and Silver, shuffle your discards and draw 3 cards to end Turn 9. The crux is, you will definitely reach 8 coin and can buy a Province Turn 10. So, by not playing the Tactician, you now have a Gold instead of a Silver, with slightly different shuffling timings.

To bring things back in line, let's say Tactician gets played again on Turn 11. Turn 12 you now have 14 coin, so can buy Gold + Province instead of Saboteur + Province (so where you drew Saboteur, you will now hypothetically draw Gold.) Turn 13 then becomes Province buy instead of Fairgrounds. After that it becomes murky, because your Saboteur milled your opponent's Gold from the top of his deck and it's not clear whether he also speeds up, instead of having to buy Gold on Turns 14 & 15.

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