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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 22, 2024, 06:40:25 am »

No, because Province costs Debt not Coins in tinkerer games.

well, yes, that's why it's possible. The fact that Provinces now cost <8> is what allows you to buy a Province on Turn 4, provided you can pay off the debt from Turn 3 by that point
Tinkerer gains cards that cost coins, not debt, so it can't gain any victory cards with its on-play ability.

ohh, yes, now I get the objection. You're correct of course.

No, because Province costs Debt not Coins in tinkerer games.

well, yes, that's why it's possible. The fact that Provinces now cost <8> is what allows you to buy a Province on Turn 4, provided you can pay off the debt from Turn 3 by that point

Can't you just get a few Tinkerers and then use them go gain all the Provinces? Which requires no other cards and wins the game more quickly than most engines?


Turn 1: buy Tinkerer
Turn 2: buy Tinkerer (you now have 1 debt)
Turn 3: buy Tinkerer (you now have ~2-4 debt)
Turn 4: buy Province (works if you drew 5+ coppers across Turns 3 and 4) (you now have 8 debt)
Turn 5+: play any Tinkerer you draw and don't pay off debt

Should get 4 Provinces in 7-9 turns

The OP conveniently did not specify who gets the VP tokens!

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: June 01, 2024, 07:03:26 pm »
Mb climate change isn't a hoax after all

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: June 01, 2024, 06:56:23 am »
Isn't it crazy that we live in a world where the planet can just decide to spontaneously pour massive amounts of water down and flood entire areas? It kinda breaks the well-maintained illusion that we've built a society that's not at the whim of nature


$2 Action - Duration

+1 Action
+1 Buy
If this is the first Marathon you have played this turn: the next time there are five Marathons in play, +1VP.

FAQ: "The next time there are five Marathons in play" may trigger immediately, and includes cases where there are more than five Marathons in play (if multiple players play a Marathon in the same turn).

This is not playable, though. The card is just too weak on play. This is either only going to be viable in massive slogs or never. Unless I'm missing something? Looks like at most 1VP/1buy/1Action on play to me.

(And of course sometimes you buy it for the +buy because sometimes you buy a ruin market if it's available)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:24:58 am »
Replaying the starcraft II campaign right now because there's a "Nightmare Mod" that WAY turns up the difficulty, and it's actually a lot of fun.

Got back to the painfully dumb choice (that I think I've complained about before) between (1) purifying a colony of zerg infestation, and (2) going all-in on a random scientist finding a cure in another few hours, and murdering the protoss who try to purify the colony on that hope. I've looked around for internet discussions on the morality of this decision, and hey there's a comment that makes sense!

Convinced by the above, but might be fixable by making it weaker so that the other player can go green in response? But yeah 3 VP per play is not beatable

Yeah I think combining VP gain with a card that accelerates the game is on the right track, so I wouldn't give up on the design.

$1-$6 might be fine

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 29, 2024, 05:40:19 am »

I didn't think that far, but that's actually an excellent point. If the VP gain is 1 or more, gaining curses with this is absolutely legit in the right deck. Especially if the board is weak and you're playing engine vs. a money-based strategy.

If you get a copper, you gain 1 VP as of the round up.

This doesn't make sense though. 0 / 2 = 0, which, rounded up, is still 0. If you gain a Poor House, then rounding would make sense.

I think you would do it if you want to hit a 5$. Opening HT/silver gives you 9$ over 10 cards, which means a 100% chance of hitting 5$ on Turn 2/3. Pretty good most of the time, and some added flexibility of actually playing HT when it's worth it.

The problem w this is that you will just buy it on turn 1/2 most of the time, even if you don't plan on playing it

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:52:28 am »
ok it's gotta be the first one. (edit: yup!)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:49:12 am »
Youtube video thumbnail:

This is surprisingly not obvious

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:46:17 am »
That feeling when you realize Amon Göth is Voldemort

by which I mean played by the same actor, but actually their personalities aren't too dissimilar, either. Ofc Schindler's List is an infinitely better movie

Thanks! :)

Imposter was my favorite entry as well; happy to see that it got the win. It's just a really unique effect on a pretty simple card.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:40:44 am »
Hot Take: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy kinda sucks. It's considered a really high quality and scholarly source; even though it's a wiki, it's considered a valid citation in formal contexts. But it's just not very well written. I'd take Wikipedia above it in most cases if it had the same status.

It's not the worst thing ever, but I'm not impressed.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 25, 2024, 06:52:01 am »
Point fully granted, but I don't think that justifies the very not great user experience

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: The Necro Wars
« on: May 24, 2024, 10:01:48 am »
So yeah Netflix is also just being stupid for not hosting more movies from creators who'd be fine having them there for free. Very freeing to just say that!

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