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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Mechanics Week 17: Idle Hands
« on: August 10, 2021, 02:13:03 am »
Horse Thief
 Gain a Horse. Each other player Gains an Idle Hands.

I feel like Idle Hands is a sort of anti-horse, because a horse saves cards for later rather than giving an extra card sometime later.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: April 10, 2021, 01:45:35 pm »
Snowy Victory
Win this game. Ignore any further games of Dominion won this year

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: March 02, 2021, 12:45:08 am »
Turn Bettering Batter
Cost: $2

You may trash this and a Silver from your hand.  If you do, gain an Action card costing $5.
Isn't that only deck bettering right now? Shouldn't it be gained to your hand?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 23, 2021, 02:49:53 pm »
With Cat-Like Tread
$4 - Action
This turn, when you buy a Victory or Attack card, tell other players to look away so they don't see you gain it.
Shouldn't that be an attack?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 21, 2021, 03:44:01 pm »
- Action
Gain a curse, if you did, trash any number or cards from your hand

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: February 17, 2021, 01:19:30 pm »
I just wanted to mention that all of the cards that use a single condition could just instead use the Journey token (other than for theme purposes). Someone pls correct if I'm wrong.
Conditions are for everyone, not just one person

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 17, 2021, 12:51:41 am »
Inconvenient water-filled Trench
Attack- Reaction
+2 cards
when another player plays an attack card, you may reveal this from your hand to have them be unaffected by it

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: February 15, 2021, 11:28:24 pm »

Swallow - $4
+2 Card
+1 Action
If it is Warm, discard a card. If it is a Treasure or Action card, gain a Swallow.
If it is Cool, discard 2 cards. If at least one is a Treasure or Action card, +$2.
Heirloom: Coconut
Coconut - $2
Treasure - Heirloom
You may flip Warm/Cool to return a Swallow you have in play to the supply for +2VP.

A cross between Fugitive and Magpie. Swallow is certainly weaker when it is Cool, but not overly so. I have the Swallows returning to the supply instead of trashing to allow the following players an opportunity to pick it up and for flavor purposes. The 2 VP gain may be too much, but I was worried 1VP would not be as appealing. Feedback is more than appreciated.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: February 15, 2021, 04:22:13 pm »
I'm struggling to see how the Conditional type is justified, unless a card ever needs to interact with them specifically. Each different card needs its own set of conditions, so the Conditional type isn't really doing one common thing, and there's no unseen rule that needs explaining.

Looter, for instance, explains not just adding the Ruins to the game, but also 10 per player, shuffled, and only the top one is visible. Players can refer to the rulebook to be reminded of all those unseen extra rules.

Artifacts, by comparison, don't need a type, nor anything with the journey token. You see them mentioned in the card's text, that prompts you to get them out the box, and that's it, no other rules.

Also, you can write which side starts face up on the relevant side of the Condition card itself.
But then there's also Fate/Doom cards to bring out Boons/Hexes, even though the cards already mention them.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Wilderness
« on: February 07, 2021, 12:03:15 pm »
Wording Changes:

Trash 2 cards from your hand. If both are were Resources, + and +2;. oOtherwise, gain 2 Resources.
For the first change, see Border Guard. For the change in punctuation, see Werewolf, Tormentor etc.

Hostile Village:
+3 Cards
+2 Actions
Trash a card you have in play that would be discarded at during Clean-up this turn.
See any card that talks about Clean-up e.g. Village Green.


When you trash a card, you may trash this from your hand for +1 per card you've trashed this turn.
See Fool's Gold

If there are any Resources left in the Supply, eEach other player discards a non-Victory card costing or more (or reveals they can't) if there are any Resources in the Supply . Those who do and if they did, they gain a Resource to their hand.
For the move of the "if", see cards like City. For the second change, see Soothsayer.

Ancient Ruins:
+1 Buy
Trash the top card of your deck for +2. Choose either +Cards, or + equal to its cost in one: +1 Card per is costs; or + per is costs.
I think it looks more like official Dominion cards.
Craft and Hostile Village: sure.
Creed: that was dumb of me.
Ravage: I wrote it how I did to try and be clear about stopping whenever the pile empties in the middle of the Attack. To me, rightly or wrongly, your version implies, 'first check there are any Resources in the Supply, then if there are, everyone discards'.
Ancient Ruins: yeah, your wording might be simpler, I chose what I did because I felt it was more elegant, with fewer $ symbols and no repetition.
(I look at such comparisons as Enchantress and Gatekeeper and see that Donald/whoever formats the cards isn't rigidly coded on how to structure the wording.)

And I confirm that what was concluded about Declare is correct. After one player finishes with it the player to the left can then use it, and if they do and play carries on like this, it's basically continuous. Just as long as this doesn't encourage mirror play too often...

Another reveal:

Insignia - Treasure Duration, $5 cost.
At the start of your next turn, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Action. Discard the rest then play the Action.
Warband - Action Attack, $5 cost.
+3 Cards
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand reveals the top card of their deck, reveals a card in their hands that shares a type (or reveals they can't), then puts the revealed cards onto their deck in any order.
Descend - Act
+2 Cards
Each other player gets +1VP.
Hire - Act Attack
Discard a Treasure. If you do, each other player with 5 or more cards in hand discards a card.

Insignia digs for an Action at the start of next turn, and it's a Treasure so it can't dig for itself.

Warband launches a random Attack on each opponent, depending on the top card of their deck.

Descend is a simple Act. Will you drop a point to play a Smithy?

Hire makes more of extra types on Acts. It's an Attack; whilst not a card in play, it is still 'playing an Attack card' for all the Moats, Lighthouses, Horse Traders, etc. Tell me that's convoluted and landscapes should never count as played cards.

I'll have to do the next reveal a while later than usual, as my computer screen has gone from funny to unusable.

Thanks again for your feedback!
there aren't any duration treasures because there are things that trash treasures in play. Most people suggest adding "if this is in play at the start of your next turn,"

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 07, 2021, 12:26:41 am »
Cost: $3P

Gain a Nightmare whenever you gain a card costing $2P or more this turn.
You may play a Treasure from your hand.
You may buy a card costing P or more.

Cost: $1P (not in the Supply)

+5 Cards
+1 Action
Return this to its pile
won't a debt card immediately give you a nightmare?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Wilderness
« on: February 04, 2021, 01:27:44 am »
I don't think that Declare needs a duration tag, as it's not technically in play, and it's also not an action card. Seeing as it's a fan mechanic, there's no definitive answer, but I think it may be sort of confusing as Durations are Actions most of the time.

Snow Shoes - $2*
Treasure - Reaction - Snow Gear
When you play Snow, you may first reveal this from your hand once per Snow played for +1 Card.
(This is not in the Supply.)
This has accountability issues, because if you have multiple, you don't know if you're just revealing the same one over and over, or if you're actually revealing different ones. I'd suggest "When you play a snow, you may set this aside for +1 card. Once an action card is resolved, return this to your hand"
I thought there was only one of these in the pile though
I must have missed that

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Actually Passable Card Ideas
« on: January 31, 2021, 12:38:11 pm »
Way Of The Beaver
+1 Buy

Appearing alongside Monkey or Sheep is the only real problem with it.

That's not really a problem, as it's not recommended to have several Ways in one game. ;)

However, Beaver's effect is identical to playing Woodcutter, which while weak for a $3 card is rather too strong for a Way. Most of the Ways which have an effect that's independent of the card on which they are used would be too weak as a $2 kingdom card. (Mouse and Worm are the only real exceptions to this rule IMO.)
And I think that's a sensible design decision, so that you don't buy a random $2 kingdom card solely to use it as the Way.

I think Way of the Horse is an obvious exception here—the existence of Ride suggests Horse is not too weak for a $2 kingdom card. (And I've definitely bought Poor Houses just so I could use them according to the Way of the Horse.)

And Worm is definitely too weak for a $2 kingdom card. Way of the Worm is to Monument roughly as Ruined Market is to Woodcutter.

Yes, you're right about Way of the Worm. I somehow thought it was nonterminal, but of course it's not and therefore too weak for $2.
Ride is an Event, not a kingdom card, and therefore can afford to be more narrow. Since Experiment gives you 2 "Horses" for $3, a single Horse as a $2 kingdom card seems rather underpowered to me. It would also be significantly worse than Encampment.

But sure, it may be a good deal for $1 if Poor House is in the Kingdom and you have spare buys.
If ride is justification for something with the text of horse to cost , then Delve could be an excuse for silvers to cost and not cost a buy

Snow Shoes - $2*
Treasure - Reaction - Snow Gear
When you play Snow, you may first reveal this from your hand once per Snow played for +1 Card.
(This is not in the Supply.)
This has accountability issues, because if you have multiple, you don't know if you're just revealing the same one over and over, or if you're actually revealing different ones. I'd suggest "When you play a snow, you may set this aside for +1 card. Once an action card is resolved, return this to your hand"

EDIT: Missed the "only one in the pile" phrase at the top

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: January 30, 2021, 08:09:18 pm »
This is the Way
Check the internet to see if anybody at the table is wanted. If they are, knock them out and turn them in. If they were the only other player, you win. If there is still players remaining, + 30 coffers

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Middle Ages (my fan expansion)
« on: January 30, 2021, 08:01:16 pm »
Congratulations for making you set.

Vegetable Patch puts Luxury pile in Kingdom but is better without them. If you simply ignore Luxury cards, you have a Lost City at $4, which is broken.

The card itself is better without them, but is your game better without them?

I think so.

- Luxury cards: Cost $5. At first play they are stop cards or don't draw. Each one gives a vanilla bonus at start of your turns:

  - A free Copper every turn, not so good.
  - Fair effect, which with Fair costs $4 and is imediately activated.
  - Barracks effect, which with Barracks cost $6 once and is imediately activated.
  - Hireling effect, which cost $6, but Hireling is stackable.

- Vegetable Path, ignoring Luxury cards: Cost $4. Gives two vanilla bonus at each play (card and action). It's Lab + Village. It's stackable. It's not difficult to play every copy you have in all your turns if you have some of them.

This would be different only if Luxury cards are the only source of +Buy on Kingdom, but even in this situation I think I problaby won't go for them.
Maybe lower the cost of luxuries, and increase the price of vegetable patch?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Middle Ages (my fan expansion)
« on: January 30, 2021, 05:40:53 pm »
What is the reason for having Opulence at the bottom of the pile?
I'd also suggest changing the wording to:
Setup: Count out a number of each differently named luxury equal to the number of players plus 1 into a face-down pile, then turn the top card face-up. Put the Opulence card face-up on the bottom of the pile.


Wintery Woods • $5 • Action - Attack - Duration
At the start of your next turn, +3 Cards.
Until then, when another player plays an Action card that gives them +2 Actions, they gain a Snow.

A haunted woods that attacks village use (but only of the common +2 Actions variety)
I tried a couple wordings that'd make it hit like, Snowy or Bustling village and they were a mess, so just when it gives an explicit "+2 Actions".
if they already have a snowy village in play, would a normal village count as a card giving +2 actions?

Wintery Woods • $5 • Action - Attack - Duration
At the start of your next turn, +3 Cards.
Until then, when another player plays an Action card that gives them +2 Actions, they gain a Snow.

A haunted woods that attacks village use (but only of the common +2 Actions variety)
I tried a couple wordings that'd make it hit like, Snowy or Bustling village and they were a mess, so just when it gives an explicit "+2 Actions".
Just was wondering, if I play a Snowy Village (which I think I don't get snow with), then I play a Village, do I get Snow from playing the Village? I don't think I do, but I was just wondering.

EDIT: Just answer the one that LittleFish posted. Also, I hadn't seen your post before I posted.

no, because the further +Actions are ignored (due to the first Snowy Village)

But the card still gives actions, it's just ignored


Wintery Woods • $5 • Action - Attack - Duration
At the start of your next turn, +3 Cards.
Until then, when another player plays an Action card that gives them +2 Actions, they gain a Snow.

A haunted woods that attacks village use (but only of the common +2 Actions variety)
I tried a couple wordings that'd make it hit like, Snowy or Bustling village and they were a mess, so just when it gives an explicit "+2 Actions".
if they already have a snowy village in play, would a normal village count as a card giving +2 actions?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #102: Unspent
« on: January 28, 2021, 01:24:54 pm »
Thanks a lot Fragasnap! Feels a little unreal to have won. I have a flight today that i need to take in about 2 hours, but after that i should be available. Could someone Message me with the step by steps for what your supposed to do when you win a week? In the meantime, i'll try to think of a good theme for next week.
All you need to do is post a new thread in this forum with a theme of any sort and then choose a winner and 1 or 2 runner-ups (in case the winner can't or doesn't want to run the next contest) after a week.
Just give the thread a title
Code: [Select]
Weekly Design Contest #103: Xand replace X with a snappy description of your contest theme.

Doing a write-up on all the cards is not technically required, but users appreciate it.  I recommend doing some write-ups throughout the week (and just keep them in a document somewhere) instead of trying to write them all at once.  It makes it easier to ensure you catch all of them and makes it easier to keep to the schedule.
It is expected to post a warning somewhere from 36 to 12 hours prior to your final judgment as well.

If it's all too much pressure, you can just let us know and Something_Smart, as runner up, will take the reigns.
can we make a locked (and possibly pinned)thread with the responsibilities of the winner, so it's more clear on what to do?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Discussion
« on: January 27, 2021, 06:10:44 pm »
Can someone remind me what the benefit of starting a new thread each week is supposed to be? (It is not immediately apparent.)
It's easier to find contests if you're looking back for them

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Really Bad Kingdom Ideas
« on: January 27, 2021, 12:13:00 am »
King's Court Is So Useless!
Treasure Map
Counting House
Distant Lands
King's Court
It's still possibly useful there, because of (a) Will-o-Wisp and (b) the ability to do KC chains, but it's not as good as it usually is.
The pre-2019 Pillage still works well with kings court

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Set Expansion Contest
« on: January 26, 2021, 10:21:47 pm »
Cask of Amontillado - $4
+1 Buy
When you gain this, you may Trash an Action card you have in play.

Two small things.

Utterly pedantic formatting change: you don't need to capitalize trash in the middle of a sentence.

Avoiding hard-to-track effects: consider trashing only non-Duration Action cards from play. I believe only Bonfire can directly trash Durations from play, but this can cause tracking issues as the Duration effects still occur.
Thank you! I copied the text from Bonfire (including the capitalized "T" apparently), but that is a good point about trashing Duration Actions. I also prevented it from trashing Reactions for thematic purposes. Here's the new version:

Cask of Amontillado - $4
+1 Buy
When you gain this, you may trash a non-Duration, non-Reaction Action card you have in play.
Why a non-reaction?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Game-changing Landscape cards, just for fun!
« on: January 26, 2021, 11:18:56 am »

Project - Landscape

At the start of your turn, Exile a card from your hand.
When scoring, 2VP for every differently named card you have in Exile (whether or not you buy the Project).
It would be "Landmark" not Landscape

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