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Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Card Photos
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:26:16 pm »
Plaza -- simple village variant for the theme.  The Treasure discard is necessary so as not to make it superior to Bazaar.  This may be a tricky card to use optimally.  Villages want to be in engines.  Many engines will want to trash away all the Coppers; discarding the few high quality treasures in the deck would not be worth just one coin token.  But the drawback is ameliorated if you can draw the treasure back again.

Ah, this is a good point.  In a strong enough engine, you'll be able to draw back that Silver or Gold you discarded, while keeping the coin token.

Similar to Stables in that respect. Although I'm not sure Plaza and Stables would mesh well.

Stables nets you an extra card, though, while Plaza decreases your hand size by one.  So Plaza requires a full drawing engine to support it, while Stables is itself part of that drawing engine.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you suggesting the cards do work well together? Certainly they have complimentary effects, but as they both rely on discarding the same resource (treasure cards), they have a fair amount of anti-synergy. Or was your comment in response to my suggestion that the cards are similar? Obviously they do different things (as you said, they have nearly opposite effects), but they are similar in the respect that they become much much better once you can reliably draw your deck. Your point is well taken that Stables actually contributes to that goal much more directly, whereas Plaza provides other benefits (actions, coin smoothing). I guess the point then is that Stables is a better single-card engine while Plaza is a better component for a wide variety of multi-card engines.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Card Photos
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:58:52 pm »
Plaza -- simple village variant for the theme.  The Treasure discard is necessary so as not to make it superior to Bazaar.  This may be a tricky card to use optimally.  Villages want to be in engines.  Many engines will want to trash away all the Coppers; discarding the few high quality treasures in the deck would not be worth just one coin token.  But the drawback is ameliorated if you can draw the treasure back again.

Ah, this is a good point.  In a strong enough engine, you'll be able to draw back that Silver or Gold you discarded, while keeping the coin token.

Similar to Stables in that respect. Although I'm not sure Plaza and Stables would mesh well.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #3: Journeyman
« on: June 09, 2013, 11:06:16 am »
I found the thread where I suggested this card:

My original formulation was less flexible: "+1 Card. Choose one: +2 Cards, +1 Card and +1 Action, or +2 Actions." Credit to WW for the increased flexibility, and for the word "Thrice."  :D

But I was actually interested in feedback on my powered-up Journeyman. How much stronger would the card be if it was tri-modal as I suggested above? Too strong for $5?

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #3: Journeyman
« on: June 09, 2013, 10:38:34 am »
You could make it quite a bit better but probably not too good for $6 by doing something like:
Do this three times: draw a card OR +1 action

The obvious benefit being you can keep drawing until you decide you want actions instead.

That was the idea. I believe WW suggested "Do this thrice:"

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #3: Journeyman
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:28:11 pm »
One of my predictions for Guilds (or at least a card I would like to to see printed) was a card that gave you the choice of any combination of 3 cards and actions. In other words, it could be played as any of the following: +3 actions; +1 card +2 actions; +2 cards +1 action, +3 cards. Maybe something like that will show up, maybe not.

But reading Journeyman made me wish that a similar idea had been incorporated into this card. Imagine if Journeyman gave you the following three choices:

1. Name a card, draw three non-named cards.
2. Name two cards, draw two non-named cards.
3. Name three cards, draw one non-named card.

That card would be amazing! (I think...)  It would allow you (as Journeyman already does) to significantly increase your handsize while avoiding any copies of one particularly undesired card, or (at the other extreme) to search quite effectively for that one card that you need (but not increase your handsize).

How much would you pay for a card like that?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: X-with-a-bonus!
« on: August 29, 2012, 12:37:18 pm »
Why is Grand Market not an improved version of Market? That seems like a rather obvious example of what you're discussing. I suppose you are treating the copper restriction as a drawback, since it makes GM harder to gain than Market, but in that sense every one of the cards you mentioned has a drawback of being more expensive (KC/TR arguably has an even larger differential in this respect). When played, GM has no additional drawbacks in comparison to Market, so I would say put it on the list.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Spoils Gainers
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:32:22 am »
Action-Attack ($4)
"Each other player draws from his deck until he has six cards in hand, reveals two of his choice, then discards one of your choice and returns the other to his deck. Each other player trashes one card from his hand and gains a curse or a copper, your choice."

Has anybody actually tried dominion with 6 people?  I have no idea what that would be like.  It seems like the game would be over on piles really quickly, at least if anybody was trying to build an engine.  Is BM the dominant strat with 6 people?

Well, then it's 4 piles instead of 3.

Even bad Attacks can become essential in such a big game though.

Saboteur, anyone?

Is it supposed to be a counter example, or proving the point?  If even two other players pick up Sab, you might not be able to keep up with the attack. :\

proving the point, I've played a 6 player game with was disgusting

And swindler can deplete four piles in no time in a six-player game.

It's not even that simple. On the copper front, Cache gives you some, Ill Gotten Gains can get you some, and Goons engines often result in using the extra buys to get copper.  The copper becomes Rat food.  Trader can turn the Rat you would have gotten into silver and Watchtower can trash the Rat (both giving you the kicker for trashing a Rat).

Of course, it might be simpler just to use Trader/Watchtower on those coppers, so I'm not sure Rats is really adding anything here.

I think all the comments so far have assumed - as we usually do - a two-player game. But with three or four players the rat pile could empty quite quickly, and once the rat pile is empty Rats becomes merely a non-terminal trasher. The interesting part will be the strategy about who buys a Rats first, because if only one player does then he likely won't be able to play Rats (without some other trashing card available) without the rats consuming his whole deck.

Although I guess to be more precise, I dabbled in the Ambassador game briefly before diverting into an Envoy/Inn draw Engine with Remake support. But my opponent went full-bore Ambassador cursing, which is both strong and annoying and therefore quite satisfying to survive.

Game Reports / Re: Can you beat Scout on this board?
« on: July 20, 2012, 02:45:59 am »
Scrying Pool AND Vineyard AND an Action-Victory card (Great Hall in this case) AND a trasher that likes Victory cards (Trade Route) is basically Scout's dream scenario.

Take away any single one of those four cards, and Witch romps as usual.  But with all that support, yeah, I absolutely would expect Scout-based nonsense to carry the day here.

For me the interesting question is how well the same strategy holds up without Scout. Because if Scout is a non-essential element of its own dream scenario, well...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: With my Dominion Time Machine...
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:31:51 pm »
I think I mentioned this in an earlier discussion, but the fix for Masquerade is actually pretty simple:

"Each player passes a card from his hand to the left at once. Then, If you passed a card, you may trash a card from your hand."

This still allows you to trade something for nothing, it just prevents you from doing it more than once. And while new players might be confused by the mandatory "pass a card" and the seemingly optional "If you did" language, that is easily dealt with in the FAQ. Besides, there are plenty of cards that are somewhat confusing to new players. I doubt this wording would puzzle anyone for long.

I wonder if that's too easy to misunderstand as meaning anyone may trash. Dominion cards don't use "you" generically, but casual players might not notice that rule, and misinterpret "If you passed a card, you may trash one" as meaning 'anyone who passed a card may trash one'.

That's a fair point, but as you say the erroneous interpretation goes against standard Dominion usage. The way I see it, if putting a "$0" on the curses led some people to believe you could dish out a targeted curse with an extra buy, then no wording is completely idiot-proof.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: With my Dominion Time Machine...
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:19:39 pm »
but casual players might not notice that rule, and misinterpret
There's also "What do you mean, if I passed a card?  You just told me to.  Why would I ever not?" which takes new players quite a long way off course.

I directly addressed this in my post.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: With my Dominion Time Machine...
« on: June 29, 2012, 11:47:18 am »
Masquerade originally triggered gain/trash things; I would look at that again, but honestly I would be unlikely to just reword it to address the King's Court / Masquerade / Goons combo. Masquerade has a clear simple wording and I would rather kill the card than make the wording awful, an awful that you dear reader may be mystified as to the awfulness of, I have come to terms with that. But I'm not sure I need to kill the combo and Masquerade is a pretty cool card.

I think I mentioned this in an earlier discussion, but the fix for Masquerade is actually pretty simple:

"Each player passes a card from his hand to the left at once. Then, If you passed a card, you may trash a card from your hand."

This still allows you to trade something for nothing, it just prevents you from doing it more than once. And while new players might be confused by the mandatory "pass a card" and the seemingly optional "If you did" language, that is easily dealt with in the FAQ. Besides, there are plenty of cards that are somewhat confusing to new players. I doubt this wording would puzzle anyone for long.

Game Reports / Re: I'll trade that Province for 16 bucks
« on: June 12, 2012, 07:43:30 pm »
Sorry for going slightly off-topic, but I once played a Masquerade and passed a Province rather than a Copper so I could be sure to buy the last Province and win by 1. I'll look for the log.

Game Reports / Re: Unlucky Treasure map
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:45:13 am »
Damn, beaten by RobZ.

Most players will do much better to simply ignore treasure maps, unless you are also opening warehouse.

Treasure map is occasionally an acceptable purchase mid game when you are in total deck draw mode and want a massive infusion of cash (ie - you have 8 cash and 2 buys... next turn you'll be able to shoot to 20 cash)
I should note that haven is also pretty good support. Maybe not quite the level of warehouse, but good.

And Scheme is NOT good support, although it sure tricked me the first time it showed up in a game with TM.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Sign-Up Thread
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:40:36 pm »
Me too!

By the way, to be a true reverse peddler the cost adjustment would only occur during the buy phase.

I beg to differ: the cost adjustment would occur in every phase EXCEPT for the buy phase.  ;)

Why stop there?

Discard one card
-1 action

Could be as easy as a reverse Peddler.

Reverse Peddler - $1*

+1 Card
+1 Action

*This card costs $2 more for every action played this turn (counting this).

I'm not saying this is a good or balanced card (far from it), but the idea of a card that gets more expensive can be fun.
It has fun interactions with trash for benefits. Play two of these cards and you can Remake (if Remake is the 3rd card, this card is worth $7) two more into Provinces!

Actually that card is very interesting, because it's awesome for its price the first couple times you buy it, but gets progressively harder to buy at that price (once you play a few reverse peddlers the price of an additional one gets pretty steep). This would be great in curse-heavy games.

By the way, to be a true reverse peddler the cost adjustment would only occur during the buy phase.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: May 25, 2012, 02:49:42 am »
This is a bit of a break from the theme, but

Dear my last several opponents,

I'm sincerely sorry for the fact that I quite rudely told you how little I thought of your strategies after they mopped the floor with me. I was on one heck of a losing streak, but that's no excuse for rudeness. Here's hoping that tomorrow's luck balances out today's.

Dominion Articles / Re: The Thing With... Duration Cards
« on: May 25, 2012, 02:43:31 am »
There is an interesting change in deck dynamics once you can draw your whole deck. You can then plan to play the duration cards on alternate turns and they can become very strong. An example might be two merchant ships in an alchemist deck. You only need to draw and play one of them each turn but together they still contribute +4 coins, which is excellent when you need to control your deck size.
In the same way, they can become very weak. If you (over-)draw your deck every turn, then you actually only play durations half as often as other cards. So Merchant ship is just +$2. Two of them gets you $4 every turn, but so do 2 Silvers.

But in the case of Merchant Ship, the second turn also gives you an "extra" card and action.  It's a terminal silver when it's played, but an activated Conspirator on the second turn.  Two MS being played in tandem is still superior to Silver because of that extra card slot (unless you really need that action to play a different terminal).

Another way to say the same thing: In order to get $4 from two silvers, you have to draw two cards each turn. In order to get $4 from two Merchant Ships you only need to draw one of them each turn. Of course WW's point was that once you can reliably draw your whole deck this is no longer a concern.

Action - Reaction ($4)
"Trash a card from your hand. You may gain a card with equal or lower cost."
"When a card is placed on a pile, you may reveal this card from your hand and discard it. If you…
-Trashed a card, gain it (to your Discard pile)
-Gained a card, place it on your deck
-Placed a card on your deck, place it in your hand"
Cool! Play Magician, trash a Fool's Gold, reveal  Magician, gain it, reveal Magician, put it on deck, reveal Magician, put it into hand!

Actually no. You have to discard the Magician after you reveal it.

Thematically, Ruins sounds more likely to be a victory card worth 0 VP. Ruins are structures that used to be worth something. I'm thinking this would create room for a card, like saboteur or a reverse expand, that exchanges a victory card with one worth fewer VPs. Destroy a a Duchy into an Estate and then destroy an Estate into a Ruins.

Making this a victory-type card that costs zero rather than a new type, like confusion, would create some interesting interactions with Silk Road, Trade Route, etc.

I'm feeling mighty vindicated in my fan-cards:

Type: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
“Each other player reveals cards from their deck until they reveal a Victory card, which they return to the supply. In exchange they gain a cheaper Victory card or a Curse, plus one Estate.”

Witch Doctor
Type: Action – Attack
Cost: $6
“+2 Cards. Choose one: Trash any number of Curses from your hand, gain 1VP (token) per curse   
                                 Each other player -1VP (token) and gains a Curse.”

Action - Reaction ($4)
"Trash a card from your hand. You may gain a card with equal or lower cost."
"When a card is placed on a pile, you may reveal this card from your hand and discard it. If you…
-Trashed a card, gain it (to your Discard pile)
-Gained a card, place it on your deck
-Placed a card on your deck, place it in your hand"

Just swap in "Ruin" for "Curse" in Revolutionary and and they go perfectly with what little we know about Dark Ages.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Watchtower/University
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:03:19 pm »
Excellent article, but please don't make me explain again why this is nonsense:
Since University is a village that doesn’t increase your hand-size, you can then play Watchtower to draw the card you just gained (and a few others, too), and play it.

And please explain what you mean by this:
Additionally, the extra draw from University . . . will cycle your deck faster

And I know the combo is University/Watchtower, but I think the potential with Vineyard deserves more attention:
Other Potion-cost cards make the combo more appealing, of course, by giving you something else to buy if you tire of Universities. Since you’ll be overloaded on Actions and moving through your deck rapidly, the option of grabbing Possessions or Golems or Vineyards is a huge plus.

Not only are Vineyards a nice use of your Potions after you have enough Universities, but your Universities should guarantee a massive amount of actions and thus make the Vineyards your #1 source of VPs. This is another example of how Watchtower and Library have different strengths. A Library can allow you to skip past your mountain of action cards and find the Potion quickly, allowing you to consistently buy Vineyards. The Watchtower, on the other hand, allows you to buy additional potions late in the game and place them immediately on your deck for slightly-delayed Vineyards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Magician
« on: May 18, 2012, 08:42:53 pm »
Sorry. You edited the explanation into your last post after I started writing my reply.

Anyhow, I don't think I'll ever like the 'put a card on a pile' wording. It just does too much and too much of what it does could be really unbalanced. All that in addition to the fact that it requires a long definition of what constitutes a legal pile.

I like how Watchtower and Trader are really versatile cards, but Magician just seems too versatile to me. Maybe I'm being unreasonable.

Sorry to sneak in the edit there. And I appreciate the feedback, even if it's not optimistic. Do you happen to have any ideas for making the card work? I think the idea is worth saving. What if the card simply said "when you place a card in the trash, your discard pile, or your deck"?

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