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Mafia Game Threads / M128: Dragonborn Mafia (Game Over!)
« on: June 14, 2020, 01:47:12 pm »
Welcome to M128: Dragonborn Mafia

This game is for 13 players, and is classified as normal. It uses open setup called Fire and Ice.

Comod and flavor writer: Dylan32


1. 2.71828.....
2. A Drowned Kernel
3. Galzria
4. Swowl
5. jotheonah
6. shraeye
7. WestCoastDidds
8. Robz888
9. MiX
10. scolapasta
11. mcmcsalot
12. yuma
13. mail-mi


The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple 'AA00AA' text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last 48 hours.

Forum Games / Quarantine call
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:04:23 am »
Hey guys!

Playing the quarantine mafia last time I had an idea to have a video/voice call with you guys just to talk/share news/show off our cats/dogs and maybe even play Mafia if we're brave enough! :)

Is some time like Saturday convenient to you? About 12am UTC or around?

Dominion General Discussion / Awesome flavor of Menagerie
« on: March 25, 2020, 10:22:13 pm »
Can I just say I really love naming for cards in Menagerie. And I like that some of them may be pretty subtle, but then I looked closely and oh my god, this is awesome. Not the obvious ones like Displace or Commerce, but more interesting ones. I want to share my musings.

In no particular order:

Demand: "Bring me this and quick!" So you demand something small like moat and they find a Horse to quickly get it to you and you get to keep a thing and a Horse.

Animal Fair: you either pay for entrance or you can be a participant, selling something you own to be there for free!

Destrier is worn down by all the stuff it carried for you, so it gets cheaper and cheaper.But in the end it's really just a Horse.

Fisherman costs less if there is nothing for them to catch in your discard pile.

Stampede can happen only if your play area has enough space for it

Way of the Seal is awesomely similar with Royal Seal which I was amazed at when realised

Maybe there are more i didn't get yet, but these ones are so cool

Thanks for your attention!

Other Games / Pokemon Sword and Shield
« on: November 18, 2019, 02:17:03 am »
I'll try to make this as spoilerless as possible.

So, I started playing on 15th, was playing Shield because of Galarian Ponyta.

Beat the game as of now, although I plan on getting as many pokemon as I can which is pretty fun, given all the Wild Area stuff. I also need to get into trading to complete the Pokedex, i own both copies.

Every time I get into the game I still manage to find something completely new and exciting, that's what's keeping me in.

Storywise, it's not the best game of them all. Nothing beats Black/White for me, but still this is pretty fun and I liked the characters and all the rivals. Marney's a bit bland, but well. All the postgame stuff with royal weirdos just didn't make it for me at all, I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible and also, for god's sake, why would every evil person and those two as well have as many Steel-types?! My team was prepared was literally any type except steel! Well, extra-challenge I suppose

I love the graphics a lot, cities, wild area, Routes, tunnels. Dynamaxing, Gigantamaxing, Gym battles, everything is REALLY beautiful, I don't ever regret buying this TV I bought.

Concerning Curry cooking and camping in general it's a lot of fun, if you don't rush to the end of the game. Cooking is not my piece of cake in most games, so I didn't do that a lot, but playing and bonding with pokemon was awesome. It can also work as healing and even reviving, so yeah. As this gives experience, I was afraid I would be overleveled pretty soon, but no, I was 3-4 levels lower than the champion and I even managed to lose the first time. Overall, balance is pretty awesome here.

I think I covered it all, my final team was Intelleon, Boltund, Mr. Rime, Galarian Rapidash, Thievul and Alcremie and it sure was and still is huge loads of fun!

Anyone else playing? I am not sure there is a friends system, but still would be pretty cool to run into each other sometime.

Making another thread to be able to mod it.

This is a first run of their semi-open setup for 14 players, Bread and Circuses. All information about the setup is included in the 2nd and 3rd posts.

Flavor will be [...] nonsense [...].

  • arishipshape
  • DatSwan
  • chairs
  • jotheonah
  • MiX
  • A Drowned Kernel
  • gkrieg13
  • mcmcsalot
  • Glooble
  • Galzria
  • Faust
  • Joseph2302
  • SpaceAnemone
  • EFHW

* indicates a prod

Mods: LaLight, Uncleeurope


Day 1 Start | Day 1 End


The normal Rules of Mafia apply, with the following additions and changes
  • This is the mod color. This is also the mod color.  You may not use these colors, or very small text, or any sort of stenography or encryption we deem likely to hurt the game.
  • All players will have personal QTs that they may post in at any time.
  • Questions will be answered, errors fixed, and rule-breaking punished at mod discretion.  We'll try our best to be fair and impartial and make sure everyone has fun, but some questions may not be answered and some things may not be resolved the way you want.  Complain about it via PM or QT, not in thread.
  • Mod communications of any kind may not be directly quoted in thread, although they may be paraphrased.
  • Private topic posts may only be quoted if you don't imply they came from your private topic, drafts are fine, "Hey, here are my notes from 2 days ago"is not. Same for offline note taking, etc.
  • You may Vote: No LynchIf half, rounded up, of the living players vote this way, a No Lynch is achieved and the day ends.
  • Voting must be in bold to count.  If I recognize it as a vote for someone, it counts as a vote.  Ambiguity kills.  If I don't know who you are voting for, it doesn't count.  Errors should be pointed out in thread, but if you were just being too weird for me to figure out what you meant, just revote.
  • Unvotes are not required to change your vote.
Deadlines & Prods
  • Game days will last 8 real life days.  Nights will last 2 days.  At the start of the phase I may announce that there will be a bit of extra time to line things up with my schedule.
  • All players still alive are required to check in during the night in (at least one of) their QT(s).
  • Night Actions may be submitted up until 2 hours before the next day starts.
  • If all players consent to it via QT or PM, night may be shortened and resolved as soon as I can.
  • Plurality Rules!
    When time for the day is up and no majority has been reached, the player with the most votes is lynched.  If there is a tie, the player who most recently had more votes is lynched. If there is still a tie, the player who reached their current number of votes first is lynched. If there is still a tie, the player who most recently won a board game is lynched. If your vote is 1 second after the set deadline, that vote does not count, whether I've locked the thread or not.
  • Prods will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread, unless you have declared V/LA.  A player has 24 hours to respond to the prod, after that I'll start trying to find a replacement.  If you post in thread before I do, that's fine.  After 3 prods, players are subject to replacement or modkill, at the mods' discretion.  I might send out pokes before you're eligible for a prod, these have no consequences attached and are just to get you posting again and let you know you're close to being prodded.  But I'm not promising to always do so.
  • I'm happy to send prods by email or some other means if people like, but prods will be sent by PM on site by default. Let me know by PM if you have some other preference.
  • Players who discover they are too busy to play in a game or want to leave the game for civility issues are not allowed to officially /out in the thread once the game has started.  A request to replace out must be done via a post in the role QT or PM. Please do not use this as a manipulation technique.  (Note players may continue to threaten to /out or imply that they might as long as it does not include an official request). Requests to /out are final once submitted. There will be no /outing and then /inning back into the game so make sure that when you /out you have thought it through and really want to do it. Players that can't be replaced will simply be mod-killed. Whether your request to /out will lead to replacement or a modkill is up to the mod's discretion.

Other Games / My attempt at Streaming Pokemon
« on: March 24, 2019, 06:10:47 pm »
So, uh, I was really into Pokemon for the last year. I was playing 1st and 2nd generation games, like, 5 years ago, but they didn't really strike me back then and half a year ago I stumbled upon some guys making Pokemon walkthrough videos on YouTube. I have never watched letsplays before that, but then I got hooked. Not only for watching them, but also playing. So I've been playing Pokemon a lot for the last months and at one point I thought why not make videos myself? No one really supported me but my wife and that was enough. I saved some money for the equipment and I finally had everything I needed to, so yesterday I have made my first letsplay video.

It is not ideal due to a lot of things - mostly me being not yet much experienced in all that stuff, especially making thumbnails and avatars, but this'll come. I just wanted to share it and ask if there's something to it or should I just drop it whatsoever because it's a huge pile of crap - basically any feedback will be appreciated.

Here's the video:


Mafia Game Threads / M119: Towny Mafia (Game Over!)
« on: October 03, 2018, 04:12:51 am »
Welcome to M119: Towny Mafia
Try to survive in this corrupted town...

This game will use Rusty Guillotine, a setup for 14 players, and is classified as normal. It is an open setup.


1. pingpongsam
2. 2.71828.....
3. Dylan32
4. DatSwan
5. Joseph2302
6. infangthief
7. faust
8. SpaceAnemone
9. Awaclus
10. WestCoastDidds
11. EFHW
12. mcmcsalot
13. Robz888
14. chairs


The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6.Players can not no lynch or no kill. Lynches are majority or plurality at deadline, coin toss being tie-breaker. The most recent kill submitted by any mafia member will be counted, with a random mafia member submitting a random kill if no kill is sent in (this will supersede actions taken by mafia PRs).

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple 'AA00AA' text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

N0 starts now and ends in 48 hours, at 1:30 pm September 09.

Welcome to RMM50: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Mafia

This game will use closed setup for 14 players, invented by LaLight with the help of faust, and is classified as Role Madness Game.


1. Galzria
2. SpaceAnemone
3. gkrieg13 Killed N3, Hugo Friedkin, Universe-aligned Dumb Military Unit
5. DatSwan
6. silverspawn Killed N2, Amanda Brotzman, Universe-aligned Sick Girl
7. iguanaiguana Killed N1, Lydia Spring, Universe-aligned Missing Girl
8. Hydrad
9. Morgrim7
10. chairs Killed N3, Joseph Weedle, REDACTED FBI Agent and a Traitor
11. 2.71828..... Killed N2, Todd Brotzman, Universe-aligned Holistic Assistant
12. WestCoastDidds Lynched D2, Ken Adams, Self-aligned Electrician
13. ashersky Killed N1, Martin, Rowdy3 Boss
14. Awaclus Lynched D1, Universe-Aligned Time Traveller.


The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple 'AA00AA' text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

Welcome to NM12: Your Favorite Animal Mafia

This game will use New Newbie Setup v2, a semi-open setup for 9 players first used in NM11

Mod: LaLight


1. faust
2. Simon Jester
3. silverspawn
4. alinatolm
5. hypercube
6. Uncleeurope
7. UmbrageOfSnow
8. muenstercheese
9. WestCoastDidds

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, aquamarine text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

7-day Days, 2-day Nights

Forum Games / MOVED: M117: Emotions Mafia (Full! PMs coming soon!)
« on: August 05, 2018, 06:42:11 pm »
This topic has been moved to Mafia Game Threads.

PMs are going out now.

Welcome to M117: Emotions Mafia

This game will use asher9++, a setup for 12 players, and is classified as normal. It was designed by ashersky as a semi-open setup.


1. Robz888
2. Simon Jester
3. Galzria
4. Skumpy
5. DatSwan
6. iguanaiguana
7. SpaceAnemone
9. gkrieg13
10. Twistedarcher
11. silverspawn
12. Xxraptorslayer96


The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple 'AA00AA' text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

The Best Cards (Bottom half)

LaLight provides comments for odd ranks and markus for even ranks.
#82 =0 Pirate Ship (Seaside)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Pirate Ship is the new worst card of this list due to the removal of first edition cards (Scout, Thief, and Feast if you want to feel nostalgic). And it's a clear last place with not much disagreement.
Let's just say that there are very few boards for 2-player games in which you want to get them. Getting Coppers trashed is just too useful for the opponent.
#81 =0 Bureaucrat (Base)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Bureaucrat stays on the same second-to-last position as the last year which is not a surprise: adding a stop card onto the deck, a very weak attack that mostly does nothing if your opponent has a good deck, no immediate bonus. It was voted last 7 times and once above average.
#80 =0 Navigator (Seaside)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Sometimes Navigator's effect can be nice (if reordering is useful). But often it won't do enough to be worth getting it with a terminal silver.
#79 ▼2 Noble Brigand (Hinterlands)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Noble Brigand is a new Thief. It fell 2 ranks since the previous year. The more alt treasures there exists the more useless Noble Brigand gets, given that people now hesitate to buy Silver if either Charm or Relic is on table. Noble Brigand was voted last 6 times and once above average.
#78 =0 Treasure Map (Seaside)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Treasure Map has been consistently near the bottom for some years now. Sometimes Treasure Map can be useful to add Golds to your engine, if there's no virtual coin. But then you really want to draw them in the same turn to prevent a hand that "just" buys 1 Province on the next turn.
#77 ▼13 Ritual (Empires)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Here’s to the first huge loser in the list: Ritual. As time goes people get more and more disappointed in Ritual that requires adding a Curse to your deck for 10 points maximum (if you trashed the Colony). If you have no way of trashing the Curse, it’s bad. If there are strong cursing attacks on board, it’s bad. All in all, Ritual is a niche card-shaped thing, which is rarely useful. It was voted last once, but there is also one vote putting it into top 10.
#76 ▼5 Feodum (Dark Ages)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Feodum has lost some ranks again. It's mostly only useful when there's some strong silver gainer as a strategy of its own (in particular with Masterpiece). Otherwise the typical deck doesn't have many silvers such that it's often not better than Estate.
#75 =0 Taxman (Guilds)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

The younger brother of Bureaucrat, Taxman. It stays on the same position as in the last year unlike Tax and was voted last once. Taxman is a very mediocre attack, it takes money from you on this turn, adding a stopcard for the second and it’s not guaranteed that your opponent will discard a card. Taxman can be used for attacking opponent by trashing e.g. Gold -> Gold and drawing it back, but it requires a lot for performing this “combo”.
#74 ▲2 Talisman (Prosperity)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Talisman can shine when there are cards costing up to 4 that you want many of - or if there's cost reduction. On the usual board, you want to get trashers first and get to 5, such that opening Talisman is not very helpful. Later on, you forego a 4-cost by buying Talisman first, such that it's questionable whether getting Talisman pays off.
#73 ▲6 Rocks (Empires)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Rocks is a winner in the list going up 6 places. If you get to the Rocks, they rock! Catapulting Rocks is effectively +$2, opponent discards to 3 and gains a Curse, which is quite strong for $3 card, but the problem is that it is a card people rarely see in 2-player games because no one really needs 2-3 Catapults in deck, especially when there is another trasher. Rocks was voted 6 times above average.
#72 =0 Death Cart (Dark Ages)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Death Cart is good for spiking coins, if you need that early, but often it can be ignored. It can be useful for cleaning up the deck after getting junked by Cultists.
#71 ▲2 Nomad Camp (Hinterlands)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Nomad Camp went 2 places up compared to the last year. Nomad Camp is a situational card and you are not always happy it goes onto your deck, because it is still a stop card. But it is still a good Woodcutter variant that everyone will buy here or there.
#70 ▼5 Silk Road (Hinterlands)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Silk Road has lost another 5 ranks and has been losing consistently since being in the top third in 2013. There are few boards on which you really want to rush them. Most often it's something you get while greening when you can't afford Duchy.
#69 ▼1 Trader (Hinterlands)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Trader lost one position since the last year. It is still a perfectly average card that can REALLY shine in a tie with Feodum, Cache, Treasure Trove, etc. The problem of Trader is that it still gives you Silver and you are not always happy to have it in your deck. Trader was voted above average 3 times.
#68 ▲6 Rats (Dark Ages)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Rats has gained another 6 ranks, although adding and replacing cards has moved it further down in the list. When there's some trash for benefit, they're often worth getting. Don't buy them, if they're the only trasher. Sometimes it's possible to win a game by eating the rest of your deck and piling out Rats as the third pile.
#67  Bard (Nocturne)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

And here goes the first Nocturne card in the set. Bard is 12 cards in 1 and as it is perfectly fine with almost every Boon it gives, the biggest problem of Bard is the randomness. Bard was voted 3 times above average.
#66 ▲2 Island (Seaside)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Island stays about where it was. Most of the times there's better ways to get rid of your bad cards, as Island can usually only remove one card from your deck. The VP lead you could get from having Islands is quickly overcome by someone who gets to more Provinces faster.
#65 ▼3 Gardens (Base)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Gardens fell 3 places since the last year, as I think mostly due to appearance of much more ways to alt-VP and more good quality trashing. Though Gardens still has its niche, and was voted 9 times above average.
#64 ▲2 Miser (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Miser stays about where it was. It is relatively slow and often there's a better trasher. If not, and if there's everything else for an engine it can be worth going for as "trasher" and payload. It also suffers from making it difficult to buy cards early on - therefore it plays quite nicely with Alms.
#63 ▼3 Baron (Intrigue)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Baron lost 3 positions compared to the last year. Baron is a good payload card, but it requires 1 or more Estates in your deck, and given the overall trend of more good, strong trashing, it is not always justified to leave an Estate. It is still a good opener to early spike an expensive card and was voted 4 times above average.
#62 ▲7 Messenger (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Messenger has gained quite a few ranks relative to the old cards, bringing it close to Scavenger.
It's different functions make it often worth to get at least one: the on-buy effect can be useful to distribute a card that you need more or get to play earlier, a card that only you get because there's 1 copy left, or some junk that slows down the game or that you can handle better than your opponent. Often it's a good source of +buy that you need. And the discard effect can be quite useful, if you track your deck, and you need to worry less about triggering bad shuffles.
#61 ▼15 Salt the Earth (Empires)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

One of the hugest losers of the year: Salt the Earth. As it looks quite cool to trash Victory cards from the supply and get VP for it, on practice this Event is almost never game deciding. It’s good when you have some buys and want to suddenly end the game, it comboes with Baths, but other than that it rarely shines. Salt the Earth was voted 5 times above average.
#60 ▲1 Pilgrimage (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Pilgrimage stays close to where it was and it probably could be ranked even lower. In practice, you get it mid-game, if you don't hit 5 but build your deck around cards that cost more than 4. It can shine when you can't buy cards but events and when there are other cards around using the Journey token as you can either activate Pilgrimage every turn or make sure that for example Ranger is activated on your next turn.
#59 ▼3 Horse Traders (Cornucopia)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Horse Traders have lost 3 positions since the last year and landed on 59th. HT is a good card, whose reaction rarely matters and it’s always surprising to remember that it has a reaction at all. Despite having strong interaction with some new Nocturne cards (Faithful Hound, Cursed Village) community still thinks Horse Traders is quite weak.
#58 ▼3 Scavenger (Dark Ages)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Scavenger loses a few ranks. It's mainly useful to cycle through your deck faster in the beginning and to topdeck useful cards, when you don't draw your deck. Sometimes it's useful to topdeck a specific card in the middle of your turn, but overall that doesn't warrant a higher rank for Scavenger.
#57 ▲1 Cutpurse (Seaside)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Cutpurse became 1 rank better compared to the last year and ended on 57th position. Cutpurse is still quite a good opener for hitting $5 on the second shuffle and deny the same to your opponent. Even the presence of Heirlooms haven’t hurt Cutpurse’ rating mostly because your opponent still would have at least one Copper on their hand. Cutpurse was ranked 10 times above average.
#56  Secret Passage (Intrigue)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Secret Passage is the second lowest new card this year. There are some uses to it that make you pick it up mid game, if there's nothing better going on. It's useful if you care about the position of a specific card, e.g. for Herald. It provides consistency within your turn because you can get to your villages and draws early on and stash the stop cards further down in your draw pile. And it can be useful to set up your next turn. Therefore, you're usually happy to have some in your deck, but often you feel like there's more important cards to buy.
#55 ▲9 Armory (Dark Ages)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Here’s to another big winner: Armory. Armory gets better every year, but it’s the first time it got this much of a boost. The increase in amount of very good cheap cards played its part in Armory rating. And with Tracker present people realised the power of topdecking. Armory was ranked above average 10 times.
#54  Necromancer (Nocturne)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Necromancer gets its first rating in the bottom half, but I can see it rising in the next years.
First, using Zombie Mason to trash is nice, if there are no strong and cheap trashers around. Zombie Apprentice or any other trash for benefits / trashing attacks are reasons for Action cards ending up in the trash. At that point, you can often build a reliable engine using the trashed cards and both players start getting Necromancers.
Tragic Hero is a card that goes particularly well with Necromancer as it easily trashes itself and then provides draw, +buy and can gain (at least) Gold when you play it from the trash.
#53 ▼3 Duplicate (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Duplicate has lost 3 ranks since the last year. Though it looks like Duplicate can be really powerful for unexpected 3-piling and gaining a lot of cool cards in one turn, the problem of playing them all is still a problem.  Other than that Nocturne Cards encourage different cards strategy, so this can be a reason for Duplicate to fall a little. But still Duplicate was ranked above average 15 times and has 5 ranks more in unweighted ranking.
#52  Skulk (Nocturne)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Skulk is another new card with a rating a bit worse than the median card. In my experience, it is a card that you often get for some purpose but it hardly shines - it can only be crucial if you need it as the only +buy. It can also shine when you can trash Skulk for benefits. And hexing the opponent slows them down a bit and can sometimes be quite gruesome.
#51  Poacher (Base)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Poacher is a Peddler variant brought to us in the second edition of Base game. It is a simple cards which although has its uses and requires a thorough thinking on how many and when you want and whether underpowering opponent’s Poachers is worth underpowering yours.
#50 ▼6 Ranger (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Ranger has lost quite a few ranks and I could see it a bit higher. It provides draw and + buy for your engine. Although it draws only 2.5 cards on average, this doesn't have to be a disadvantage: the important thing is to have it activated for the first play of your turns. Then, your turns can be quite consistent, whereas having to play 2 Villages and 2 Rangers before kicking off is tough.
#49 =0 Remodel (Base)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

After gaining ranks in the last three years it seems that Remodel has found its spot. Although with the addition of a couple of Gold gainers in Nocturne should get this card higher than it is, so we will see.
#48 ▼15 Monument (Prosperity)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

5 years ago, Monument was ranked in the top 10, last year it was still in the top third of cards. Adding Empires probably made it less important and contributed to the decline. I can see it rising a bit again next year when people play more with Nocturne. But then the weighted average is significantly lower than the unweighted one, so I might be wrong.
Its importantness depends on the availability of Alt-VP. In the absence of those, the points that get accumulated by having 1-2 Monuments can be crucial in the end. Sometimes the whole strategy revolves around playing many Monuments.
#47 ▼7 Bishop (Prosperity)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Bishop is again big loser of the year, losing 7 ranks. Mostly the presence of a lot more ways to get VP is a reason why Bishop keeps falling lower and lower. Still Bishop has quite a number of combos, not the least of them being Donate.
#46 ▲7 Walled Village (Promo)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Walled Village gained another 7 ranks, but it is still the worst Village on this list. Early on in the game, its effect can be nice, but most of the times it's "only" a normal Village.
#45  Conclave (Nocturne)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Another Nocturne card and anti-terminal, Conclave. Conclave is one of the cards presented in Nocturne that requires a lot of thinking about how many and when to buy. It can be an OP Village or a terminal silver depending on situation. And Conclave obviously shines the most in Black Market games. Conclave was rated first once.
#44 ▲5 Mission (Adventures)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Mission gained a few ranks and it is significantly better ranked among better players. It also has the highest standard deviation of all cards.
I think it is indeed hard to judge because it shines on some boards when you can do useful things with your deck on a Mission turn (trashing, attacking, upgrading travellers, setting up durations, buying events,...). But often it's better to just buy some other card instead.
#43 ▲11 Engineer (Empires)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

A big winner of the year, Engineer! Gaining cards up to $4 gets better and better and Engineer is the second card after Armory to prove this. Considering the ability to trash itself, Engineer is a must-have in a lot of decks.
#42  Cemetery (Nocturne)
Weighted Average:
Unweighted Average:
Standard Deviation:

Cemetery gets its first ranking as the best card of the bottom half. It's nice that it allows you to effectively trash 3 cards (and thereby to sometimes get a Ghost), but the problem early on is that you need to afford it and still have enough junk in your hand. Therefore, it goes well with workshop variants and larger hand-size. I can see it rising in the next years.

Mafia Game Threads / M109: Rick & Morty Mafia (Game over!)
« on: September 15, 2017, 04:20:45 am »
Welcome to M109: Rick & Morty Mafia

This game is for 13 players, and is classified as normal. It uses closed setup based on M89: Best Dominion Card Mafia by me.


1. Lekkit
2. 2.71828.....
3. Awaclus
4. Witherweaver
5. JaketheBaseballGod22
6. gkrieg13
7. silverspawn
8. Joseph2302
9. The_Wine_Merchant
10. CheesyJelly
11. Roadrunner7671
12. AndrewisFTTW
13. Dylan32


The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple 'AA00AA' text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

Puzzles and Challenges / Upgrade is a complicated card
« on: August 28, 2017, 10:20:11 am »
Hi guys!

6362703, decision index: 269

Could I win on that turn? I double-Provinced in the end, but I feel like I could do better.

Mafia Game Threads / M105: Time Management Mafia (Game over!)
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:25:50 am »
Welcome to M105: Time Management Mafia

This game is for 13 players, and is classified as normal. It uses semi-open WIFOM setup.


1. faust Killed N3: Responsible Friend
2. The_Wine_Merchant Killed N2: VT
3. DatSwan
4. Robz888 Lynched D1: VT
5. Roadrunner7671 Lynched D3: Moving to Another Location
6. AndrewisFTTW
7. chairs
8. Xxraptorslayer96 Lynched D4: Playing Games till 3am on Wednesday
9. JaketheBaseballGod22 Lynched D2: VT
10. Skumpy Killed N4: Precise Alarm Clock
11. gkrieg13 Killed N1: Careful planning in Notebook
12. Galzria
13. Teproc

Tags: schadd, 2.71828....., ashersky, Joseph2302, crax

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may
vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, aquamarine text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.
8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.

1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

General Discussion / Alexander Hamilton musical
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:53:12 am »
Hey guys!

Some time ago my girlfriend fell in love with the Broadway musical Alexander Hamilton. After long and stubborn denial I decided to listen to it and... I got lost! Can not listen to anything but it since then.

Trick is that they put a lot of RnB features into what would be a normal musical. Since I am not a huge RnB fan, suddenly this feels really natural and interesting. Musical tells us the story of one of the Founding Fathers of America (to be sincere, I've never heard of him before), his participation in Independence War and what came after that. I admit, I have never known much of USA history, but now I am somewhat obsessed with it, even read a really cute book "The Beginner's American History" by D.H. Montgomery (it was written in 1892, but I realised that in the end). But, well, my cultural development is not the topic to discuss.

Have you heard the musical? What do you think of it?

Mafia Game Threads / M102: Cats Mafia (N0!)
« on: June 02, 2017, 05:16:56 am »
Welcome to M102:

This game is for 13 players, and is classified as normal. It was designed by LaLight and reviewed by ashersky as a closed setup.


Sign ups are open. Rules to come.

1. Calamitas
2. Robz888
3. mcmcsalot
4. Galzria
5. gkrieg13
6. The_Wine_Merchant
7. 2.71828.....
8. J Reggie
9. Dylan32
10. AndrewisFTTW
11. faust
12. Witherweaver
13. pingpongsam

Tags: Roadrunner7671, Joseph2032, schadd, ashersky, SpaceAnemone, CheesyJelly

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable.
2. Unvotes should be in this format: unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. Lynch rules vary by the number of players alive. With 10 or more players alive, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. Ties are broken by coin flip. With nine or less players alive, if a majority lynch is not reached by the deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple text is reserved for the Mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
7. Prods will be issued by request after 24 hours of inactivity. Players are subject to replacement or modkill upon the third prod request.
8. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.

1. Days will last 7 IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

Tournaments and Events / Yet another Dualset Tournament!
« on: May 25, 2017, 05:06:01 am »
Hello, guys!

It's time to open the third Dualset Tournament of fds!

Dominion double elimination tournament where each Kingdom in a set is played using cards from two expansions. This tournament will run similarly to the previous one with a little change of rules.

Official Rules:

- Players will be admitted into the tournament, in a double elimination bracket seeded by Glicko-2 rank. 

- Alternates may sign up; they will be substituted into the tournament only during the first round of either the winner's or loser's brackets. Alternate seeding is entirely determined by the seed of the player being replaced.

- Matches will consist of three to five games until at least one player scores 2.5 wins. Special rules apply for game 5 as outlined below.

- One player chooses one set, second player chooses second one. You don’t set cards evenly, it should be fully random.

- The person who chooses the first set for each game will go first in that game. Starting player will alternate for every game (excluding game 5), with the lowest seeded player starting the first game in a match. Therefore the lowest seeded player will pick the first set in a match.

- In the event of a fifth game, the lower seeded player will choose if they wish to go first or second. The player who goes first will pick the first set for game 5. In the event of a tie in the fifth game by the official Dominion rules, the player who went second in that match will win the round.

- Spectator chat must be set so that it is NOT visible to the players of the match.

- Players will choose from the following sets for their rounds:
-- Base Set v2
-- Intrigue v2
-- Seaside
-- Alchemy
-- Prosperity (Platinum/Colony must be RANDOM)
-- Hinterlands
-- Dark Ages (Shelters must be RANDOM)
-- Adventures
-- Cornucopia
-- Guilds
-- Empires
-- Promo

Events are always stay at 0-2.

If the first set picked is Alchemy, Cornucopia, Guilds or Promo, the second one can’t be picked from this list.
No set can be used twice in a round.

- We will aim not to have formal deadlines for round completion. In order to do this, this relies on everyone being as prompt as possible with their matches. If you have not contacted your opponent within a week of the matchup being posted, you will be subbed out or eliminated. If you are asked for a status update and you do not provide one / post within 3 days, you will be subbed out or eliminated.

- When posting results, please post the sets played and who won which sets. This is both for research purposes and for the competitive use of future players in the tournament.

Mafia Game Threads / M101: Less Mafia (game over! Scum won!)
« on: May 22, 2017, 02:18:11 am »
Welcome to M101: Less Mafia by LaLight.

This game is for 8 players, and is classified as normal. It uses an Open Flipless Nightless Roleless setup. All the details are in the second post.


Sign ups are open.

1. mcmcsalot
2. Robz888
3. Awaclus
4. Twistedarcher
5. gkrieg13
6. O
7. Roadrunner7671
8. Haddock

Tags: Joseph2302, schadd, 2.71828....., J Reggie

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable.
2. Unvotes should be in this format: unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. Lynch rules vary by the number of players alive. With 10 or more players alive, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. Ties are broken by coin flip. With nine or less players alive, if a majority lynch is not reached by the deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple text is reserved for the Mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
7. Prods will be issued by request after 24 hours of inactivity. Players are subject to replacement or modkill upon the third prod request.
8. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.

1. Days will last 10 IRL days.

Mafia Game Threads / M98: Русская Mafia (Game over! Town won!)
« on: April 11, 2017, 03:45:27 am »
Welcome to M98: Русская Mafia by LaLight.

This game is for 11 players, and is classified as normal. It was designed by yuma as an open setup. This setup was played previously in M51


Sign ups are open. Rules to come.

1. Awaclus Lynched D1: VT
2. Robz888
3. The_Wine_Merchant Lynched D2: VT
4. schadd
5. Eevee Lynched D3: Roleblocking Traitor
6. gkrieg13 Killed N3: Town Detective
7. AndrewisFTTW Killed N2: VT
8. 2.71828..... Killed N3: Town Jailkeeper
9. faust Killed N4: Mafia Roleblocker
10. mcmcsalot Killed N1: Mafia Goon
11. kkrieg

Tags: Roadrunner7671, J Reggie, SpaceAnemone

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable.
2. Unvotes should be in this format: unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. Lynch rules vary by the number of players alive. With 10 or more players alive, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. Ties are broken by coin flip. With nine or less players alive, if a majority lynch is not reached by the deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, purple text is reserved for the Mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
7. Prods will be issued by request after 24 hours of inactivity. Players are subject to replacement or modkill upon the third prod request.
8. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.

1. Days will last 7 IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.

Tournaments and Events / Dualset Tournament #2
« on: April 11, 2017, 01:13:35 am »
This is the fourth tournament in Nset series! Dominion double elimination tournament where each Kingdom in a set is played using cards from two expansions. This tournament will run similarly to the previous one with a little change of rules.

Official Rules:

- Players will be admitted into the tournament, in a double elimination bracket seeded by Glicko-2 rank. 

- Alternates may sign up; they will be substituted into the tournament only during the first round of either the winner's or loser's brackets. Alternate seeding is entirely determined by the seed of the player being replaced.

- Matches will consist of three to five games until at least one player scores 2.5 wins. Special rules apply for game 5 as outlined below.

- One player chooses one set, second player chooses second one. You don’t set cards evenly, it should be fully random.

- The person who chooses the first set for each game will go first in that game. Starting player will alternate for every game (excluding game 5), with the lowest seeded player starting the first game in a match. Therefore the lowest seeded player will pick the first set in a match.

- In the event of a fifth game, the lower seeded player will choose if they wish to go first or second. The player who goes first will pick the first set for game 5. In the event of a tie in the fifth game by the official Dominion rules, the player who went second in that match will win the round.

- Spectator chat must be set so that it is NOT visible to the players of the match.

- Players will choose from the following sets for their rounds:
-- Base Set v2
-- Intrigue v2
-- Seaside
-- Alchemy
-- Prosperity (Platinum/Colony must be RANDOM)
-- Hinterlands
-- Dark Ages (Shelters must be RANDOM)
-- Adventures
-- Cornucopia
-- Guilds
-- Empires
-- Promo

Events are always stay at 0-2.

If the first set picked is Alchemy, Cornucopia, Guilds or Promo, the second one can’t be picked from this list.
No set can be used twice in a round.

- We will aim not to have formal deadlines for round completion. In order to do this, this relies on everyone being as prompt as possible with their matches. If you have not contacted your opponent within a week of the matchup being posted, you will be subbed out or eliminated. If you are asked for a status update and you do not provide one / post within 3 days, you will be subbed out or eliminated.

- When posting results, please post the sets played and who won which sets. This is both for research purposes and for the competitive use of future players in the tournament.

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