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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / certificate out of date
« on: December 23, 2019, 08:13:05 pm »
When you try to load in chrome, it now results in the following warning:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

I'm sorry, I'll try to get this fixed asap.
It is a different, although very similar, problem to the one I had 5 days ago.
(That was the ssl certificate on the servers running out, this is the ssl certificate on the website)

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Renaissance online release
« on: November 03, 2018, 07:54:43 am »
We'll release renaissance online on Monday, 15:00 UTC.

The rule-book will also go up on Monday.
It no longer depends on the physical release, although that is still expected to be Monday as well.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Previews
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:53:03 pm »
The plan is to start the Renaissance previews ~10 hours after this post.

You can already read about some new features that will come along with it in this post by Ingix.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / future plans
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:00:52 am »
Quote from: Stef
I know there has been a lack of communication here, Nocturne has been pretty overwhelming.
I still don't have much time, but a bit of reflection never hurts.

We squeezed in some features with Nocturne that will help the general client.
- duration attacks are now visible, and enchantress has the pig
- your starting cards are shown at the start of the game
- revised kingdom layout in the client

Thursdays release will have Nocturne fully implemented, but also:
- autoplay (finally)
- improved undo vs bots

After Nocturne goes live, we will continue with...
- rewriting the client. The goal here is
  - clear domain model & readable/maintainable code
  - full control over zones displayed; always find a spot for all zones with cards in them on the screen
  - full control over animations; enable users to animate all cardmoves and do something special for moves that change ownership
  - visualize the ordering of abilities
  - if all of the above succeeded, we can by default turn the log off.

- refactor the gameserver. Currently my gameserver has a problem. It's about states & asynchronous programming.
I use constructs like these:
Code: [Select]
    public void onPlay(Context context, Player player, PlayCardAbility playCardAbility, Handler<Void> handler) {
        List<Card> estates = player.getHand().getCards(c -> c.getName() == CardObjectName.ESTATE);
        context.ask(new WhatCardToDiscardOptional(getCardObjectAssociation(), storyOf(QuestionId.BARON), estates), discardMe -> {
            if (discardMe.isPresent()) {
                player.discardFromHand (context, discardMe.get(), getCardObjectAssociation(), discarded -> {
                    player.addCoins(context, 4);
            } else {
                player.gain(context, getCardObjectAssociation(), CardObjectName.ESTATE, gained -> handler.handle(null));
This works fine, but I'm not in love with using handlers this way, and it's no longer sufficient. Suppose you have played the baron, and there aren't any Estates left in the supply. Now you could decide not to discard an Estate. After you decided that, the gamestate changed, even though there wasn't a single card that moved or counter that got updated.

Also you see a difference in how I add buys and coins. Adding coins could have some side-effect which needs logging (the -1 coin token) and buys can not. I don't like that it makes that distinction; in the new situation I want to have a more general idea of moving from one state to the next, even after something as insignificant as adding a buy.

The big problem here is that I can't fully reflect on the state I'm in. This baron is only moving forward.

In the new situation, I want to add the concept of a "stage" I'm in while executing the Baron, and let every stage create some kind of Mutation I apply to the gamestate to move to the next stage. This Mutation will also have a function to undo itself, and needs to hold enough information to perform that undo.

Off course baron is one of the easiest cards here. It gets significantly trickier with cards that target other cards (throne room), could lose track of things or interact with your opponents. It will be quite an undertaking to apply these changes to all cards.

But the reward should be significant: then I can move forth and back through a game. This will allow the gameserver to support a much more powerful "delayed decisions" like we have on mining village now. But most importantly it will allow me to start working on a real AI.

I want to be able to synchronize both those gamestates and the Mutations. This should allow for a much more powerful logging system, allow you to save/load games, and most importantly: create a script that has direct instructions for the gameserver.

I want that to develop into a scripting language that allows the creation of campaigns and tutorials.

I would like to give more attention to compatibility with Android and iPad devices.

Oh and I want to hammer down the known card bugs; at least all the ones that aren't interface related.

just wanted to post it here too because it's more likely to get response here.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / card art instead of menu items?
« on: October 23, 2017, 03:12:06 pm »
Suppose in some alternate reality I would want to get rid of the menus and their titles.

Instead I want one big screen, that is either a dominion card or has sections of dominion cards in them.
They'd still need to represent the same ideas.

New Table / My Table
Card lists

Can you come up with a good suggestion for a combination of Dominion Cards?
Or is their just one where you can map out regions for these things?
Maybe some of the menus won't fit into your idea, that would be fine too. We could make icons for those.
As long as you have the majority of them fit in, with the important ones central.

I don't expect this to be actually implemented (soon at least) so any discussion is hypothetical.
But I think it would be a fun question to try to answer nonetheless.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Subscription pricing & structure
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:54:54 am »
We are selling two subscriptions, Silver and Gold.
When you buy Silver, you subscribe to Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Guilds.
Gold is Silver plus Alchemy, Dark Ages, Adventures, Empires.
You can play with the Base Set for free (2nd Edition).
If you have a subscription, you will be able to invite others to play with those cards; also when they don't have a subscription.

For every transaction you will have to pay a transaction fee of €0.35.
If you're buying from the EU, you will also have to pay VAT.
The percentage depends on the country you're buying from.

Subscriptions always start immediately, and you subscribe for at least one month.
On Jan 1st the Gold variant costs €0.10 per day, and Silver costs €0.07 per day.

We are not selling promo cards. On some future day we will use them for some promotional purpose, but we haven't found the time yet to define or program that purpose. Until that day, everyone buying any subscription can just play with them all.

If you "owned" any expansions on Making Fun, you will get a subscription to those expansions for free in 2017.

While the price for buying is very straightforward, the price for upgrading is a little more complicated.
The client will just show you the price when you're about to buy, but for the curious here is how it works under the hood:

We assigned a weight to all the expansions. We will subtract what you already had from the price.
Alchemy, Cornucopia and Guilds have a weight of 1.
Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity and Hinterlands have a weight of 2.
Dark Ages, Adventures and Empires have a weight of 3.
You are paying €0.005 per weight per day when buying Gold, €0.007 per weight per day when buying Silver.

Suppose you had all sets on Making Fun, which was everything except for Empires. But you'd also want to play with Empires in 2017.
You purchase the Gold subscription and are only paying for the difference, which is 3 * €0.005 * 365 = €5.47.
Add the transaction fee of €0.35 and possibly VAT.

Example 2
Suppose you only bought Intrigue and Dark Ages on Making Fun, but want to have some more expansions and buy Silver for 2017.
Intrigue is subtracted from the weight, so you are paying for 8 out of 10. It will cost 8 * €0.007 * 365 = €20.44.
Add the transaction fee of €0.35 and possibly VAT.
The fact that you already were subscribed to Dark Ages has no influence on this price, because it's not part of what you're buying.
In 2017, you can play with all expansions from Silver plus Dark Ages.

Example 3
You have nothing from Making fun, but buy a Silver subscription for 50 days. However, after 10 days you realize you'd much rather play with all the expansions and you decide to buy Gold subscription for 50 days.
Under the hood you are buying 50 * 20 = 1000 weight-days, but you already owned 40 * 10 = 400 of those. You are paying for the remaining 600, which will cost you 600 * €0.005 = €3.00
Add the transaction fee of €0.35 and possibly VAT.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Streaming the new client - 10 Dec 19:00 UTC
« on: December 03, 2016, 08:48:48 am »
We have asked two of our play-testers, Mic Qsenoch and Dan Brooks, to stream some games on the test environment of our new client.
This will happen one week from now, on Saturday December 10th at 19:00 UTC / 14:00 Eastern / 11:00 Pacific.

(Dan will stream his perspective, while having a Skype call with Mic)

We will also be looking for more play-testers for the last weeks of this year. We'll be looking for people that...
* can test devices that are currently still untested
* are rather inexperienced with Dominion in general, so we can get more feedback on how to make things more clear
* just anyone, to test higher load and features that require more users (matchmaking).

Edit: if you want to help playtest, please show up in twitch chat for this event. We will also be there and try to enlist people on the spot.
If you can't make it there, you can post a message in this thread afterwards.

Rules Questions / Looking for the edge-case-police: Lost Cities on gain
« on: October 22, 2016, 05:18:32 pm »
Lost City lets your opponents draw a card with its on-gain ability.
Technically speaking you have to pick the order between this one and any other on-gain abilities that might arise.
(For example, a watchtower in your hand)

Of course with the watchtower it doesn't matter at all and the choice is utterly irrelevant.
But is there any edge case where you could want to make that choice?
Or is an online client where this on-gain is always-first or always-last preferable?

Puzzles and Challenges / How high can you go
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:39:49 pm »
We're playing a weird variant of two player Dominion where all the piles are of infinite size.

The challenge in this puzzle is to set up a turn (you get full control over all shuffles and both players) in a kingdom (you get to choose it) that gains you as many cards as you can.
Let's call the number of cards you can gain X.

However, there is a restriction. In order for your solution to be valid some number Y has to exist (which is bigger than X, you can choose whatever you like) that is impossible to reach using your kingdom. So you claim "Y cannot be reached using my cards" and then someone else gets to use your kingdom, uses perfect shuffle luck and all the time in the world to set up his magic turn, and still cannot reach your number Y.

You have to use the basic victory cards and treasures, but apart from that you can use any kingdom size you like with any number of events and/or landmarks. In case you want to use piles that aren't all the same card (like ruins, or Catapult/Rocks, or knights, or...) use the regular rules to generate a pile, then use multiple copies of the entire pile.
This applies to all the piles, even the ones that usually have a unique feel like prizes or black market cards.

Puzzles and Challenges / Three Cards for all the provinces
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:51:15 am »
At the start of my turn, all my three cards are in my hand. In my buy phase I buy out the Provinces. How?

  - I start the turn with the regular 1 action, 0 coins, 1 buy, and 0 coin tokens.
  - because I own only these three cards, nothing was set aside / summoned / ?, and both my draw pile and discard pile are empty.
  - the province pile has 8 provinces at the start of my turn.
  - Procession and Fortress are banned, because they make it too easy.
  - you can use at most 2 events, possibly having bought them on previous turns.

Puzzles and Challenges / win without taking a turn
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:03:25 am »
Using perfect shuffle luck and full control of all opponents, win a game of Dominion without ever taking a turn.

Max 6 players, resigning not allowed, and just for clarity: if you use 5 or 6 players it takes four empty piles to end the game (or provinces/colonies, but those seem unlikely)

Feedback / delete your own thread
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:02:23 pm »
Is it true that I can't ?

Edit: nope, I can try, but then it says:
"You cannot delete your own topics in this board. Check to make sure this topic wasn't just moved to another board."

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Creating Dominion
« on: April 13, 2016, 08:02:51 am »
It's actually happening! Philip (SCSN) and I are building the new version of Dominion Online that will go online on the first of January 2017.

We're really excited we got the contract. It involved us building a demonstration Dominion during the first two months of this year, demonstrating it to Jay (RGG games) and Donald, and now building the actual game.

It's still early to say what exactly you can expect, except we will do our very best to make something all the Dominion fans will love.

* We intend to have different clients for different people. One will look as pretty as we can make it, one will be sober, with minimal images and mostly text. These clients will run on Windows, Mac and Linux, or any other platform that supports running Java. We will also make a client that runs in a web browser. Finally phones and tablets will probably be running a different client. If you play online you can play against any other client.

* We will be selling two different products: Dominion Online and Dominion Offline. In Dominion Offline you can buy expansions, and use them to play random boards, selfmade boards or campaigns against AI. For Dominion Online you will have to buy a monthly subscription. This does not require you to own the expansions offline. Online you can play against other players or against AI.
Exact prices are yet to be determined, but you can expect them to be around $3-$8 per expansion offline (depending on the expansion size) and $3/month online (for all expansions, $2/month for half the expansions). Existing users will be offered a choice: they either get their expansions transferred to 'Dominion Offline', or they get their expansions Online for the period of one year.

* We will never be late on releasing new expansions.

* We have some nice plans for new features. It's still very early to consider them promises, but this is certainly on my personal wish list:

  - A tournament hosting feature. We want to facilitate other users to act as a tournament host. Especially creating a one day cup and sending out invitations to your friends should be easy. A proper implementation of a one day cup requires some form of a timed game.
  - Gamelogs where every decision is a link. Clicking on the link allows you to continue playing from that point on.
    This should facilitate questions like "What should I have done here?"
  - A 'spectator mode' that allows you to observe any game running on the server, if the players permit it. For entertainment value, or just to wait until your friend is finished playing a game and can play against you.
  - Multi language support

At some point we'll be looking for test users, but not yet.

Dominion League / Season 14 - Standings
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:27:14 pm »
A (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Mic Qsenoch3,81950,0274,0   Yes
2.Stef3,41750,0239,0   Yes
3.SCSN3,01550,0212,0   Yes
4.A Drowned Kernel2,81450,0205,0   Yes
5.gamesou2,61350,0197,0   Yes
6.Rabid2,41250,0189,0   Yes
Mic Qsenoch - Stef: 4 - 2
Mic Qsenoch - SCSN: 4 - 2
Mic Qsenoch - A Drowned Kernel: 5 - 1
Mic Qsenoch - gamesou: 4 - 2
Mic Qsenoch - Rabid: 2 - 4
Stef - SCSN: 4 - 2
Stef - A Drowned Kernel: 3 - 3
Stef - gamesou: 3 - 3
Stef - Rabid: 5 - 1
SCSN - A Drowned Kernel: 2 - 4
SCSN - gamesou: 4 - 2
SCSN - Rabid: 5 - 1
A Drowned Kernel - gamesou: 3 - 3
A Drowned Kernel - Rabid: 3 - 3
gamesou - Rabid: 3 - 3

B1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Assemble Meme4,22150,0269,5   No
2.gkrieg3,517,550,0247,0   Yes
3.2.71828.....3,41750,0240,8   Yes
4.DG2,914,550,0179,0   Yes
5.scotty2hotty2,61350,0190,3   Yes
6.AHoppy1,4750,0109,0   No
Assemble Meme - gkrieg: 2 - 4
Assemble Meme - 2.71828.....: 4 - 2
Assemble Meme - DG: 5 - 1
Assemble Meme - scotty2hotty: 4 - 2
Assemble Meme - AHoppy: 6 - 0
gkrieg - 2.71828.....: 2,5 - 3,5
gkrieg - DG: 5 - 1
gkrieg - scotty2hotty: 1 - 5
gkrieg - AHoppy: 5 - 1
2.71828..... - DG: 4 - 2
2.71828..... - scotty2hotty: 4,5 - 1,5
2.71828..... - AHoppy: 3 - 3
DG - scotty2hotty: 5,5 - 0,5
DG - AHoppy: 5 - 1
scotty2hotty - AHoppy: 4 - 2

B2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Burning Skull3,5720,077,0   -
2.Wachsmuth3,413,540,0114,0   Yes
3.Qvist3,29,530,0102,0   Yes
4.Geronimoo2,7830,085,8   Yes
5.teamrocketgrunt2,51040,098,8   No
Burning Skull - Wachsmuth: 2 - 4
Burning Skull - teamrocketgrunt: 5 - 1
Wachsmuth - Qvist: 2 - 4
Wachsmuth - Geronimoo: 4 - 2
Wachsmuth - teamrocketgrunt: 3,5 - 2,5
Qvist - Geronimoo: 3,5 - 2,5
Qvist - teamrocketgrunt: 2 - 4
Geronimoo - teamrocketgrunt: 3,5 - 2,5

C1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Derg174,417,840,0170,9   No
2.Dingan4,116,540,0165,4   Yes
3.MdLC3,112,340,0123,9   No
4.schadd2,0840,083,8   Yes
5.MtMagus1,45,540,064,4   Yes
Derg17 - Dingan: 3 - 3
Derg17 - MdLC: 3,8 - 2,3
Derg17 - schadd: 6 - 0
Derg17 - MtMagus: 5 - 1
Dingan - MdLC: 4,5 - 1,5
Dingan - schadd: 3 - 3
Dingan - MtMagus: 6 - 0
MdLC - schadd: 5 - 1
MdLC - MtMagus: 3,5 - 2,5
schadd - MtMagus: 4 - 2

C2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Mikey the great4,31740,0168,3   Yes
2.MVP4,01640,0172,8   Yes
3.Chris is me2,710,840,0119,1   Yes
4.aku chi2,28,840,093,2   Yes
5.Infthitbox1,97,540,093,4   Yes
Mikey the great - MVP: 2 - 4
Mikey the great - Chris is me: 5 - 1
Mikey the great - aku chi: 6 - 0
Mikey the great - Infthitbox: 4 - 2
MVP - Chris is me: 3 - 3
MVP - aku chi: 4 - 2
MVP - Infthitbox: 5 - 1
Chris is me - aku chi: 2,8 - 3,3
Chris is me - Infthitbox: 4 - 2
aku chi - Infthitbox: 3,5 - 2,5

C3 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.drsteelhammer3,61853,0255,0   Yes
2.E.Honda3,61853,0252,0   Yes
3.markus3,21650,0225,0   Yes
4.tufftaeh3,01550,0229,0   Yes
5.Watno2,41250,0162,0   Yes
6.Simon (DK)2,21150,0183,0   Yes
drsteelhammer - E.Honda: 3 - 3
drsteelhammer - markus: 4 - 2
drsteelhammer - tufftaeh: 3 - 3
drsteelhammer - Watno: 4 - 2
drsteelhammer - Simon (DK): 4 - 2
E.Honda - markus: 3 - 3
E.Honda - tufftaeh: 3 - 3
E.Honda - Watno: 6 - 0
E.Honda - Simon (DK): 3 - 3
markus - tufftaeh: 2 - 4
markus - Watno: 6 - 0
markus - Simon (DK): 3 - 3
tufftaeh - Watno: 2 - 4
tufftaeh - Simon (DK): 3 - 3
Watno - Simon (DK): 6 - 0

D1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Horist3,915,540,0201,0   Yes
2.funkdoc3,81540,0192,5   Yes
3.crlundy2,610,540,0149,0   Yes
4.jamfamsam2,61355,0157,0   Yes
5.The Do-Operator2,61351,0121,0   Yes
6.TheRightStuff2,5520,065,0   -
Horist - funkdoc: 3,5 - 2,5
Horist - crlundy: 3 - 3
Horist - jamfamsam: 4 - 2
Horist - The Do-Operator: 5 - 1
funkdoc - crlundy: 3,5 - 2,5
funkdoc - jamfamsam: 4 - 2
funkdoc - The Do-Operator: 5 - 1
crlundy - jamfamsam: 4 - 2
crlundy - The Do-Operator: 1 - 5
jamfamsam - The Do-Operator: 5 - 1
jamfamsam - TheRightStuff: 2 - 4
The Do-Operator - TheRightStuff: 5 - 1

D2 (93%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.singletee4,02050,0244,0   Yes
3.amoffett113,21650,0206,0   Yes
4.microman2,81453,0186,0   Yes
5.SaintO2,41250,0174,0   No
singletee - Jeb: 3 - 3
singletee - amoffett11: 4 - 2
singletee - microman: 3 - 3
singletee - SaintO: 4 - 2
singletee - SenseiCAY: 6 - 0
Jeb - amoffett11: 4 - 2
Jeb - microman: 3 - 3
Jeb - SaintO: 4 - 2
amoffett11 - microman: 5 - 1
amoffett11 - SaintO: 3 - 3
amoffett11 - SenseiCAY: 4 - 2
microman - SaintO: 3 - 3
microman - SenseiCAY: 4 - 2
SaintO - SenseiCAY: 2 - 4
Remaining: Jeb-SenseiCAY

D3 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.gloures4,42250,0279,5   Yes
2.ced3,919,550,0236,8   Yes
3.Micha19803,115,550,0221,3   Yes
4.Ravi Vasudevan3,01550,0186,5   Yes
5.tadpole2,81450,0174,5   No
6.LibraryAdventurer0,8450,060,0   No
gloures - ced: 4 - 2
gloures - Micha1980: 3 - 3
gloures - Ravi Vasudevan: 5 - 1
gloures - tadpole: 4 - 2
gloures - LibraryAdventurer: 6 - 0
ced - Micha1980: 2,5 - 3,5
ced - Ravi Vasudevan: 4 - 2
ced - tadpole: 5 - 1
ced - LibraryAdventurer: 6 - 0
Micha1980 - Ravi Vasudevan: 1 - 5
Micha1980 - tadpole: 4 - 2
Micha1980 - LibraryAdventurer: 4 - 2
Ravi Vasudevan - tadpole: 2 - 4
Ravi Vasudevan - LibraryAdventurer: 5 - 1
tadpole - LibraryAdventurer: 5 - 1

D4 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Tomush3,71130,0107,0   Yes
2.Jean-Michel3,610,830,0106,4   Yes
3.Dunduks3,313,340,0108,9   Yes
4.lilayZee3,36,523,562,5   -
5.andrewzom1,66,542,562,0   Yes
Tomush - Jean-Michel: 2 - 4
Tomush - Dunduks: 4 - 2
Tomush - andrewzom: 5 - 1
Jean-Michel - Dunduks: 2,8 - 3,3
Jean-Michel - andrewzom: 4 - 2
Dunduks - lilayZee: 3 - 3
Dunduks - andrewzom: 5 - 1
lilayZee - andrewzom: 3,5 - 2,5

E1 (93%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Haddock4,22150,0266,0   Yes
2.Petrovic3,21650,0198,0   Yes
5.diedre912,713,550,0189,8   Yes
6.Water Polo DMo2,311,550,0155,3   Yes
Haddock - Petrovic: 5 - 1
Haddock - rds36: 4 - 2
Haddock - Deal: 4 - 2
Haddock - diedre91: 3 - 3
Haddock - Water Polo DMo: 5 - 1
Petrovic - rds36: 3 - 3
Petrovic - Deal: 4 - 2
Petrovic - diedre91: 4 - 2
Petrovic - Water Polo DMo: 4 - 2
rds36 - diedre91: 4 - 2
rds36 - Water Polo DMo: 2 - 4
Deal - diedre91: 2 - 4
Deal - Water Polo DMo: 5 - 1
diedre91 - Water Polo DMo: 2,5 - 3,5
Remaining: rds36-Deal

E2 (66%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season15?
1.Sciserr4,0820,016,0   Yes
Sciserr - Mort: 4 - 2
Sciserr - Sunmaster14: 4 - 2
Remaining: Mort-Sunmaster14

average: average points/match
points = 1st criterium = total number of games won
2nd = number of games won amongst players with equal score
3rd = for each won game, sum opponents score
iso = Isotropish rating, irrelevant for the league
season15? = Please post a message after your last match in your groups scheduling thread stating whether you'll be back

Dominion League / Season 14 - Results
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:16:34 pm »
Please post your results for all Season 14 matches here.
Make it a simple post with one line. Include both players names and the final score.
This thread is only for finished matches. Partial results go here.
  • always play exactly 6 games.
  • We score games, not matchpoints.
  • first-player order is irrelevant, as long as both players end up going first 3 times.

Dominion League / looking for new moderators
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:43:56 pm »
We're looking for 1-2 people that want to help organize the league.

These would be good points:
  • You're an active member of the community, or perhaps willing to become one.
  • You like organizing tournaments, or things in general.
  • You're willing to do service, and realize some of it might feel like work.
  • You're familiar with the online tournament scene and dominion in general.

Not on the list: being good at dominion. Not relevant at all.
Also not on the list: being a player in the league. In fact, not being a player would be a pre.

If you're interested, please send us a PM.

Dominion League / MOVED: Accountability
« on: February 14, 2016, 06:10:56 pm »
This topic has been moved to Religion, Sex, and Politics.

This looks like a nice one for the politics forum.

Dominion League / Season 13 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: February 14, 2016, 03:06:14 pm »
Announce your season 13 league match live streams in this thread.

If you don't want to miss any, use the notify button on the top right.
(also a good plan for your own scheduling thread)

Please facilitate notifying by posting at most twice in this thread: once to announce a couple of days in advance, and once to announce you go live right now.
If you want to discuss streams that have already finished, use the game reports thread.

When announcing, please (also) include UTC times - or you could work with the [time] tag as being described here. Providing a link in your announcement or signature really helps as well.
If you're also interested in non-league streams, enable notifications in this thread as well.

Dominion League / Season 13 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: February 14, 2016, 03:04:40 pm »
If you want to write about a game you or someone else played during the league, or post links to video coverage, please do so in this thread.

If you've lost a game and want to ask for advice, please post it here.
All your questions will be answered.

Dominion League / Season 13 - Standings
« on: February 14, 2016, 03:02:30 pm »
A (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.SCSN3,61850,0257,5   Yes
2.Mic Qsenoch3,517,550,0246,8   Yes
3.Stef3,41750,0241,5    ?
4.dan brooks2,914,550,0206,8   No
5.Geronimoo2,61350,0186,0   Yes
6.Burning Skull2,01050,0163,0   Yes
SCSN - Mic Qsenoch: 3 - 3
SCSN - Stef: 4 - 2
SCSN - dan brooks: 4 - 2
SCSN - Geronimoo: 3 - 3
SCSN - Burning Skull: 4 - 2
Mic Qsenoch - Stef: 2 - 4
Mic Qsenoch - dan brooks: 3,5 - 2,5
Mic Qsenoch - Geronimoo: 6 - 0
Mic Qsenoch - Burning Skull: 3 - 3
Stef - dan brooks: 3 - 3
Stef - Geronimoo: 4 - 2
Stef - Burning Skull: 4 - 2
dan brooks - Geronimoo: 2 - 4
dan brooks - Burning Skull: 5 - 1
Geronimoo - Burning Skull: 4 - 2

B1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.Rabid3,81950,0256,0   Yes
2.A Drowned Kernel3,41750,0257,0   Yes
3.Deadlock393,01553,0219,0   No
4.nate_w3,01553,0218,0   No
5.Mikey the great2,61350,0191,0   Yes
6.Jimmmmm2,21150,0169,0   No
Rabid - A Drowned Kernel: 1,5 - 4,5
Rabid - Deadlock39: 3 - 3
Rabid - nate_w: 4,5 - 1,5
Rabid - Mikey the great: 4 - 2
Rabid - Jimmmmm: 6 - 0
A Drowned Kernel - Deadlock39: 4 - 2
A Drowned Kernel - nate_w: 2,5 - 3,5
A Drowned Kernel - Mikey the great: 4 - 2
A Drowned Kernel - Jimmmmm: 2 - 4
Deadlock39 - nate_w: 3 - 3
Deadlock39 - Mikey the great: 3 - 3
Deadlock39 - Jimmmmm: 4 - 2
nate_w - Mikey the great: 4 - 2
nate_w - Jimmmmm: 3 - 3
Mikey the great - Jimmmmm: 4 - 2

B2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.gamesou4,120,350,0276,4   Yes
2.Fergesser3,215,850,0237,9   No
3.Qvist2,914,550,0221,3   Yes
4.Psyduck2,81450,0201,0   No
5.Assemble Meme2,713,550,0191,8   Yes
6.drsteelhammer2,41250,0181,0   Yes
gamesou - Fergesser: 2,3 - 3,8
gamesou - Qvist: 3 - 3
gamesou - Psyduck: 5 - 1
gamesou - Assemble Meme: 5 - 1
gamesou - drsteelhammer: 5 - 1
Fergesser - Qvist: 3 - 3
Fergesser - Psyduck: 3 - 3
Fergesser - Assemble Meme: 3 - 3
Fergesser - drsteelhammer: 3 - 3
Qvist - Psyduck: 3 - 3
Qvist - Assemble Meme: 3,5 - 2,5
Qvist - drsteelhammer: 2 - 4
Psyduck - Assemble Meme: 4 - 2
Psyduck - drsteelhammer: 3 - 3
Assemble Meme - drsteelhammer: 5 - 1

C1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.gkrieg3,718,550,0255,3   Yes
2.2.71828.....3,21654,0229,0   Yes
3.Dingan3,21652,0230,0   Yes
4.Derg173,01550,0225,5   Yes
5.Horist2,914,550,0216,8   Yes
6.funkdoc2,01050,0154,0   Yes
gkrieg - 2.71828.....: 3 - 3
gkrieg - Dingan: 2 - 4
gkrieg - Derg17: 4 - 2
gkrieg - Horist: 4,5 - 1,5
gkrieg - funkdoc: 5 - 1
2.71828..... - Dingan: 4 - 2
2.71828..... - Derg17: 3 - 3
2.71828..... - Horist: 1 - 5
2.71828..... - funkdoc: 5 - 1
Dingan - Derg17: 3 - 3
Dingan - Horist: 2 - 4
Dingan - funkdoc: 5 - 1
Derg17 - Horist: 5 - 1
Derg17 - funkdoc: 2 - 4
Horist - funkdoc: 3 - 3

C2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.AHoppy3,614,540,0165,0   Yes
2.dudeabides3,313,340,0150,9   Yes
3.schadd3,01240,0131,3   Yes
4.Chris is me2,911,540,0142,8   Yes
5.Limetime2,28,840,0111,4   No
AHoppy - dudeabides: 2 - 4
AHoppy - schadd: 6 - 0
AHoppy - Chris is me: 3,5 - 2,5
AHoppy - Limetime: 3 - 3
dudeabides - schadd: 2 - 4
dudeabides - Chris is me: 2 - 4
dudeabides - Limetime: 5,3 - 0,8
schadd - Chris is me: 3 - 3
schadd - Limetime: 5 - 1
Chris is me - Limetime: 2 - 4

C3 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.DG3,413,540,0155,3   Yes
2.scotty2hotty3,31340,0154,5   Yes
3.E.Honda3,112,540,0146,3   Yes
4.MVP2,81140,0127,0   Yes
5.singletee2,51040,0128,5   Yes
DG - scotty2hotty: 3 - 3
DG - E.Honda: 2,5 - 3,5
DG - MVP: 5 - 1
DG - singletee: 3 - 3
scotty2hotty - E.Honda: 4 - 2
scotty2hotty - MVP: 4 - 2
scotty2hotty - singletee: 2 - 4
E.Honda - MVP: 3 - 3
E.Honda - singletee: 4 - 2
MVP - singletee: 5 - 1

C4 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.teamrocketgrunt3,718,350,0260,9   Yes
2.Wachsmuth3,61850,0244,5   Yes
3.markus3,316,550,0233,5   Yes
4.smcrtorchs2,914,550,0210,0   No
5.Jean-Michel2,713,350,0197,1   Yes
6.Dunduks1,99,550,0148,6   Yes
teamrocketgrunt - Wachsmuth: 5 - 1
teamrocketgrunt - markus: 3 - 3
teamrocketgrunt - smcrtorchs: 2 - 4
teamrocketgrunt - Jean-Michel: 3,8 - 2,3
teamrocketgrunt - Dunduks: 4,5 - 1,5
Wachsmuth - markus: 3 - 3
Wachsmuth - smcrtorchs: 5 - 1
Wachsmuth - Jean-Michel: 5 - 1
Wachsmuth - Dunduks: 4 - 2
markus - smcrtorchs: 3,5 - 2,5
markus - Jean-Michel: 2 - 4
markus - Dunduks: 5 - 1
smcrtorchs - Jean-Michel: 3 - 3
smcrtorchs - Dunduks: 4 - 2
Jean-Michel - Dunduks: 3 - 3

D1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.MdLC4,22150,0277,0   Yes
2.lilayZee3,61850,0247,0   Yes
3.TheRightStuff3,41750,0225,0   Yes
4.jamfamsam2,81450,0211,0   Yes
5.crlundy2,21150,0155,0   Yes
6.Morghas1,8950,0133,0    ?
MdLC - lilayZee: 2 - 4
MdLC - TheRightStuff: 5 - 1
MdLC - jamfamsam: 4 - 2
MdLC - crlundy: 5 - 1
MdLC - Morghas: 5 - 1
lilayZee - TheRightStuff: 3 - 3
lilayZee - jamfamsam: 1 - 5
lilayZee - crlundy: 4 - 2
lilayZee - Morghas: 6 - 0
TheRightStuff - jamfamsam: 5 - 1
TheRightStuff - crlundy: 4 - 2
TheRightStuff - Morghas: 4 - 2
jamfamsam - crlundy: 4 - 2
jamfamsam - Morghas: 2 - 4
crlundy - Morghas: 4 - 2

D2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.aku chi3,51440,0159,5   Yes
2.MtMagus3,112,540,0148,3   Yes
3.amoffett112,911,543,0139,3   Yes
4.Asher Howarth2,911,543,0138,5    ?
5.microman2,610,540,0127,5   Yes
aku chi - MtMagus: 3 - 3
aku chi - amoffett11: 3 - 3
aku chi - Asher Howarth: 3,5 - 2,5
aku chi - microman: 4,5 - 1,5
MtMagus - amoffett11: 3,5 - 2,5
MtMagus - Asher Howarth: 3 - 3
MtMagus - microman: 3 - 3
amoffett11 - Asher Howarth: 3 - 3
amoffett11 - microman: 3 - 3
Asher Howarth - microman: 3 - 3

D3 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.Infthitbox3,919,550,0254,3   Yes
2.JP Gerber3,517,550,0261,8   No
3.Jeb3,316,550,0224,5   Yes
4.J Reggie3,01550,0220,5   No
5.SaintO2,41250,0178,5   Yes
6.mumposaur1,99,550,0142,5   No
Infthitbox - JP Gerber: 1,5 - 4,5
Infthitbox - Jeb: 4 - 2
Infthitbox - J Reggie: 3 - 3
Infthitbox - SaintO: 5 - 1
Infthitbox - mumposaur: 6 - 0
JP Gerber - Jeb: 3 - 3
JP Gerber - J Reggie: 4 - 2
JP Gerber - SaintO: 3 - 3
JP Gerber - mumposaur: 3 - 3
Jeb - J Reggie: 2,5 - 3,5
Jeb - SaintO: 4 - 2
Jeb - mumposaur: 5 - 1
J Reggie - SaintO: 3 - 3
J Reggie - mumposaur: 3,5 - 2,5
SaintO - mumposaur: 3 - 3

D4 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.TadyBoy3,81950,0257,0   Yes
2.tadpole3,61850,0264,0   Yes
3.Ravi Vasudevan3,21650,0223,0   Yes
4.SenseiCAY2,81450,0200,0    ?
5.Hugovj2,61350,0193,0   No
6.adventures_of_goat2,01050,0157,0   No
TadyBoy - tadpole: 1 - 5
TadyBoy - Ravi Vasudevan: 4 - 2
TadyBoy - SenseiCAY: 5 - 1
TadyBoy - Hugovj: 5 - 1
TadyBoy - adventures_of_goat: 4 - 2
tadpole - Ravi Vasudevan: 3 - 3
tadpole - SenseiCAY: 3 - 3
tadpole - Hugovj: 3 - 3
tadpole - adventures_of_goat: 4 - 2
Ravi Vasudevan - SenseiCAY: 3 - 3
Ravi Vasudevan - Hugovj: 3 - 3
Ravi Vasudevan - adventures_of_goat: 5 - 1
SenseiCAY - Hugovj: 3 - 3
SenseiCAY - adventures_of_goat: 4 - 2
Hugovj - adventures_of_goat: 3 - 3

D5 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.tufftaeh3,915,840,0176,6   Yes
2.Simon (DK)3,614,540,0153,1   Yes
3.Micha19802,610,543,5117,8   Yes
4.Tomush2,610,542,5126,3   Yes
5.Joseph23022,28,840,0110,9   No
tufftaeh - Simon (DK): 4 - 2
tufftaeh - Micha1980: 4 - 2
tufftaeh - Tomush: 5 - 1
tufftaeh - Joseph2302: 2,8 - 3,3
Simon (DK) - Micha1980: 5 - 1
Simon (DK) - Tomush: 2 - 4
Simon (DK) - Joseph2302: 5,5 - 0,5
Micha1980 - Tomush: 3,5 - 2,5
Micha1980 - Joseph2302: 4 - 2
Tomush - Joseph2302: 3 - 3

E1 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.Mavy2k4,01640,0161,0   No
2.gloures3,31344,0134,0   Yes
3.Petrovic3,31342,0164,0   Yes
4.AdrianHealey3,01240,0131,0   Yes
5.XD91,5640,076,0    ?
Mavy2k - gloures: 5 - 1
Mavy2k - Petrovic: 0 - 6
Mavy2k - AdrianHealey: 5 - 1
Mavy2k - XD9: 6 - 0
gloures - Petrovic: 4 - 2
gloures - AdrianHealey: 3 - 3
gloures - XD9: 5 - 1
Petrovic - AdrianHealey: 2 - 4
Petrovic - XD9: 3 - 3
AdrianHealey - XD9: 4 - 2

E2 (100%)
rankname                                  averagepoints#played2nd3rd     season14?
1.andrewzom4,0410,08,0   Yes
2.Sunmaster142,0210,08,0   Yes
andrewzom - Sunmaster14: 4 - 2

average: average points/match
points = 1st criterium = total number of games won
2nd = number of games won amongst players with equal score
3rd = for each won game, sum opponents score
iso = Isotropish rating, irrelevant for the league
season14? = Please post a message after your last match in your groups scheduling thread stating whether you'll be back

Dominion League / Season 13 - Results
« on: February 14, 2016, 02:38:12 pm »
Please post your results for all Season 13 matches here.
Make it a simple post with one line. Include both players names and the final score.
This thread is only for finished matches. Partial results go here.
  • always play exactly 6 games.
  • We score games, not matchpoints.
  • first-player order is irrelevant, as long as both players end up going first 3 times.

Next Saturday we'll play the championship match for season 12. In your timezone it's February 13, 2016, 11:00:00 am.
Commenting will be provided by the designer of the game himself, Donald X, assisted by the player that almost made it to the finals, SCSN.

The players are Mic Qsenoch and myself, and because of the current standings Mic will have to win 5 games out of 6 to take the title. Let's all hope he gets very close, only to fail in the last game ;)

Dominion League / MOVED: Champion match commentary
« on: January 28, 2016, 08:55:50 am »
This topic has been moved to Dominion General Discussion.

I moved this topic because I wanted to make clear it doesn't originate from the league organisation.

Rules Questions / trashing a fortress while possessed
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:07:33 am »
I have a question / request for confirmation about the interaction of the on-trash on fortress and possession.

Suppose I trash a fortress with hermit from my discard pile while being possessed. Now two things simultaneously try to alter the normal trash, which means I (=my possessor) have to choose the order. If I choose to let it go to my hand first, the possession will fail because of lose track. If I set it aside first with possession the fortress itself will fail, also because of lose track.

If I trash a fortress with Chapel from my hand, I also need to choose the order. However, since the fortress puts itself exactly where it was, the possession will never lose track of it and the fortress always ends up set aside regardless of the order.


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