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Messages - StrangerSon712

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: July 03, 2024, 12:07:48 pm »
So hold on... is it currently the case that if you get a Rats from Black Market, it will still gain you more Rats when played, due to the rule being that if you're instructed to gain a specific card then you do, even if it's not in the supply? I don't think I remember this being discussed back when the remove "from its pile" errata was first announced.

*Edit*, or, based on Donald X's last post, is "a non-Supply card" a card that specifically says it's a non-Supply card (Horses, etc)? Or is it any card that happens to not be in the Supply in this current game?

As Donald wrote above, the rule is: When a card tells you to gain a non-Supply card by name, you can gain it from its pile, even though it's not in the Supply.

So Rats can gain a Rats from the Rats pile, not from the box.

And actually, "gain a Duchy" does not mean "gain a Duchy from the Supply", it means "gain a Duchy from the Duchy pile". If Duchy could have been chosen for Ferryman's non-supply pile, Transmute could gain it from there.
The only thing stopping Transmute from gaining Duchies left in the box in 2-player games, has to be the clause that it can only gain cards from their pile.

It seems this still requires further rulebook clarification (that may already exist, I don't know) to tell us that card not taken out of the Box do not constitute "a pile". Does this work for Horses and Spoils? Are there rules specifically saying to take Horses and Spoils out of the box and make a pile of them if anything used this game can gain one?
There is. The rulebook enforces setup when those things are necessary. And for a case more real than Duchy, Rats cannot be gained by a Black Market Rats, but they can from a Ferryman Rats.

Interesting, the FAQ is inconsistent with the Search/Innovation rules.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Sorcery
« on: May 27, 2024, 02:38:50 pm »
Fun! The Spells especially. Wizard, Scroll, and Mage seem strong.

There’s 1 copy of each Spell, right?

If the kingdom doesn't have draw this is decent, but it's not super great either. If the kingdom has weak draw and no trashing, this might have relevance in the ways you are pointing out. But that's not most kingdoms at all.

While building, this is approximately either a blank Loot, a terminal +$3 +1 Card, or a Grand Market. Blank Loot is okay but not great, particularly because you want to be drawing your trasher, and the last 2 are usually pretty good, although the terminal mode will occasionally mess you up. So it does something nice there, but Hunter is double lab in those good situations, so it doesn't compare well. Also important to mention is that the "while building" phase doesn't last very long, so you aren't getting that (limited) value for long.

Less important, but I'm confused about your use of the word payload. Payload is by definition the cards an engine is trying to play every turn, so if a deck is a payload deck, that would mean you are drawing every turn.

Overall this card pushes towards weak engines. It raises the floor of any kingdom, but lowers the ceiling. I don't think it is any more relevant in money than Harvest was (hint: it wasn't).

True, but you will hit 2 or more Actions fairly often if you are building right. 3 or 4 Treasures out of 4 is a bad deck, and Festival is on the weak end of cards. And if your village can be terminal something isn't right.

Consistency is valuable, and this card doesn't have that. It's better than Harvest and Tribute, sure, but I'm not sure it's better than, say, Carnival. Sure it fills a niche in a lot of kingdoms, and like Festival it can fill that niche, but it really isn't doing a particularly good job of it.

That said, I think it would be a bit cluttered as a Victory card. Maybe another fix would be better, or maybe it's interesting enough that it can exist as a weak card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Idea for an expansion with RNG?
« on: May 15, 2024, 12:42:37 pm »

Name0107 • $4 • Action - Dice
If your roll is ...
2 or 3, +1 Buy and +$1
11 or 12, +$3
otherwise, +$2
You can't buy a card costing the highest of the two dice rolled this turn.
This is worse than Bard, isn't it?  Bard has 1/12 to be +$3 +1 Action, 1/12 to be +$3 +1 Buy, is better even in the worst case, and has no downside. And Bard is weak, not a powerlevel to aspire to at all.
I suppose the point was to make an example of minimizing randomness, and this does that well.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Idea for an expansion with RNG?
« on: May 15, 2024, 11:02:30 am »
The dice idea isn't necessarily a bad one, but in my opinion it doesn't add much (besides frustrating people when they get unlucky).
I'll give some thoughts about each of your cards. Sometimes I might sound a bit harsh, if that is the case I'm sorry and I assure you it isn't intended.
RNG Laboratory:If it is on average a lab, it shouldn't cost $3. It's maybe a little weaker than lab, but not enough to cost less than $5.
Snake Eyes Hex: Doesn't need "OR". If I understand right, "the card goes into your discard pile after playing" isn't necessary; but I'm not entirely sure if it's referring to SEH or the card that rolled dice. As a cantrip, it is still useless without other RNG cards, it just isn't actively harmful to your deck. (Each Action can be considered as having a net -1 card -1 action on top of everything else).
Lucky Charm: You noted its biggest flaw. It also might be too weak, being a terminal stop card.
Lottery: 1/36 chance for big upside is just too little, and the Curse means you just won't get this ever. The worst part is that if you get it, you want it early to maximize odds of triggering, but if it does trigger early it adds 4 stop cards at a time when you can't support them and also has a decent chance of ending your turn then and there.
RNG Sifter: I don't want to get into the odds here since that would take forever, but I think it's balanced. Would be pretty frustrating as the only draw though.
Underdog: Calling out another Kingdom card is bad design, and there's no accountability for a player with SEH in hand. Current numbers seem way to strong.
Platoon: "Each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand. Until the start of your next turn, the first time each other player rolls two dice, they get 2 pips less (but not less than 2)." Seems either a bit weak or very strong, depending on the kingdom. Not sure how I feel about this one.
Four Leaf Clover: You saw above how I would word the pip modification. Perhaps the limits could even be in the rulebook, like how costs being unable to go below zero now is. The entire "You may play multiple Four Leaf Clovers on the same roll of the dice, if you have enough. This card can only be played in reaction, and does nothing if nobody is rolling the dice. If you play this on your own turn it does not deplete an Action." is unnecessary, and just implicitly true (check out Hinterlands and Menagerie if you want to see examples). A Reaction that is only a Reaction is also generally a bad idea (although DXV did make it work with Hovel).
War Bonds: I like this one! Maybe it could be worded a bit more cleanly, like "When scoring, 1 D6 is rolled. All War Bonds make 1 VP per pip." (The lack of modifiers is implicit, once the game is over.)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 10, 2024, 02:40:02 pm »
Good judging!

I'm not sure you fully understand the drawback of Old Teacher. It's Pathfinding, but you get a copper with Buy in your deck for the trouble. If you gain it again, it only gets worse. You can say the junk isn't as big a deal as the gap between $6 and $8, but the "cost" is there.

Literati has some potential memory issues, but they aren't as common as you are thinking. It puts the card (that will be discarded later) on top of your deck immediately. This will sometimes cause memory issues when topdecking cards with $ or Actions, and very rarely cause ghost effects with Taskmaster or Cargo Ship (like Improve can), but I personally don't think those issues will come up often enough to present a significant problem. "Would discard from play" is used as an identifier to prevent topdecking Durations and thrones playing Durations.

I also added a link to the image inside the tool in my submission. I don't usually post images here so sorry that it didn't work.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: May 06, 2024, 12:16:19 pm »
Principal $2P Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may gain a card costing up to $6. If you do, each other player takes 1VP.

Rules Questions / Re: Attack immunity at unusual times
« on: May 04, 2024, 11:00:21 pm »
Yes and yes.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: April 28, 2024, 02:36:36 pm »
Renovater $3 Action
Gain a Loot.
Each other player may return a card from their hand to the Supply.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 23, 2024, 04:22:31 pm »
Your wording is unprecedented, so we can't know if it stacks. "In games using this" should be used to achieve the desired effect, like anordinaryman suggested.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 20, 2024, 01:42:01 pm »
Coin Collection $2 Treasure
+$1 per Silver you have in play.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: April 19, 2024, 02:12:40 pm »
I don't think it's necessary, since the timing is clear. First, before anything else, things cost 2 more, so it costs $5. Then, things are reduced 4 times, so it costs $1. It doesn't have any of the issues of cost increasing that potentially happens in the middle of your turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: April 19, 2024, 12:56:29 pm »
Trek looks weaker than Outpost overall, especially considering the interaction with workshops. Outpost is pretty good though so being weaker is ok, I think it's balanced. I don't think the "cannot be reduced in price" is necessary.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 87: Seed mat
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:22:11 pm »
That's not how Avoid or Star Chart work. You play Smithy, get to look at the top but don't draw them, then shuffle, put the new deck under the old one, and draw three cards.
Edit: From the Base rulebook, "If you have to draw more cards than are left in your deck, you shuffle your discard pile, put it under
 your deck, and then draw. If there still are not enough cards to draw, you just draw as many as you

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 87: Seed mat
« on: April 11, 2024, 09:14:26 pm »
But you draw everything at once, at least for Smithy. Is drawing your hand different from +5 Cards?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 87: Seed mat
« on: April 11, 2024, 08:36:54 pm »
Proprietor $3 $5 Action
+1 Seed
Put your deck into your discard pile.

A Chancellor variant that grows into delayed draw.
Edit: Seed mat 1.
Edit 2:Preliminary testing showed it was too strong, so now slowed down quite a bit.

It's basically a Lab with a +Buy. I'd say 2/5 ways are ok $5s when you add a card and a Buy. Goat is sad, Butterfly is sad, Frog is sad, Rat is dead, Camel is sad, Monkey is sad, Ox is sad, Seal is sad, Sheep is sad, Chameleon is sad, Mole is sad, and Worm is sad. Horse, Mule, Otter, Owl, Pig, Squirrel, Turtle, and Mouse are reasonable $5s. And the thing to remember is you get a choice out of 3, so even if all the choices are so-so this could be worth it. And many boards this will fill a role not present, particularly when it's the only +Buy, so it will be fine even without being super crazy.
Edit: And you get the value from giving yourself access to whatever Way, or denying it to your opponent.
Nah. Squirrel sucks with handsize Attacks, Mule is a delayed Market (a weak $5 to being with so a delayed version can hardly be OK) and Otter is worse than a Smithy with a Buy like Barge or whatever.

No $5 by a long shot which is hardly surprising when the actually posted card would be weak at $5.
Squirrel could be sad sometimes, but hardly typically. Market is a good card. Otter is somewhat worse than Barge, but man Fields Gift Druid is worse than Candlestick Maker, I sure hope you aren’t asking for a 1/3 option to be a better version of an existing card.

More importantly, you seem to be underestimating Horses. They are NOT a worse version of +1 Card. They can be saved (much easier with the Ways), don’t draw things dead, are great with thrones, are gained en masse for whatever cares about that, and work well with some TFB.

It's basically a Lab with a +Buy. I'd say 2/5 ways are ok $5s when you add a card and a Buy. Goat is sad, Butterfly is sad, Frog is sad, Rat is dead, Camel is sad, Monkey is sad, Ox is sad, Seal is sad, Sheep is sad, Chameleon is sad, Mole is sad, and Worm is sad. Horse, Mule, Otter, Owl, Pig, Squirrel, Turtle, and Mouse are reasonable $5s. And the thing to remember is you get a choice out of 3, so even if all the choices are so-so this could be worth it. And many boards this will fill a role not present, particularly when it's the only +Buy, so it will be fine even without being super crazy.
Edit: And you get the value from giving yourself access to whatever Way, or denying it to your opponent.

What Horse Trainer really wants is to be terminal. Trade the Action for a +Buy and make it $5. Pig is strong there, but not the craziest thing ever.

Captain on Pear Diver is only bad because of the Duration penalty, and because you're comparing it to Captain on some better card. Start of turn is the best time to draw, and an extra Action at start of turn is really good for reliability if you have terminal draw. Horse Trainer + Turtle is definitely a card you could just buy up a ton of. It's like a much more consistent version of Lost City for $6, which we can compare to Border Village gaining a lab. Which isn't crazy, but that's since it isn't insanely consistent like this is.

My policy (which you or fika may disagree with) is that fan cards should be weaker than the top tier, and stronger than the bottom tier. Captain is top tier, so Horse Trainer (Turtle) should be considered top tier as well. Of course Horse Trainer overall may not be; I still need to check all of the Ways.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #215: Getting Engage
« on: April 05, 2024, 04:56:55 pm »
Captain kinda disagree with the notion that a $6 Duration „+1 Action, at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards, +1 Action“ (Horse Trainer + Turtle) is crazy.  Captain on any cantrip is superior to the above and you are kinda sad when Pearl Diver is the best to pair with Captain.
Horse Trainer doesn't have the duration penalty; you're comparing Highwayman to Haunted Woods. And Captain is currently rated as the 26th best card, so anything comparing to that would ideally be tuned down a little bit.
I'd also like to add that Owl is A tier. Less easy to use than Otter, but still really strong.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 02, 2024, 06:50:36 pm »
From CoolKid1182 in the Discord: “Base having such poor payload is too bad because it sort of teaches the idea that you should buy treasures/golds as payload.” What do you think of that?

What’s your favorite April Fool’s DomBot feature so far?

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