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Messages - Imrahil3

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I’m 99% sure I read Donald described it as an “oops” moment from his perspective at some point.

Regardless of whether it was a mistake or a deliberate anachronism for the sake of promotion, it’s an exception that shouldn’t be taken as “Dominion’s time period extends to 1893.”

Card name predictions: Ninja (as above), Monk, Shrine, Samurai

I don't know how accurate these would be in medieval times.

Oh, and a Prophecy: Scout Is Great Again
Samurai are late 1100s-1800s, and Renaissance is ~14-1500s.
Ninjas enter the historical records in 1400s.
Dominion straddles a very wide range of dates. Empires themed to the Roman Empire is nearer to the birth of Christ, but, again, Renaissance is 15/16th century.
Ninjas and Samurai fit alright.

Heck, the Piratey cards of Plunder and Seaside point to the golden age of piracy, circa 1700, and Schwerin Cathedral, featured on Church, was finished in 1893.

Empires is a notable exception to Dominion’s time period, and the Schwerin Cathedral was literally a mistake. The artist finished the card art before anyone checked to see if the cathedral was actually medieval-era.

I’ve thought for a while that Potion would be a bit better if it came with +Buy. Makes the Potion more interesting if you wanted the Alchemy card but couldn’t trash the Potion, and also opens up the edge cases where even if you don’t care about the Alchemy card, you might be desperate enough for +Buy to purchase the Potion anyways.

Looking forward to Shadow cards. Maybe they shuffle face-up and play themselves automatically?

More debt is interesting. Wonder if they’ll expand in a new direction entirely or if they’ll be more vanilla-leaning.

I look for something unexpected, sometimes to create a more interesting experience and sometimes because I don’t want to bank on winning the split for an important card if a less-obvious strategy would be more reliable.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun
« on: October 14, 2023, 07:01:21 pm »
Depends on how it’s done. I think Asian themes fit in better than the Roman theme of Empires. Plenty of cards already have an Asian theme - Farmland and Margrave come to mind right away. Margrave is particularly significant since it’s a VERY European word yet features some random Asian guy.

Cheap, Rich, and Pious are the only Traits I would confidently say I like as much as or more than Inherited.

Quite frankly I much prefer the traits that do one simple thing when you buy them over the ones that have a lot to resolve any time you play them (i.e Reckless, Hasty). More choices and more strategic depth is good, but simplicity of gameplay is also good. Cluttering up a card with an extra paragraph of text (when some cards are ALREADY convoluted paragraphs) is NOT better than adding an elegantly simple “neat” factor, and I defy anyone to prove that straight-up complexity for it’s own sake is inherently the better idea.

I’m… sorry you don’t like it? There are ways to spice up the game without adding a specific choice. I think it’s awesome that Inherited just chucks a Workshop or a Sanctuary at you to start the game. Despite not giving you a consistent “oooh game has more choices” vibe throughout the entire round, this single Trait has probably the widest variation in effect and impact of anything in Dominion, with the possible exception of Way of the Mouse.

I’m sorry you find it boring, but… it’s a great card anyways. In the top half of Traits for sure.

Would have been neat - and I think better for the game - if Durations being prematurely removed from play canceled their effects. Just a quick extra rulebook note that cards set aside with a cancelled Duration are discarded would cover 90% of the uncertainty about what happens with things like Haven.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 07, 2023, 12:42:25 pm »
As far as I can tell, Donate is the only Event that affects a future (non-extra) turn without any method to track it: Delay, Inheritance, etc have an Action card; Ferry, Pathfinding, etc have a token. Is this an intentional precedent, or just a side effect of the 2022 errata? Is tracking here simply not an issue because of the price? Did you ever try adding other Duration-type "next turn" Events?

I have a hunch there isn’t anything deeper going on than “This happened to be the best wording.”

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 09, 2023, 12:39:07 pm »
My hot take is that it's the least successful mechanic in Dominion history. Even for other mechanics that could be considered a "failed experiment" (artifacts, hexes, overpay etc.), there's at least 1-2 cards that I like; I can't say the same thing for Ruins.

Your insolence cannot go unpunished. I challenge you to a hotdog eating contest to defend the honor of Ruins.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Potion in the base set
« on: January 28, 2023, 10:08:37 am »
Counterpoint: Potion in the base set makes it not the Base set anymore. The base set shouldn’t have extra mechanics like that.

Counter hot-take: Potion should cost $3 and also give +Buy, so (A) it’s less punishing to go for a Potion card in the opening and (B) Potion can still be useful in situations where you don’t want the Alchemy card but there are no buys otherwise.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Badly designed cards
« on: January 27, 2023, 03:41:26 pm »
Miller.  Why does this only have one option?  The theory of the Townsfolk pile is to grab elders so that you can multiply cards that have multiple options.  I don't see why this wouldn't be like "choose one: +1 action +4 cards take or  +1 action or +4 cards take 1 treasure" so that you could get an elder benefit and gain an extra action & card.

I appreciate the thought for uniformity of idea, but that phrasing makes much less sense than the Miller we already have. This alternate version would essentially be creating an entirely new wording for a mechanic that hasn’t really changed since its first publishing.

The real problem with the Townsfolk pile is that Elder is basically a Silver that is occasionally also Throne Room for about 30 cards. The concept is amazing, I just wish it cost less for what it does. It’s a lot of work to get to for not a whole lot of payoff IMHO.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Badly designed cards
« on: January 26, 2023, 10:34:07 am »
Strangest hot takes I have ever seen.

I can’t tell you how many times I have absolutely whaled on somebody with Bandits with little or no retaliation and still either just barely won or outright lost.

Have you ever actually had a Cutpurse stalemate in a real game?

Student is such a weird trasher and slows down your deck cycling so much in the early game that I don’t consider it to be a huge loss. My bigger issue with the Wizards and similar split piles is that most of them would be more interesting if they were regular stacks of 10. Warlord especially would be very healthy for the game if it weren’t so hard to get to and split evenly.

I think segura was comparing Rope to Market, not generically saying that Rope would be better if it drew the card now. Rope drawing a card now can draw Actions dead; Market drawing a card now does not. A Market that drew a card next turn would be markedly worse.

Ergo, Rope is worse than Market in regards to draw, as it is delayed.

Bad idea for two reasons:

First, a major change was just made. Entire sets have been re-worded based on this change. Better to just deal with it as-is - or at least wait a few years - before redoing it again.

Second, the majority of “When you gain this” abilities are very specifically supposed to apply to both buying AND gaining. There are a many cards that just break or become 90% useless by separating the two.

I agree the change that just happened is confusing and wordy. I’m not sure exactly what all of Donald’s reasons were for the change; to my mind new players will always confuse buys with gains (i.e. “can I still buy a card even though I just played Workshop?”) so I would’ve though making buys a subset of gains would have fixed the timing issues without requiring such weird wording for the on-buy-but-not-on-gain cards.

However, Donald admitted he’s not super jazzed about that “When you gain this, if you bought it” wording either but still went with it, so we know he has good reasons for going that route even if some of us don’t see them right away.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: January 09, 2023, 11:02:43 pm »
To be both a devil’s advocate and a glutton for punishment, the Copper pile might not scale in size for the number of players but it certainly scales with how quickly it burns out, right? In a 4-player game there are only 32 Coppers left; that’s basically the Curse pile. You’ll get a lot of Coppers quickly but it won’t last any longer than a Witch race. In a 2-player game there are 46 Coppers, but they’re coming in at 1/3rd the speed. If there’s good trashing you’ll have no trouble sweeping them out, and if there’s bad/no trashing then there’s no way either of you can Attack often enough to hand out all of them anyways.

I know such things are never that simple, but the math looks a lot better than I would’ve expected.

But baseless hypothesizing aside, thank you for not giving us the bad cards we think we want.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: January 02, 2023, 05:35:48 pm »
Did you order from directly from RGG? I have no idea how their internal operations work, but it seems to me they are a producer first and a storefront second, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were prioritizing local game stores ahead of their own inventory.

You could probably cancel your order and check your local game store.

EDIT: As an aside, please don’t dog on RGG. They’re not the shipping company. If the shipping company is giving them bad dates there’s nothing they can do about it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Plunder is online
« on: December 29, 2022, 02:42:59 pm »
To add to the debate, there’s also the fact that Treasures have historically been, well, Treasure. They were generally precious metals, gems, jewelry, or other generally valuable items or money-alternatives. Cage and Gondola are a bit of a stretch in my mind for that reason, but then I thought about it more and Quarry has been around forever and doesn’t really meet the definition above either.

Anyways, the Treasures are cool. Getting to do a lot of Action-type things in your Buy phase feels great. Just played a game where I bought nothing but Silver Mines, King’s Cache and Crucible, and it was wild.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: December 27, 2022, 10:56:24 am »
I mean, I went to the store in-person and bought it off the shelf, I didn’t order it. It’s just a “it gets there when it gets there” kind of thing. If they already ordered it for their inventory and they don’t know when it’ll be there, why would they waste your time processing an additional order when they can’t guarantee it’ll be there before you can find it somewhere else?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: December 26, 2022, 08:52:27 pm »
Availability updates?

Yes my patience gets tested with each new tease of another expansion.  I posted the first one awhile ago stating 'Jan 1, 2022' release date,
now there is a 2nd option for less
and a 3rd for a lot less (but no delivery date, but does have a 3 - 10 day delivery window.
As I tend to rarely trust reliable resources for my Dominion purchases, who do IRL players use as their (US source)?

I went to a local game store chain (“Games by James” in the Midwest US) and bought it there (They don’t really have an online storefront, sorry). From watching the last couple release cycles, I’d expect your local game store would have it before anybody online. IMO most early online “availability” are scalpers who are just going to hold your order and then fulfill it as soon as it becomes ACTUALLY available.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: December 24, 2022, 11:07:38 am »

Sir, it’s a bot. All it does is look for words that match another set of words and post a third set of words in response.

I feel like anyone who says “all it does” like that has never had to wrestle at great lengths to write a regex that can automatically find all card names based on an external JSON file.

That being said, your reply seems way over-the-top. I don’t think anyone was making it out to be some huge problem or complaint; certainly not the post you were replying to.

First, you’re absolutely right, I was over the top. Honkeyfresh, I apologize, please forgive me for going off on you like that.

Re: the bot, I have basic coding knowledge and recognize the creation of the bot is an impressive feat, and I doubt I could recreate it myself in any reasonable amount of time. My point is that saying “See, even the bot is confused!” is irrelevant because the bot was not written to understand context the way a human does.

As for me being over the top, you’re absolutely right, i overreacted to the comment in question. The thing is, I’ve seen a number of people making comments to the effect of “Donald, that was a really dumb move to give an expansion the same name as a card. Why are you making life difficult for us?” as if this is complex problem that ruins the game and Donald is a fool for not choosing a different name. That sounds to me like people making a big deal out of nothing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: December 23, 2022, 08:08:05 pm »
Guys, it’s not confusing.

How often does anyone walk into a room and shout “I love Menagerie” with no context? Does anyone say “Menagerie is my favorite!” with no introduction? Don’t we usually say “Menagerie is my favorite card!” or “Menagerie is my favorite expansion!”

When someone asks “What expansion should I get next?” and someone says “Plunder,” does anyone seriously think the person is suggesting someone go out and individually order a single stack of cards when the OP asked for expansion ideas? When someone says “I used Plunder to win a game the other day,” does it make sense to think they used an entire expansion to win a single game?

It's not just humans.  The FDS extension bot gets confused too

Sir, it’s a bot. All it does is look for words that match another set of words and post a third set of words in response. It doesn’t analyze conversation or look around the room scanning to see if there’s a box that says “Plunder” in bold letters before deciding whether to post the card text or not. It sees Plunder, it knows there is a card named Plunder, it pastes the card text. That’s it.

If somebody said “GUYS! Guess what! I just went to the game store and bought Plunder!” it would be clear that they are referring to the newest expansion, because the alternative would be that the person went to the game store, bought half of a split pile from an expansion that has been out for six and a half years, and expected us to be impressed.

I’m willing to argue with anyone that at least 99% of the time a card and expansion sharing a name is a non-issue. If you disagree, I’d love to hear the exact circumstances under which the word “Plunder” or “Menagerie” or “Loot” was used and you were legitimately confused as to what it meant. Even if somebody just randomly went onto the forums and said “I love Plunder!!!” with no further explanation, I find it doubtful they had waited this long to share their passion love for Plunder the card.

If you genuinely find it confusing then I’m truly sorry for responding so verbosely, but I see folks complaining about this as if it’s a huge problem and Donald should’ve known better but nobody has given any examples of what bad things have actually happened because of it. It’s not some crime against humanity to ask people to use context to determine the meaning of a sentence. If somebody walks into a room and says “Chartreuse!” with no further information, it’s meaningless, even thought chartreuse (to my knowledge) has only one possible meaning.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 16, 2022, 09:13:04 pm »
Is there something else you’re trying to protect against

Loots. Spell Scroll in particular.

I guess that doesn’t seem like a huge problem to me - passing Spell Scroll back and forth seems like it would be a fun multiplayer feature, if anything.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 16, 2022, 08:10:40 pm »
Is there a specific reason Shaman says "up to 6$" rather than "up to 2$"? Is the interaction with trash-for-benefit cards (making them bad) part of the plan rather than an accident? Is there some other interaction that you would miss out on with "up to 2$" that's really fun?

I have the opposite question: is Province-trashing something that occurs often enough to warrant a restriction? Is there something else you’re trying to protect against, or just protecting the design space?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: * Plunder Previews #5: More Stuff *
« on: December 16, 2022, 04:28:57 pm »
I think Journey might have a shot at most beginner-friendly extra turn.

I get what you're saying about it being simple with just playing an extra regular turn, but there are tons of "this turn" cards that will confuse newbies why they don't work. Like if you played a Priest on your initial turn, it's still sitting right there in play, but it's not going to give you money for trashing on your extra turn like a newbie might expect.

That’s pretty fair. Priest is enough of a nuisance for new players without adding that on top of it.

I’d still lean toward Journey being the simplest, as the most confusing part about it comes from other cards, not the feature itself. Yeah, “while in play” is wonky, but I think it’s less wonky than only playing three cards and wait, what’s the point of this if I can’t play the three extra Treasures I just drew with Smithy?

All this is a moot point entirely because I forgot about Seize the Day and that is a no-strings-attached extra turn and I think that’s probably the most newbie-friendly. They only have to think about it once! Even better!

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