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Messages - Eistee

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The Facebook-page does not mention any "whacky" effects. Where did the OP get that from?

(I'm German.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 16, 2016, 07:21:31 pm »
Did you cut out all the cards from your first versions all by yourself? Did you use regular paper; or "thick" paper; or did yo sleeve the cards? Actually, I guess my question boils down to this: What did your first cards look and feel like?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 15, 2016, 06:22:01 pm »
Here's an easy one: What is your opinion on Magic: The Gathering's so-called "Double-Faced Cards"?

Wow, this looks really awesome! I worked on a similar concept before (with a "Day and Night"-system in a Horror setting), but never got around to finishing it. This looks perfect, though. Well done!

I believe the word you're looking for is AufderStraßezudemLadenundbeiderAnkunftrealisierenSieIhreBrieftaschevergessen.

Almost! ;)


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Promo Event card in Germany
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:13:10 pm »
And now there has to be that one parallel universe in which creatures in the German version of "Magic: The Gathering" are invited rather than summoned.

That's just awesome.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Promo Event card in Germany
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:59:30 pm »
So, I would have named the German version "Herbeizaubern". Is that correct, native German speakers?

That is a possible and good translation.

Another possible translation would have been "Beschwörung" (Summoning) or "Beschwören" (to summon), which also is a term used in magic, just like "Herbeizaubern". Both are fine and would have been, like, 100% better than "Einladung".

Man, Einladung. I don't even know what to say. It literally means "Invitation".

I mean, from what I can gather from that tiny picture, it shows someone using magic. And yet, they call it "Einladung". Now that's just silly. I have only met one wizard so far inviting fireballs rather than summoning them, and let me tell you, wow, weird guy.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Blurry gif on Dominion Welt
« on: April 11, 2015, 04:37:02 am »
I think it's quite fitting that "Gandalf" is a Reserve-Card.

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to."

Variants and Fan Cards / Gambler's Way
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:28:53 am »
Hello Guys,

a small idea I'm throwing out there for you to try and comment, if you want.

Gambler's Way
Action - (4)

+1 Card, +1 Action
You may set aside an action or treasure from your hand. if you do; the player to your left guesses if the card costs 4 or more.
Then, reveal the card.
If he guessed correctly: Put the card into your discard pile.
If he guessed wrong: Play the card twice.

Just curious what you think about it. Yes, it lets you play Treasure during your action phase, but that makes the card fun. Overpowered? Not sure.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:43:32 am »
You have mentioned earlier that you would recommend Mark Rosewater's "Drive to Work" podcast and his articles when it comes to good learning material about game design even if you do not agree with everything Mark says.

Since I am a huge fan of "Drive to Work" and the written stuff by Mark as a whole, I am curious which on parts of Mark's "philosophy" you do not agree on.

And while we're at the subject - from the top of your head, what is (one of) your favourite article(s) and podcast(s) done by him?

I know these questions might not be very easy to answer and even uninteresting to some. Please note that I also do not agree completely with everything he says, but I  but I'm just a curious guy and , well, honestly I just wanna know what you think.

Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to your answer.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Redistrict v3.0
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:12:46 am »
I like this! Clean, simple, easy, yet clever.

Might playtest it when I get to see my Dominion-Friend. I love good fan-made 2s.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Lab Variant (?) - Village of Outcasts
« on: December 23, 2013, 09:38:56 am »
In a really trimmed teck, I thought it would look something like this:

Please VoO, discard Gold, get 6 Actions. Play more Actions, draw your deck, what do I know.

At first it drew +3 Cards, but I thought it was to powerfull.

Variants and Fan Cards / Lab Variant (?) - Village of Outcasts
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:40:28 am »
Just go this idea and wanted to see what you guys think about it.

Village of Outcasts
Action - (5)
+2 Cards
Discard a non-victory card from your hand. +1 Action per Coin it costs.

Can be worse than a lab, better than a lab, and in a engin-y, really thin deck, a lot better than lab.

What is your opinion? Is there a really serious flaw with that card that I have missed?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:27:36 pm »

Fantastic. Laughed really hard at your picture. It came out of nowhere!

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What card is that? – Faces
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:36:26 am »
2nd one, third row, two from the left should be Graverobber.

Thank you all for your great input - everyone of you all played a role in the first revision. Thanks for that!

First revision features:
"Bugfixes" ("Commander" being classified as an Action, missing spaces, ...)
New versions of most of the cards.
Transcribed versions for the people not seeing the pictures.

What are your thoughts on the first revision?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion - Leitmotif
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:03:58 pm »
I'm still sitting at work (long day today), so I didn't get to fixing up the cards yet. I got some neat ideas for a few of them, though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion - Leitmotif
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:05:31 am »
Thanks for the feedback, you all. I am currently at work, so my reply has to wait just a little longer.

I will add text versions of all the cards later. Also, I missed the special rule for Commander that no matter how many players are playing, 10 cards of Commander are used. I will fix the "Action" on it later as well.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion - Leitmotif
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:53:43 pm »
Should be fixed.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion - Leitmotif
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:47:28 pm »
That is unfortunate...

I'll check out what might be wrong here.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion - Leitmotif (Updated - 07/01/13)
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:04:29 pm »
A new trend is on the rise in the Kingdom - Science!! And Pihosophy. And Astrology. And Wizardry. And Cultism. Wait, what?

I present to you the first 9 cards for the Dominion expansion I am currently working on: Dominion - Leitmotif. It features cards that do more if certain conditions are met. "If", you know.

Constructive critisism is very welcome. Now, on to the cards! The layout of some of the cards might not be perfect, but I'm trying to get better.

Transciprions of the cards below each card.

(//Disclaimer: Art is from various sites and some Trading Cards. This is only for fun and in no way for commercial use, so I don't think this will be much of a problem.)

Action - 2

+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand. It it was...
an Action card: +2 Actions, +1 Buy
a Treasure card: +  1
a Victory card: +1 Card
When you play an Attack card with this in play, you
may trash this. If you do, choose one: Gain a Gold;
or each other player gains a Curse.

Mad Scientist gives different bonuses depending on which card you want to offer him. The "+Buy" is tacked on so that you can trash a Mad Scientist and buy a new one. The top actually is kinda simple. Masquerade still is a better trasher, I think. What is your opinion on this?

Now, the bottom of the first version was too strong, too random an too political. The new one kinda does the same, but is more fair at that, I think. The Gold-gaining is not necessary, but felt nice to be included. Mad Scientist is only non-terminal when another Action is trashed, so chaining an attack can be difficult. I think the bonus is a good payoff for something more difficult than it looks like at first.

Action - (3)

+1 Action
Reveal the top three cards of your deck.
If you reveal at least one Victory
card this way: Put all the revealed cards
into your hand. Otherwise: Discard all
the revealed cards.

This kinda compares to Scout, but it looks at one card less. Even at 4, it wouldn't be strictly better. With Scout you can always rearrange your deck. When this misses, you just got no benefit. However, you can at least play another one which might hit a Victory card. And if it does, it's better than a Laboratory. Advisor might be a comparison, but Advisor always gets you cards while this doesn't.

It hasn't been changed since Version 1. It looks like a pretty fair and balanced card to me.

I think (3) is the best price for this. Opinions?

Action - (4)

Trash a card from your Hand.
If you do, choose one:
Gain an Action card costing exactly (1)
more than it, putting it on top of your
deck; or gain a Silver.

That one day, I was sitting at work, when suddenly I decided to make an upgrade that could only produce Actions, but give those directly into your hand. It seemed cool, but as some of you have pointed out, it really is a tad too strong, especially when it can gain Silvers as well.

This new version tackles the problems of the first version by not giving +1 Action and topdecking the Action. I don't want another 5 in the set, so weakening it a bit was better than leaving it that strong and making it a (5). Your opinions on the new version?

Action - Attack - (4)

+3 Cards
Reveal and discard three cards from
your hand.If you discarded three
differently named cards this way: Each
other player gains a Curse.

After testing it again in a few solitaire games a couple of hours ago, the first version wasn't really that much fun. Discarding 3 while drawing only 2 felt kinda depressing and... not fun. Also, it was counterproductive - the more you play it, the more likely it becomes that your opponent hands you Curses and Ruins as well since he suddenly has a lot more "variety" in his deck.

The cursing ability here is less strong, but the +3 Cards benefit is really nice. It seems priced okay at (4), definitely one of the better ones, though.

Action - 5

+2 Cards
Gain a card costing less than this.
If it was a Curse:
+1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, + (1).

The first version for (5) with +3 cards was way too strong. The version for (4) with +2 cards even more so. Combining both seems to work fine so far!

With +2 Cards, it still is strong enough while not being overpowered. The Curse bonus isn't really strong, but it's nice to have. It looks like a good BM-enabler, gaining Silvers and drawing cards at the same time, but it can also be nice for engines, grabbing you cheap parts while not losing buying power.

Action - (5)

+1 Card
+2 Actions
Trash a card from your hand.
If it was a card costing  3  or more:
+1 Card, +1 Action.

The (first?) village of the set.

Version 1 gave +2 Cards instead of +1 Card, +1 Action for trashing a card that costs (3) or more. It was cool, however, this is intended to be a village and forced trashing and a Village somehow don't fit since you want to play your actions and not only trash them. Have it give 3 Actions if you trash a good card makes it more "engine-y", trashing one good card for two villages (3 Actions). So far, it doesn't seem to overpowered. The +1 Card could be dropped, but I will have to test it to see if that is better.

Treasure - (5)

Worth (2)
You may trash this card immediately.
If you do: + (1), gain a Silver.
When you gain this: Take a Coin token.

I wanted a Treasure in this set. The Version 1 Elixir was basically a Silver you could turn into a One-Shot-Gold. It was nothing too special and you guys made me realize it might be a bit too much on the weak side. This version makes it a bit stronger while not being overpowered, I think. You get one free coin and a one-shot Gold for 5. I am currently thinking of adding +Buy when trashing it, but I'm not sure about that yet.

Action - (5)

Trash a card from your Hand.
If you do: +4 Cards, +1 Buy.

Each other player may trash a card
from his hand.

The first version seemed fine for a while - but +4 cards, even with the drawback of the opponents trashing a card, is just too strong for a (4). It felt like a reversed Council Room anyway, so I tacked a +Buy on it (the set was missing one anyways) and put it at (5). Seems fine now and is fun.

Does anyone have a "Reverse Council Room"-name for me?

Victory - (6)

Worth 2 VP
When you buy this: Gain a
Reinforcement card, putting it on top your deck.
Setup: Add an extra Kingdom card pile to the
supply costing  5  or  6  . Cards from that pile are
Reinforcement cards. Reinforcement cards cannot
be bought.

It's the Victory card of the set, and a simple one at that. Reinforcement cards cannot be bought, but they can be gained, so Remodel-Tricks still work. This is kinda fun when Border Village is the Reinforcement. Also, TFB (Apprentice!) rocks, but it can kinda "junk" your deck as well.

There are always, no matther how many players, 10 copies of Commander in the Supply.

The only change from Version 1 to Version 2 here is that Commander now correctly says "Victory" instead of "Action".

So, that's it for now. As I said, constructive criticism is always welcome.


Variants and Fan Cards / Werewolf
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:12:36 am »
Action - Attack  - (5)

+ 2 Cards

Each other player gains a Copper and a Curse. Each other player may trash a treasure. If a Silver is trashed this way: Trash this card.

I love werewolfes. So I though, hey, I should make a card that kinda has that "Silver is the bane of werewolves"-falvor.

It's kinda like Witch. It hands out Curses. And treasure, which Witch doesn't do.  But hey, your opponents can even trash that copper again - at the cost a less buying power next turn...

What do you guys think?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Power of Vineyard
« on: December 27, 2012, 02:40:18 pm »
I had Vineyards each worth 9 VP yesterday.

Was nice, my opponent might not have played perfectly though...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Translations
« on: November 26, 2012, 06:03:02 am »
On the "Familiar"-subject: I think "Vertrauter" is a good translation. Even the German D&D-books call those beings by that name.

Overall, I like the job that H&G is doing with this game, except for a few things. For example, there are a few errors in the rulebooks. The most confusing example is "Crossroads". The rulebook says that after your first Crossroads, every next one "only gives +1 Action instead of +3". I was really confused about that one. More errors can be found in the Hinterlands-rulebook, but I won't get into those. Although it's highly unlikely / impossible, it almost seems like they got a "Beta"-rulebook. Another "good" one: Scrying Pool, which has an extremely long sentence at the end which doesn't make any sense at all. At all. Luckily, on the card itself it's fine.

Also there's a problem with some translations. For example, King's Court is missing the "You may", Chancellor as well. Also, the German Chancellor doesn't "put your pile into your discard pile", it discards your pile. So, for a German player, Tunnel does indeed activate there (unless you know it's a mistake). Sometimes, the way a card is played is different (Tournament), or the card says "If you do" when it shouldn't (Bishop). There are a few more problems, but nothing too severe, I guess. Ah, one more: Thief doesn't say "gain" but "put them into your discard pile", and Venture doesn't say "Play", but... "auslegen", which I don't really have a good translation for. ("Auslegen" is not defined anywhere in the rulebooks, by the way.)

Many Germans complained about Seaside-Cards having a more greenish back than Base and Intrigue. If you put a Base card (or any card for that matter) facedown next to a Seaside card, I'd be able to pick the Seaside card in 19 of 20 times. It's not too bad in gameplay, but still. The reason for this, according to HiG, is a different printing company.

What I cannot get over is the fact that they screwed up the "Big Box" (Base and Cornucopia combined, plus all Promo Cards minus Governeur) so much. First, many runs of the Big Box only have 9 Workshops, but 11 Woodcutters. I got lucky, it seems, since I'm not missing any cards. However, many players reported this. The biggest blunder, however: the back of Stash isn't red. It isn't even any different. It's a plain, normal back. Seems someone wasn't paying attention there...
Also, Walled Village is priced at 5 in the inlay. Not a big mistake. But still. Also, my inlay for Hinterlands is mispinted, but that can happen, I guess. What's worse: Insead of big "O"s, they used Zeros (!) on the inlays for "0asis" and "0racle". Why?

A VERY positive thing about HiG, as far as I experienced it (and heard from other players) - no complaint will go unanswered. People who complained about the missing cards got those delivered by Mail. Sometimes, they even added one or two small games. Now that's nice! Some of my Prosperity-Cards weren't in perfect condition right after unpacking (white on the borders). This also was a common problem, as far as I know. I e-Mailed them, they replied that I'd get cards in good condition if they get my address. Good!

Okay, here's my last complaint. It's an extreme nitpick, but it shows how HiG is handeling Dominion just... perfectly.

Just take a look at this picture. Take your time...

It's very likely that you haven't noticed. It's really subtle.

You ready?

The +2-coin is flipped upside down.

I have no idea how HiG managed to do this. Seems like someone accidentaly clicked the wrong button at the wrong time.
It just mirrors everything about HiG-Dominion: They are doing a fine job. But boy, if they were more cautious, it could be a lot better.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: September 12, 2012, 01:52:01 pm »
... I don't get it... >.<

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